The backup domains are located at and TOR access can be found here, or you can access the TOR portal from the clearnet at Redchannit 3.0.

Minor server tinkering this weekend is a hobby project with no affiliation whatsoever to the administration of any other "8chan" site, past or present.

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Shin Megami Tensei Thread Anonymous 04/05/2024 (Fri) 17:51:48 Id: 5537e6 No. 955259 [Reply] [Last]
Just an SMT General thread since the previous one's now gone and I wanted to post some news in regards to SMT V. There's a trailer for the new SMT V: Vengeance and there's been some new content reveals so far for both the English & Japanese versions of Both Trailers. >Protags friends can be used as extra party members as previously revealed but they take up a slot in your combat party. >Introduction of teleporters that function similarly to leylines without loading transitions within the overworld. >Azazel and Mastema are confirmed with the former revealed as an obtainable demon fusion. >You fight all four of the Qadištu at some point and the fight has up to five press turn actions. >They have an AOE Alimighty magatsuhi skill called Qadištu's Entropy that fully heals all of the Qadištu and deals damage on all targets with heavy damage. >Lilith's Skill Earth Mother can nullify physical attacks and remove Debuffs. >Naamah's Capitulate to pleasure removes all stat buffs. >Could be a scripted boss fight considering the cutscene that follows it up has Nahobino Acquiring a new ninja-esque form. > A New Area known as the Shakan that relates to the transformation and the form has a 4x hit Hama skill called Paraselene Blur. >More scenes involving Khonsu implying greater plot relevance this time. >You can play as Nahoheeho in the overworld after encountering him at some point. >Confirmed New demons in the trailer are Amabie, Gurr/Gurulu, Azazel, Mastema, and Kinmamon.
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>>968703 >>968702 I'd fuck the ice cone myself. Would be nice if she had tits though.
>>968681 I saw that one. Someone once recreated P3's battle system in Super Mario 64 for a troll hack competition. Even as autistic as I am, I will never understand the unironic desire to crossover things that have no business being in a crossover together.
>>968702 >Onyankopon >Anansi >Nyami Nyami >Qadištu Did Doi get jungle fever? Sure is a lot of middle east and nigger myth.

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Hydrus Network General #9 Anonymous Board volunteer 01/03/2024 (Wed) 19:10:11 No. 14270 [Reply] [Last]
This is a thread for releases, bug reports, and other discussion for the hydrus network software. The hydrus network client is an application written for Anon and other internet-fluent media nerds who have large image/swf/webm collections. It browses with tags instead of folders, a little like a booru on your desktop. Users can choose to download and share tags through a Public Tag Repository that now has more than 2 billion tag mappings, and advanced users may set up their own repositories just for themselves and friends. Everything is free and privacy is the first concern. Releases are available for Windows, Linux, and macOS, and it is now easy to run the program straight from source. I am the hydrus developer. I am continually working on the software and try to put out a new release every Wednesday by 8pm EST. Past hydrus imageboard discussion, and these generals as they hit the post limit, are being archived at >>>/hydrus/ . Hydrus is a powerful and complicated program, and it is not for everyone. If you would like to learn more, please check out the extensive help and getting started guide here: Previous thread >>>/hydrus/20352
Edited last time by hydrus_dev on 01/20/2024 (Sat) 18:36:21.
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>>15181 LOL. LMAO, even. windows zip: exe: macOS app: linux tar.zst: I had a great week. I made a bunch of small improvements, and I am gearing up to start duplicate auto-resolution. Full changelog: highlights The new tag autocomplete 'children' tab now sorts by count and clips to the top n (default 40) results. You can change the n under options->tags. This takes a bit of extra CPU to figure out, so let me know what performance you see in IRL situations.

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>>15198 when it comes to duplicate auto resolve, how far is it going? I assume pixel perfect and png versions of jpegs are going to be auto resolved, but how will it handle lets say something like an image set vs noise, I have seen a small change in lets say panties being there or not show up in the... I just opened up a new duplicate tab and went 0 distance and got an image where there is an entire arm that's now in the way, and in the same image set I have one that's just slightly more noise is there a way to hit that like a concentrated area of high difference vs an entire image of low difference/noise? hell, to that extent would it be possible to have that set images to potential states waiting for human inputs? a while back I had an image set where there were something like 130 images total, realistically I wanted the best of the same images and only some of the variants, this set took a stupidly long time to parse because of manually marking them related alternates, rather than dealing with the duplicates. so would it be possible to have the auto resolve set images to a non binding/permanent file relation that could be filtered out from manual checking? at the very least in my case, I want to kinda veg out to a podcast while doing a/b of duplicates, not needing to constantly look entire images over to see if there is something different enough to warrant keeping both. that way I could go though the potential alternates later on once the more egregious crap is dealt with.

Hilo de filtraciones de pilotos de DisneyTVA Anónimo 05/01/2024 (Wed) 18:14:00 No. 36242 [Reply]
Como ya sabrán la semana pasada hubo una filtración de varios pilotos de series internas de Disney, así como un montón de contenido relacionado. Solía haber un Mega pero ya se lo dieron de baja, queda esperar a ver si alguien más decide hacer otro, por lo pronto hay varios pilotos subidos en YouTube e Internet Archive, solo tienen que buscar un poco. También tengo la última versión de la colección de Pitch Bibles, así que si les interesa que suba algo, me lo hacen saber. Además estoy generando subtítulos con Whisper AI y Google Translate, cosa que estaré dumpeando EEH. Hilo de Very Important House >>>35524 este de acá es para hablar del resto de pilotos.
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>Manufacturado en China lol lmao even
>>37025 >>37026 ¡Gracias, anons!
>>37031 Debe ser mucho más barato imprimirlos en China.

