I dont\' watch tv or movies a lot but a massive and by far the majority of what I watch contains references to an idea of a rising threatening far-right and how we the viewers need to stop it, or just simply certain people are evil, and deserving of violence and it feels good to hurt them. Usually directed towards Whites, Christians or bigots in general.
The media in turn talks a lot of radicalisation, radicalised people, and what a danger they are. Radicalised people certainly exist as people who expect their extreme or untenable demands be met by others through committing extreme and harmful actions or who out of frustration receive a mental release from harming others. Systems can also radicalise following the same process, through demanding the unattainable from people under their care incapable of achieving it for them, and in turn committing to violence to achieve that goal, frustrating them to the point where the violence against that group becomes the goal and reason to exist of the system itself.
We currently live under a radicalising system, shortly before it reaches its late stage in the radicalisation process where the machine exists so long as it can provide a mental release to its functionaries through sadism on the people it unquestionably rules over and all others aspects of the machine atrophy from disinterest.