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GamerGate Radio

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Ruling today in Toronto social media "harassment" case Leader of GamerGate 01/22/2016 (Fri) 08:31:56 Id: 28819c No. 313324
https://archive.is/6SzmT >The outcome of what's believed to be the first criminal harassment case in Canada involving Twitter will help set the tone for how the courts and society navigate the nuances of online interaction, observers said Thursday. >A verdict is expected Friday in the Ontario Court of Justice trial of Gregory Alan Elliott, a Toronto man facing two charges of criminal harassment over his dealings with two local women's rights activists on Twitter. http://www.freedomoftweets.ca/ >If you live in Toronto, you've almost certainly seen Gregory Alan Elliott’s art. He is a prolific street artist and graphic designer known for producing motivational artwork. His work has been featured by the Toronto Star. >In November 2012, Elliott was arrested and charged with criminal harassment after arguing with several activists on Twitter. He didn't threaten or endanger anyone. All he did was argue. >As a result of his detention and trial, Greg has accumulated nearly one hundred thousand dollars in legal fees. He has been prohibited from using computers and the Internet and forced to leave his job. >Gregory Alan Elliott lives in Toronto with his four sons. He is currently awaiting the final verdict in his trial.
>>313528 >does it get autodeleted because no one really wants to use it anymore Does what get deleted? The hashtag? That's not how it works. You can create a hashtag out of anything, for any reason. All anyone has to do to find results for that hashtag is search under it.
>>313719 Imagine if the fake twitter handle used Russian Cyrillic letters. That would have been a bitch to catch.
>>313828 He's smiling on his, goes a long way in helping likability.
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Now this is interesting. https://archive.is/66TGh >Jian Ghomeshi wasn't the first CBC HR failure
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>>314187 SJWs always project. https://ca.linkedin.com/pub/david-demchuk/6/741/45 >David Demchuk >Manager, Employee Communications at CBC >Toronto, Canada Area >Public Relations and Communications >Current >Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
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>>314073 You Canadafags are obligated to crash this, document it and deliver your harvested salt back to us.
>>314365 It was in 2012. That was where they joked about GAE and proved they were lying bitches.
>>313376 That second tweet… it's not like paying your cable TV fee or buying a movie copy. Game reviewers financing development of a game or personally financing a game dev is the same as a movie reviewer helping finance a movie to then review it, or pay a director's bill and then give his work public exposition. It's COI, simple as that, or full corruption
>>314452 >It's COI, simple as that, or full corruption This crop of "journalists" see PR and news as the same thing. Into the trash it goes.
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The sonicfag weighs in.
>>313415 My favorite thing about this is the one in the purple dress looks just like the one 'comedienne' who had a beef with Milo for calling her 'darling'.
>>313384 Call her what she is: a nigger with a clever hipster feminazi shitcunt disguise, you guise.
>>313440 I GET IT NOW. They're fucking nuts. Absolutely fucking bonkers. You know what "organized harassment" is really a term for? "Gangstalking." I'll let you kids punch that shit into YouTube and watch as mind == blown and the circle of paranoid insanity completes.
>We have received unconfirmed reports that Ms. Stephanie Guthrie is working, today, at the "White Ribbon Campaign". http://archive.is/eb6tV
>>314674 >"Gangstalking." Like what she did to the sonicfag in Sault Ste. Marie. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=gang+stalking Gang stalking is a form of community mobbing and organised stalking combined. Just like you have workplace mobbing, and online mobbing, which are both fully recognised as legitimate, this is the community form. Gang stalking is organised harassment at it's best. It the targeting of an individual for revenge, jealousy, sport, or to keep them quite, etc. It's a psychological attack that can completely destroy a persons life, while leaving little or no evidence to incriminate the perpetrators."
>>314674 >>314674 The irony is that SJWs regularly and openly participate in organized harrassment.
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https://archive.is/DjQCi >It appears that the Globe and Mail allowed Team #Unfuckwithable take yet one last shot in the real-life facepunch game of Gregory Alan Elliott’s three-year ordeal. But it wasn’t only a shot at Elliott, it was a shot at the newspaper’s credibility. I learned to read newspapers using the Globe back when I was a child, the paper had a special place in my heart because of that- I feel betrayed. https://archive.is/b0KxJ >In 2012 I wrote a story criticising Star columnist Antonia Zerbisias for promoting another unrepentant G20 convict. I didn’t know her reputation back then, turns out she’s a vicious creep who likes to play dirty. Antonia responded by threatening to include me in a story about Internet stalkers that featured Elliott. A couple weeks later I had an unexpected meeting with Gregory Alan Elliott, he didn’t seem like the monster Zerbisias tried to frame him as. Antonia’s temper tantrum was my primary motivation for investigating Elliott’s case- I really must thank her one day. http://neer-do-well-hall-of-infamey.blogspot.com/p/stephanie-guthrie.html >After the Stephanie Guthrie offense and the allegations of a conspiracy up to and including the Office of the Attorney General of Ontario, can one be faulted for assuming that things are NOT better, NOT safer, for straight men? How about they are going 'straight' to fucking hell with a day coming, if it ain't here already, when men are second class citizens in Ontario?
COMPLAIN Prosecutors name is Marnie Goldenberg https://lawsocietytribunal.ca Law Society Tribunal  Suite 402 375 University Avenue Toronto, Ontario  M5G 2J5 Telephone 416-947-5249 Toll free 1-800-668-7380, ext 5249 Fax 416-947-5219 Email General inquiries:  tribunal@lsuc.on.ca
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Wow, are there connections to her at the NP and they have to do damage control?
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A textbook.
>>313328 >Muslims Get rekt, uncle /pol/!
>>315304 His lawyer should chat with the editor. They are literally revised every year >tfw I made it into a textbook one time too for internet shit, but under my handle
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>>313812 It's ELLIOTT! TWO "L"s TWO "T"S FOR I AM THE DEADLY DUPLICATOR! Sorry, couldn't help myself.
>>315298 Not fucking surprised. NAPO decided to hire a new "feminist editor" her first decisons? Dump disqus for facebook, force all sun news papers to get rid of comments. And…then the stories started going to shit. The only thing redeemable at NAPO is their editorial section(most of the time). And it's the same at G&M and TorStar. And these stupid fuckers are still wondering why their readership is dropping.
>>316849 "you get two of everything!" "you think two of something is too much and two of other things is not enough?!"
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Now the sister is in on it. They're both nuts. Can you say DADDY ISSUES
>>316863 Coyne walked when they forced him to shill for Harper. It's dead, Jim.
>>317365 >literally >go die in a fire >sexist >actual >adorable Millennials aren't just scum, they're uncreative scum.
>>317380 I'd love to take this princess into a burn unit with her two kids crisped and see if she says that.

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