this 100% has to do with more and more people switching to the WWE Network, opting out of the dreaded third hour of Raw and watching highlights on Youtube the next day. TV is dying, it's a dying medium and it has been dying for years now, the only people who still actively watch shit on it are a few 35-40+ year olds and boomers, I personally haven't watched TV in over 2 or 3 years and even back then I was watching for maybe 30 minutes daily, none of my friends or coworkers watch much TV either (at least the young people)
Also I want to touch on something because of this dumb low attendance number meme NJPWfags keep trying to meme. Have any of you ever seen 80's wrestling? Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant days, more specifically. The arenas were typically pretty empty and there were huge sections where no fans were sitting on, sans the really big events like Wrestlemania for example. Would any of you say 80's North American rassling was going down the drain and not drawing in a crowd? Probably not, and nowadays where they're making more money than ever before, you people keep joking that Vince is going to go out of business because of Japan? How's that make any sense?
I don't want this to sound like I hate you NJPW guys, I'm perfectly happy with you guys enjoying your own thing, I seriously hope your companies do well and bring in more competition to wrestling and I'm not by any means a WWE fanboy
I prefer Lucha Underground myself and besides Bo and Axel there's nothing much going on that peaks my interest in WWE, but can't you guys enjoy your own thing without making this a dumb competition, or some weird clique rivalry? What's the point, you're just going to make non-japanese wrestling fans hate your guts due to how obnoxious and hipster you sound and make yourselves look like childish bullies, and that's saying a lot considering our hobby's essentially a little kid's hobby.