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O Holy Thread, /christian/ church Anonymous 12/18/2021 (Sat) 20:58:32 No. 583
Christians and non-Christians, welcome to our dedicated thread. Thank you for the invite! We're from /christian/ and we're all here to have an incredible time with you all for the next week or so. Please, feel free to pay us a visit at >>>/christian/ or post in this thread. We don't have much to offer unfortunately, as I made a thread asking us what we should do about less than four days before today, and we were only officially invited to post here with our own thread about yesterday. Regardless, in the spirit of Christmas and the Holy Night, I wanted to start by spreading goodwill and good cheer to everyone by sharing some verses that I hold close to my heart and invite others to do the same, even if they aren't a Christian. Past sharing scriptures, this is meant to be a comfy thread, so really anything can be discussed as long as it's somewhat relevant to Christianity and follows the rules here (don't forget about Santa's Thunderdome, please do us all a favor and keep this thread clean at the very least!). This thread can also be for prayer requests, support, questions about faith, confessions, you name it! Now that's all out of the way, here's some verses I'd like to share from my King James Bible and what they mean for me. Matthew 17:20 - "And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you." Proverbs 4:23 - "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." Proverbs 20:29 - "The glory of young men is their strength: and the beauty of old men is the grey head." Psalm 41:3 - "The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing: thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness." These verses mean a lot to me, as someone who struggles with anxiety, self-doubt, and depression. Knowing He loves me, even as I struggle with my temptations give me hope and another reason to look forward to waking up every day. Even if you have very little faith in Him, He will still answer to you because He loves you. I went through some hardships in life that really made me question my faith, but every day I still wake up, living the impossible. Do you have anything to share or talk about here? Go ahead! But remember, Jesus loves and saves all. God bless you and have a Merry Christmas!
>>2491 ...? De facto difference between Eastern and Western Europe can easily be seen in how Constantinople and Rome related to each other. What are you on about?
Well, while I wait for Agnostic Anon to return, I suppose there are a couple of other question replies I could respond to? >>2429 >I have nothing to add, but are you the Anglican anon from earlier? No, I'm just a typical Bible-believing Protestant. >Are you typically about in /christian/? Not generally. I think the last time I was there was before the Soyjack spammer attack. >>2468 >The Bible is true because the Bible says it's true? No. It's truth because of it's Author's character, Who cannot lie. We, as feeble mortals, have tested it and it's proven true in the things it claims as true. The historical beginning of the universe itself, and it's progression up to the present day. Much of this is spelled out in the Bible thousands of years before the modern era of Astrophysics & Astronomy. This is but one area we can put the Bible to a rigorous test and it passes with flying colors. However, I think this Anon (>>2469) puts it far better than me: >but I think he's saying the the Bible has actual historical events recorded in it and that it makes it clear that these are meant to be understood as history. >Also, does a belief in God necessarily imply a belief in Satan? Can you believe in God without believing Satan is real? Well I suppose you can, Anon. But the truth of the matter is what's actually important, and there are no versions of the truth. >Or is Satan a more intangible thing, like an abstract representation of the evil that rests in the hearts of man? Definitely not. Satan is very real. As much as you or I. He was created as Lucifer, the guarding Cherub above the very throne of God, and the leader of Heavenly worship. He is a very potent enemy, but of course only to us humans in our current state. To be more clear; there is no such thing as a 'arm-wrestling' match going on between Satan and God. Satan is but a (very, very) fallen creature.
>>2493 >No. It's truth because of it's Author's character, Who cannot lie. We, as feeble mortals, have tested it and it's proven true in the things it claims as true. God, right? You're saying God wrote the Bible? Or was it written by man? I thought the apostles put it to pen. >This is but one area we can put the Bible to a rigorous test and it passes with flying colors. Any examples? >Definitely not. Satan is very real. As much as you or I. He was created as Lucifer, the guarding Cherub above the very throne of God, and the leader of Heavenly worship. He is a very potent enemy, but of course only to us humans in our current state Alright, so Satan is a real entity that guides us to do bad things? Are all evil acts the work of Satan, or are men culpable for it? I'm trying to ascertain the true nature of this entity. How does he manifest? How can we avoid him? What should we be looking for? Let me give a specific example: Transhumanists believe that they can attain biological immortality through science, life extension, augmentation, mind uploading, etc. Are they being misguided by Satan? Because I've heard some devout people say that Satan is tricking them.