Crater Abyss [Cap:3] 02/10/2024 (Sat) 20:07:06 Id: fe5ce0 No. 94328 [Reply] [Last]
Crater Abyss: [Episodio III - La Venganza de los Garrapatros] 1d100 = 34 Los dados del destino se han tirado en la infinita mesa galáctica que es la realidad, los eventos se han cumplido y alineado, ya no hay nada que se pueda hacer para evitarlo. = = = El pasto y las flores se balancean como las hojas de los árboles, gracias al viento, un viento que sopla en todas las zonas del mundo por igual, que soplan en una sola dirección específicamente, un Cráter en la tierra. Este cráter como si tuviera vida, respira los vientos y exhala desgracia, guiando a los intrépidos seres conscientes de todo el mundo hacia sus fauces, guiándoles con su respirar, sigue el viento y al abismo llegarás. Sientas de personas son guiadas todos los días hacia su posición, por distintos motivos personales, como Poder, Riqueza, Aventura, Fama, Resolver misterios, o más, cada deseo teniendo diferencias varió pintas la una con la otra, pero todos compartiendo algo en común, esa sensación extranatural en su alma de bajar, bajar a lo más oscuro y profundo del abismo como si su vida dependiera de esto. El Cráter Abisal reclama tarde o temprano a toda alma intrépida o desgraciad que se atreva en adentrarse en sus fauces oscuras, repletas de peligrosas criaturas y trampas, Todos los días miles de aventureros nunca regresan a sus casas, o terminan enloqueciendo ante la maldición del abismo, pero a pesar de este temor constante, el flujo nunca acaba. = = = ...

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>>97630 >utiliza bestia maldita. >1d8 = 5
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>>97518 >>97520 >>97523 >>97630 >>y demás turnos que me dan paja citar Con sus palabras detrás de la máscara, el amigo de tres metros y pecho aceitado confirma las sospechas del mago aliado. El bardo de tierras bananeras hora se había pasado hacía el lado del ARGD o alguna movida, el lore aquí abajo es demasiado confuso y estos tres bastardos solo andan de paso, por lo que no es importante para ellos. Lo único que importa ahora es calentarle la cara a este compadre, robarle sus pertenencias y luego seguir adelante con sus vidas como si no hubiera pasado nada. Sin más dilación y nada más para decir, cada quien aprovecha el turno que les da la reina del swing para tirar sus movimientos. El mago puto lanza su polvo mágico ardiente y el Mamas siente al espíritu santo junto con él, siendo lo importante para la negra esas cosas que el tipo dice y hace, rompiendo la 4ta pared para con sus cosas. >Tabla (¿Qué dice este loco?) Y procede a cortarle el culo varias veces aunque el sujeto sepa que anda ahí atrás, después de todo la vio colarse pasándose por los huevos el nigga modo. A ello, chocar el filo contra sus piernas y nalgas de acero se siente como eso, acero o una pared de piedra de una fortaleza. Se podría tratar de que le vendieron una espada toda cagada, el Violador Culero es muy fuerte o su postura de simio es una mierda, agarrando con ambas manos una espada diseñada para una sola. Hurr, Pupus y Manuela tiran sus golpes, sintiendo también que el tipo es una piedra, pero al menos lo mueven un poco con su triple golpe. Había una posibilidad de salir victoriosos contra este tipo que puede modificar la realidad o lo que sea que haya hecho con el pasillo y esa música pasada de moda. Gicardo tira su rayo, la babosa y la niña jorge tiran sus ataques y la monja se manda una cagada que el Chombo agradece... El hijo de puta sabía de la magia de los cristianos, y por alguna razón los demás también lo sabían aunque no la hayan visto ni en fotos, tal vez solo el Pupus.

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>>97678 Tajos 1d20 = 15 Me olvidé, kek. Manat 1d4 = 4 1d4 = 4 1d4 = 4 >>97632 Me suele pasar muy seguido.

Stream Thread 12: EIGHT The Rock Anonymous 03/11/2024 (Mon) 12:45:39 Id: ff8fe4 No. 945094 [Reply] [Last] Post a link to your channel here when you're are streaming. Games, movies, anime, art, programming, politics... Pick your favorite subject! >How do I stream? ∙ Register an account at ∙ Go to My Channels under your avatar icon, top right ∙ Create a channel, click on it and then the ⚙ icon (channel settings) to find your stream key. ∙ Install OBS Studio and paste your stream key to Settings/Stream, set Service to Custom and Server to rtmp:// Some emails may not work when registering Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo (and maybe others) all take issue with Cockmail and won't receive the verification email. If you insist on using such an emails or have already registered using one, email for help with your account. Max supported bitrate is 3500 Kbps. Set Keyframe Interval to 1 for lowest stream delay. Ask here if you have further questions and also on >>>/site/1519 Last thread >>905621 wasn't working. An archived link will be provided later.

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Thursday 5/16, 10AM Central Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles season 3 episodes 36 through 40 Friday 5/17, 10AM Central Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online episodes 1 through 5 Sunday 5/19, 10AM Central Gundam Build Fighters Try episodes 6 through 10
>>968679 Stream is live: Show will start in about 20 minutes.
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>>967802 SAMURAI WARRIORS Tonight at 7pm cst WE WUZ SAMURAI.

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Minor News Thread Anonymous 08/23/2021 (Mon) 22:32:02 Id: 9cb4c9 No. 396559 [Reply] [Last]
Basically this is a thread for those minor news articles that are interesting but not necessary big enough to have their own thread. We will be taking the bigger stories from these threads and making them into their own threads, Anons are welcome to do the same. We will NOT be heavily enforcing these threads, so please keep that in mind. Basically things like game announcements, live stream events, new gaming hardware, etc. should have their own threads while shit like NEW GUILTY GEAR DLC 3 "SLAYER" or something like that should be posted in this thread. While we won't ban anyone for doing the former, we encourage anons to use their best judgement when posting news content.
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>>968898 everyone knows only pedophiles, junkies and school shooters use TOR and I'm almost none of those
>>968770 IIRC this is just the same thing CDRomance did where they removed links, but through using a script, you can re-create them and download the ROMs as usual.
>>968897 Normalfags really are the fucking worst.

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Meta Thread Anonymous 07/09/2022 (Sat) 21:54:11 Id: 5c9cb5 No. 640607 [Reply] [Last]
READ THE RULES BEFORE YOU GET SCHOOLED Keep all of the board drama, autism, site issues, feedback and shitting on the website administration here. Do not post about illegal topics, or you will be banned. Thank you.
Edited last time by Mark on 09/30/2023 (Sat) 21:36:52.
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>>968832 >LOOK AT THIS! <Gender-affirming surgery We were talking about gender affirming care, which is just a catch all term for insurance purposes. The fact you literally changed the words being used in your attempt to prove I'm the one being disingenuous about language is fucking hilarious. <Gender-affirming surgeries scale proportionally with the influx of new trannies, (data) Still no source. >LOOK AT THAT! Look at what? The lack of a source? >SRS/gender-affirming surgeries didn't mean a dozen different things until you were wrong, then it did, tranny. SRS in the context of data can mean a dozen different things, yes. In the context of this conversation the assumption is that people are talking about bottom surgery, since that's more offensive than men giving themselves tits. Try again reddit spacing retard.
Can you niggers please do like your trannies and just kill yourselves?

