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Nudity/nudism Baby 09/06/2020 (Sun) 09:15:16 No. 1065
How many of you ABDLs lounge around the house naked? Any nudists here? >been a nudist (AKA naturist) since before i knew the word >makes me feel happy and carefree, like how i felt when i was a kid and was told to not be concerned with my body >in most places, as one becomes older, nudity on the beach becomes more stigmatized, which is sad
I was raised kind of as a nudist but can't do it at home now (roommates). To be naked makes me feel carefree and chill as well, like when I was a kid and no-one really cared. I wish it was more common (here public skinny dipping is only common in the more rural areas).
Was raised nudist. Going to raise any kids of mine the same way
>>1065 sounds like white people shit
>>2183 How so? Nudism started in Europe but it's worldwide now. Common in lots of rural parts of the world too (in rural India, you see people, especially males, swimming without a swimsuit pretty often).
>>2182 >Was raised nudist kinda lucky ngl
>>2192 Yeah, I hear that a lot and I do feel fortunate. Nudist families are pretty special. But I wish nudism was more common. It's come back in fashion a bit thanks to COVID, which makes me happy. What made you say I was lucky, out of interest?
>>2206 What makes them better over normal families?
>>1065 Nice to see I'm not the only one who enjoys diapers but rejects all other attire. I feel like I was always pretty confident when it came to walking around without any pants, but I found out I lived near a nude beach after I got to college and got hooked doing it socially from there. I think the appeal of nudism and diapers for me both definitely go back to recapturing a sense of childlike carefreeness. Relatively few people care if you run around naked when you're a toddler and while it's no so much an infantilist thing, it's certainly very relieving to feel like you're able to abandon the usual level of judgment that comes with being naked as an adult.
I've tried this when no one is home but I always get horny or feel like a weirdo, how do I make it seem natural?
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>>2236 Yeah, this completely. I hated to wear a swimsuit as a kid, because I didn't care about my body, had no modesty; so nudism now is like a return to that sense of innocence and freedom. ABDL sometimes fits alongside that for me, but I'm less into the hyper-sexual/BDSM elements of ABDL--I like more the 24/7/wearing as a lifestyle ("normalized" wearing) thing. I'm lucky to live right in front of a beach that's clothing optional these days. Never have the guts to change on the beach now, but I did as a teenager (wore pull-ups till very late for daytime wetting, etc) Do you practice nudism a lot now? How do nudism and ABDL coincide for you? >>2244 You must not have spent a lot of time naked. After a while, nudity will feel normal because we become desensitized and you won't feel aroused by just your own nudity. You will continue to feel like a "weirdo" however if you treat nudity as shameful or whatever, and practice nudism only when you're alone... the whole point of nudism is that nudity, in and of itself isn't shameful. So when you act ashamed, you must be ashamed inside? Nudism means you have to be open about the fact you are nudist (in my opinion) with those around you
>>2375 Nudism these days isn't so much a lifestyle for me as it is a favorite hobby. I still have a regular job to go to and all. At home I tend to get naked whenever convenient, but I definitely go out of my way to be able to do it in any kind of clothing-optional public setting. I'm rarely at a beach/pool that requires swimwear unless friends are dragging me there. I'm lucky to be in an area where there's a fairly vibrant (though still niche) nudist scene, but it's all obviously much more accessible in the spring/summer and not during the covid era. In all honesty I think I could get away with changing on the beach by me (every so often you catch somebody wearing their fetish gear in public there), but unlike with nudism my exhibitionist streak just never extended to diapers and they remain very close to the vest for me. Plus like you I prefer to view diapers as more of a nonchalant, utilitarian thing as opposed to an explicit part of fetish attire or as some kind of statement piece. I don't wear 24/7 but when I do I feel most comfortable just sort of going about my regular business with them on. I wore pull-ups/goodnites for a good while longer than standard as a kid too, so I got adjusted to that routine and I suppose part of me was just more comfortable sticking with it than moving on even after I stopped wetting.
