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Cinnamon Bun's Thread Anonymous 07/23/2023 (Sun) 17:01:33 No. 599
Hi Everypony! Throughout the month I will be posting videos. I will be posting a video of our dear Cinnamon Bun (and maybe some bonus pictures). These posts will be erotic in nature, and are ultimately up to me; with what I want to show or do. But with that said, the contents within the video, can be requested by (((You))). Same goes for any pictures. Requests: Overview and rules Everypony is free to make a request about what they would like to see during the month. I want to be clear that Cinnamon is a learning mare, she is from the country mind you not some German zoo brothel, so request accordingly. Things to keep in mind 1) If somepony has already posted your request, then just 1+ vote that post. The more votes, the higher the chance of that specific request being picked 2) Every request must be posted with a pony. Any request or 1+ that is not accompanied by a pony, will be promptly ignored. This is /mlp/ we have our standards
Edited last time by Sprinkle on 08/10/2023 (Thu) 14:25:20.
>>980 This goes to everyone not just the BM's owner
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>>979 yeah sorry about that shit gets in the way and times flies, we are both very good at the moment she enjoys the summer >>980 Thank you for being so understanding, rest assured that I have some big things planned if everything in irl works out as I hoped >I am happy to answer what made me like mares, how I first became a zoophile in general, and more! go right ahead and share are you planning to get ponies or big ol' horses? also how did you find this board? did u come from /zoo or 4chan?
>>983 >are you planning to get ponies or big ol' horses? I am planning on a space large enough for bigger horses but if I can go either way since personality is key to me.| >lso how did you find this board? did u come from /zoo or 4chan? I found this board being referenced several times on Equibooru and Derpibooru, normally the comments would be along the lines of "These guys get to taste real ponies" or "Look at this shithole"
>>981 What made you into a zoo?
>>986 When I was around 12, our family had a cow, I would share more because from that alone it sounds pretty sketchy but I think this breaks the rules. But its not like a "horny teen" thing I swear
>>987 Continuing this, our family was on a decent size of land maybe 2/5 or 3/5 of an acre. One day grandpa and grandma brought home an old cow, a Hereford if I am correct she was around 16 years old so it got like this: >Be me >Lonely 12 year old. >no friends, since I am introvert >always wanted a pet but was too afraid to ask parents about getting one >Hear grandparents brought home a cow >Got a little excited so I went out to see >Female Hereford cow >"Why did you bring her here, grandpa?" >"She was a friend's plowin cow, they don't got a place for her anymore, so she's staying here. She's yours by the way, I know how much you like animals." >Cool, I have a friend now >Spend some late evenings at a library learning how to care for and interact with a cow >She lives in the empty backyard workshop with a few barn cats we had to catch mice >She's old but her favorite thing was playing chase with me so learned to calm down and ran slowly for her >We spend hours together, chilling and playing >Notice she gets sad when I have to go to school or go to sleep >Decides to move a sleeping bag and a small chair out to study so I can spend more time with her >talk to her alot and it seems at time she understood me >thanks to her I became more social at school >"Told ya, that boy just needed a pet to open up" >Heard grandparents proclaiming to my parents who were hesitant about the cow >Around that time, I got my first ipod after I found it inside the dumpster of an alleyway >Was dirty, barely working but still turned on >Bring it to the local repair shop with my pocket money so I could get it repaired >"Here ye go kid, you want some cartoons on it too? I got plenty and I will only charge you 2 dollars" >Hell yeah, family TV was always used by dad so this is great >Bring the ipod home and into the workshop to tell the cow >Scroll through it >Samurai jack, Courage the cowardly dog, Ed Edd'n Eddy,... >Ooohh My Little Pony heard its the best new popular cartoon >Ipod had all the 111 episodes of it on >Binged it after school until middle of summer with cow >Named the cow something finally, Rosemary >Made a saddle from some tarp, a pillow, a ripped jacket and some shoe string >Learned to ride Rosemary, success >Use the rope that came with her to steer her >We would ride into the more wooded areas of our property and beyond >invited friends over to ride her too >family was happy I was making friends >One night after an ep of MLP, I was laying on her, she was licking me when I suddenly popped a boner >it went on for several days >Asked dad >"You are growing and maybe in love with that girl you brought over or something?" >"I guess..." >"Yeah keep it packed away until 18 and it will be alright" >That was a lie, I did not infact develop feelings for a friend I had over >I had developed feelings for Rosemary
