Ruling18: Shilling, Blackpilling, and Other Psyops.
Global Rule 4 has long contained a provision prohibiting "psyops" against the site. Out of respect for free speech, and to avoid false positives or the appearance of policing opinions, this ruling is invoked only sparingly and only when
predictable patterns of disruptive activity are noticed, and not merely on the basis of one isolated event. If this ruling is invoked in matters of controversy, a general policy is held that "the truth vindicates" - meaning that
objectively true information, shown in its full context and without malice or leading the reader, will be exempted so that we can err on the side of free speech, even if such content would be inconvenient to the site. Many times the malicious users to whom this ruling would apply are already breaking the rules of the site because they are spamming the disruptive content and/or evading bans, and so those rules will generally be invoked against them first. Typically when prohibited psyops are detected by themselves the content will simply be deleted, but global staff may use their own judgement in assigning bans for persistent or particularly malicious posters of it. The most common activities that constitute prohibited psyops are:
Meaning marketing a website, article, meme, false narrative, product or service by faking unironic community enthusiasm, favorable reviews, or public or staff support, particularly when done for profit.
Meaning an organized attempt to disguise the solicitation of user metadata and/or personal identifying information as ordinary posts or traffic, particularly when done for profit.
Meaning a malicious attempt to demoralize or otherwise inhibit the interests, passions, or energy of the community to discourage users from participating in the site, a board, a thread, or some other allowed activity in order to hinder or limit user participation.
<Death Memes
Meaning a malicious attempt to create a false impression among the community that a board or the site is "dying" or otherwise in some perilous or compromised state, with the intent of creating a self-fulfilling prophecy by provoking users into abandoning it.
<Derailing and Diluting
Meaning a malicious attempt to disrupt or terminate discussion of a particular topic, or to disrupt the normal use of any thread or board, by the unsolicited injection of provocative (derailing) or useless (diluting) offtopic content that is intended to bait users into responding to it or otherwise disrupt the community's discussions. A kind of Forum Sliding attack.
Meaning an organized, malicious attempt to spy on, sabotage, demean, falsely discredit, embarrass, false-flag, or to otherwise implicate the site, the staff, or any part thereof with the intent of making the site unappealing to new or unfamiliar users, or to get the site or some part of it into trouble, particularly when done by promoting false or intentionally exaggerated content beyond what is normal for anonymous banter. May also refer generally to any persistent, organized attempt to harm or destroy the site, especially when such an attempt uses the site itself as a staging area. See also: /intl/ and /leftypol/ on the original 8chan.
<Hammer Baiting
Meaning a malicious attempt to foment false or exaggerated controversy and unrest ("a storm in a teacup") within the community or any part thereof, particularly when done with the objective of using psychological manipulation to provoke or frame any reaction by moderation as an overbearing response for propaganda purposes. This often culminates in "ban martyrdom" or "ban bragging" by the instigator(s) as they seek to expand the controversy, perhaps even to other websites. Also known as Occupatio or "Breaking the Banhammer" - a forum disruption technique from the old days of the Internet.
Imageboards and their communities have been longstanding targets of various psyops campaigns. These date many years back from as far as 4chan's /pol/ board, and even further according to such classical references as The Gentleman's Guide to Forum Spies. Thoughout Internet history there has never been a website, forum, or imageboard that was too small to escape the notice of such organized and intentionally disruptive elements or their lone-wolf beta orbiters who do it for free. Medium-sized imageboards like this site are a particularly high profile target for such campaigns, because the political, nonprofit, and "educational" organizations who mount and provoke them consider very large sites to usually be too difficult to subvert, and tiny sites to not usually be worth the effort. See also: While the site staff declines to be baited into paranoia, it is also true that somewhere out in the world "they really are out to get you" so to speak, and so this provision of the rules permits us to act against such activities when necessary.
Edited last time by Acidadmin on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 16:30:03.