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>>2377 That image makes me wonder what onlookers think (those on the beach and in the houses behind... would non-ABDLs give a second glance? I'm not sure really) >In all honesty I think I could get away with changing on the beach by me (every so often you catch somebody wearing their fetish gear in public there), but unlike with nudism my exhibitionist streak just never extended to diapers and they remain very close to the vest for me. Yeah, although for me public changing doesn't stimulate any exhibitionist streak, it's more to do with the fact that if you're incontinent, and I try to live like an incontinent person, these situations come up. If you're on the nude beach, you have to put on your clothes once you get out and walk back to wherever you came from, and if you wear as a full-time thing, this just involves putting on a diaper because that's part of your attire now. I set a rule for myself that I am always either wearing diapers or totally nude, which is the same way it works for people with severe incontinence (because you don't want to just wet/soil your clothes). As a young kid I had "naked time" outdoors, in our yard or suchlike, which was to air that whole area out and stop a diaper rash forming. So a certain amount of nudity can be imposed by diapers lol >Plus like you I prefer to view diapers as more of a nonchalant, utilitarian thing as opposed to an explicit part of fetish attire or as some kind of statement piece. Yeah, for me I don't see them as that fetishy; I just treat them as though I would if I was born with spina bifida or a fucked up bladder muscle or something. It's almost like a form of BIID. I mean, I do find diapers sexy too, but when I walk around wearing in day to day life I don't automatically find it stimulating (otherwise I would never get anything done) Would you ever consider wearing diapers (see pic) under your swimsuit hanging out with friends? Might be a fun thing to do if you're in a situation where you're obliged to wear something. Changing into them in the locker rooms might be awkward tho >I don't wear 24/7 but when I do I feel most comfortable just sort of going about my regular business with them on. Ever go to work in them? 24/7 is lots of fun, and a whole new level, but comes with practical issues so diapers in moderation is likely best for most ppl >I wore pull-ups/goodnites for a good while longer than standard as a kid too, so I got adjusted to that routine and I suppose part of me was just more comfortable sticking with it than moving on even after I stopped wetting. Fascinating that we had such similar experiences! What age did you graduate from pull-ups out of interest? Maybe our experience explains why our approach is more utilitarian and nonchalant compared to others?
>>2410 Great minds think alike after all it seems, though personally, I never set out to simulate incontinence by wearing. I think given the time and space to do so it could be a fun experiment, but like you said - practical considerations. Same reason wearing at work isn't really possible given that I have a fairly active job and lots of close contact with people I know personally. Anything more than a flimsy Depends brief would become obvious. I have worn to class when I was still in uni and had the luxury of just sitting quietly in the back of the room for hours on end, and while getting to be diapered was obviously great, the change of setting from being at home really didn't do much for me. Admittedly I'm just antisocial to begin with, so to my mind the best way to stop my fun from being spoiled by anyone else is to just keep them away from it. The half of my day I'm at home or running simple errands and able to wear is more than enough to keep me happy. It's not so much having a lack of bladder control that appealed to me as much as knowing that I have both an extra safety net as well as the nearly absolute freedom to choose when/where I want to go should the urge hit me. If my memory serves me correctly I probably stopped wearing during the day at around 8/9, and at night around 10/11. Not all of that was due to control issues, but at least partially just because of a lack of confidence on my part and that desire for a safety net/routine to stick with. Growing up our property wasn't secluded enough that I could run around nude with any regularity, but nakedness wasn't half as stigmatized as I feel like it is with most (American) families. Whether for the sake of convenience or just as a chance to let your hair down, I think that family-sanctioned opportunities to be nude are a great thing. The last thing I think a kid deserves is the belief that their body is somehow too offensive to show even to parents, and while it didn't lead me straight in to nudism, it wasn't at all challenging for me to relate to the idea that nudity doesn't have to be a taboo.