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>>2495 >God, right? You're saying God wrote the Bible? Or was it written by man? I thought the apostles put it to pen. Man's fallible nature is perfected by the gifts of divine grace bestowed through the Holy Spirit. That is how the apostles were able produced the writings of the New Testament with authority from above.
>>2496 By the way, would you say St. Paul of Tarsus among those guided?
>>2496 >with authority from above. How did this work? They never explain what that meant beyond insinuating normfag tier cronyism. How does the book of Enoch fit into all of this?
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>>2495 >God, right? You're saying God wrote the Bible? Indeed I am. The Bible itself claims so as well, regarding the Holy Spirit-breathed character of it. >Or was it written by man? I thought the apostles put it to pen. Many more men than just Apostles were used to scribe the entire thing front to back. 40 of them, IIRC. I have a personal anecdote regarding this phenomenon. My own mother helped my grandfather publish the books he had dreamed of doing all his life. He recorded all the text of the books verbally, and mom transcribed them as she was led to. But my mom wasn't the author of the book, grandpa was. Make sense? >Any examples? I personally consider the unfolding for mere mortals the very character and evolution of the entire universe rather a profound example. There are literally hundreds of archaeological and historical others. I'll leave that as an exercise for yourself if you care to dig. For some skeptics, the Biblical fact of the origin of all mankind from just a single woman and man are problematic. But so-called Y-Chromosomal Adam, and Mitochondrial Eve are highly provocative scientific discoveries in support of the Biblical view. The separation of their origin by 10's of thousands of years is also right in line with the Biblical account of Noah, his sons, the females of their household, and the Flood. >Are all evil acts the work of Satan, or are men culpable for it? Each man will be judged according to the works he has done while in the body. >I'm trying to ascertain the true nature of this entity. How does he manifest? How can we avoid him? What should we be looking for? I don't think you can avoid him. Like the rest of us, you were born into sin by the fall of your father Adam, and Satan was (as the god of this world), perhaps still is--your spiritual father. Only through salvation can you have even the most basic hope of escape from this hideously evil being. >Let me give a specific example: Transhumanists believe that they can attain biological immortality through science, life extension, augmentation, mind uploading, etc. This a topic near-and-dear to my heart actually. If you'd care to understand a thorough treatment of the topic generally, then I recommend you pick up book related. > https://support.reasons.org/category/featured-products/humans-20-scientific-philosophical-and-theological-perspectives-on-transhumanism >Are they being misguided by Satan? Because I've heard some devout people say that Satan is tricking them. Satan is the Father of Lies, so yes. If he's involved in giving 'advice' to these people, you can be certain he's doing it deceptively, and with sinister intent.
>>2498 >How did this work? They never explain what that meant beyond insinuating normfag tier cronyism. That the content of what was written was sufficient to communicate the redemption and sanctification of man's nature and soul. >How does the book of Enoch fit into all of this? It wasn't part of the majority canon, not even of the expanded canon of the Septuagint used by the Greek Orthodox. The only church that has a version of it in their canon is the Ethiopian. Like most disputed texts, we only have fragments of an original manuscript and the rest is extant only in translation, so we cannot confirm what was authentic and what may have been editorial insertion. It was known to scholars and theologians throughout the early church but it was not seen as authoritative, either by Jews or Christians, to be counted with the remainder of the Old Testament or for any reason with the New. The qualities of what is doctrinal in the Christian religion were summarily expressed by the French monk Vincent of Lerins in 443: >Moreover, in the Catholic Church itself, all possible care must be taken, that we hold that faith which has been believed everywhere, always, by all. For that is truly and in the strictest sense Catholic, which, as the name itself and the reason of the thing declare, comprehends all universally. This rule we shall observe if we follow universality, antiquity, consent. We shall follow universality if we confess that one faith to be true, which the whole Church throughout the world confesses; antiquity, if we in no wise depart from those interpretations which it is manifest were notoriously held by our holy ancestors and fathers; consent, in like manner, if in antiquity itself we adhere to the consentient definitions and determinations of all, or at the least of almost all priests and doctors. By these were the critical elements of Christian belief made canonical in the ecumenical councils, where the whole of the church met to determine what was their singleness of faith. Even heretics like Arius were invited to advocate for themselves. All orthodox Christians at the least accept the results of the first two ecumenical councils, which produced the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed as a summary of the Christian religion. Depending on the denomination, they may dispute the third, fourth, or those beyond the seventh. After being made the state religion of the Roman Empire, religion was increasingly entangled in disputes of political power. In my personal judgement, this was at its own expense.