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Teyvat Viajero 08/21/2022 (Sun) 23:06:01 No. 92 [Reply] [Last]
De las naciones de Teyvat que conocemos hasta ahora, ¿Cuales les parece que serian las mejores para vivir? Especialmente si fueras una persona normal sin una Visión.
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>>3848 No creo que existan tribus no controladas por la orden, aunque algunos hilichurls individuales parecen no seguir ordenes de nadie.
>>3790 ¿Los hilichurls podrían tener compatibilidad para preñar mujeres humanas?
>>3853 No creo, si bien ellos eran humanos al principio, dan a entender que no se reproducen y que lentamente se van extinguiendo.

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Vidya Lounge Thread Anonymous 06/20/2021 (Sun) 16:37:19 Id: 33c988 No. 343401 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to /v/'s comfy lounge. This thread is for general discussion about /v/-related topics that don't deserve/fit in regular threads. The rules 'may be treated more flexibly here, but please take care not to make a mess and don't be a retard. Rules: 1. The lounge is a shared community with /v/. Posters should have posts elsewhere on the board before entering the lounge. 2. Discussion should pertain to /v/-type content only, such as funposting about video games, more video games, industry matters, and gamer™ interests. Colouring outside the lines MAY be okay, however posters do so at their own risk with the understanding that said posts might be moderated without forewarning at any time.
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>>968664 >>968692 In my case I lost my over a decade old youtube channel. Dozens of videos I made when I was a teenager over the Elon Musk shitcoins scam. It was a cookie grabber in my case, so after that I got a webbrowser that doesn't save passwords, moved to Loonix and stopped running pirated Software (I miss the days when the worst stuff you could get from piratebay was adware). The worst part is that I had 2FA enabled, that didn't do shit to protect my account, so that was moslty an issue on Google's part. >>968676 I got this too, but in my case it was one guy saying "I accidentally mass reported your account, please contact this user to resolve your issue". But the guy sending the message haven't talked to me for almost two years so that raised several red flags. I just blocked him and moved on, but yeah, if that were a close friend I would probably fall for it.
>>968664 Take note anons, this is why you shouldn't ever click links from random messages. Copy the URL, and open it in your browser, preferably with Javashit disabled, and you can already avoid quite a few threats.
>>968676 >>968804 How is clicking a link resulting in your steam account session being hijacked? Why would a random website be able to snipe a session cookie from a different site on an updated modern browser?

PlayStation names Hermen Hulst and Hideaki Nishino as its new CEOs Anonymous 05/13/2024 (Mon) 23:42:48 Id: b943b0 No. 968434 [Reply]
Hermen Hulst and Hideaki Nishino will jointly succeed Jim Ryan as the CEOs of Sony Interactive Entertainment. Hulst is CEO of the newly named Studio Business Group, which includes all of PlayStation’s first-party teams, plus covers the development of PlayStation IP onto other mediums, such as TV and film. Hulst was already head of PlayStation Studios. He was previously the co-founder of Horizon and Killzone developer Guerrilla Games, which was acquired by Sony in 2005. Hideaki Nishino will lead the Platform Business Group, which includes console hardware, technology, accessories, PlayStation Network and third-party relations (covering major publishers and indie studios). He was already SVP of Platform Experiences. He’s been part of the Sony business since 2006, holding numerous roles at Sony Network Entertainment, Sony Corporation and SIE. Both leaders will report to Sony Interactive Entertainment chairman Hiroki Totoki, who has been acting CEO of the division since Jim Ryan stepped down from the role at the end of March. Totoki is also president, COO and CFO of Sony Group Corporation. The latest changes will take effect from June 1st.
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>>968785 You talking about the graph? Why would I look at something that's just repeating what has already been told to me in plain text??
I hope people don't just forgive them if they start changing their policies. Let them die even if they do mass harakiri suicies as an appology.
>>968805 That literally happened with Stellar Blade.

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Zelda/Link OR Zelink Thread Anonymous 01/04/2024 (Thu) 03:13:51 Id: 76a974 No. 924272 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is dedicated to the most prolific and wholesome videogame pairing ever, Zelda and Link! Discussion about the Zelda series itself and other girls is completely welcome here, as are other pairings and stuff. Share your cute art, doujins, and other things! The Zelink MEGA (3000+ images of Zelink organized by game) The mega will be updated once per month Rules: 1. Keep it civil. 2. No NTR/cuckold/demoralization culture.

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>This autism is still going months later
>>968883 As it should.
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>>968883 You wouldn't happen to be the guy who made that anti zelink zelda thread now would you?

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Slay the Princess Anonymous 10/24/2023 (Tue) 00:39:55 Id: af6767 No. 899282 [Reply] [Last]
Today's the full release of the VN Slay the Princess and it seems like something anons here might genuinely enjoy. For those who are wondering just what the premise of the VN is " You're a nameless Hero whose main goal is to slay a Princess before she ends the world", it's a bizarre horror romance where you'll end up dying a lot. When I saw the first two demos of the VN, I thought it was a unique premise but ultimately believed it couldn't expand upon the choices from the demo, to my pleasant surprise /v/ it has quite a few routes and sub routes within sub routes. For a VN on the cheaper side (by today's inflated prices) of 16 freedom bux or 21 Leaf shekels, there was a lot of love and autism placed into it. I recommend a pirate of this VN for whenever the GoG version is uploaded online.
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>>968709 When it's done.
>>968751 The easiest way to describe "safe horny" would be shit like Baldur's Gate 3, where it's just ugly chicks, fags, and degeneracy but it's okay because it's leftist approved degeneracy
Pristine Cut better let me slay her pussy or I commit a [FEDPOSTING].