>>2419 >though personally, I never set out to simulate incontinence by wearing Yeah, I suppose I have an incontinence fetish which made me seek out incontinence. And the practical issues can be difficult; most of the ABDLs who do 24/7 eventually move back to more moderate wearing for this reason. For me, I can't say I regret it, it does come with disadvantages but overall I'm much happier this way. Even in the past when I had no libido (from a prolactinoma, now treated) I still was happy being 24/7, so this isn't just a sexual thing for me, more comfort. (Same with nudism lol). >Same reason wearing at work isn't really possible given that I have a fairly active job and lots of close contact with people I know personally. Anything more than a flimsy Depends brief would become obvious. Yes, people must understand this. It's just not reasonable to think you can keep your wearing a secret forever, if you're doing it around people (especially people whom you see a lot, who have a better chance to notice these things). I thought I was going well keeping it private, but these things change with just one event/one moment. It doesn't bother me too much because, like I said, I just treat it as a medical thing and no-one cares too much The thing is, one can do one's best to be discrete--take chlorophyll tablets to remove odor, get jeans that have more room in the seat--but ultimately there's a limit to the amount of privacy/discretion that is achievable when you wear full-time. And this is to some extent a function of just wearing 24/7, but it's also a function of society, because for "disabled" people (and incontinence is considered to be that, not by me but by many people) privacy is not emphasized by institutions. I could give all sorts of examples. But as I said, with 24/7 you must take the good with the bad >I have worn to class when I was still in uni and had the luxury of just sitting quietly in the back of the room for hours on end, and while getting to be diapered was obviously great, the change of setting from being at home really didn't do much for me. Admittedly I'm just antisocial to begin with, so to my mind the best way to stop my fun from being spoiled by anyone else is to just keep them away from it. The half of my day I'm at home or running simple errands and able to wear is more than enough to keep me happy. Yeah, I understand. I think that's the difference between wanting diapers as a lifestyle (essentially incontinence as a lifestyle) and just wanting them as an activity. Most people think they want the former but actually want the latter (which is good, I don't portray my attempts at incontinence as anything to be emulated lol--but it works for me). Did you end up changing it in public on these occasions or did you wait until home? >If my memory serves me correctly I probably stopped wearing during the day at around 8/9, and at night around 10/11. Likewise for me, but shifted forward by 1-2 years. Started to wear sporadically as a teenager just for comfort and a 'safety net' as you say. Went to 24/7 a little later >Not all of that was due to control issues, but at least partially just because of a lack of confidence on my part and that desire for a safety net/routine to stick with. I feel like those two things may be the same thing in essence; the desire from a safety net/lack of confidence stems from control issues? After all, most kids don't struggle too much after potty-training, but you and I did How was your parents' reaction to your wearing at a relatively late age? >Growing up our property wasn't secluded enough that I could run around nude with any regularity, but nakedness wasn't half as stigmatized as I feel like it is with most (American) families. Was this for your whole childhood or just when you were young? My experience here has been people don't mind kids' nudity (on beaches, parks, playing in fountains etc). But after puberty, less acceptable especially in the cities. Growing up I was acutely aware and sad I would have to start wearing a swimsuit at the pool when I was older :( >Whether for the sake of convenience or just as a chance to let your hair down, I think that family-sanctioned opportunities to be nude are a great thing. The last thing I think a kid deserves is the belief that their body is somehow too offensive to show even to parents, and while it didn't lead me straight in to nudism, it wasn't at all challenging for me to relate to the idea that nudity doesn't have to be a taboo. Have nothing to add to this, it's completely correct and true. My parents imbued me with the idea that shame over our appearance and our bodies generally is silly, which was an excellent thing to hear since I sometimes felt troubled over my incontinence issues growing up. In general kids who grow up in accepting families are more comfortable in their own skin. So I suppose you plan to raise any kids you have along the principles you mentioned? Do you have any email, or other way we can talk (if you like?) We seem to have similar ideas
>>2420 It'd actually be really nice to keep in touch, if you want you can email me at whiskey_96@protonmail.com
>>2214 >What makes them better over normal families? No shame over your body, or normal bodily things (menstruation, urination, etc). Nudist families are generally happy, comfortable in their own skin, and around one another. Raise your kids nudist anon.