>>2499 >Satan is the Father of Lies, so yes. If he's involved in giving 'advice' to these people, you can be certain he's doing it deceptively, and with sinister intent. I don't believe Satan is advising these people. I don't want to assume anything about your stance, but let me ask something that's been on my mind. Transhumanism posits that someday soon we will be able to 'cure' the problems caused by aging, the pathologies that eventually cause us to die, and because of that we would be able to extend our lives indefinitely. If this becomes possible in the future, should we or should we not do it? Why or why not? If God allows us to take control of our biology in such a way then shouldn't we do it? After all Jesus himself healed the sick and curing aging would be the ultimate medical breakthrough in history. Should we not strive for indefinite longevity if God allows us?
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>>2503 Different anon, btw. >I don't believe Satan is advising these people They don't necessarily have to be being advised personally by Satan. These people do however, think according a paradigm that can only be described as 'Satanic' in character, in that it is worldly and anti-God. And no, we shouldn't try to abolish death or anything. If anything, Christ coming in the flesh and recapitulating every state of life before Himself undergoing death has in a sense sanctified every stage of human life, and we too must undergo death at some point. There is nothing to fear about death if one has faith in Jesus Christ, because He has defeated its power over us, and will raise us and grant us true eternal life in incorruptible bodies. This will not happen through developments in this world. The idea of 'progress' is foreign to Christianity. In fact, we see degeneration if anything. The first men and women could live centuries at a time, and since then our lives have only been shortening, and humanity has been growing ever more stunted and alienated from the divine through our technological achievements and scientific advancements. Ultimately this drive is founded on a Satanic drive to 'become God', not realizing that the only way to become a 'god' is through the grace of God and union with Him, and sharing in His love in theosis. Humanity has been created in the image of God, and this is not merely referring to soul or consciousness. Transhumanist elites want to distort and destroy the image of God in mankind, and turn us into subhumans in both body and soul. Aging is not a sickness per se, it is a natural part of this life that we must all undergo. This world is a mere interlude.
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>>2504 I see. Then, this is a set of beliefs that I can respect, but ultimately cannot cosign. Medicine is a practice that assuredly exists. If we continue advancing forward, which is as inevitable as the march of time, then that means we can extrapolate that the logical endpoint of medicine is to abolish all possible ailments of the body up to and including death itself. It is currently the status quo that all human beings age, and suffer more pain and sickness as they get older, eventually resulting in their deaths. From a simply humanitarian perspective this is a hideous and monstrous imposition on the human race and if we can cure it the same way we can cure any disease I believe that we simply must. Therefore I cannot cosign any set of beliefs that admonishes this most noble and humanitarian goal. However I respect your beliefs and I think the world is ultimately better for having you in it. But if this is truly how all of you feel about it, then I don't think I can walk the path with you. I still don't disbelieve there is a God though.
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>>2505 This sort of modern idea of perpetual progress is without foundation, though. I think this sort of 19th and 20th century optimism has already been refuted in practice and has no legs to stand on, and it is solely kept afloat from propaganda from the government, scientists, sci-fi movies and entertainment in general. It's something people want to believe in, but there's no reason to believe it. The idea that this is even possible in the first place is questionable, let alone if it is desirable, because we all know that such technology would only end up in the hands of the elites, who would use it to rule over the 'cattle' for centuries at a time. When we keep in mind the fact that science is wracked with a crisis of replicability, especially in the fields of medicine and similar fields, it is even more humorous to read these sorts of optimistic predictions that it is 'inevitable' that we will become 'gods' eventually with complete control over ourselves, over nature, and over life and death. This is the end-goal, and this is why I called it Satanic. In science today over 60%+ of studies in some fields are completely irreplicable, and has become increasingly clear in the last year or so, the field is able to be bent to the whims of politics and various agendas. On top of this, the entire modern project has brought more net-misery to humanity than it has alleviated, and a look at how it is developed countries who have the highest rates of depression, anxiety, obesity, neurosis, suicides and other problems just underlines this, along with statistics showing that young people are more pessimistic about the future than ever, and that women are actually less happy than they were before 'women's liberation', not to mention the similar situation with men. People are more alienated than ever, feeling alone even within massive cities of hundreds of thousands of individuals. Along with all of this, the same elites promising you a future without aging and disease are the same ones actively destroying the planet, killing off plants and animals, polluting and trying to turn this entire planet into a disgusting filthy parking-lot and strip-mall. They want to control you more and more in every way imaginable, even gaining control over your own mind and body, turning you into a manufactured product. The future on this trajectory is not a deathless perfect utopia, but rather hell on earth, as has been the result of every ideology that has attempted to build heaven on earth, such as the communists, or the nazis, or now the modern capitalistic / liberal ideology. The world is just as fallen as ever.
