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King of Shitposting

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OH NO NO NO Boliever 04/29/2018 (Sun) 19:40:10 Id: 8aae92 No. 114080
Saudis triggered after images of "scantily clad" womyns wrestlers appears on big screen during WWE event WWE apologizes for gaff http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5669323/Apology-indecent-images-women-shown-Saudi-Arabia-wrestling-event.html http://archive.is/hL4eB Wew, lads… someone's gonna get stoned for this one.
>>114098 thank fuck it wasnt india
>>114100 It's safe to say India would probably hate the [LOUD BOOING] too. India couldn't even root for Jinder, and he got btfo by Paul in a match.
>>114101 pajeets dont give a fuck about canadian Jinder. they fucking love Roman. the person who uploaded this vid and most of the comments are proof.
>>114102 In India's defense, the guy who dubs Ramen's voice probably does a better job pushing Ramen than Ramen pushes himself.
>>114105 dubbed voice? they really do that?
Stop giving these sandniggers attention.
>>114080 I mean to be fair, WWE did promise not to show the women, it was their fuck up. They shouldn't have done business with the shitskins to begin with. And not even because of muh wymyn revolucion maggle, but because they're fucking filthy shitskins that deserve nuclear hellfire, not entertainment of any kind. With that fucking said, if you commit to doing business, do fucking business.
>>114111 They have a show where they recap the week's RAW & SD where they play segments like matches, with Hindi commentary and promos are dubbed over in hindi as well.
>>114145 lmao they probably make so much shit up
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Sasha was looking like a skank Carmella looked like a cheap prostitute in that ad Saudis are rightfully pissed off. There were families & kids there. They did not complain about pure women Like ALEXA. WWE has noted this. Sasha will be buried even deeper & that cunt Carmella will be destroyed by Asuka as punishment.
Jealous saudi incel bitches don't want their men to see real beautiful American women.
>>114160 I like Bliss as much as the next guy, but she's got Jewish blood. If the Saudis found out they would rightfully bomb another Zionist capital Which they should be doing anyway I don't really mean that Jews I love you guys Especially your women I'd move to Israel if I could afford it XDDDD
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>>114160 Funny, you talk about cheap prostitutes but neither Caramel nor Sasha have fake tits. the jew looks like the kind of bitch that would whore herself out to saudi princes.
>>114176 Cheap prostitutes can't afford fake tits.
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>>114176 >>114174 Not a jew
>>114179 Cunt-mella & Botcha lover BTFO! Imagine being so pathetic that you're trying to convince people that Pure innocent good christian girl Lexi is Jewish. Really desperate. BTW Your autism Carmella is getting gangbanged by all 3 members of New Day right now.
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>Saudi prince wanted Yokozuna and the Ultimate Warrior on the show Bit behind the times ain't he?
>>114179 >that name >Jewish I mean she could still be Jewish, but that name isn't necessarily Jewish It's how everyone things anything ending in Berg or Burg has to be Jewish. Not not necessarily, it's just what Jews most commonly chose as names when German authorities back in the 19th century forced them to pick last names for pop registration purposes.
Arabs are all closet fags. it's unbelievable just how gay they act around each other.
>>114179 Anon, i faithfully listen to cheap heat. This shit is old. Youre either poorly informed or being willfully disingenous. This was rosenbergs first time asking her. Supposedly she didnt even know herself and said she wasnt. After this show he encouraged her to look into her history and she discovered she's very much jewish. On a recent episode he said she's about 50-60% jew.
You want to see a semitic hag, then look at Ruby riottttttttt.
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>>114377 She's a pure Christian girl now, and that's why BWC Buddy Murphy is the GOAT
>>114377 FAKE NEWS Horsefags seething that Bliss is top girl, desperate for crumbs now Will probably kill themselves if Bliss wins back the title.
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>virgins still shilling ugly af alexa
But they were okay with the gay sleeves and the new gay air-humping?
They cut the live show but kept it on air at saudia? Sounds like they hit the wrong button and meant to show it on the stream but not in arabia… whoopsie.
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Saudis and Iranians both worked hard by the Daivari's. >Exposing the business like this >Not keeping the heat up and actually starting WW3 over a wrestling promo
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>>114863 >tfw no ww3
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>Hulkamania could once again run wild in the WWE – TMZ Sports has learned plans to bring Hulk Hogan back to the squared circle are currently underway. >We've learned … Hulk and high-ranking WWE officials have been in touch recently and it's been positive. >In fact, we're told when the WWE made plans for an event in Saudi Arabia, one of the members of the royal family specifically asked for Hulk to participate. http://archive.is/XZ8o1
>>115221 No women's matches and the Hulkster, Im starting to like these Saudi bookers.
>>114863 Lol at the swerve at the end.
>>114863 I wouldve legit went full kayfabe, cut a promo on all those saudfags and dared the wwe to fire me. Im sick of this "hey i just play a character" shit. Somebody send for Dr. Death.
>>115684 Goddamit, you sage one shitty thread and the shit follows you like herpes.
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https://twitter.com/m3takl_en/status/992675793712148485 Saudis are absolute amrks confirmed.
>>115933 smarks btfo
http://archive.is/56wHN BY GAWD THAT'S AL-QAEDAS MUSIC!

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