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GamerGate Radio

SJWs throw a bottle of piss on Lauren Southern Leader of GamerGate 03/06/2016 (Sun) 06:52:02 Id: 1ba074 No. 318246
SJWs throw a bottle of piss on Lauren Southern wasn't this person making fun of white genocide a month or two ago? its fun seeing cuckservatives and cultural marxists eat each other up
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>>318246 Feminism arguments = a bucket of cold piss >>318271 >muh misgendering No matter how crazy trannies rant about people not using their stupid made-up xir/xhe/xis pronouns and use sophist circular arguments to reinforce their delusion that gender is a social construct which itself, is a misuse of the term, as things like "Tarheels" or "Furries" or "Larouche Democrats" are social-constructs, that can't be scientifically confirmed with a simple crotch-squeeze; other than a few humans with a, specific, unfortunate, but rare birth defect (hermaphrodites)… There are only two biological sexes. Full Stop. >>318277 >>318283 She's a closet Gay MGTOW in a woman's body. Pic related. Also "muh ecelebs" whining maymay >>318340 >>318346 Uncle /pol/, I thought you thought vidjya was degeneracy? Why are you here with [UNSOLICITED VIEWS ABOUT ISRAEL]? Catchpa: bmyhos
>>318347 Vidya being degenerate is just an epic /pol/ meme >Why are you here with [UNSOLICITED VIEWS ABOUT ISRAEL]? Because Lauren Southern whined about her 6,000,000,000,000,000,000 jews on twitter once and then laughed about white genocide, jews are funny creature.
>>318246 Was it really piss? Fucking hell.
>>318358 She deserved it for being a cultural marxist
>>318359 How is she a cultural marxist if she's not pushing for redefining genders and not supporting feminism? Nice try leftist troll.
>>318360 George Soros, Barbera Lerner Spectre are cultural marxists. They support mass immigration in white countries. Laura is an anti-white that laughed at MY race's decling numbers because of what happened 60 years ago, I don't trust her and its good what happened. >implying you know what cultural marxism is
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>>318361 >laughing at white genocide as a concept >literally marxist. Freedom to disagree. Take jokes like a man. If you can't convince the me on the jews behind degeneracy how can you convince the normiefags?
>>318365 Guess who founded marxism? I let you find out yourself. She wined about her pogram against her race, but its fair game to laugh about mine? That's not fair. Especially since our women and children are being treated badly, questioning anything gets you taken away. Its no laughing matter, especially if she isn't willing to do the same. I hope she's reading this >>318365
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>>318277 >>318279 >>318285 >>318353 >>318359 >>318361 >>318371 Why even samefag? Switching UIDs won't hide your autism PLEASE SHOW ME ON THE DOLL WHERE THE HORRIBLE ARIAN LADY TOUCHED YOUR DELICATE FEELS. I know you're false flagging HARD, but just I don't get your angle… Is she too hardcore… Or not hardcore enough… Or you think we're all too stupid to see through your obvious bullshit and just don't care anymore because paycheck.
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>>318393 She's a lolberg and a kike, I'm just mad that nationalists and the alt-right felt sorry about her when she's using other people to her advantage. I don't want to see the alt-right movement die the same way GG did. She even wants to board our Trump train, eck.
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>>318395 >Altright die the same way GG did Yeah something tells me you were in Gamergate for the keks and not for the industry fixing. Also, you guys are pining a lot of hope on Trump.
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>>318395 GG is not a movement, shill.
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>>318399 They called the alt-right a movement, not Gamergate, you autistic faggot. They said they didn't want GG to die the same way.
Hey look at how derailed this thread is and how no one is investigating f91436's list of suspects It's so nostalgic. It's like hq was back before the purge.
>>318398 I planned to fix the industry, but some fat feddie fuck corporate shill got in the way. And ralf. But then ralf gets in everyone's way. Because he's as big as an Arby's. So like Herr Tacos, I joined the Trumpening. By pretending to be a #BernieBro ;× Commies are much more susceptible to turning on their Hive Queen if they're given the goodies by a "fellow outraged revolutionary prole" Hell I did such a gr8 job since last november I've actually earned Camping for the Bern. Now I know the elation those double-agents involved in Iran-contra or Columbia felt, hyuck hyuck.
