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Baby 06/28/2022 (Tue) 22:26:27 No. 13617
It appears wangxiangbaby is probably about to be nuked. If u know, it’s probably one of the best azn amateur accounts n the girl is super cute. Looks like boyfriend is losing his shit right now. Did he just doxx her with that picture? Could we archive any photos/videos, or post in thread? I would but I’m wagecucking rn If anyone can speak ccp moon runes and translate for entertainment that would be great
Oh tbh may be a false alarm…might be be exbf/now stalker no longer in her life… I forget that they posted from seperate accts…but she’s fucking posting face pics now… wild… sorry for making a thread like a tard
you stright gaytarded dude.
>>13623 >If anyone can speak ccp moon runes the worst part of chans is the fucking edgelord shit hope you saged
>>13617 >Chyna I will never forgive the CCP for this.
>>13642 Just use google translate, nobodys gonna translate fucking twitter drama. For archival of content on twitter, you can use gallery-dl which supports a plethora of other sites too https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl/blob/master/docs/supportedsites.md For pornsites you can use youtube-dl https://ytdl-org.github.io/youtube-dl/supportedsites.html Oh, and stop speaking like a faggot if you want better reception next time
>>13618 Even if it is a false alarm her content is good and it should be saved. I saw this movie way too many times: people who are into abdl, for some reason, eventually delete their whole content online.
>>16287 The coomer fog lifts faster when you are a girl because the more attention you draw to yourself faster you get more and more viral, chances of being outed to family and friends increases EXPONENTIALLY and AAAAAAALSO lots and lots of more creepy guys will start harrasing you, that is a FACT. EVERYONE in this kink has some baggage behind them, in order to pull this off you would need to be surrounded by an extremely enabling circle that will be ok with interacting with you as you pull this kind of shit 24/7 in front of the public. ABDLEmma from Amsterdam apparently pulls it off, but I dont know how """"""advanced""""" the Netherlands are in that regard, also probably she pulls it off because as a woman it comes off more adorable and less creepy/disgusting than as a dude. Still though, going out in the street or public parks with little/ABDL attire seems a little bit disrespectful to innocent bystanders and also borderline abusive in the off chance of you encountering a family simply enjoying the public park... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2IUzW0s0J4 I saw a tumblr user, jellybean-bby she kept talking about diaper training, hypno regressing, very bold claims the way she was phrasing it, proper coomer material bait you would expect from an extremely horny guy (I think she was not a tranny although had some odd features). May be she was trying to get more followers at the beginning or may be truly she was committed to training lost in the coombrain fog thing. She also appeared briefly in clips4sale as ABDL Pixel. https://paddy1231986.tumblr.com/post/629327127243898880 https://paddy1231986.tumblr.com/post/628167328866205696/jellybean-bby-you-know-where-to-find-the-full The she completely disappeared, sadly did not manage to get any of her premium videos or more of her posts saved.

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