/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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https://www.pixiv.net anon 11/06/2022 (Sun) 00:38:33 No. 18990
We all should get https://www.pixiv.net/ memberships to help pay for our art, they host Shota and Loli Works. They have clean and erotic art. THE ARTS SHOWN BELOW ARE ALL FROM https://www.pixiv.net/
Those will be the last https://www.pixiv.net/en art I will post, you have to pay if you want more. It is 5 dollars a month.
>>18990 >>18991 What does this have to do with ABDL you asshat?
>>18990 You fucking retard. Not even bothered to post pics with a diaper in sight. Obviously a broke pedo begging for content after discovering pixiv. Probably that fat fuck that can't afford a cushy pen membership.
>>19000 After I read the OP I thought this thread couldn't get any dumber, but you really gave it your all and proved me wrong. At least OP posted some cute pictures.
>>19099 Samefagging this hard is pretty pathetic. Only Onideus would be this much of a fag.
>>18990 Thanks for the cute pics. Probably should've posted diaper stuff but whatever. Fuck pixiv though. You should always look for the most direct compensation for any self employed worker so they don't get screwed by fees and shit.

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