It has been six years since our queen was born. A gifted woman named Sophia carried the child to term after engaging in carefully structured telepathic exercises all throughout the pregnancy, shaping its mind before it even drew its first breath. Our queen was given the name Lily. From the beginning, it was clear that Lily lacked the drive to physically interact with her environment. Her telepathic mind just silently absorbed information from those around her. She had to be pushed into physical activity to prevent her body from atrophying. In spite of this, Sophia insisted on babying Lily as much as possible, claiming that the queen's power caused a great deal of stress that she needed to offset. To that end, Lily was kept in diapers without any attempt at potty training, and she was breastfed by her mother to this day. My name is Charles and I joined this cult-like organization in the hopes of better understanding my mind and other's. I have always had an attraction to young children and an interest in diapers, so it was both exciting and terrifying to see the way Lily developed. At first, I thought it wasn't going to be a problem. I was swept up in the same religious fervor as everybody else from witnessing the success of our efforts, but as time went on, Lily became more and more like the perfect physical representation of my desires. Sometimes, she would smile at me and I, knowing that the queen could feel my thoughts, would reflexively start fantasizing about her. She'd either react perplexed, or curious, or just giggle, but she was never repulsed. Her attention felt good, but it also made me worry. One day, Sophia approached me. "John, I need you to come with me." I jumped a little from being given such a sudden order from the queen's mother, but I calmed down and complied. "Yes ma'am." I followed behind her, gradually realizing that she was taking me to Lily's room instead of somewhere else to do a menial task. I broke out into a cold sweat as we approached a door that stood out in its embellishment compared to the others. Sophia grabbed the door handle and turned back to me. "Do. Not. Speak. Our queen only cares about your thoughts and not your words." She opened the door and we entered the room. Sitting up on the bed was Lily wrapped in a light blanket. She jumped to her feet and let out an excited gasp. I wondered why she was covering herself and, on cue, she smiled and dropped the blanket, revealing a body that was naked aside from a very wet diaper. I thought about hugging her and she brought her arms across her torso. I thought about kissing her and she brought one finger up to her lips, tracing around them. I thought about changing her and she looked to Sophia, who walked forward and helped Lily up onto the nearby changing table. My thoughts became incoherent as I watched the wet diaper get stripped off Lily and Sophia began wiping her clean. I regained some composure when I saw the new diaper slid under Lily's butt. I thought about how much I wanted to touch her, and Lily suddenly closed her legs. Both Lily and Sophia looked back at me for a moment before returning their attention to each other. Sophia started caressing her daughter's legs and coaxing her to spread them apart again, which she did. She kept caressing Lily's thighs and started moving up until she was brushing up against Lily's pussy. Lily let out a soft moan and something broke inside of me. My entire body ached with the desire to bury my dick inside Lily's warm holes, and my mind was completely blank. I felt a pang of disappointment when I saw Sophia go back to powdering and taping up Lily's diaper, seeming like she was just suddenly cutting me off, but after she finished, Sophia walked towards me. In my mental haze, I didn't react as she got right in my face. "Lily wants to know what it feels like to have a penis in her mouth. She is too small, so I will be her proxy. Take off your pants and underwear, then sit on the bed." Her stern tone cut through my addled mind and I did as I was told, unable to even think of refusing. I saw Lily still sitting on the changing table, watching us, then Sophia kneeled down in front of me and immediately took my throbbing erection all the way into her mouth. As she worked my dick, I focused on Lily. She made eye contact with me and started licking her lips. The more Sophia sped up, the more Lily opened her mouth and the heavier she breathed. I shifted my attention to Lily's crotch and, sensing that, she spread her legs to give me a better view of her clean diaper. As I approached my climax, she started rubbing the front of her diaper, and that last bit of visual stimulation tipped me over the edge. Sophia took a pause between each pump to swallow as she sucked me dry, and Lily made movements with her tongue and mouth that made it clear that she was sharing in the experience. After what seemed like an eternity, Sophia removed her mouth from my dick, which was now completely flaccid and without a drop of leftover semen. Then, Sophia stood up. "Get dressed. We will talk about this later." I complied and began preparing to leave. Lily hopped off her changing table, retrieved the blanket she had previously covered herself with, and climbed onto her bed. As I finished getting dressed, I looked back to see her curled up as though she was trying to sleep. I imagined kissing her forehead, and she smiled while covering her face. Then I left, seeing Sophia sit beside Lily as I closed the door.