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Mexican Cuisine Anonymous 12/22/2021 (Wed) 04:12:31 No. 1357 [Reply]
With bold flavors and versatility from a relatively small ingredient list, Mexican is one of my favourite cuisines to cook and eat. Corn, beans, chili peppers: the staples of Mexican cooking. Post your favourite Mexican dishes and share recipes.
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>>1491 Glad you saw. I've posted rarely over the last year but never really got the board back to "popular," and it's one that I think would add some nice discussion back to the site. Here's hoping a few more people find it again. >Pápalo, also known as pápaloquelite among other names, is an herb used in Mexican cooking that has a very strong and exotic aroma and flavor. It is similar to cilantro with a citrus-lemony flavor. Never heard of it before, but it may work well as a garnish or in a light marinade for chicken and fish, since those pair well with cilantro and citrus.
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>>1490 Quesabirria is delicious and you should eat it. They cook the beef in a slow cooker and then pack it into tortillas, with some cheese, pour the beef juices over them, and fry them on a griddle until the cheese is melty and crispy on the edges. Serve with the usual fixings, like onion and cilantro, and a cup of the reserved beef broth for dipping.
>>1514 Ah, so it's like a fried cheese and shredded beef taco with a beef dip. That does sound really good.

Anonymous 06/10/2023 (Sat) 06:57:43 Id: cf142b No. 841008 [Reply] [Last]
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>>968863 Sure, but it was also a much simpler tech. Let's take a concrete example, the original DOOM took roughly 1 year to develop, Quake roughly 1.5 years, DOOM 3 about 3-4 years and DOOM 2016 took roughly 8 years, but they had some trouble in development, so let's take DOOM Eternal at 4 years but they already had most of the tech from the 2016 game. Let's also take into consideration that a lot more people worked on DOOM Eternal, than they did on the original DOOM, even if we take out managers, so not only did it take more time to make, there were also more people that needed to get paid. This is how I would conclude that it takes more man hours to make a AAA game now than it did in the 90s and why they should cost more, but they hide that extra cost with micro transactions, DLC and other crap. Where there over ambitious and over budgeted games in the past like Shenmue? Yes, but not all games had the budget of Shenmue,
>>968784 >Video is 9:11
>>968868 >This is how I would conclude that it takes more man hours to make a AAA game now than it did in the 90s and why they should cost more, but they hide that extra cost with micro transactions, DLC and other crap. Still not necessary. Those are just profit maximizing measures. You're forgetting two things, one of which is already mentioned. Firstly, already mentioned, they save tons of money cutting out physical goodies from the base release and even more by selling digital only version for full price. Secondly, the market is bigger. The population is larger and a larger portion of the population are buying the games.

Drawthread - Winter Fun Edition Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 14:26:16 Id: 8452f4 No. 937182 [Reply] [Last]
Since the drawfags were too lazy to make a new thread, I decided to make one myself. /v/ Draw Thread Archive of last thread: Last thread: >>851959 Thread making resources + the OP can be found here:!Suhz0D5Y!BSrBrV1kxK9B5G1SSiJmwQ REMINDER TO SAVE THREADS LOCALLY (and all the pictures you want to) SINCE ARCHIVES DON'T HAVE IMAGES ANYMORE Relevant Boards And Threads >>>/loomis/ >>> - Drawing Improvement Club >>>/a/2358 - /a/ Drawthread >>>/drawarchive/ - Mirrored drawthreads with images; living archive Books and Tutorials If you're starting out, just have as much fun as possible and give it your best shot. Don't worry too much about these as they're info overload for absolute beginners. Sometimes they get nuked but >we try to keep them updated.

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Kinda crazy what happens in 8 hours when you get a flash of inspiration
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my steel, cold
>>968873 Are you a new drawfriend? I don't recognize your style. Did he lose an arm? It looks like he only has one hand.

Hilo vertedero de basura Anónimo 12/14/2022 (Wed) 04:17:43 No. 13956 [Reply] [Last]
Hilo para postear cosas que tengan almacenadas o que no han encontrado el hilo para postearlo, puede ser cualquier cosa siempre que sea de /ac/
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>>13956 Estos son unos viejos banners que hice cuando Zeta publicitaba Hispa en el 4, buenos tiempos.
>>37040 Pues llaman la atención, buen trabajo. Me sorprende que sigas acá luego de tanto tiempo; me alegra saber que todavía hay anons de esa época por estos lados.
>>37041 Si me cuesta creer que ya pasaron casi 10 años de eso, pero nunca abandonaría /ac/. A fin de cuentas el tablón era una de las principales razones por las que entraba a Hispa en un primer lugar, aunque aun ni se llamaba /ac/ kek.

Segundo hilo de banners y OC de /ac/ Anónimo 11/21/2022 (Mon) 00:36:02 No. 12198 [Reply] [Last]
Lo del título. Recuerden que la medida es de 300x100 y el peso máximo es de 1MB. Hilo anterior >>729
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Creo que podría ser mejor, así que dejo la versión sin editar por si alguien se siente más inspirado.
>>37042 ¿De qué número del cómic sacaste eso?
>>37043 El 94, cuando Emmy se escapa de la casa y se encuentra con unos músicos.

Hilo de leaks v2 Viajero 08/15/2023 (Tue) 09:47:53 No. 2008 [Reply] [Last]
Y continuamos, ya casi empieza la beta de la 4.1, pero ha habido algunos adelantos importantes.
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Posible nuevo nivel de ascensión para los personajes a partir de la 5.0, lo cual significa que sera posible llegar hasta el nivel 100, cosa que tiene muchas implicaciones y que podría solucionar algunos problemas, como buffs directos para los personajes viejos o no tan populares con un nuevo talento adicional, también seria la excusa perfecta para justificar un incremento en la resina y el tiempo requerido de juego, así como un sumidero de recursos sobre-acumulados como libros de experiencia, mora y materiales de jefes. De cualquier manera es muy temprano aún para las filtraciones de Natlan y podría resultar como falso, o tratarse de una estancia especial para eventos o las misiones de arconte donde el viajero o alguien importante participe en combate.
>>3849 Si para subir a 80 necesitas 20 materiales de jefe, para 90 podrian ser más de 30, asi que lo ideal seria que si aumentaran la resina o garantizaran 3 piezas de materiales de jefe al reclamar recompensas.
>>3849 Me gusta la idea, todo lo que seas sacarle más jugo a los personaje que ya tengo armados suena muy bien. Y si al menos 20 de resina más seria algo muy bienvenido.