[Expand Post]>Upon realizing that went to the library to read about anatomy >sex part came up >an idea popped into my head >"this is what lovers do, maybe I can ask Rosemary" >Go home and proclaim my love to Rosemary >She looks at me, before licking my belly >Not sure how to feel but hey we get more time tomorrow since family is going to meet a sick uncle and we can be alone the whole day >Spend tomorrow asking Rosemary about love when we were just chilling on the lawn again >She doesn't seem to be saying yes but she doesn't seem to be saying no >Go for a more aggressive route >Start touching her tail and her genitals >She doesn't show any signs of discomfort or resitant >Start rubbing her vagina, she got a little twitchy but relaxes >its moist and smells foul >"Am I scratching an itch?" >slowly move up to rubbing her butt >She pushes back >Got nervous and stopped for abit >felt bad so I kept going >It went on for 30 minutes >"Do you love me?" >She grunts >instantly my face turns red >"Do you?" >no response >after I made some instant mac'n cheese >we chilled and watch some my little pony >I remember something about kissing >I go over to give Rosemary a kiss >she responds and we are lock in a kiss for what felt like a while >I came in my pants >I fell on my butt >she was confused and it took a while for me to realize, I came >I stripped and used some of the tissues, I brought to wipe off the cum, learned it in anatomy class so I wasn't afraid >Rosemary started licking me >Panic, what if she bites but I don't want her to hate me so I let her >feels rough and hurts a little but not intolerable >She finishes and we slept with me on her until morning >day later >a repeat of yesterday but when we were in the workshop, I had an idea to fuck her >slowly touch her >she does not mind >strips slowly >tries to enter but misses keeping eye contact >success >I started moving in silence, I didn't say much but the room was filled with wet sounds pretty quickly >I came inside her >she felt a little flappy with alot of folds >I finish up >I was in shock and started crying for some reason >she turned over and started grooming me >I woke up the day after with alot of questions >"Maybe this is not so bad" And thats it, that's how I became a zoo. I still miss her to this day, I had to put her down with my grandpa's 22lr when she was 20, she eventually got too weak to even eat properly or stand. It was probably the worst day of my life, I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror for weeks. Grandpa and grandma helped me find an Equine crematorium who was willing to to take her. I spread her ashes on Mount Mitchell, same place where we spread my cat's ashes. Never truly moved on from her but I try my best to keep positive because I think she would be happier if I was happy.
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>>985 >I can go either way since personality is key to me Good man >I found this board being referenced several times Equi is a surprise but I can't believe we made ripples all the way to fucking derpi kek >feels good
>>993 I think it was because, someone said we had a “Real life pony” like what does that even mean lol 😭
>>993 Is Cinnamon Bun your only mare?
>>993 >Equi is a surprise but I can't believe we made ripples all the way to fucking derpi kek Derpi guys must be livid tho, they prefer censorship and this place is 180 on that. Polar opposites.
>>996 I think they'd cool down if they had a mare of their own, most are touch starved.
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>>994 >someone said we had a “Real life pony” >normally the comments would be along the lines of "These guys get to taste real ponies" or "Look at this shithole anypony got the sauce? >>995 that is what we would call a spoiler but since you asked Yes, more BMs will appear on this board and they will get there own threads in time but don't get to excited just yet that's for the future >>996 kek i know right a censorious shithole maybe such opposites will cause a draw for the spergs
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>>999 i would hope so but i think there faggotry has infected the mind on a terminal level but i pray some can be saved and still see the light in mares
>>1011 Thought that was photoshopped so I checked it, yeah seems legit. How the hell did we get there
>>1013 >so I checked it, How do you even search for comments on derpi? I tried using their search option but nothing comes up. Wanted to find some old drama comments about aryanne aswell. But nothing I try comes up. How does it work lol?
>>1014 i didn't search for a comment, i actually had it screenshotted and saved in my meme folder. I would have loved to find that old post again
>>1011 also for those wondering why the time is 3 months when the thread has only been up for 2 its because I was sharing my laptop with a younger cousin at the time and was pulling a prank on them
>>1011 >>1013 >>1017 Do you think this is a good or bad thing?
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>>992 so you fucked a cow at 12 damn that some hillbilly shit, when did you make the jump to mares?
I watched My Little Pony alot during and after fucking that cow.
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I mean I like thinking about dying and god being like "fuck it, go to the mlp world, faggot, have some super powers, and go and make a porno" and I'm open to the idea of gene editing shit live off cum and thus be okay to fuck, but something from the indifferent void doesn't feel like it would be into it
i kinda feel bad for your granddad not that I want him to know, I just want someone to have knew that your granddad told that you just needed a pet.
Cinnamon bun update status with pic of her face
>>1027 we got to belive, broniess
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>>1027 >Every request must be posted with a pony. Any request or 1+ that is not accompanied by a pony, will be promptly ignored. This is /mlp/ we have our standards >duo to unforeseen irl situations this thread will be on hold for the time being welcome to the board normie
>>1029 I guess we must wait
>>1029 Update picture of Cinnamon Bun
we wait...
Ngl man I am still waiting and I am sure AJS is too
You ok, homie?
and I wonder
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>>1058 I am fine could be better could be worse, how about you anon? >the rest of you guys I respect you all enough to tell you- if your looking for quick irl clop try out equibooru. my situation is gonna take a long time to get fixed, talk mare all ya want I will help ya in anyway I can to get you your mare but this thread is closed for the time being
Happy new year Cinnamon Bun, I hope you are well wherever you are
Is it confirmed that she's gone for good?

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