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GamerGate Radio

>>324251 "lose some weight honey" "FUCK YOU RACIST!" that is not the correct tone or response to a stranger commenting on your weight.
>>324260 >"FUCK YOU RACIST!" I had to listen to the clip a couple of times, but she actually said "RAPIST". Then again at this point, that's po tay toe poh tah toe with SJWs.
>>324251 >CHUCK YER PRIVLUG >lose some weight >FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCKING RACIST/RAPIST not sure which xer's accusing him of being I think Sommers said it best. 3rd wave campus feminism is pure madness.
>>324266 I think it's subconcious fear & anger at the future they chose; gender studies, with no career path or hope for their financial future when adulthood finally sinks in. Meanwhile, I'm posting this from my office terminal at a Big 3 auto company with no college degree or student loans, instead of making or selling cars. This situation and our society makes little sense :^)
This university is surely getting roasted https://www.facebook.com/DePaulUniversity/reviews/#
>>324270 Goddamn, I wonder had it looked like yesterday.
The dindus have been identified as Edward Ward and Kayla Johnson. Kayla's twitter is currently on lockdown, but their facebooks should be easy enough to find.
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>>324292 Oh you are gonna love this
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The university finally speaks about the whole shebang,the usual platitudes for those not willing to read overly long appology/excuse memos
>>324304 > Whole half is basically "fuck Milo" I almost can't blame him. If he doesn't virtue signal to the extreme, the animals will be upon him next.
>>324310 But at the same time, I don't doubt he believes every word he wrote, so I hope they do it anyway.
>>324310 >>324311 I'm confused… do you not know how not to samefag?
>>324315 Is this some kind of super-ultra-omega-meta-trolling? Or painful ignorance?
>>324294 >Kayla Johnson http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2016/05/25/meet-depaul-protester-waved-microphone-milos-face/ >The second lead protester at last night’s event at DePaul University has been identified as Kayla Johnson, the daughter of Juanita Johnson, who serves as the Chicago Police Department’s Director of Administration. >Edward Ward http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2016/05/25/lead-depaul-protester-speaks-milo-threatens-safety-cause-massacres/ >According to Ward, the protesters at the event didn’t feel that they were shutting down free speech. “This is not a point of shutting down free speech, it’s the point of shutting down hate speech” and promised to “continue to do so long as there’s anything that’s happening that threatens my safety.’ SJWs also shouted at and called Kati Danforth, a black and female student (studying math) a racist for defending Milo. http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2016/05/25/black-depaul-student-condemns-blm-activists-defends-milo/ >After Yiannopoulos invited the student on stage so that she could address the protesters directly, she identified herself as Kati Danforth, a math major at DePaul University, who also serves on the board of the DePaul College Republicans. >For contradicting the efforts of the Black Lives Matter protesters, one of the protesters called Danforth a white supremacist when she took the stage. “I am a white supremacist now because I believe in hard work and deciding that I need to make a life for myself – that makes me a racist, a bigot, and a white supremacist.” >She told the protesters that their actions were disrespectful. “You’re being lazy and disrespectful. I’m pretty sure your parents didn’t raise you to be disrespectful.” >“The College Republicans and a lot of conservative organizations paid for this event to happen. This event isn’t happening because you’ve chosen to be disrespectful.
Doesn't this set the precedence that you can go to any and all events held at that university with a whistle, rush the stage, and disrupt them as much as you want until they are forced to shut down? If they claim free speech, call it hate speech, and regardless of what the event is actually about, keep yelling about Donald Trump and Black Lives Matter.
>>324322 Of course it's upsetting. It's scary how no one is taking a stand against this in administration either. Why is security not being reprimanded?
>>324328 >Of course it's upsetting. It's scary how no one is taking a stand against this in administration either. Why is security not being reprimanded? AFAIK the story is security and cops were told by the uni administration to not lay a finger on the protesters.
