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GamerGate Radio

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Final Heaven for Kotaku? Lich Lord of GamerGate 04/20/2018 (Fri) 07:07:30 Id: 904250 No. 331719
The Prophesied End The website Kotaku, one of Gawker's former properties and one of the major opponents faced by #GG and gamers around the world, is in a dire situation. Univision, the new parent company who bought up Gawker's old properties (Gizmodo, Kotaku, Lifehacker, Deadspin, Jezebel, io9, and others) is currently facing a minor crisis. Univision bought Kotaku in the wake of the devastating Hogan trial believing, to some degree, that the Gawker properties were actually breadwinners and that Gawker had merely been sunk by an untimely lawsuit. Why else would they sink millions of dollars into them? But the Gawker sites are now underperforming. Badly. DISNOD long ago stripped Gawker, and especially Kotaku, of its major ad revenue sources and many of us suspected that Kotaku itself was only being kept alive by cash infusions from other, slightly less crippled Gawker properties. Univision are now feeling that financial weight like an Albatross around their necks, and they are pissed. Word is that Univision is about to do a major overhaul and possible decimation of the old Gawker sites, and we have an opportunity to help them put Kotaku out of the entire Internet's collective misery. The Idea CONTACT UNIVISION Direct your correspondence to the CEO Randy Falco and to whom it may concern. Contact form: https://corporate.univision.com/contact/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/UCIPRTeam Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/univision Public phone: 1-212-455-5200 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/univision The Message The truth. You, and I, and everyone else on the goddamned Internet has been boycotting Gawker media's properties and advertisers for the past several years. This extends to Univision. And the retards who made us all mad enough to do this all work at Kotaku. Stephen Totilo. Nathan Grayson. Jason Schreier. Patricia Hernandez. Luke Plunkett (remember how he shamed the scientist who landed a probe on a comet?). All of them. Name names. There is no need to mention #GamerGate - as we always did, this is an individual effort. Tell them that you're still mad as hell, and you're not going to take Kotaku's shit anymore. And then consider offering them this: If they either get rid of Kotaku completely, or get rid of every single one of the assholes working there and gut the place from Totilo on down, you will consider (not necessarily obligated to do, of course) ending your boycott of all the Univision properties. The Ammunition DEEPFREEZE http://deepfreeze.it/outlet.php?o=kotaku Everything you could ever ask for is at this link. Hitpieces. Conflicts of interest. You name it. Refresh yourself on why we've been doing this for four years, and really let them have it! The Timetable One week. We blow up their corporate contacts for one week starting today, with as many people as we can reach. This is time sensitive: Univision is working up their overhaul plan right now, and their employees are expecting layoffs to start within two weeks. We've got a narrow window to influence them, so don't sit around waiting for other people to do the work! Their message boxes being full come Monday morning would be the best outcome. The Win Condition Univision sees that keeping Kotaku around really is more trouble and expense than they're worth. Univision themselves are somewhat pozzed, but they bought Kotaku for one thing: To make money. If we convince them that Kotaku dying is good for their bottom line, then we can push them over the edge and put an end to that shitstain blog. It's a chance too big to pass up.
Kotaku writer calling for devs to blacklist another gaming site. https://archive.fo/u6qre
>>331729 >>331728 >>331727 Is any of this stuff on Deepfreeze? If not, might be worth also posting it in the dedicated thread for it so it can be updated, or submitting to their website via however that's done.
>>331730 What the hell happened to DeepFreeze anyway? It's not been updated for months.
>>331731 The admin, Bonegolem is on personal hiatus with IRL stuff. DF isnt going anywhere.
Sent them this ———————- To whom it may concern: I am writing Univision concerning the recent announcement of problems with the former Gawker media properties. For the past several years I have been boycotting these sites (Kotaku, Jezebel, io9, etc.) based upon the odious behavior of the writers at the site Kotaku. I am a gamer, and have been since the early 1990s. The things their site has said about me, the ignorance they have displayed, and the outright maliciousness they have voiced about my hobby would be flatly libelous if said about any individual by name. That's all on top of their total lack of journalistic integrity and blatant conflicts of interest! When I voiced my complaints to Gawker Media I was ignored, and so I joined a large public boycott of all the Gawker Media properties and their advertisers. I ask that Univision consider removing or retiring the Kotaku brand and/or all the writers working at that site, from Stephen Totilo on down. If Univision is willing to do this, I will hold that as evidence that the former Gawker properties are interested in turning over a new leaf, and end my boycott. I believe that many thousands of others who publicly boycotted Gawker due to Kotaku's antics at the same time I did would be very interested as well. Thank you for your time.