>>2505 Nice wishful thinking schizo. You didn't even explain how your big brain is gonna abolish death itself lmao. Do you believe in santa clause too? Its a grave humanitarian crisis that kids don't get presents for christmas! This status quo must be stopped!
>the entire modern project has brought more net-misery to humanity than it has alleviated Or people could just not outlaw the very concept of retaliation and things would go back to normal overnight.... God does call one to defend thyself.
>>2509 I doubt it. The system relies on soft-power and controlling minds more than physically restraining people via laws.
>>2511 It's only a mater of time till that changes.
>>2507 All of this strikes me as an indication that we should only be picking up the pace in the march towards the post-singular future. One could argue that this is actually accelerating progress due to our desire to overcome the current state. If God wishes us not to pursue these technological solutions in earnest let him give us a clear sign.
>>2514 >All of this strikes me as an indication that we should only be picking up the pace in the march towards the post-singular future This is a cope brought about by ignoring God's Word and wishing to stay in a state of Satanic rebellion against Him. When you're doing things that are actively making the planet sick and polluted and humanity miserable, the thing to do is to stop doing those things, not to do it more and think that the problem with fix the problem.
>>2515 >When you're doing things that are actively making the planet sick and polluted and humanity miserable, the thing to do is to stop doing those things, not to do it more and think that the problem with fix the problem. I'm not doing any such thing. If you want to do something about pollution tell your societal overlords to stop outsourcing jobs to China and India and switch to nuclear power instead of getting up people's asses for not wanting to use paper straws.
>>2514 Technology has no end in itself.
>>2516 This doesn't fix the problems
>>2517 That is exactly the point. Truthfully I see no reason why Christianity and Transhumanist philosophy about an Omega Point cosmology can't both be true simultaneously, they both require an equal amount of faith and can both end up resulting in the same God being real.
>>2519 The end result of transhumanism is the destruction of man, whereas a core ethos in Christianity is that man, though fallen, is capable of redemption on its own accord (through the atonement of Christ). That is why for instance, though asceticism is praised in the church, the idea of pursuing it by an extreme measure like self-castration (as Origen, one of the great early theologians did) is censured. The Omega Point may be a nice conjecture, but it ultimately posits a wholly material God, a natural phenomenon with natural limitations. Why should humanity obey such a creature's sovereign will or ethos? If you want a more detailed opinikn on religion versus transhumanism, here's Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin. Be aware however, he has rather eccentric views on many other subjects: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=vNfEaZpE2mI
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>>2519 >Truthfully I see no reason why Christianity and Transhumanist philosophy about an Omega Point cosmology can't both be true simultaneously Transhumanism cannot be reconciled with Christianity. Omega Point is based off evolution and modern progressive thought, which, as already said, are anti-Christian and have nothing to do with the revelation that God has given us. The world to come in Christianity is enacted via a sudden and decisive transformation from without by the power of God, it does not arise via development within the world. Evolution, transhumanism, etc. are all Satanic doctrines pushed by Jews, Masons, Jesuits and other evil individuals who want to distort and destroy the image of God within man. >they both require an equal amount of faith Any real Christian will know that God can be experienced right here and now through prayer and spiritual practices. And He has given us revelation through Scripture which contradicts everything about Transhumanism. Simple as that.
