In the dark and gritty world of Mitakihara City, where magical girls fight against the forces of despair, a new chapter unfolds for Madoka Kaname. As the weight of her responsibilities as a magical girl grows heavier, Madoka finds herself seeking solace in the most unexpected of places - a dimly lit bar nestled in the heart of the city. The bar, known as "The nekos' Brew," is a haven for those seeking respite from the chaos of their lives. It is here that Madoka finds herself, nursing a glass of her favorite drink, contemplating the choices she has made and the toll they have taken on her young soul. Unbeknownst to Madoka, a familiar presence lurks in the shadows of the bar. Kyubey, the enigmatic and manipulative creature responsible for granting the powers of magical girls, has followed her, drawn by the potential for more contracts. As the night wears on, Kyubey approaches Madoka, his eyes glinting with a sinister intent. But something within Madoka snaps. The weight of the world's suffering, the betrayals she has witnessed, and the sacrifices she has made converge in a surge of anger and determination. In a flash, Madoka rises from her seat, her eyes ablaze with a newfound power. The bar patrons watch in awe as Madoka, once known for her gentle demeanor, unleashes a fury they have never seen before. With each strike, she channels her frustration and sadness, her fists becoming a blur of motion as she relentlessly pummels Kyubey. Blood splatters across the floor, the air thick with tension. A wave of silence falls over the pub as Madoka stares off into the distance. Her eyes are eerily vacant, a look of sadness and sorrow etched into her youthful features. As if it wasn't enough, she stomps on Kyubey's face, crushing it beneath her heel. With a final blast of fury, she turns and walks out of the bar.