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King of Shitposting

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UNCOOKED - 7/2/2018 KILL BAYLEY KILL 07/02/2018 (Mon) 19:11:18 Id: 41ae2f No. 120745
Bailey goes nuclear Edition With friends like these … >Bayley finally snapped on Sasha Banks last week, but Raw General Manager Kurt Angle isn’t about to let the fracturing friendship between the two former champions explode into outright hostility just yet. Following The Huggаble One’s assault, Angle informed each woman individually that they would have to undergo counseling in order to keep their jobs as Raw Superstars. What those sessions will entail, of course, remains to be seen. But either way, it seems this road has reached a fork as pivotal as it is unusual. Fight forever >Seth Rollins might be Intercontinental Champion again if it wasn’t for Drew McIntyre, who provided a pivotal interference that saved Dolph Ziggler’s title reign in the main event of Raw last week. He might also be a smear on the mat at this point if it wasn’t for Roman Reigns, who came to his brother’s aid to drive away Ziggler and McIntyre as they prepared to administer a post-match beating to Rollins. Now, two teams who had thus far managed to avoid each other are sizing each other up in the first salvo of what could be an epic conflict. Rollins might not be a champion, but there could be a fight on the horizon all the same. Bliss interrupted >The looming threat of Ronda Rousey’s return from suspension hasn’t done anything to dampen Alexa Bliss’ fun as Raw Women’s Champion, though a combination of Natalya and a returning Nia Jax certainly reminded Little Miss Bliss that she has no shortage of enemies in Rowdy Ronda’s absence. Jax might be the most ominous threat, as she’s already slated to challenge for the Raw Women’s Title at Extreme Rules, but Bliss has thus far focused more on running down the absent Rousey than closing ranks. Can Alexa set her mind to protecting her title? Or is she being pulled in too many directions at once to mount a strong defense? B-Team blues >The B-Team’s remarkable Cinderella run continues, as Curtis Axel scored a victory over “Woken” Matt Hardy in advance of Axel & Bo Dallas’ Raw Tag Team Title Match at Extreme Rules. The DELETErs of Worlds gave due props for The Axe Man’s “fluke” win with their signature Woken O and have already gone on the record as being fans of The B-Team’s cosplay. But the fun and games will likely end when the titles are on the line; the only question is whether The B-Team can come to the realization in time to save themselves from deletion. … Who needs enemies? >Kevin Owens getting onstage with Shania Twain was about the only bright spot of his week, as Braun Strowman made his Monday a pretty rough affair. Despite winning a tag team match as KO’s unlikely partner, Mr. Monster in the Bank opted not to reciprocate Owens’ offer of friendship, instead chasing him throughout the arena and flipping his car over in the parking lot. Clearly, Owens’ attempts to get on Strowman’s good side have done more harm than good. Can KO evade The Monster Among Men’s gleeful wrath, or is he in for more of the same? Raw airs live Monday at 8/7 C on USA Network.
god I fucking hate women's matches.
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>>120820 And I'm staying
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>>120823 Imagine being this gay
>>120825 >Imagine being so angry over people hating your loser wrestler because she sucks in the ring and at life, and you scream "austist" or "Jew" as an insult I think that's sadder tbh.
>Samoan drop finisher
>>120824 >>120825 Burn in hell autismfag menace
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>>120827 >Sucks in the ring 2 stars bliss >sucks at life No, I'm pretty sure she's doing well thank you very much. >Scream autist Like you're doing now? >>120829 Why so hot
These graphics for Extreme Rules are pretty good, shame the show will be subpar
>>120830 I will find all of you fucking autismposters and burn you alive
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>No Lesnar at Extreme Rules >No Lesnar at Summerslam
>No Extreme Rules matches at Extreme Rules PPV
>>120834 alexa bliss vs nia is one
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>>120832 Come get me
>>120836 I'm going to, after I destroy all the ones on /tv/
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>>120837 So you're never coming huh? shame.
>porta potty Literally vince humor
Reminder that most of the attitude era was shit like this
You could see Kevin get out
Thanks braun that was a fun ending
>>120838 you underestimate my power
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>>120843 Power to look like a geek?
>>120844 power to eliminate all females and female worshipers in my path
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>>120845 And yet /tv/ is still crawling with them, not very powerful then.
>>120846 these things take time
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>>120847 Sounds like excuses to me !
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i skipped Raw tonight. I'm not sorry i did.
This board has about as much buzz at this point as Raw's sub 2.0 ratings.
>>120840 In your dreams, soyboy.
B-TEAM WIN AGAIN hardy compound match when
I'm watching Wrestlemania 18 (yes I have wwenetwork) 2002 is almost as good at 98/99…. 2001 sucked ass, fuck the Invasion.
>>120830 >Was mad angry over Bliss when someone called Booley a loser So sad. >>120832 Trying alt accounts, Booleyfag?
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>>120866 >mad angry Is that some jewish slang I'm not aware of? Fuck you talking about alt accounts
>>120902 No, it's basic English you shitskin retard.
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>>120909 Literally no one says "mad angry" like that you oven dodger

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