Dollar Store Cooking Anonymous 05/15/2024 (Wed) 18:51:09 No. 1515 [Reply]
Have any of you dared to shop at a dollar store for groceries, and if you have did you manage to cook anything good with what you found? I haven't been to dollar stores since like 2015 so it surprised me to find so many grocery items there, specifically Dollar Tree. They have a decent selection of snacks of course but also spices and condiments along with actual name brand food items. The only stuff I would trust in my stomach though would be dry goods like ramen or rice and beans. There are a few videos I've found of people living a week or so off of just dollar store food but personally I'm not as keen on eating steak or bacon for $1.25, as tempting as that sounds.
I've bought weird candies imported from Northern countries from dollar stores but they didn't leave a lasting impression. In some supermarkets they have a dollar/discount section which I used to peruse, but nothing looked good, not even rice or pasta. It's really made me try my hardest to not compromise on food, and to find other ways to save money (such as avoiding chips or drinks).

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Uma Musume. Rolero 05/04/2024 (Sat) 14:22:20 Id: 9c3b5d No. 97167 [Reply] [Last]
¡Bienvenido al emocionante mundo de las carreras de caballos de Uma Musume! En este juego de rol, tendrás la oportunidad única de convertirte en un entrenador de élite, responsable de guiar a talentosas chicas caballo hacia la gloria en las pistas de carreras. Desde descubrir jóvenes promesas hasta entrenarlas para convertirlas en campeonas, el destino de tu equipo está en tus manos. Sumérgete en la intensa competencia de las carreras de caballos, donde la velocidad, la estrategia y el vínculo entre entrenador y caballo son clave para alcanzar la victoria. Conoce a una variedad de chicas caballo con habilidades únicas y forja vínculos profundos con ellas mientras te embarcas en un viaje hacia la grandeza. Personaliza tu equipo, administra cuidadosamente su entrenamiento, nutrición y descanso, y prepáralas para enfrentarse a desafíos cada vez mayores. ¿Estás listo para demostrar tus habilidades como entrenador y llevar a tus chicas caballo a la cima del mundo de las carreras? ¡La pista está lista, y el podio te espera! Ficha: >Nombre: Nombre de tu personaje, puede ser de cualquier nacionalidad pero el rol se desarrolla en Japón. >Edad: Mínimo 20 y máximo 50. >Sexo: Hombre o mujer. >Apariencia: Pic y descripción.
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Hoy es el cumpleaños de mi hija Megumi, no vamos a jugar y si mañana estoy con mucha resaca tampoco kek.
>>97319 Mandale feliz cumple a la enana de mi parte aunque no entienda Lurkero
¿estás ocupado, OP? sin presión

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Big Tech censorship and how to bypass it Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 08:18:18 Id: e61ced No. 20253 [Reply]
There has been an insane level of online censorship over the past 7 odd years, to the point where it wouldn't be inaccurate to suggest that the West is currently mentally and politically enslaved by Big Tech bureaucrats. >4chan ultra policed by woke jannies who spam the website with blacked and sissy porn whilst IP banning anyone who talks about politically relevant topics or current events >Reddits systematic mass banning of any subreddit to the right of Stalin or even mildly critical of wokeism or mass immigration >Wayback Machine/Internet Archive removing websites and twitter posts for politically incorrect content >Omegle being shut down after a sexual abuse lawsuit with no online replacement for popular aad hoc anonymous questions and discussion >Cloudflare and GoDaddy taking down websites hosted on their servers because they arbitrarily disagree with the social or political views of the website owners >PayPal freezing the accounts and assets of people who run or pay for online stores linked to people or organisations they disagree with (aka conservative libertarian or nationalist groups) >Wikipedia openly cherrypicking authoritative from non authoritative sources solely based on the political bias of the newspaper or publication, essentially smearing non Leftwing political figures as unilaterally "Far Right" then locking the ability to edit pages >Youtube's heavy censorship, and manipulation of the algorithm to hide politically controversial (i.e. non anti-white, non-left wing, anti-immigrant) channels and keep them from getting recommended to new viewers >Google's blatant political partisanism in its site and image search results, and more recently its ventures into AI (Black Vikings) >The extreme level of censorship in online video games, to the point where any form of swearing or discussion beyond the realm of the game is often met with a permanent account ban like in World of Warcraft Fortnite or League of Legends >Multiple countries including Australia Sweden UK and Germany passing anti Free speech Orwellian "online hate speech laws" that allow people to be arrested for what they say or display online, even if they aren't committing any act of violence or terrorism >Cancel culture mobs all over twitter resulting in people being deplatformed from Universities and even fired or blacklisted from jobs All of the above and more I haven't mentioned only began happening in the years since Donald Trump was elected. Its part of a massive censorship campaign began by figures in the Big Tech industry to completely and utterly drown out the dissenting voices of people who disagree with the current Anti-White woke pro-immigration agenda. There probably has never been such a fast decline from freedom of information to censorship like this in all of human history. The ultimate problem with the vast majority of social issues in the West stems from the fact we can no longer have open and salient debates about said issues or reach constructive solutions to them because we are now hyperreliant on the internet for communication and information and an unaccountable array of bureaucrats and administrators linked to the Big Tech industry are actively squashing our ability to interact with it. They are the number one enemy of free speech on planet earth, and are the reason Britain is still infested with Pakistani child rape gangs, the reason why Mexican cartels and Somalians are overrunning Texan and Irish country towns, the reason why women aren't being held to account for insanely degenerate behaviour thats lead to a generation of childless people and a future of demographic decline, failing healthcare and a lonely, sick, aging population. The reason why mass immigration continues unabated despite the massive social and financial problems it has been causing the West and East Asia, not to mention the existential questions.

