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MLPOL Thread Anonymous 02/23/2023 (Thu) 17:30:34 No. 102
Politically incorrect discussions
it is kinda already started with shit like big mouth most people are still too healthy to like it tho it starts with >feel good about your body
>>904 9 fucking seasons and out of no where they put that faggot shit in there, disgusting >>905 big mouth is a pedophile abomination
>>906 what is the most fucked up is they think they can control what people grow into like I couldn't imagine the arrogance, it isn't about the children, for me, it is just fuck off, you aren't that smart it is genetic if you're a male, and all women are bisexual, like it isn't this complicated, it is like they are trying to teach instincts
>>907 >what is the most fucked up is they think they can control what people grow into of course that's why they are after the children! its the parents job to decide whats best for there children not the fucking fag government
>>908 fuck man, I don't even know about that, I have nothing better then the parents(father) deciding for their children, but r type people are very prevalent, and those people can't care about their children
>>909 eh /r faggots are gonna have kids not much can be done about that but (((they))) should keep there hands away from mine
>>910 care about your own children for sure, but not going to be enough like these gene errors can show up in your children even when you and your wife are healthy it is the nature of reproduction, there is more ways to go wrong then right, you have to allow something that kills off the offspring that deviates from the healthy genetic template like if I ever have children, none of getting vaxxed, if your immune system can't handle shit, you weren't meant to live
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>>878 >>902 based and khornepilled
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I hate jews, lol.
>>911 This is why I give my kids plenty of soy products. If it turns them gay then they weren't genetically fit enough to deserve to reproduce in the first place. We're trying to evolve the master race here - not a bunch of faggots who get emasculated by mere beans.
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>>1045 whats worse? Niggers or Jews?
>>1047 Jews by far.
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>>1046 all women are bi, it is genetic for male, and gay males keep the culture, so as long as they aren't practicing homosexuality it is fine
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>>1048 got to disagree no way ((small hats)) are worse then the urban apes for one there everywhere! I can't stand niggers they are loud and ugly they dumb down and destroy every culture they come across
>>1047 I think Jews are worse, some black people behave like monkeys but not all of them.
>>1049 homosexuality must be abolished, it is literally against the values ​​of Christ. We must follow a traditional society that maintains family values
>>1052 if they have fag sex they should be put to death, but we need shamans, they are the shaman caste
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opinions on maga this coming election, will aMeRiCa be gReAt AgAiN?
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Everything in the State, nothing against the State, and nothing outside the State.
Do Jews still control the world via banks? Or do they use other methods now?
>>1057 they must use other methods too, many of them infiltrate politics
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>>1057 >control via banks most definitely yes, its in there nature to hide in the shadow and make deals when the opportune is ripe keep a close eye at the world stage
>>1057 Banks, academia, the media and more
Merry Christmas.
>>1068 You too.
Exterminating gays is the right thing to do, we must exterminate this type of minority from this piss society and take the Jews with them.
We must attack gays at all costs, we will kill all the faggots in this country.
Heil Hitler.
>>1083 Don't be mean. Just give them to me.
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Russia banned gender change What a great country that is aware of things, Putin is a very conscious guy, Russia is the best country today, it prevents its population from being dirty with these fagots, countries that allow this surgery are really causing the end of the world, human beings It's not a lizard or some type of fish to keep changing gender, if you were born a man you have to accept it and not affect the masculinity of others.
Races and minorities that deserve to be exterminated in this piss society: - Jews - transsexuals - Gays - Leftists - Stoners
If love builds castles, hate raise empires.
>>1101 >Stoners You've never had any of that good-good, brah. None of that pygmy-icky, that Indian burn, that green Alabama, that Maine cul-de-sac, that Purple Smart, that stinky-chinky.
>>1102 A healthy society needs both, it isn't black and white. Love for our own people (ponies), hate for those who try or conspire to threaten against it.
>>1123 Exactly what fascism is looking for, dumbass.

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