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SakuSakuPanic Thread Anonymous 09/15/2021 (Wed) 16:09:45 No. 1430
Bringing this thread over from 8kun since that site has been on the decline. Post Sakusakupanic art or leaks from her Patreon.
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>>2257 That is all
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I believe that for the first since saku has a patreon she has reached 50 donors (she has always been between 20-40 if I remember correctly) Would that be enough for the $800 goal with extended msu she promised back in the day?
>>2460 I didn't even know that was a thing she promised. I'm personally more interested in the paywalled art she made from June 2021 till now. If anyone able to get it (subscribe at least to the $9 tier) that would be a great help.
>>2460 That "goal" was always a lie. Doesn't matter now given nobody remember MSU.
>>3139 Yeah its a dead thing now. Just like the Saku threads. Not much interest anymore it seems
So some context for this video. Back when Saku was still working on Kinky Star Gals she sent this unlisted video to her patrons through email. I decided to download for archive reasons and I think she deleted the video later so here you go. You see an early version of the SMB2 pic with a different pose.
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Some censored pics Saku posted on her Twitter https://twitter.com/Sakusakupanic/status/1531337648568209415
I need this one, peach looks so pretty
>>3430 She posted some other crops on her Twitter too. Just sub to one of her tiers to see if its there amongst other pics
So... just noticed saku posted a new video on her twitter account https://twitter.com/Sakusakupanic/status/1546278900086575105 the thing here is: 1. Is that girl in the clip actually her 2. Or is from a random porn video on the internet? I couldn't find the sauce of the video, the doubt is killing me
>>3674 yeah it was weird thing for her to post
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>>3674 Posting it here in case it goes away
Anyone have any content from her Patreon?
>>3742 I believe this is the sketch of the latest image full image she uploaded to her patreon, with iris and mallow. >>3674 Regarding this, apparently the girl in the video is indeed saku. Can’t confirm but after an exhaustive work of trying to track the original sauce of the video I had no success. So it seems the video is original from her. As I already said, can’t confirm, if someone wants to contribute and try to find the original sauce and either confirm or deconfirm the girl is saku is welcome.
>>3747 Nice! If you have more please share
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still nothing
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Saku posted some new art. I honestly don't really like her new style.
so any news?
>>5308 Unfortunately no. And with the slow demise of 8kun where the thread originated from and had the most activity its safe the say its dead.
>>1438 does anyone have the remaining pages of royal vacations anywhere? they used to be on 8kun before it went to shit
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>>5900 This all I have on archive
>>5902 holy shit thanks you got anymore let's hope she releases the full comic on her gumroad
I only found some missing pages that continue the order of the comic, I suppose the rest will depend on those who want to support finishing this series.
>>6524 where did you find these?
Let's say that the place where I acquired the images was filled with “black and yellow snakes (8)”, luckily I managed to rescue some images before the site was closed, now we just have to wait for some crazy Samaritan like me have the rest of the pages saved in your filthy folder of lewd illustrations and decide to share them on this site.
>>6534 I just wish someone would leak her patreon content like in the old days. Sucks that became less and less of a thing as time has gone on
New post from the old 8kun thread
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