This is great, thanks for the heads-up! I'm going through Deepfreeze now and writing up a message. I'll post it here once I've finished. I am curious though, where did this juicy bit of info from OP come from? >Word is that Univision is about to do a major overhaul and possible decimation of the old Gawker sites,… Do we have a spy on the inside, or are there just rumors floating around on twitter?
>>331734 Just submitted my comment. I did reference Leigh Alexander, so it's possible that my comment loses some of its teeth for being less timely. That being said, it's an honest evaluation of the current state of affairs, and I directly link the sort of scummy behavior exhibited by her to why Kotaku is seeing such lousy readership now. Full text below this line: _________ To whom it may concern at Univision, I would like to express my disappointment in one of your properties, Kotaku. I have been an avid videogame player my whole life, and I used to enjoy reading Kotaku articles about my hobby, my little corner of the world. Several years ago, however, it seemed that Kotaku was moving in a strange direction. Instead of covering events that gamers would find interesting, Kotaku started insulting and antagonizing its own audience. The prime example of this is a piece by author Leigh Alexander, released on August 28th, 2014, titled " Gamers don't have to be your audience. Gamers are over". Within this article, she refers to game culture as "embarrassing", and says that it's full of people who know "little about how human social interaction and professional life works". She refers to the people that disagree with her as "people who are okay with an infantilized cultural desert of shitty behavior". Finally, she closes out this article with the inflammatory statement that, "These obtuse shitslingers, these wailing hyper-consumers, these childish internet-arguers – they are not my audience. They don’t have to be yours. There is no ‘side’ to be on, there is no ‘debate’ to be had." Univision, I'm sorry, but me and my friends dealt with enough immature bullying in middle school and high school. It is completely unacceptable for a publication to treat its primary audience this way. Otherwise, they will rapidly find that they no longer have an audience. I stopped reading Kotaku articles after that, and I made sure that all of my friends did as well. I don't have a single gamer friend now that reads any piece by Kotaku. In addition to insulting its audience, Kotaku has also engaged in some other questionable behavior. For example, writer Kirk Hamilton released an article on 5/23/2012 titled "How Diablo III's Always-On Internet Requirement Makes it a Better Game", discussing why a requirement that was limiting the ability of players to make use of a product they purchased improved the product, in his eyes. His opening paragraph, on the always-online requirement, includes the quote, "It was a reminder that consumers have lost a portion of their ownership of the game, that we no longer have complete control even over whether or not our game will start". For him to go from this statement to the point of the article, that this requirement improves the game, seems like a difficult case to make. It's certainly possible that there is just an honest disagreement between author and audience here. Except, as Kirk notes himself in his own article, he had released a different article just the week before that stating that always-online requirements are a big problem. So what changed? Well, readers noted that this article was written in the midst of a large ad campaign for the very same game that was the topic of this article. The Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) has published a Code of Ethics that journalists are encouraged to abide by. Some selected items from this code include: - "Avoid stereotyping. Journalists should examine the ways their values and experiences may shape their reporting." - "Ethical journalism treats sources, subjects, colleagues and members of the public as human beings deserving of respect." - "Avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived. Disclose unavoidable conflicts." - "Deny favored treatment to advertisers, donors, or any other special interests, and resist internal and external pressure to influence coverage." Comparing this code of ethics to some of the actions taken by Kotaku, I'm inclined to think of the organization not as a journalism outfit, but instead as a clickbait tabloid, run by opinionated bloggers. Some of the events I've described above, as well as many more that have occurred over the years, are why I and many other gamers that I know find Kotaku to be a deeply unethical organization. Accordingly, we refuse to support it in any way, and are highly apprehensive about supporting organizations affiliated with it. As the parent company of Kotaku, it is my hope that Univision is able to right some of these wrongs. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, a human being deserving of respect from the SPJ, and an alleged "obtuse shitslinger" by Kotaku
>>331737 Leigh Alexander's "Gamers are over" article was published on Gamasutra which is owned by UBM - it has nothing to do with Kotaku or Univision. Nice work, you fucking moron!
>>331726 Mods, can you edit OP's post to include that URL? It's easy to get lost in a sea of messages, and the phone number requirement might kill a lot of people's intrest in doing it. Also, a reminder to all- Don't copy what someone else has done It could get filtered as a bot.
Hit up their contact page and sent them a well worded letter, named names, etc. It would be nice to finally live in a world without Kotaku. Nobody needs articles like "why X game character should be genderqueer fluid" just talk about the fucking game and gameplay.
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>>331753 Noyice
>>331753 >>331822 Good progress, but now it seems Shitaku and Gizmodo themselves are shooting themselves in the foot - they just posted a huge article complaining that Univision is a 'fucking mess'. Can't archive the article for some reason with archive.fo, it keeps erroring out. There is no doubt they are going to get sacked hard. The end of the road is close.
