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GamerGate Radio

DOAX3 literally not getting released in the west because of SJWs, this is not an exaggeration Leader 11/24/2015 (Tue) 12:07:52 Id: 2712d7 No. 300817
http://playeressence.com/dead-or-alive-xtreme-3-isnt-coming-to-the-west-because-of-social-justice-warriors/ https://www.facebook.com/deadoralivegame/posts/757819724322115?comment_id=757869560983798&hc_location=ufi (second link archived in case they backpedal and delete it) https://archive.is/KmUZc >"Do you know many issues happening in video game industry with regard to how to treat female in video game industry? We do not want to talk those things here. But certainly we have gone through in last year or two to come to our decision. Thank you." I wonder how the >SJWS HAVE NO INFLUENCE ON ANYTHING, ONLY AUTISTS THINK OTHERWISE, THE ONLY COURSE OF ACTION IS TO IGNORE THEM!!!! types feel now. And yes, this specific game will get an English translation for the Asian releases from what I gather. But what about many games that won't? Regardless of whether it's a particularly big deal for THIS game or not, such a decision just tells them "yes, you CAN influence the Japanese games industry". I say let them know how stupid this is. There's barely any reaction at all, I assume because no one is considering the wider implications of this because "YOU CAN STILL PLAY IT IN ENGLISH SO SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DRAMATIC FAGGOT!!!!!"
>>301273 >giues its controversy bait. >i'm liek super skptical! You again? Go home concern troll.
>>301307 >>301273 https://twitter.com/gamespite/status/669370033345273856 this guy is in the clique so I can't be 100% sure but, apparently Tecmo have been pushing the "TOO HOT FOR THE USA" thing for some games and I guess this guy is taking it as "proof that this is all marketing" but uh… I dunno. why does it have to be one or the other? they might be legit afraid to release it stateside so they want to at least get SOME sales from the west by saying stuff like this.
>>301374 oh wait lol nvm the 'too hot for usa' shit is about play-asia
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This is what most likely scared Koei Tecmo
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>>301278 Do we really want western remakes of Japanese games though? SMB2 was pretty ballin
/r/ing some HIGH PROFILE websites that called DoA sexist over the years.
>>301383 btw not a shill, I actually want examples
>>301387 I mean beyond that.
>>301378 This is funny because none of these morons can touch Play-Asia and they're desperately trying to pretend like they can. This company has nothing to lose and everything to gain by doing this. They've more than doubled their Twitter follower count in 24 hours. They're going to be making mad cash off of giving SJWs the finger and the SJWs so desperately want to kill them, but THEY CAN'T! Write all the articles you want, shitheads, it won't change the fact that Play-Asia doesn't have to give a fuck what you think or do. They'll gladly listen to your objections while they're Scrooge McDuck diving in the megabucks.
>>301276 play asia is Hong Kong company who sends japanese stuff around the world, nuff said
>>301392 >they make money …constitutes an argument …apparently. whoever posted this to /b/2.0 /pol/ is a mouth-breathing retard Full/pol/ is fullchan's greatest hive of scum and newfaggotry. It's not the popularity; it's just that they're just all just… so stupid and new. What were you expecting?
>>301374 >>301307 >>301375 Well, this whole situation just got amazing thanks to Play-Asia being fucking brilliant and capitalizing. If they want to make money off the NA market let them. If Koei wants to be fucking retards and try to ignore their largest international market something like this was bound to come up. The twitter shit going on is fucking great.
>>301394 I seen the /pol/ thread, or at least one thread, and despite OP shilling for Playasia… that thread went surprisingly well
>>301494 >>301394 I don't get it tbh
>>301494 >>301511 >that thread went surprisingly well …before it got shitposted to death and bumplocked. I don't have a problem with /pol/ oldfags and generally see them as conditional allies, but because of all the happenings WWIII, WWN/#BLM, Gex's video /pol/ has been inundated with normie cancer getting radicalized redpilled and shills misinforming the cancer. It's not as bad as halfchan exodus, but I thinks it's best for /GG/ to leave /pol/ alone until things calm down.
If the games actually sold well enough to justify localization and marketing costs AND dealing with the constant negative PR the modern gaming press has given not just to the volleyball games, but to Dead or Alive as a whole (justifiable as Dead or Alive has always been a shitty fighting game series that only as of DoA5 has tried to paint itself as anything more than fanservice to the forever alone), then maybe we would see DOAX3 getting an official release. At best, this is Tecmo trying to get attention from useful idiots, given that pretty much every one of their franchises has been in the shitter for the better part of the last decade. Like seriously, claiming or BELIEVING that Tecmo ONLY NOW gives a shit about being called out by SJWs flies in the face of games being released today that are "sexist" on pretty much any level an SJW cares to nitpick. Fucking, we've been getting Senran Kagura, which is way more "sexist" than anything DoA has pulled off. It's a cute PR stunt, but they should have manned the fuck up and joined other "misogynist" games that have come out in 2015.