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Man I don't know. I don't think it's even possible to 'fix' a community that's being run and moderated by people who actively hate the userbase. The best thing I can say is to just don't engage with those sites in any meaningful capacity. So much of them are just designed to waste your energy, empty meaningless ragebaiting from bots or discord trannies or indians or whoever the hell they've shipped in to drown out discourse. The moment you start engaging with one of these people seriously you've already lost, just remember that. Sticking to smaller forums that you trust is good. Of course they can just shut down any place that starts seriously posing a threat. But doing your best to keep the replacements alive is good. Or make your own if you have the knowledge and feel comfortable exposing yourself to the risk. Getting "into the public eye". Things that are organic and have soul tend to stick out even if they try to censor them. The cuckoo cult has managed to infiltrate every major moderation team but they still can't make actual memes. Brute force astroturfing is their #1 tool. But most people instinctually dislike that sort of thing, even if they can't recognize what's going on.
>>20413 >>20253 >bots Have you seen Quora lately? 90% of the answers are literally written by bots. The kind of answers you'd get straight from the free version of chat GPT. And there are (conspiracy) theories regarding how 80% of the current Team Fortress 2 playerbase are bots. Youtube has videos showcasing "simulated" 4chan threads. At current state, I cannot even ascertain if I am interacting with real humans or bots unless I know them IRL. Hell, is Biden even real? Even some rando kid on the internet can use deep fake and 11lab to make him say "YWNBAW". Imagine what governments and corpos can do with that. We have reached a point where people can be fabricated out of thin air like 1984's Big Brother. >censorship They DO NOT need real posters anymore. They can just ban real people, and simulate sound looking threads to control public opinion(s of "both" sides). If jannies and mods aren't bots already, the text and image recognitions are already so great, that the bots can be mobilized to mass report targeted posts. We are fucked because little sanctuaries like these will eventually be found out and be overrun or stay dead as is.

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La isla de los insectos gigantes. Rolero 05/14/2024 (Tue) 13:32:32 Id: e31896 No. 97598 [Reply] [Last]
Un avión salió de Japón exactamente a las 3: 00 PM. Todo iba con regularidad y no había nada que mencionar además del grupo de estudiantes 30 estudiantes que se divertía durante su viaje, sería la primera vez que saldrían del país para conocer Estados Unidos, sin embargo la diversión de tldos se vió arruinada al poco tiempo de salir. Lo que comenzó como un aviso de turbulencia, pronto se convirtió en una pesadilla. Gritos de desesperación inundaron el avión, no tuvieron tiempo siquiera de rezar, después de un momento para otro que el avión se partió por la mitad, lograste ver el mar, el sol, el cielo y luego todo fue a oscuridad. El sol comenzaba a salir mostrando que un nuevo día había comenzado, tus ojos habían lentamente y todos tus sentidos comenzaban a despertar mientras recordabas aquel accidente, estabas vivo, curiosamente sin ninguna herida mortal, sobreviviste sin entender bien las razones a tu alrededor no había ningún escombro del avión y frente a ti se abría un lugar desconocido, una isla que no podías recordar si se encontraba en el camino, a partir de hoy esta sería tu nueva realidad tendrías que aprender a valerte en este nuevo lugar. >Nombre: El nombre de tu personaje debe ser japonés y contar con un nombre y un apellido. >Edad: No todos los que viajaban en el avión eran estudiantes, en caso de ser estudiante debes tener 16 años, si no pertenecías a la excursión de la escuela puedes tener entre 16 y 50 años. >Sexo: Puede ser hombre o mujer. >Apariencia: Cómo se ve tu personaje, pic. >¿Quién eres?: No todos los que viajaban en el avión eran estudiantes, puedes elegir qué clase de personaje jugar en este apartado, personas como doctor, profesor, mecánico, un explorador, un estudiante, etc. La única regla en este apartado es que realmente tengas el conocimiento de aquello que quieras interpretar y no todo tu conocimiento se basa en el oficio de tu personaje, puede existir un estudiante capaz de realizar suturas como un doctor por algún libro que haya leído en la escuela o un mecánico que en sus tiempos libres se dedicaba a la exploración por ejemplo. Basta con que domines el conocimiento.
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>>97655 bueno mientras dejare mi ficha >>97598 >Nombre: Mizuki Nakahara >Edad: 27 Primaveras >Sexo: Women >Apariencia: Mujer que intenta conservar su belleza para poder conseguir el esposo que necesita su vida. Con un largo cabello bien mantenido, unas gafas rojas, y unos ojos color castaño una linda carita que merecer el amor de su vida ¿verdad? >¿Quién eres?: una agente secreto en el cual desempeña un papel ligero en la agencia de inteligencia. Ex miembro de la brigada operaciones especiales clasificado y trasferida para trabajar en el sector de inteligencia tambien clasificado por su desempeño en malipulacion y resolucion de problemas en el momento, una mujer ya madura y con los años en la cabeza, contando cada dia que pasa para dar un paso adelante y conseguir el esposo que tanto ahnela. Estoy a nada de pedir mi retiro para poder enfocarme en mi vida civil que tanto busco para ese hombre ideal en mi vida, no tengo nada de malo, soy una mujer ideal ademas que puedo cocinar, limpiar, arreglar cosas, esconder cadaveres, asesinatos limpios, instalacion de dispositivos para espionaje, chantaje, y quiza metodos de tortura. Pero solo enfoquemonos en mis roles como ama de casa!! ¿Sueno desesperada? ¿Quizas eso espante a los chicos? Meh que mas solo debo esperar mi principe azul <3 Aun asi soy un agente esencial para las operaciones el cual no puedo parar de seguir trabajando en el campo ya que me lo insiste mi jefe y no es mi culpa que sea alguien tan esencial para que las operaciones avance, justo me tocaba seguir un objetivo el cual tenia un viaje a los estados hundidos, pense que este año podria retirarme pero me insistieron en integrarme en esta mision para poder por fin pedir la baja. Es mi objetivo final, solo sera un viaje ida y vuelta quiza con el disco duro que tengo que robarle al objetivo para poder desmantelar un mercado negro, nada del otro mundo para mi un simple trabajito ¿nada puede malir sal?
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>>97664 lmao no duró nada >Lily "...¿no?" Lily empieza a sentirse incómoda cuando es respondida con el mortal silencio, que para peor venía acompañado de unas miradas que la cockney va percibiendo como de... ¿grima? "Uh..." -suda- "¿les gusta five-" -iba a sacar la última carta, pero la interrumpen- <Entonces hay que repartir las labores "Uhm, sí. Mejor..." -dice aprovechando a volver a un perfil más bajo- <los cocos son una buena opción ya que nos ayudaran a evitar la deshidratación (¿Qué onda con esta tipa?, ¿vio muchas pelis de náufragos o qué?, ¿cómo vamos a abrir los cocos?)

