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King of Shitposting

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WRESTLEMANIA Thread 6 Boliever 04/09/2018 (Mon) 03:46:37 Id: 5afc19 No. 108457
Reserved. http://watchwrestling.nl/ http://watchwrestling.uno http://wywtv.com/index.php?/page/Weekly.html http://firstrows.biz/boxing http://www.stream2watch.co/live-tv/us/usa-network-live-stream http://www.vipbox.biz http://www.streamgaroo.com/live-television/united-states/wwe-network-live-stream http://taima.tv/r/wooo/ http://taim.tv/r/woooalt/
>>109899 >You picked someone who made it through Nepotism Seriously?!
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>>109894 (((you)))
damn i dont remember the nitro girls looking this good fuck 2018 tbh
>>109905 what the fuck is mewch?
>>109907 Well, RAW after Mania is always better than Mania. Hope some cool NXT guys like AOP show up
>>109912 Watch it just be Big Cass
>>109907 I'm return my ticket for a refund. I don't want to see the ride and Lousy Roussey getting undeserving praise.
So am I the only one who thinks there's gonna be "Nicholas is some wrestler's son" angle now? I'm trying to find something, anything, that would make sense in creative's mind to think that shit was acceptable at wrestle fucking mania, but I can't. I feel like I need (((five HUNDRED years))) to understand the subtle complexities of this writing. >>109904 who the fuck is this and why are you so obsessed with her. Is it just autism?
Maybe this will push Roman down to jobber status and keep him the fuck away from any main event. Honestly didn’t know what they expected with a 6 hour show where the last match is boring part timer vs Vince’s dildo
>nitro after mysterio got unmasked holy shit i remember this
>>109906 New generation being bad is smark revisionism. One of the GOAT eras.
So did anyone here actually go in person?
>>109913 Smoa Joe too >Joe missed WM two years staright Damn.
>>109916 It's some fugly tranny.
>>109908 >REE REE HER DAD REEE She's still a fantastic worker
>>109923 No she isn't.
>>109924 She just had match of the night
>>109925 Trick statement: none of those matches were really good.
>>109925 And it got squashed by Cena lol
Better yet let’s just have raw be 3 hours of Roman crying and saying “he made me a little dog”
>>109931 would watch
>>109927 I enjoyed seeing the Jewess of WWE get btfo as well! >>109928 That was just sad.
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>>109916 just some camwhore i been following for the past few years watching her descent into either suicide or extreme depression. she indirectly killed her dog and cat so i assume she is getting close
>>109925 It WOULD have been match of the night if she had eaten the pin and turned heel after. But no, she had to MUH DADDY nepotism it.
>>109935 WORKED
>>109933 I could have lived without the sjw-fat-shaming shit, and Nia wearing see-through clothes.
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I'll suffer with you guys some more tomorrow, I'm outski.
i wonder how bad those shitskins on /asp/ were seething after asuka lost
>>109935 Would have been even better if they actually had Carmella use the stupid fucking MiTC clause, but nope. Can't make Charlotte look bad. No sir. >>109936 Charlotte isn't much better than the others. All of the women are bad at wrestling.
>>109936 How am I worked? It'd have been a successful work if I wasn't suppose to be impressed. Clearly the goal was to put her over. All I see is nepotism and fuckery in this win. Doesn't make me buy into Charlotte more.
>>109935 Meh, if Charlotte wasn't going to beat Asuka who would? Her streak was getting tiresome. I guess Ember Moon or Kairi could beat Asuka but who knows when they will debut on the main roster.
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Was a pleasure, /wooo/. The funposting, at least.
>>109945 Clown for Universal Champion
>>109943 Booley or Botcha should have ruined the streak to help their heel turn
>>109943 Here's an idea. Have Charlotte lose here, crown Asuka now (when it makes sense), have her go a few months with the strap, have Charlotte turn heel and pin her through underhanded methods. Nuclear heat attained, she still gets the pin on her belt.
>>109945 >8chanmania was delayed for this

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