
Type: File deletion

User: 0nee_sama

Board: u

Time: 02/26/2024 (Mon) 03:24:21

User 0nee_sama deleted the files of the following posts: 998/1101, 23/1101, 68/1101, 966/1101, 811/1101, 181/1101, 853/1101, 828/1101, 8/1101, 306/1101, 13/1101, 54/1101, 11/1101, 102/1101, 14/1101, 625/1101, 953/1101, 2449/1101, 10/1101, 136/1101, 95/1101, 1097/1101, 1071/1101, 334/1101, 1089/1101, 1083/1101, 51/1101, 762/1101, 121/1101, 999/1101 from board /u/.