fortunate to live near a clothes optional beach but unsure whether to visit naked, as i do wear full-time. if it's legal to be naked on the beach it must be legal to change on the beach? im still scared of photographers/cctv tho, i know there are no rules against someone who brings a camera and a telephoto lens lol this all reminds me of when i was a kid, we visited nudist camps, resorts and all that but i would feel so self-conscious because i wet the bed and had a bad bladder. on the one hand, nudism can mean public exposure, shame, humiliation, on the other hand, self-love, self-affirmation... it's sort of vexed for me. and i have no doubt fwiw, i wouldn't be an abdl or a nudist if not for childhood experiences, those who dismiss a link to childhood are mad imo.
>>7622 I've seen people wearing at the nude beach near me, however infrequently. Hell, I've seen people wearing on VERY rare occasions at the non-nude beaches near me, since let's be real, pretty much any diaper will be less revealing than most forms of modern swimwear. I think if people can change their infants on the nude beach and can dress/undress themselves on the nude beach, you should be absolutely g2g assuming you don't start playing with yourself or something similar. If somebody brings a camera but deliberately attempts to focus on you, I know that by me you can bring that up with the authorities.
i'm slightly surprised you saw people on the non-nude beach wearing, less surprised about wearing on the nude beach, though that's still pretty unusual by itself! can you describe to me the sort of persons you saw? did it look to you it was a kink sort of thing, or were they wearing presumably for medical reasons? i have some swim diapers i've worn in the pool before, but they aren't really obvious when you're under the water in terms of privacy and cameras, well it's not illegal to take photos as nude beaches are public spaces. but it's illegal to harass someone, so it could come under that, if it was personal in nature, like i was being followed around, or someone was trying to cause someone distress. but, i think if someone took a photo and i was in the background of it, or even the foreground, i'd be out of luck. let's pray it isn't put on facebook or social media lol. not sure what the authorities could do there (and the police wear body cameras these days so it's just making the problem worse lol) but that's life. i think if you chooses to be naked in public, hard to complain if you get seen by the public tbh. i don't think i could feel aggrieved if i got photographed incidentally. i'm just having trouble putting my nudist mindset together with my diapers and i'd never masturbate in public like that hahahaha, i wear 24/7 so it's not that sexual for me now. i don't get hard just wearing one, i wear out of habit, most of all, like a person with incontinence does. it would take some time to become used to changing on the beach, even if it's legal, because it's a pretty intimate thing. but it's something i would get used to, over time, do you think?
>>8066 oops >> 8103
Clothed in public, always nude at home. Dad didn't like the fact that I was always naked at home, mom didn't mind (I think). It did set me up for some embarrassing moments though, like when my dad's work buddy stopped by and let himself in, seeing me completely naked, yoyoing a turd (don't ask why, it's just something I enjoyed doing as a kid. well, I still enjoy doing it today). I was mortified, and hid in my closet for about an hour. Nowadays I live alone, so I get to be a nudy patootie freely. Feels good.
>>8113 >yoyoing a turd What does this expression mean? Is this some sort of scat fetish thing? Did you continue with the home nudity when you were a teenager? I stopped being able to go on the beach naked when I got pubic hair, my parents thought I was too old (it was a non-nude beach), but I continued being naked at home until I left. It was quite blissful
>>8132 >What does this expression mean? Is this some sort of scat fetish thing? Basically pushing my hard poop in and out of my butt. I always liked how it felt as a kid. >Did you continue with the home nudity when you were a teenager? Yes, but by then if I needed to get a drink, or food, I would wrap a towel around my junk and quickly grab whatever it is that I needed. Never left my room for number 1, just used bottles. When my dad had a friend/girl over, I would just hide in my room until they left.