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>>318417 This tread is about a hot viking blonde goddess getting splashed with piss in public all it needs is a cameraman and at least 4 black bulls with giant cocks ramming in her every orifice. And me fapping furiously to it So yeah it was doomed to deril from the start
At the rate shit is going, it's time to get violent against the SJW feminists. Stooping to the level of the SJW feminists may be the only way to save North America from the communist infiltrators.
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>>318398 There sure has been alot of industry fixing with Anita taking away our games by scaring Japanese. I gave up when I saw it was going no where. Now I'm focused on just stopping cultural marxists and cuckservatives.
>>318417 What's to investigate? Laura is is only relevant to GG in "The enemy of our enemy (SJWs) is our friend"-sense and since she was doused with bodily-fluids instead of say, water, the attack is classified as criminal assault (and probable hate-crime) for the police to investigate. If anything, we'd get in the the polices' way.
- I don't think feminists you've been quoting saying we should put men in concentration camps are feminists that wants equality. There are different types of feminists. - I don't think there's different types of feminists. - So are you saying that some feminists that want equality for both genders and one that says I want women to be superior are the same? - No, they are not feminists. Okay, so I assume that only true feminists cheer up and laugh when dissent is covered in piss, then flip the bird when they walk away. The true face of real feminism everybody. Fucking retards
A little surprised no one put up this related video. If there's going to be debate, maybe there can be some about this. Mostly about what Richard Heathan is saying. The guy at 2:38 is someone I'd probably want to have a beer with. Quick question though, what's a 'lolbert'? Lolbertarian?
>>318487 It means libertarian. Its a way of saying the libertarian movement is dead, it died a decade ago. however new age nationalism is taking its place. The alt-right.
>>318488 And what of anarchists? They seem like hippies.
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>>318456 >getting in the cops way thats our specialty
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>>318454 Interpretation, you wanted political solutions instead of grassroot long term fixes. Good for you. However, altright is more your speed.
>>318493 Wasn't alot of the problems in gamergate because of CommonCore and TPP? These are things we can get rid of with political solutions, and gaming will be much better if politicians do.
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>>318496 I don't trust politicians. Of course, Trump is the hot shit now for possible fixes on issues such as TPP and Common Core, both of which he has stated to be in opposition with, along with the corrupt media. Whether real change will come if he is elected is another issue, however.
>>318508 Trump is no more a Jack Thompson fag who thinks that violent vydias create monsters??
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>>318496 Yes, GameJournoPros members were shilling their friends' games and pushing social justice because of CommonCore and TPP.
>>318523 Alot of GamerJouroPros members were indoctrinated by Common Core, things like TPP just stand in the way of free speech. Once those are taken down, along with taking down "freedom of the press" laws and tackling corruption in media and politics, we can take on GameJournoPros. Go for the head, remember what fuels ComicGate, Sad Puppies and anti-racist Oscars.
>>318509 They all seem to follow that path, so no matter who gets to win, you'll have a president against video games. At this point, you have to vote for the few things you agree with. >>318523 The education system that put in place those fucking SJWs reeks of Common Core. When teachers are applauding their students for being offended at anything while teaching them to rebel against society and impose their own line of reasoning, there's a problem. Politics have no place in school. School should give you the too necessary to form your own opinion, not draw you all the way there. When the people in government (who also push Common Core in the system) applaud the reaction of said SJW, you KNOW something's up.
>>318543 >They all seem to follow that path, so no matter who gets to win, you'll have a president against video games. Obama, for all his faults, came out against videogame censorship in 2008, while Hillary Clinton and John McCain supported it. He's never done anything to attempt government censorship of vidya while in office either. He's been complicit in the rise of SJWism in many ways, but this isn't one of them. Small favors, I guess.
>>318778 In a way, yes. On the other hand the monsters he contributed to create are pushing for censorship in video games… and these monsters won't go away when he's out of the White House. The cycle is complete. It's more difficult to be do something when you're "the one" deciding for everyone else (because you have to fight against a huge mass of people), but when you establish a grass root movement that makes it look like "everybody" is on the same boat, it's easier to promote your shit. Most of the crap he pushed into the system, he did using that method.
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>>318340 > Someone insulted her for being Jewish > she turns around and triggers them I see nothing wrong with putting shit stirring trolls into hysterics over muh buzzwords >>318347 >tfw I've wanted to do Ibin peppe's schtick for years >tfw he did it better than I could imagine

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