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Mañana seguimos.

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Anonymous 04/13/2024 (Sat) 13:40:38 No. 39527 [Reply] [Last]
Red death.
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>>39938 Seconding the other Anon on all points. It was fun and I'm still in love with the alien.
>>39941 >>39942 Thanks so much, anons! I love you and we'll meet in the other world when we die!
>>39938 Aw man, I had just started reading Ginger Ghost a few strips before that. Thanks for the funny comic. Would you still do a crossover with Rad Dude? Do you have any plans for more comics in the future? Will you upload a zip of your strips and materials for Ginger Ghost?

Cuhrayzee Vidya Anonymous 10/20/2023 (Fri) 20:33:11 Id: 9acf2a No. 898293 [Reply] [Last]
I haven't seen a thread discussing stylish action for a while, let's change that. Honestly I was kinda disappointed with Bayonetta 3, it wasn't nearly as good as the previous two games and I feel basically killed the series seeing as Kamiya left Platinum in order to work at Hamster probably. Still, it's kinda sad that Bayonetta was destined to die a mediocre death. That said as for Bayonetta's twin IP Astral Chain, apparently Nintendo completely owns the rights to that IP now, so hopefully we can see them develop the sequel in house since I would love to see how Nintendo tackles these kinds of games. Other than a few indie games, there's not really much going on with the genre. The Genokids demo was top notch and I highly recommend everyone here give it a chance, but other than that I'm waiting to hear about some surprise hits like Hi-Fi Rush since that was an extremely pleasant surprise and was actually did better than both Microsoft and Bethesda expected it to be. So hopefully we'll see a new Hi-Fi Rush in the future. Other than that, I'm sure Capcom is gonna remake DMC1 or DMC3 at some point in the near future, and like I said before Hi-Fi Rush did surprisingly well. So I strongly doubt the genre is dead, but that it usually takes a bit to get one of these games off the ground since Souls is the hot sauce these days. Still, what cuhrayzee games are you playing right now /v/? I'm going through Ninja Gaiden and God Hand myself, enjoying them as always.
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>>967440 Yeah, redditors are fucking retarded. They drag down the rest of the internet, additionally water is wet and the sky is blue. >>968212 Yeah, I kinda see that.
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Webm Thread - Gwimbly Edition Anonymous 04/07/2024 (Sun) 04:01:02 Id: 82ba24 No. 955993 [Reply] [Last]
You know the drill. Previous thread >>909361
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>>968666 checked
>>968661 >implying this wasn't staged in an attempt to get pity views on her stream

Dragon Ball Xenoverse OP 05/27/2023 (Sat) 17:15:03 Id: 725aeb No. 86378 [Reply] [Last] En un espacio oscuro, un lugar alejado del tiempo y el espacio, del universo como lo conocemos, se pueden apreciar una infinidad de grandes cristales, los cuales en su interior albergan imagenes de lo que sucede en las multiples lineas de tiempo. Sin embargo, muchos de esos cristales, son poco a poco consumidos por una energia oscura...
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>>97549 >Vegeta 100 Kek ... "Ese ki...Vegeta gano su combate" Dice Tenshinhan "Y ahora se esta moviendo..." Sigue Krilin "Y se mueve hacia...¡oh no, debe estar yendo hacia una de esas aldeas!" "¿Eso no puede ser, verdad?, el no sabia sentir el ki" Dice Ten "De hecho, en nuestro combate en la tierra, parece que aprendio a sentirlo mientras luchabamos" Dice Gohan, lo recuerdas, asi evadio(casi) el ataque que le corto la cola Tu sudas, sabiendo que se venia...Avocado o Dodoria, luego de matar a su segundo soldado de Frezzer, Vegeta iba hacia una aldea namekiana y...maldicion.

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>>97549 SHITvocado... >Mick ¡El héroe ya estaba de pareja! 'Crona', la... humana vendedora de relojes. No podía aceptar a nadie más... ah, y eso podría empeorar el flujo del tiempo o algo así. <¿De verdad?, ¿no quieres reconsiderarlo? "Uh..." -mira en otra dirección- (Diablos... mi abuelo me daría una paliza por negarme...) <Bulma... Le echan un salvavidas. <¡Ugh, bien!...

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>>97616 Eatabas en una encrucijada...¿dejar que la historia siguiera su curso o salvar a la gente?, esta gente tenia un destino marcado, si eran asesinados por Vegeta, no iban a ser diablo, tu moral estaba por encima de las reglas del trabajo. Le instruyes rapido a todos que hacer, y sin mas, vas corriendo lo mas rapido que puedes hacia Vegeta, después de todo eras mas rapido asi que volando. Recorres las planicies de Namek, kilometros y kilometros en segundos, tierra, agua, vas por encima de todo, hasta que alli lo ves a lo lejos, el principe Saiyajin. "¡Entonces moriran!" Grita el Saiyajin Extendiendo su mano, cargo un ataque de ki y lo disparo a un joven Namekiano, ¡no podias permitirlo!. Como una estela escarlata, aceleras y... ... El sonido del ki retumba en los sensibles oidos de los namekianos, la luz los encandila un segundo, donde antes estaba uno de los suyos, ahora solo habia un surco de tierra quemada.

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Metal Anonymous 05/13/2024 (Mon) 09:22:35 No. 25841 [Reply]
Hello this is the thread where I post art of Metal Sonic and possibly other mechanical creations from the series (I have never played a Sonic game in my life and have no interest in the franchise)
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SMASH TV: El Juego Mortal Rolero 01/23/2024 (Tue) 15:26:52 Id: c62d69 No. 93826 [Reply] [Last]
>presidente "La asociación de héroes tomará acciones inmediatas para reducir la inseguridad en la ciudad. La agencia de defensa global está enfocando todos sus esfuerzos en detener a los Neohéroes, y la OMES está investigando la extraña enfermedad que azota a Ciudad Principal." -da un golpe a la mesa- "¡Estados Unidos no se arrodillará ante las amenazas!, ¡únanse en nuestra lucha para salvar a la capital del mundo!" glosario: OMES = Organización Mundial Estadounidense de la Salud kek >reportero "Esas fueron las palabras del presidente, quien nuevamente, no reconoció la situación de ciudad secundaria. Volvemos contigo Tom." >Tom "Una vergonzosa presentación del presidente, Jim... con Ciudad Secundaria prácticamente aislada del resto del país, uno esperaría-" *kjjj* La estática consume por completo la transmisión por un momento, hasta que la figura de un misterioso hombre en una habitación gris toma el lugar del noticiero. >??? "Hola, hijos de puta."