>>324322 >Doesn't this set the precedence that you can go to any and all events held at that university with a whistle, rush the stage, and disrupt them as much as you want until they are forced to shut down? Precedent was set a while back IMO. Remember the arthur "it ends…tonight" chu bomba tweet and false bomb call against the Gamergate meetup with Milo and CHSommers? Setting off fire alarms to shut down some MRA hate speech rally at a university? Literally throwing piss at a white cis het hatemonger named Lauren Southern? SocJus Cultists are the current year Ministers of Love Peace and Tolerance, ready to dispense whistles and violent threats, and actual violence in the name of Love Peace and Tolerance.
https://archive.is/OQY5n DePaul Professor Teaches Homosexual Politics, Defended Pedophile Incident A professor at DePaul University in Chicago, who is currently teaching the course “Creating Change: Contemporary GLBT Politics” and helped pioneer DePaul’s Gender Studies and LGBTQ Studies programs, is something of a celebrity in pedophilia circles for her 1979 article downplaying the damaging effects of childhood homosexual activity with an adult. http://las.depaul.edu/academics/womens-and-gender-studies/faculty/Pages/beth-kelly.aspx
>>324362 And the fact that the left can't distinguish between crazy child-rapist fucks like this and mentally competent queers is the reason why elements of the right can still maintain anti-gay beliefs and agenda's. Because if the people supporting gays are telling you that being gay and being a child-fucker are the same, then how do you expect the guys who think both are morally wrong to distinguish between them?
https://archive.is/xi3xH DePaul committee aware of Dean Koocher’s ties to torture guidelines The authors closed by saying, “Koocher’s consistent defense of psychologists playing an aggressive role in the war on terror; his abuse of the language of ethics to obscure rather than elucidate the ethical problems that such actions reflect; his working to distort the validity of claims that psychologists have played a nefarious role in the recent history of abuse; and, in particular, his snide and sometimes personal attacks against those who disagree with him all reveal a man who subordinates principle to political opinions and who creates an atmosphere that is antithetical to humanistic values.” http://www.depaul.edu/about/administration/Pages/koocher.aspx
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>>324232 >>324246 >>324304 He's doing a good job exposing the cancer in academia. Whether it can be fully routed is anyone's guess. http://archive.is/f0TAC
Meet DePaul’s Radical Director of ‘Religious Diversity’ http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2016/05/26/meet-depauls-radical-director-of-religious-diversity/ http://mattforney.com/abdul-malik-ryan/ > In a deleted post from 2008, he praises Anwar al-Awlaki, the leader of al-Qaeda in Yemen. > Ryan also heaps praise on the “Mujahideen” (guerrilla terrorists) killing American soldiers in Iraq and affirms his support for establishing an “Islamic State”
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http://archive.is/a16fA Their fagbook page is getting absolutely wrecked and there's not a damn thing they can do about it. That first comment really seals the deal for me on this whole clusterfuck its amazing that they would let their own students run amock and disrupt events and let their guests provide their own security while theirs just stand around with their thumbs up their asses
>>324432 >Their fagbook page is getting absolutely wrecked and there's not a damn thing they can do about it. I like this one: >My father, a (legal) immigrant graduated from DePaul in 1958. I was so proud of him, even though I was only 8 at the time. >My wife graduated from DePaul in 1979. >Two of my daughters graduated from DePaul in the early 2010s. They attended the university because of heritage and reputation. I get phone calls soliciting donations from DePaul just about every week. >Rest assured that, because of the shameful, discriminatory, and (yes, I'll use the word) fascist behavior of the students and faculty at the university, with no consequence to them, any thought of donations to the university is now gone. >You may live by the whistle, but it is my hope that you die by the dollar.
>>324432 >>324436 Absolutely SAVAGE
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Sometimes I wonder if we should just take away the rights that we've given to those nigger monkeys. It is clear that they cannot evolve from the past.
>>324414 >gets so buttmad that milo even exists she quits >universities shouldn't be neutral platforms for the exchange of ideas >free speech is a lie >obey And nothing of value was lost.
>>324414 Good, one less ideologue shitting up the college.
Honestly I would have preferred to see Milo get slapped or something. He's a bigger twat these days then he ever was before…
Milo at UCLA Event almost disrupted by "protesters" This looks like its becoming a fad like streaking
>>324629 >Event almost disrupted by "protesters" >This looks like its becoming a fad like streaking Noice. And that's a best case scenario for socjus. Public opinion is already slowly but surely starting to turn against socjus and sjws everytime they throw their tantrums.
>>324629 >>324629 Its like they cant even work out thats exactly what milo wants them to do.
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Here's a video clip from Milo's UCI event. After the talk started, the protesters started getting violent with the people who did not manage to get in. (Over 1000 Milo fans were turned away from the event, due to limited seating)

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