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Diaper Boy Damien Michael Turner Has Committed Suicide. Baby 07/24/2023 (Mon) 17:41:33 No. 27990
Someone on DD said he killed himself last Christmas. I wonder how someone who was so monumentally obsessed with diapers could suicide? Wonder why he didn't choose to continue to live to wear as many diapers as humanly possible throughout his life. Why do you think he killed himself? Too bad he had a big dick too. F https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/name/damien-turner-obituary?id=38537334
Please share a kind word about the recently departed.
Not to speak ill of the dead, or the kink I'm part of. But a person definitely has had to have a poor upbringing and unresolved mental disorders to not only dox themselves with this kink, but to also take there life. I hope their family can find some peace of mind. Sad to see a loss for anything. Even if they are just an abdl
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>>27995 Is it the same person?
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>>27992 Diaperfags, this is your mindset.
>>27990 >Be colossal faggot who outed himself as ABDL to everyone >have people on DailyDiapers say you became an hero >start new life, this time remembering to keep it off the internet. >??? >profit
>>27997 I have no idea. This came up in another thread either here on halfchan and everything I could find lined up. That picture doesn't quite look like the same person but if you look at the features individually (eyes, nose, mouth, jaw) it does.
>>28000 I don't think its him. He was living in West Virginia and they said the guy was arrested in Ohio and the crime took place in Arkansas.
>>27997 >>28000 >>28001 It's definitely not the same person. The inmate page says the pedo Damien was given 2 disciplinary violations in January and February of this year. It also says he completed anger management class in May. The obituary for diaperboy Damien says he died christmas day 2022. They also appear to be a year off in age (diaperboy Damien was 31 in December 2022, while pedo Damien was 32 in March of that same year) They lived in different states as previously mentioned, and pedo Damien had a girlfriend (whose children he molested). Diaperboy Damien was openly gay from what I remembered.
>>27990 To get back to OPs question, though. Obviously the dude epitomized letting your fetish control your life. I remembered he talked about how he'd feel shame and regret after cumming, so his solution -- rather than to stop exposing himself online -- was to stop cumming. Unfortunately the guy was a ticking time bomb. Repeated binge-purge cycles. Weeks or months of intense horniness separated by moments of deep regret and, presumably, depression. It's actually a bit of a catch-22. To live out a life of constant diapers and exposure, he would have needed to reach psychological peace with his fetish. So when he "accidentally" came or whatever, he wouldn't then go desperately try to remove everything from the internet. But then the flipside is, somebody who is psychologically well adjusted isn't going to stuff their college diploma in their diaper, drop a load in it, then post it to the internet. Honestly feel pretty bad for the dude. I can only conjecture, but I bet he didn't have the best upbringing.
>>28017 Where did he say he stopped cumming in diapers? His reddit history shows he was a gay bottom who was very interested in cell phone technology. He posted way more about cell phone stuff than diaper stuff. About two years ago his aunt (who he said was like his mother) dropped $45k so he could get a full set of dental implants after removing all his teeth. Also it was only one person on DD that said it was suicide. Can't find any more info how he died. But to die on Christmas day two days before your 34th birthday seems like suicide could be likely. Especially if he was depressed. He said he hadn't talked to his mother in a while and didnt need to because she was mean and he was mentally unstable enough. He said his family was okay with him wearing diapers. When he was young he lied to them about bedwetting and they bought him diapers. Once he told them he liked wearing diapers they didn't care. I wonder if his mom was not nice to him because of his diapers?
>>28017 Plus there was that clickbait article in 2020 about him losing his job because he wore diapers to work, made a video rubbing his diaper in the bathroom at work. He said it was hard to find work because he refused to stop wearing diapers to work and employers would find his diapers if they just typed in his name on a search engine. Two years ago his Reddit posting stopped. Someone on his Instagram already is saying he raped kids I'm assuming from that other guy in Arkansas.
>>28023 > $45k so he could get a full set of dental implants on a side note, jesus christ
>>28023 Why did he have his teeth removed? That sounds horrific.
>>28023 >Where did he say he stopped cumming in diapers? It was some blog post from ages ago. Like 7-8 years ago. I'm not going to even try finding it again. I think somebody was asking him how he deals with post-nut clarity, and his response was that he tries just not cumming at all. I doubt that actually worked out for him in the long run, but it stood out to me because it seemed like such a depressing and, frankly, futile solution. > I wonder if his mom was not nice to him because of his diapers? Who knows. Dude always gave off "I came from white trash" vibes so it could be anything. Drugs, poverty, family instability. Also, if your kid was literally bringing shame to the family name, losing jobs, etc. you might lose patience with him too. I mean, imagine searching your cousin's name on the internet and finding that? Family parties must have been super awkward. Or, just imagine all the snickering his family would hear from neighbors, while at church, etc. The more I think about it, his behavior was akin to an addict whose selfish, destructive behavior affects the whole family. It's just sad all around. I didn't know about the teeth thing. Is that a gay bottom thing? His face never seemed methy, so I doubt it would be that...
>>28037 >>28027 Actually it's all pretty much described on his reddit page. Sounds like he had a condition that was never treated when he was younger. "Yeah I never had much education, guidance, or opportunities to see a dentist growing up which contributed to me basically neglecting them, and got a big wakeup call hence me getting them removed at this age." In another post he said that Type 1 diabetes and smoking were contributing factors.
Oh well...
>>27990 >Wonder why he didn't choose to continue to live to wear as many diapers as humanly possible throughout his life. >Why do you think he killed himself? This fetish is expensive as fuck and I hate having it. Stopped wearing several months ago because of the cost and it just makes me more depressed. Props to him for having bigger balls than me. Post nut clarity probably hit him hard.
>>28181 Maybe he ran out of money to buy diapers because nobody would hire him at searching his name and an heroed because no more diapers?

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