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>>331719 I know that the question "why would a Spanish-American media conglomerate buy Gawker Media and its component properties?" is a dumb one, but I seriously can't help but ask. Seems like a dumb move across the board.
>>331841 I'd like to clarify: I know the reason why anyone purchases stock, merges, or acquires anything: potential market value. The minutiae of a product's general morality or beliefs is irrelevant. Although, wouldn't any effective corporation with basic understanding of economics know that something divisive is inherently risky and in constant flux of value? Seems like it would've been a good idea to wait for the storm clouds to pass before making the decision, since I'm pretty sure Univision would be able to purchase it no matter how popular GM got. GM seems like a secondary source of cash flow at its best. It's fucking "print media" for fuck's sake. Univision deserves this and they're fucking retarded.
https://twitter.com/BreitbartTech/status/994317333580705793 (https://archive.is/VAVqi) http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2018/05/09/gizmodo-media-attacks-struggling-parent-company-univision-fcking-mess/ (https://archive.is/zBmuL) https://specialprojectsdesk.com/univision-is-a-fucking-mess-1825836622 (Archiving wouldn't work) > Gizmodo Media Attacks ‘Struggling’ Parent Company Univision: ‘F*cking Mess’ Gizmodo just gave us the perfect ammo!! > In the article, titled “Univision Is A Fucking Mess,” Gizmodo Media’s digital investigative unit Special Projects Desk dedicated over 7,000 words to Gizmodo Media Group parent company Univision. > “This is the story of how corporate raiding, complacency, excess, and incompetence are gutting a media company that matters to tens of millions of people,” the article declared. “It’s not a novel story, and perhaps not even scandalous by the standards of corporate opulence: A shark-obsessed boss, millions wasted on consultants, and an executive who insisted on publishing softcore porn are more embarrassing buffoonery than insidious greed. The main problem — the billions in debt the company ran up in the process of its owners buying it and weighing it down — is practically routine in media and beyond; that doesn’t make it any less infuriating.” > “This company is Univision, which until recently obligingly filled the role of absentee stepfather to Gizmodo Media Group, our employer,” they continued. “Now, Univision’s business is struggling, and GMG has suddenly found itself under a very watchful eye.” > The article was posted on Twitter by the official account for Kotaku, a Gizmodo Media outlet, which claimed Univision was “struggling.” (Kotaku's tweet here: https://archive.is/0WciB) > Several Gizmodo Media employees also posted the article on Twitter. > “Hi, our parent company is fucked and we probably are too,” proclaimed the deputy editor of Deadspin, while a Gizmodo Media editorial director posted, “Just another quiet day at the office. what’s new with you guys?” (https://archive.is/dsEpI https://archive.is/2Jjeq There are more examples in the article) Seems like they know they're goose is cooked so they're… Lashing out? Well, lets not look a gift horse in the mouth! SEND IT IN! SQUEAL & TATTLE ON THEM!! Breitbart even used the GG/Gizmondo dog-fight picture.
>>331844 Just sent this. (message below line) Is it good enough? _________ To concerned parties I'm sending this to express disappointment at one of the properties you own named "Kotaku". I've been playing videogames since I was a child and to see that I, and people who consume the same media as I do were vilified by this publication is far beyond disgusting for a publication that's made for service of these people. Since 2014, it appeared that Kotaku started to move in a bizarre direction after making a series of articles where they described videogame players as "dead". Instead of covering events that would interest gamers, they've been attacking their targeted reader-base on a frequent basis. Just recently it appeared that there is a article that Kotaku made that described your company as a "mess". The http address below goes to an archived version of Kotaku's Twitter post in question (it also has been known that the article got repeated by Gizmodo, it's sister sites and it's employees through their Twitter feeds). https://archive.is/0WciB An example of two of the employees that said that the company's "doomed" through their personal Twitter posts can be found below (archived versions are referenced so that it can't be taken down in the future). https://archive.is/dsEpI https://archive.is/2Jjeq There are possibly more examples to note, but I just listed two. An archive of the article can be found at the address below. http://archive.is/P9Avv There had been many more instances of similar events over the years from Gizmodo media group that is far beyond the scope of this, but I don't want to waste too much time on those. I am a mere person actively boycotting anyone who supports direct attacks against the consumer and am hoping that Univision (being the owner of Gizmodo Media Group) could right these injustices. Sincerely A consumer advocate, a human deserving of at least a inch of respect, and "obtuse shitslinger" as had been described by Kotaku.
>>331845 Das it mang. The rest of you, don't be afraid you have to type this formally. Speak with your words. Just polite.
>>331846 There's the issue. Type it too casually, ant it'll just get shrugged off. Type it too long, and then several departments will go "Meh, too long, din't read". I've tried to meet in the middle with this. Glad to see that looks good.
