/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

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8kun /abdl/ is dead Baby Board owner 09/19/2022 (Mon) 20:06:21 No. 17116
We all knew how shit 8kun has been since a long time. But now it's over.
To be fair here ain't much better.
>>17121 So why don't you start your own 8chan? With blackjack and diapered hookers? Surely you could do so much better!
>>17121 I've noticed a bit of a decline in quality here which has coincided with the exodus of people from 8kun.
Unlucky niggas! Hahaha! Your doxxing of girls and media thieving has come to an end! Pay for our porn, you losers!
>>17126 There's a lot of content getting posted but not a lot of discussion or well, fun. >>17133 Produce something fappable People will pay
>>17133 seethe harder random #4598309483509835098 diaperwhore you would never be attractive to anyone if it wasnt for this fetish, you're not special
>>17133 Yeah sure I'll pay for your stuff... ...for a month while I rip all your content and post it for free for the common man. Fuck off.
>>17133 Post your JFF, OF, and ko-fi. Let's see if you were born a woman. I'm betting that you are some balding fat faggot. With WAAAAY to much body hair; cause you are too fucking lazy to shave if you are going to take a crotch shot pic in you pink diapers.
>>17152 >>17154 >>17155 Us girls need to make our dollars. At least we're honest workers for the ABDL community. You incels will never have a diaper girlfriend. Keep fapping of to our porn, at least we're getting paid for being diapered and shitting.
>>17196 cannot believe this low effort bait can reel in so many people fuck off and die nigger
>>17196 Bait. Are you even trying still waiting for the time stamp crotch shot pic. DON'T FORGET TO FUCKING SHAVE FAGGOT!
>>17196 Nice bait fella, I almost fell for it
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Anyway... this is not a baiting post, this is an F post... Goodbye 8kun, the force be with you PSDT: complaining about piracy in the place where everything can be copyed and sent... Internet is not the best place to have that conversation, unless its bait, in witch case:
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>>17196 If you're not an 8 year old anime girl I probably won't waste the bandwidth on your porn.
2014? Wow it feels longer than that. Gamergate and the original exodus of halfchan feels like it was longer ago than 7-8 years.
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It was a good call to end /abdl/ and lock it since the pigfarmer decided to implement authentication that requires downloading an android app before being allowed to post due to someone spamming the site. This place isn't getting better either since it's forcing cookies now.
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>>17891 Saw this yesterday. Looks like this app is a simple one-time password generator, but who knows what kind of data it may send to the pig farmer. It was funny to see the Q boomer praising it, saying stuff like >Thank you for defending free-speech, Jim I thought these people were a meme, but it looks like they're a real. Also, here's the archive of the closing 8kun/abdl, in case the board gets deleted. https://archive.fo/WtOms
>>17891 >This place isn't getting better either since it's forcing cookies That's to deal with pedoniggers spamming crap and immediately archiving it in a way to take 8moe down. >>>/v/709173
>>17902 I'm genuinely impressed at how awful that is from a security perspective. There's no way that won't end up being used to distribute malware to users, assuming it isn't already malware.
>>17914 it lasted less then a week
by locking down the abdl board on 8kun the owner of that board is preventing anyone from trying to run such a board themselves. its one thing that he doesnt want to run it anymore himself, thats his choice. its entirely another thing to lock it down but keep it up so no one else can claim the title. and the shadyness of it is underscored by his decision to ban me for pointing this out. not very free speech friendly to censor opinions that counter his bullshit.
>>20193 >>20195 We've had these discussions, no one wants to split the community further. also, Bo tried to keep 8kun going for ages, but the picture problem was insurmountable. I was involved in both boards and thought his answer was patient and in the best interests of the community. Stop being a fucking baby.
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>>20193 >>20195 Haha! Get fucked! >Free speech I'm not preventing you from creating boards on 8kun. Go ahead and do it, then spread the name, work for it. No one will use it, because the problem is 8kun itself, not me. When I assumed /abdl/ from the original creator, he said I was the only person trying to claim the board. That's how much fucks you people gave to that board back in the day. I'm keeping my word of managing it, so it won't fall in the wrong hands and gets nuked and also to be an archive of the old times. Except without media, unfortunately. How can we know you're acting in good faith? You're crying like a retard and appealing to hypocrisy. 8kun itself claims to want free speech but they went after all porn on the site, not only /abdl/. Go complain with the pigfarmer. Hell, why don't you create your own board here on 8moe or host your own chan? Make it part of the of the webring. You can do so much. But no. Let's bitch and moan about something no one cares about, except you. Do you think if you were in charge, 8kun's /abdl/ would flourish? Have you tried to post something on 8kun now? You need an app on your phone to post. You're beating a dead horse. Stay mad, retard.
>>20202 Based king
>>20202 He's just concern trolling, you did your best with what the bloated corpse of Ron Watkins QAnon faggotry did to fullchan. The shambling corpse of 8kun is pic related.
>>20202 >stay mad retard Not a good look insulting someone who completely and utterly roasted you toasted you and threw you in the gutter. Trust that we are all laughing at you for being a trash BO. All those words just to essentially say "yea im mad af that my board is gone so fuck u haha u mad bro" Kill yourself.
>>20202 The fact he's going after pornnis hilariouly hypocrital considering his entire empire was built on hostinf sketchy down offshore.
>>20205 The fact that you can't tell you got btfo right away by everyone shows you're probably some lolcow who would do piss everyone off and make us look bad if you were ever in charge of anything.
>>20205 >Not a good look insulting someone who completely and utterly roasted you toasted you and threw you in the gutter. Trust that we are all laughing at you for being a trash BO. All those words just to essentially say "yea im mad af that my board is gone so fuck u haha u mad bro" Yes, yes, we all know it's you Onideus, fuck off somewhere else now, faggot. I preferred 8kun's ABDL board because the BO was based, but even I stopped using it after the pictures were broken again and again. Do you think if BO handed the reigns over to someone new that the picture issue would solve itself? The answer is, of course, "No" because Watkins is too busy sucking his own dick in-between being a federal informant.
>>17116 >abdl-tans.png The one on the left is Tarrant-chan but who's the one on the right? i like her hairdo
who tf even cares about kun? that shit was barely functioning for the past year with random blackouts, imageserver dying and thumbnails redirecting to a fucking vpn ad

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