I've been thinking about what everybody has been saying about transhumanism. It's an interesting topic because it highlights an extremely important part of Christianity that is crucial to understand for anyone considering becoming a Christian. I'll admit I have not read books on the subject so I was reluctant to join the fray but there are a few things I cannot get out of my mind. I will probably need some help from you all towards a better understanding of transhumanism. >>2503 >>2505 You have in your mind an image of helping people. Of relieving their suffering and overcoming disabilities. Yes, certainly. Christ healed the sick and lame. He made the blind to see and even raised people from the dead. Partly this was to demonstrate that he was the real deal but it was also because Christ saw people in distress and had compassion on them. Many Christians have emulated this and non-Christians have done so no less. It appears to be a part of humanity to do this. In no way is this wrong. We ought to care for the sick. We ought to promote good health. We ought to apply our knowledge to help the disabled. I wear glasses. Without this augmentation I would not get far in the world. Are glasses wrong? Was Satan whispering into the ear of Snell? No, of course not. Medicine is a wonderful benefit to humans and has allowed millions of people to live out lives dedicated to loving others. I will not disparage it or even make a "too far" argument. Now we come to the crossroads. The seems to me to be the most important part of this topic but it hasn't been adequately explored in this thread. There is a question we must ask ourselves. It's a highly relevant question to the world today. What is the highest thing to pursue? For what can we sacrifice everything else? What would you die for? The answer of the world seems clear. Everything can be sacrificed for the sake of human lives and there is nothing we would exchange our lives for. This appears to be the answer of transhumanism also. The single, overriding goal is to prevent death. Or, put another way, human life is the fixation. If you want to see a world where this is the prevailing ethos, look out your window. We are not even allowed to get sick anymore. Our demonic elites, of course, don't believe this (they care about power) but the common man does. And since tyranny is enforced from the bottom up rather than the top down, this is now the law of the land. Saving lives is more important than God. More important than virtue. More important than loving your neighbour. More important than your family. Saving your life is more important than living your life. You may say that these are the growing pains: that once we have rid ourselves of aging things will be better. I do not think this is the case but you are the expert on transhumanism so you tell me. Are those who push and encourage this kind of thinking the same as those who inspire us with their endless toil to improve lives and make people well? When you read their writings, do you get the sense they are written by someone who loves humans and humanity or do you get the sense of someone who hates humanity and wants to be rid of it? Do they write with compassion for individual humans or do they write with grandeur for an abstract humanity? Again, I am not familiar with their works so I don't know. I do have my suspicions though. Christianity is not about healing the sick. We do not hold so tightly to our lives that we would sacrifice all else to save them. Our greatest concern is our sins which you can understand as things that harm our relationship with God and with other people. We are sinful people and our faults, if left unchecked, only grow stronger over time. Our pride turns from disdain of others to contempt. Our greed turns to consuming lust for money. Our virtues require constant upkeep whereas our vices pull us down with no effort on our part. We are fighting a losing battle. This is why, contrary to your statement that it is "a hideous and monstrous imposition," death is actually a mercy. It prevents us from ever reaching a point where we literally become demons and are unsaveable. Imagine if George Soros were immortal. If you think he's Satanic now, try again in a thousand years after he's been stewing on centuries of hatred.
>>2523 Our relationship with God is the one thing we will sacrifice all else for. Including our lives. In fact we have to. As Christians we must die to the world (meaning we reject all of the false Gods such as our selves) in order to live in Christ. Christianity is a religion of self-denial. You may have to deny yourself fulfillment of your passions. You may have to deny yourself the things you want. You may even be called to martyrdom (an increasingly likely prospect). I won't mince words here. I won't say that it's not as bad as it sounds or that I don't quite mean it that way. No, I do mean it that way and it's harder than it sounds. Everything I'm saying is nothing but clever words in the face of actually having to do it. THIS is the stumbling block. THIS is the narrow gate. There are actually no surprises in Christianity after this. If you can accept it, you will become a Christian. I say this not so that you will be scared off (although with full knowledge this is likely) but so that you aren't deceived into thinking Christianity is easier or less total than it is. Or you could join one of those fake Christianity megachurches that preach health and wealth. >>2503 >If God allows us to eat the fruit of knowledge then shouldn't we do it? I'm surprised no one has crucified you for this one. God gave us free will so that we may freely choose him. This means we can also choose evil. God doesn't step in when we make the wrong choice because that would work against the whole point of giving us free will in the first place. Being able to do something doesn't mean you should do it. >>2504 >Humanity has been created in the image of God, and this is not merely referring to soul or consciousness. Transhumanist elites want to distort and destroy the image of God in mankind, and turn us into subhumans in both body and soul. This is a good point and deserves more elaboration. Ideas of creating supermen always seem to result in submen. They always seem to involve removing something that makes us human.
Shall /christian/ do something for New Year's Eve?
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>>583 Thanks, /christian/. Appreciate your kindness.
Merry Christmas, gents. Any good or useful books you wish to volunteer?
>>3260 Not exactly a book per se, but how about this one by C.S. Lewis (et al) as well, Anon? Merry Christmas! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmHXYhpEDfM&list=PL9boiLqIabFhrqabptq3ThGdwNanr65xU --- >this section is for professionals only: :^) 1. Install this: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/wiki/Installation 2. Issue this command: yt-dlp -i https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9boiLqIabFhrqabptq3ThGdwNanr65xU
christ-chan is p cute ngl too bad i cant find decent r34 of her
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>>3454 Merry Christmas, /christmas/.

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