Just saw vid related (Hooktube if you want: https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=pQmd_jJn-Uo) Is it even worth sending that to them? Showing how little they're liked in a short 5-min vid? Or keep updating the archive and ask them to pay attention to the comments (where all the most liked ones are variations on "get fucked")?
Old trip. ?
>>331848 I'd try to keep an e-mail polite, and not make it to short, but it shouldn't be a wall of text, either. Also, one word of advice, only use explicit language when it's a direct quote of somebody else or not avoidable. >>331850 What's you're security clearance, and if you're from the US Department of Energy, what are you doing on this board?
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What's Q's real trip?
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TURNING UP THE HEAT OPERATION DISRESPECTFUL NOD IS BACK ON THE MENU BOYS! #GamerGate Operation Disresectful Nod Advertiser Update 5-9-2018 Subject: Kotaku Adsense Ceeny.com hello@ceeny.com Netflix (Lost in Space) 1-866-579-7172 https://media.netflix.com/en/contact-us Dillons grocery/Kroger products https://www.kroger.com/customercomments https://twitter.com/Kroger Tenikle.com lydia@tenikle.com 714-722-4768 Pizza Hut https://commentform.marketforce.com/commentform/pizzahut.aspx 1-800-948-8488 (U.S.) Hulu distribution@hulu.com Brownells https://www.brownells.com/aspx/general/contact_us.aspx TheDailyGadgets.com
[Expand Post]help@thedailygadgets.com assetstore.unity.com https://www.twitter.com/unity3d https://support.unity3d.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=65905 SaveWizard https://www.savewizard.net/contact.php Warthunder press@gaijinent.com Wargame 1942 info@gamigo.com Grepolis game https://www.innogames.com/company/contact/ IMCGames Granado Espada business@imc.co.kr Elsword online game https://elsword.koggames.com/press/ Gamesflight.com (Minecraft) http://www.gamesflight.com/contact Blastgamesnetwork.com (Minecraft again) support@blastgamesnetwork.com Gopro Hero https://gopro.com/help/ContactUs Subway Surfers game business@kiloo.com 1800flowers.com https://affiliateprogram.1800flowers.com/contactus.html Native Ads: Udemy press@udemy.com affiliates@udemy.com Huckberry.com support@huckberry.com 1 (855) 325-8998 Affiliate links Amazon (everywhere) 1 (888) 280-4331 Investor Relations: amazon-ir@amazon.com Advertising division contact form: https://advertising.amazon.com/lp/dpreview-contact-sales ProFlowers 1 (800) 580-2913 wecare@proflowers.com bouqs.com 1 (888) 320-2687 https://help.bouqs.com/hc/en-us/requests/new hermanmiller.com 1 (888) 443-4357 1(888) 798-0202 https://store.hermanmiller.com/contactus?lang=en_US worldmarket.com https://twitter.com/hermanmiller Puma shoes customerservice@puma.com 1-888-565-PUMA (7862) clickandgrow.com press@clickandgrow.com info@clickandgrow.com marcjacobsbeauty.com https://www.marcjacobsbeauty.com/contact customerservice@marcjacobsbeauty.com Univision main advertising partner: INTEL (408) 765-8080 https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/forms/corporate/corporate-questions-contact-us.html
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I kinda feel sorry for Smash players now.
Elon musk want to start a website that rate journalist. >HA <HA >HA <HA >HA
Any chance someone can delete the vandalizing posts from the white knighting faggots like >>332020?
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>>332041 WEW LAD Somebody's mad as fuck. What did we do this time?
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>>332044 no idea, could just be /intl/ wanting to troll us again, could be /leftypol/, could be /baph/ but more than likely it was /ggrevolt/ since they had a hate on for you in particular. though this kind of thing happened before when we got promoted site-wide across all the boards. anyway, thanks for cleaning up the board.
>>332052 I check the place usually 2 or 3 times a day. Once in a great while they get lucky and catch us right after I've gone out somewhere, and it goes overnight before I see it. Anyway, you're welcome.
Once it is just a memory and Nathan Greyson is reduced to being a meth addicted AIDS infected rentboy who has to live under a bridge I will be happy again.
>>332067 For me its Ben Kuchera. I said back in 2014 that when he is reduced to sucking dick for dollar menu money under a San Fran overpass I would consider #GamerGate finished. Not one minute earlier.
>>331719 i love this place thanks for being, all of you xoxox
>>331722 some anon said the real reason of zoe quin's protection ring was that she was a drug dealer for all those sick puppies jewrnalists i dont have it on file though>>331722
The GamerGate 4th Anniversary is coming soon. Any plans on celebrations and drawings and stuff like that?

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