>>8141 >Basically pushing my hard poop in and out of my butt. I always liked how it felt as a kid. Rather Freudian, but not as bad as what I had imagined. I wonder if the pleasure at this led you toward ABDL? >Yes, but by then if I needed to get a drink, or food, I would wrap a towel around my junk and quickly grab whatever it is that I needed. Never left my room for number 1, just used bottles. When my dad had a friend/girl over, I would just hide in my room until they left. Ah, so I take it your parents weren't as okay with the nudity when you became older, if you had to wrap a towel around, and stay in the room when someone came over? In households where the parents are nudists (and raised the kids in the same way) it's common that the kids remain naked when others come over, even if the adults put their clothes on--because it's a kid, who cares? There is a lot of latitude afforded when the nudity is seen as wholesome or innocuous.
>>8103 Every occasion where I've seen someone wearing at the textile beaches by me it struck me as someone who was wearing primarily out of necessity. Again, it's a comparative rarity but I don't live all that far from the beach so I've had plenty of time there. A few had them on under swimsuits and were just clearly sticking out and a few had on what were obviously swim diapers/plastic pants of some sort as standalone bottoms. None had obvious ABDL designs so I'm not very inclined to feel like any of them had any fetishistic inclination, though I feel like if you have to wear 24/7 for medical reasons there may be some enjoyment to be gained with acceptance of the situation after a while. Despite all the inconveniences of true incontinence I have to figure that the ability to go whenever, wherever is at least a small silver lining in and of itself, at least as long as you've got a quality diaper on.
>>8164 >I feel like if you have to wear 24/7 for medical reasons there may be some enjoyment to be gained with acceptance of the situation after a while. Despite all the inconveniences of true incontinence I have to figure that the ability to go whenever, wherever is at least a small silver lining in and of itself, at least as long as you've got a quality diaper on. Speaking as a guy who only got interested in ABDL after I began suffering incontinence, this is totally true. Interesting that you can notice swim diapers very easily. I guess they aren't actually very discrete (I vacillate between hoping no-one can tell and wondering if everyone can). The pool regulations here require swim diapers and plastic pants for 'infants who are not potty trained and adults suffering incontinence', as the wording says, though I don't go to the pool very often.
>>8180 >Speaking as a guy who only got interested in ABDL after I began suffering incontinence Story?
My parents let us be naked when we were just kids but as we got older we had to wear clothes. Not really sure how nudism and ABDL are connected apart from that.
I'm a lifelong nudist, can answer any q's if ppl are interested. Converted my gf to nudism too (she's an AB, i'm DL). Love answering q's--just ask!
>>8201 You probably aren't here still. But I developed incontinence after I was in a car crash, and I literally had never heard of ABDL before that and didn't know what it was. I am guessing it formed because of my embarrassment at being infantilized when I was an adolescent (by having continence issues, having to wear, and being very reliant upon my parents and adult authorities) >>8653 Bro how can you and your girlfriend be nudists while wearing diapers? I'm getting a really funny image now of an ABDL who untrained who's also a nudist
>>11290 Not the person you replied to, but it's not hard to be a nudist and Diapered. Before I developed bowel incontinence, I would go to nudist beaches all the time. Nobody can tell you're pissing in the sand if you're keeping to yourself or your group who already knows about your condition. Post bowel incontinence, I've only been a few times, obviously diapered. Most I've gotten is some quizzical stares and a few polite questions, once they understand that you have a condition they don't care. So I'd imagine that anyone wearing a diaper to a nude beach, incontinent or not, would encounter the same. Even if you're not incontinent, just say you are. Nobody's gonna challenge that lie.
>>1065 I love being naked in public. My partner and I went to the beach last summer and walked most of the way back naked (it was nighttime by the time we came back and the beach is through a long hiking trail) and it was awesome. I want to go to nudist beaches but we both get hard as rock as soon as we're exposed. I feel like it would put people off.
>>1065 At a clothing optional beach right now. Just came for the first time this summer and its fucking choice. Naked is my favorite outfit next to diapers. People selling booze and weed just walking up and down the shoreline naked. Highly recommend.
>>15585 Why the hell would you want street vendors peddling you stuff every 10 minutes when you're trying to relax on a beach?
>>15615 Very common in poor countries where people struggle to make ends meet, you sell people a service out of comfort. You can remain chilling, sunbathing while someone charges you extra for handing you a fresh can of coca-cola

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