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>>97670 >1 Ahi voy Harambe, guardame un espacio
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>>97670 >>97671 Ayyyyy A ver 1d100 = 30
>>97673 Fin...

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Amateur Game Development General: Japanese Work Ethic Edition Anonymous 03/13/2024 (Wed) 15:30:09 Id: 40ae53 No. 946073 [Reply] [Last]
The fake enthusiasm is key. Resources: >#8/agdg/ via > via matrix programs >Dev resources: >Wiki: > >
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>>968781 C'mon what kind of sick joke is this?
>>968822 I'm digging the PS2 vibe to a lot of these, which of the three was the hardest to render?
>>968824 None of them were particularly hard to make for me.And thanks.

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Hilo de OC del tablón Anónimo Board owner 05/01/2024 (Wed) 19:00:14 No. 36248 [Reply]
Este hilo es para compartir, solicitar y discutir acerca de todo el contenido original que haya salido de /ac/ desde sus orígenes hasta tiempos actuales: Dibujos, edits, capturas, anécdotas, montajes de vidéo, etc. A fin de mes habrá una sorpresa por el segundo aniversario de la migración, así que espero verlos ahí.
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>>36719 La mayoría murió o son basureros.

Hilo de waifus pelirrojas Anónimo 05/06/2024 (Mon) 18:40:54 No. 36683 [Reply]
Eso mis negros, un hilo para sus waifus favoritas de todas las tonalidades de pelo rojo. Desde larva me gustaron las monas de caricatura ya fuera gringa o china con el pelo rojo/naranja, se me hacían muy sexys. Dejen a sus favoritas
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Estaba viendo Clarence y encontré a esta pelirroja en los fondos, la encontré bonita.
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>>36683 parece que se les olvida la peliroja clasica, ademas la peliroja francesa
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>>37036 April es un clásico entre los clásicos, mis primeras pajas. Luego está el hecho que la secuestraban y ataban cada tres por cuatro. Kim Possible es buena waifu, pero solo se ve bien en fanarts. Bloom es italiana, por si acaso, como las chicas de WITCH.

chicanos la pelicula Anónimo 02/24/2024 (Sat) 04:57:35 No. 33417 [Reply] [Last]
no saben como me caga que esto se vea mucho mejor y con coles mas bonitos que la propia pelicula de The loud House y con mejor animación, no digo que será buena y con buena trama, pero de que se ve mejor estéticamente, nadie puede negarlo
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>>35557 Kekazo Confirmado que ni a Nick le importa está película.
>>35561 Y en teoria era el final de la casa de los chicanos. Asi que tan mal le fue en streaming para que tengan que pedir que lo dejen en youtube. Pero bueno, lo importante es que ya no tendremos mas chicanos en Nick por un tiempo.
>>34756 Parece que finalmente lo dieron de baja, pero si que se tomaron su tiempo en hacerlo.

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Emulation Megathread Anonymous 12/16/2023 (Sat) 12:47:26 Id: 712182 No. 919281 [Reply] [Last]
Dead of Winter edition (previous thread: What are you guys emulating right now, and on what platforms? What's the best emulators and romsites? Any good romhacks you would recommend? Emulation wiki In other news... The pedofurs at have finally fucked up badly enough to convince the guy who runs CDromance to shit out his own. Their latest crimes include closing the homebrew section to new submissions and disabling all downloads for a week because of "scraping". Please remember to submit all of your own romhacks and mods to
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>>968768 This is why I never talked about this site anywhere. Too many goddamn narcs online. Thankfully I have ROMsets, but what white knight for Nintendo is doing this?
>>968769 Some people speculate its the same guy who DMCA'd Gmod, but who knows maybe twitter fags just need to shut up about emulation
>>968771 >maybe twitter fags just need to shut up about emulation but how else are they supposed to signal to their fellow niggercattle how in-the-know they are?

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8chan Mosaic: Orange Box Edition Anonymous 05/11/2024 (Sat) 06:00:27 Id: f01828 No. 967656 [Reply]
IT'S TIME FOR ANOTHER MOSAIC This time for the all-time classic Orange Box as it was sold for the Xbox 360 (since I couldn't find the PC box cover). >How does this work? It's simple. The chosen mosaic image will be split into sections (see the second image for how these images will be split) and it's your job as the contributor to pick one of these slides to edit yourself, make sure to announce which slide you pick in the thread so no duplicates happen - draw over it or add your own spin to the slide or work in collaboration with the slide adjacent to yours. It's up to you what you ultimately decide to do. When you're finished with that, post the slide you edited ITT with the name/spot specified. >Do I need to be a drawfag for this? Absolutely not. What you do kind of need to be is creative/imaginative. Don't simply photoshop a dick onto someone's face, use photoshop creatively in some way which fits in with the mosaic and doesn't stand out. You'll see in some mosaic examples how there is always one or two slides with just a random mish-mash of memes pasted on to it, resulting in ZERO lulz. Do something fresh and new with your slide. This does not necessitate being a good artist, let alone a good artist with your mouse. Please await the slides to be posted below.
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claiming D4
Claiming A4
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>>968028 A4 delivery.

DOOM/Retro FPS: Everyone is here Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 20:03:59 Id: b04abb No. 937850 [Reply] [Last]
Has anyone ever got a gamenight of Samsara going on? I know we had one for Christmas of 2018, but I'm surprised we haven't got one going since then. Here's a link to the updated mod if you guys wanna get a gamenight going on. That being said: Post anything relating to >DOOM >its wads >its sequels >its community >its copycats >all 90s FPS related accessories
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>>968674 There are and I won't share.
>>968528 >A guy is making videos where his thumbnail has attractive girls Post the videos.
>>968730 Based and secret club-pilled

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