>>301390 Twitter was founded in 2006, Facebook became open to everyone in 2006, and the iPhone was launched in 2007, so it wasn't just Tumblr that was responsible.
>>302001 But the tumblr is the safespace of SJWs. When will come the day of operation to liberation of tumblr.
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>>300817 President of Sony confirms it. >It’s due to cultural differences. The West has it’s own thinking about how to depict women in games media which is different from Japan […] Speaking personally, if it is a representation acceptable to the general people in Japan, I wouldn’t be concerned about it in Japan. It’s a difficult problem. http://nichegamer.com/2015/12/dead-or-alive-xtreme-3-not-coming-west-due-to-cultural-differences-says-sony-boss/ https://twitter.com/nichegamer/status/676594631052685312
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>>300817 As much as I don't give crap about this franchise, if their is something I really hate is censorship of thing that aren't even hatefull. If you don't like a game just because muh the girls in this game are hother than me. Just please starve your self to death. Imagine if we complaine everytime we walked into a library and some dude on a cover a novel for women was hotter than us.
>>300864 It actually made kids pay grownup strangers just to get a hand on those game. A banned book is a read book, same goes with game. A banned game is a played game.
>>309413 Seriously, wtf. Why should I even invest in a Playstation instead of a PC then if that's going to be their attitude? Someone needs to red pill Japan on the fact the whiners don't represent their customers.
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>>309413 >tfw every company is caving in to social justice. First Nintendo, then Koei Tecmo, then Capcom, now Sony. I'm beginning to think this is a losing battle. Social Justice has taken over Japan. All i want is to play video games but SJW hipsters ruined the industry with their crooked ideology. Might as well just give up video games and just find a new hobby.
>>309430 While games that I really enjoy still come out even if they're a really small minority, seeing how the quality of games have been on a decline since 2007, just keeps going lower as time goes on (so SJW ideologies or not, there's serious problems) and now this SJW shit is running rampant in the industry, it's most likely going to get to the point where there won't ever be any new decent games, except for some homebrew/freeware games made by "shitlords", new Doom WADs, etc.
>>309430 Or you can stop being a faggot, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start getting shit done. Spread awareness, support those giving these shits the finger, et al. Censorship always loses eventually. It may take another Wolfenstein 3D for SNES incident, or another Mortal Kombat for SNES incident, but so long as a market exists, we're where the money is. If there's a hole because of their shit, someone will fill it inevitably. They can't do anything to fucking change that.
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>>309430 That's it. I'm sick and tired of you faggots lamenting about the state of the weeb market here. If you pay attention to more than what the AAA companies say, you'll notice that there is hope left. http://nichegamer.com/2015/12/monster-monpiece-is-coming-to-steam-with-all-cards/ http://gematsu.com/2015/12/monster-monpiece-hyperdimension-neptunia-u-hyperdevotion-noire-coming-steam-2016 For those of you not in the know, Monster Monpiece is Idea Factory International's first localization. This is a turn-based RPG where you battle various cards featuring monster girl characters, and you can level them up at certain times by rubbing their clothing off. It got notoriety when Idea Factory Intl. decided to censor the PS Vita version by removing approximately 17 cards and their variants (which amounts to a total of 40) due to the suggestive/loli nature of them. Idea Factory International just announced earlier this month that they're porting an uncensored version of Monster Monpiece to Steam, and that they'll be avoiding titles that need to be censored. If we want to encourage developers to have the balls to ignore SJW pressure and release sexually suggestive games uncut in the west, then supporting this release would probably be a good start. If they felt that Steam is more lax on sexual content than handhelds/home consoles, then it could serve as a viable alternative for releasing uncensored weeb games in the west. While you're fucking at it, you could also support Kindred Spirits on the Roof on Steam, the first adult-oriented weeb title to be released there uncensored: https://archive.is/NVyF7 We just have to show them that they'll succeed it they stop worrying and get out of their goddamned shell. We need to ensure that MonMon on Steam sells FAR more than the Vita version.
>>309430 Or you can stop being a faggot, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start getting shit done. Spread awareness, support those giving these shits the finger, et al. Censorship always loses eventually. It may take another Wolfenstein 3D for SNES incident, or another Mortal Kombat for SNES incident, but so long as a market exists, we're where the money is. If there's a hole because of their shit, someone will fill it inevitably. They can't do anything to fucking change that.
90% of the DOA girls are under the age of 18 anyway.
>>309587 >It may take another Wolfenstein 3D for SNES incident Oh fucking hell, who cares? You are just as big a baby as Anita. Go find another non-issue to bitch about.
>>301212 I wish he'd die the same way his hero Bill Hicks did.
>>309430 >>309413 Amy Pascal's studio, the one (maybe) makingthe Zoe Quinn movie, is Sony-based Of course Sony Pictures Entertainment is totally different & an American thing but still.
What the fuck is happening in halfcuck? So many buzzwords, >lolfanservice and >youpermavirgin posting and on a fucking chan no less. Is it a company of shill in full force?
>>309632 loks like it

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