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King of Shitposting

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RAM 3/19 THE ULTIMATE DELETION Boliever 03/19/2018 (Mon) 19:30:06 Id: 63d167 No. 103166
WWE Raw preview, March 19, 2018: The Ultimate Deletion is upon us The GREAT WAR between “Woken” Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt has escalated to THE ULTIMATE DELETION, a battle that will transpire at The Hardy Compound this Monday night on Raw. Can The Woken One finally DELETE The Eater of Worlds, once and for all? Also on Raw, Universal Champion Brock Lesnar is slated to return at last, and Asuka battles Raw Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss! >Who will claim victory in The Ultimate Deletion? It all comes down to this: The Great War hits home for “Woken” Matt Hardy, as he takes on Bray Wyatt in The Ultimate Deletion at The Hardy Compound. This contest promises to challenge everything we know about combat, both physically and psychologically, as The Woken One’s own family — including Queen Rebecca, King Maxel, Lord Wolfgang, Senor Benjamin and his drone, Vanguard 1 — bears witness to the mind-bending confrontation. Will Hardy finally DELETE The Eater of Worlds, or will Wyatt bring darkness to The Hardy Compound? Whatever happens, this will be a battle unlike anything in WWE history. >Brock Lesnar finally emerges Per Mr. McMahon, Universal Champion Brock Lesnar will finally appear on Monday Night Raw, three weeks before he defends his title against the recently suspended Roman Reigns at WrestleMania. Now that The Chairman has punished The [LOUD BOOING] for his inflammatory criticism of The Beast Incarnate and Mr. McMahon himself, it remains to be seen just how Reigns will react to Lesnar’s appearance on Raw — or if he will even be reinstated before Monday night. FINALLY <Asuka puts her streak on the line against Alexa Bliss Raw Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss will have Mickie James in her corner when she takes on Asuka Monday night on Raw, but Little Miss Bliss surely won’t have Nia Jax by her side after she unwittingly insulted The Irresistible Force in front of the entire WWE Universe this past Monday night. As Alexa looks to snap The Empress of Tomorrow’s streak, how will the seething Jax factor into the situation? >Will Braun Strowman take on The Bar at WrestleMania? Even though he doesn’t have a tag team partner, Braun Strowman shockingly won the Tag Team Battle Royal this past Monday night, meaning that he technically earned the right to challenge Cesaro & Sheamus for the Raw Tag Team Championship at WrestleMania 34 in New Orleans. However, given the fact that The Monster Among Men is a solo Superstar, and since he originally wasn’t scheduled to compete in the over-the-top-rope bout, the victory comes with no small amount of controversy. Raw General Manager Kurt Angle has a lot on his plate going into this year’s Show of Shows — including his Mixed Tag Team Match with Ronda Rousey against Triple H and Stephanie McMahon — but he’ll need to sort out Strowman’s Road to WrestleMania sooner than later. Will Angle rule in favor of The Monster Among Men, or will all of Team Red suffer the consequences if Strowman doesn’t get his way?
>>103316 live crowd BTFO by Vince just like on RAM25
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>no Husky Harris
>>103316 >Show televised shit during live event >Shitstorm ensues >Show live shit during live event instead of televised >Shitstorm ensues
That was good shit but normalfags are already calling it garbage so that's great I guess
Bray Wyatt murdered live on TV
>>103324 Pearls before fucking swine. That was match of the year material right there.
>>103324 >Being surprised Those same people were chanting DELETE, they only love le ebin chants, look at Tye Dillinger and Rusev
>>103311 Kek, called it.
>>103328 Credit where it's due and whatnot. https://twitter.com/hehateme2012/status/975936550017040385
>160 The absolute state of sports entertainment.
>>103330 the site crashed dude
>>103331 Should have subscribed only, $9.99 a month.
Did THE wwe finally learn the ways of the kino?
>>103166 >the utlimate deletion vids are shattered on the WWE youtube channel >not tied into one epic vid >during the tv show it was butchered with commercial Dunn officially hates this and fears it since it's more entertaining than his shitshow! Matt even has bigger budget for pyro.
Eva Marie was better than this
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Ultimate Deletion was WONDERFUL. Obviously nothing can live up to the stuff Matt did in TNA, but I was expecting WWE to completely botch it. I was pleasantly surprised. Nice cliffhanger at the end too.
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>>103338 Wow nice sideways soundless webm, booleyfag. Daily reminder that booley will NEVER pull off a maneuver as excellent as the one Alexa did in webm related.
>>103340 I don't know why you're complaining about a low quality Webm, you should be used to it watching alexa matches. Here's a low quality gif instead, I'll make sure to post it at least 5 times per day! Daily reminder that Alexa will never go above 2 stars.
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Luke and Oli says the whole Ultimate Deletion was an "Alice in Wonderland" journey for Wyatt. That's a pretty good observation there!
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>>103342 What did Alexa even do wrong in that gif? Bump well for a move that Asuka mistimed? Whoa, Alexa BTFO'ded! You sure got her.
>>103337 >the utlimate deletion vids are shattered on the WWE youtube channel Yeah this is stupid. Not only that but they don'd even put their videos in the correct order so I watched the last one first.
>>103342 It looks better when she does the hip attack on a running person not on a standing person or like a vtrigger. We'll see her do it again on the MMC
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finally watching raw >roman >nia >bad skin heeb vs no enrish girl >mickie james acting like she is 22
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>Hyping WYMZ REVLUCCN <Still show fucking Moolah in the promo after the shit storm your "Moolah Rumble" name caused, and everyone knows Moolah got women trafficked, drugged, and raped >Now there's a special on WYMZ EMRPOWMENT <All the whores on the screen fucked and married men in the business to get to where they are (Bellas, Naomi), or their family (Charlotte), or both (Botcha) <Somehow Rhonda Roussey is on the screen instead of Booley, burying all of the other women <No fucking Booley, Mandy, Sonya, or LolDana on the screen WYMNZ RVLCCN MAGGLE! >Booley and Botcha are so bad no one cheered for them at Dallas <Booley stumbled through her lines, and can't sell herself <Another cocktease-fuck you with one of their heel turns It tells you something when neither Botcha nor Booley are getting cheers.
>>103388 I like how Mickie is trying to be the Big Slow of the WYMZ RVLCCN: she gets more screen time while the others get buried hard. MOVE OVER, NEW STARS!
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I won't give a flying fuck about the wymynz revolution evolution until they do man vs woman matches. Relegating women to their own division is basically just admitting they are inferior. Then again, I wouldn't want to risk injuring good men because half the women are botch machines.
>>103726 ah shit wrong thread, oh well
>>103611 funny for sure. and her husband is gaining traction for big tunes billy and NWA.
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>>103726 >man vs woman matches.
>>103739 that niaga is ded
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>>103740 >niaga

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