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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3579: The King We Need Edition Anonymous 11/27/2021 (Sat) 21:20:27 Id: 0b10df No. 158447
Covid: Travel and mask rules tightened over Omicron variant https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59445124 Storm Arwen: three people killed after winds of almost 100mph hit UK https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/nov/27/storm-arwen-two-people-killed-after-winds-of-almost-100mph-hit-uk Storm Arwen: 80,000 homes in Scotland without power https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-59416262
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>>158447 good lad
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hankerin for a wankerin tbh
>everywhere depends on brave and hardworking english men, even the psychopathic arab utopia of saudi arabia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HMWCDUfJMs
>>158455 why would you shoot a man before pulling a lever and running them over with a trolley?
>>158456 play a grand strategy or eco/sim builder game. Hyper autism is what cures my desire to touch my willy tbh
>>158450 jkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>158460 yeah im invading italy as USA in darkest hour satisfying to kill hundreds of thousands of dagos
>mick flaherty err I meant british men
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>>158463 just as bri'ish as you and me
BREAKING BIKE MIKE leads his NJP raiders to Waukesha. reports incoming that police can't restrain them, cars are being flipped over, antifa have admitted defeat, the white race is saved. https://t.me/s/media2rise
>>158465 PRESENTE
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>>158467 to think women are eating poo inside that tower right now
>>158465 smh can't even watch it unless I have telegram
https://youtu.be/5RgR0-EWuNY Can't get over the bum bum energy here tbh
this lad again
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>>158452 Nothing on 4chan is worth seeing if this is the best thing on the website.
>>158472 It's been shite since the nigger dick fiasco
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I see how it is, the normies are all out clubbing instead of posting in the thread like good lads.
>>158474 Do Putin voters even self-identify as conservatives? He gets like 70% of the vote and all the other relevant parties support him so they probably just see themselves as centrist normal people.
wish we had more storms like last night, it was really comfy >>158458 tbh, i wouldn't mind getting on the middle east toil gravy train. i know loads of lads who go and stay in posh camps in UAE and Qatar and make bank
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ummmmm uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it's just that, sorry, I'm just not posting on 4chan and well, basically.... HAHAHAHAHAHA
>>158476 >(1) are you sure they're not de facto enslaved by arab oil barons when they arrive?
https://youtu.be/s36eQwgPNSE Take me to shitpost town lads
>>158465 I wish matt heimbach was there for the optics check
seeing alot of not repressed sexuality ITT lads, take care of that
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fantasising about leading a unit of incels during the happening tbh
I really fucking hate Pakis, I cannot understand how anybody doesnt despise these vile evil creatures.
evenin lads scored a proper worldy on FIFA earlier. 40 yard volley with Pogba in off the underside of the bar even the lad I was playing had to show it some respect
https://youtu.be/NJ6kJ7GWtv0 It's Christmas lads, exciting times
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>A new chapter of dwarven history begins here at this place, Edimnolthag, "Rayscysts". Strike the earth!
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>>158490 why didnt he move? stupid idiot
>>158490 why didn't poo a turd bigger than itself down the snake's throat?
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>electric jews close their automated digital meter payment website on weekends why? I just want to buy more leccy smh
wish the entire american continent didn't exist. it's only been trouble
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>>158495 You wouldn't let them run all your appliances on shekel intake machines, just good business.
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>lass I'm talking with talking about having been raped and I'm getting a half-chub
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I KNEEL before polan for their services to the white race. https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1464587365343797259
>>158502 qeq they are literal pawns being moved around the global chessboard
>>158502 based big plane winged hussars
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>>158505 better than yesterday but not there yet
>>158474 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
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wonder how many of these anti-wh*te burger massacres are just going to be completely covered up in the next decade
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>those times you get poo on your fingers and you actually have to wash your hands
>>158508 ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>>158508 the systems is SHAKING under the weight of Big Mike
>>158508 NJP chads making the control freak mummies seethe. I bet she goes home and wakes up completely wet thinking about mikes beady eyes
>>158502 shitskin cattle getting returned to their pigpens by SLAVA
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>>158514 o tempora, o mores but there shall be no sneethe
find it annoying when someone comments on something that doesn't concern them. especially when they're being critical. what are you trying to do? it's needless shit stirring, and then you have to reconcile someone who's got nothing to do with any of it in the first place. it's better to just tell them to mind their own business, smh
the seethe must flow
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decided to embrace sexual repression thereby unavailing myself to the perils of materialism. i will only indulge in materialism as much as is necessary to survive, probably just a barrel to sleep in and some tins
>>158520 why are you indulging in materialistic computer use right at this very moment instead of having a wank in a theatre purely as a non-sexual expression of disdain towards the patrons?
the computer is a virtual realm, not a material one retarderino
>>158522 sorry I forgot you can just access the internet via the noosphere by thinking mean thoughts about david lynch really hard
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*shoots you in the cunt*
>>158524 did he get even a slap on the wrist for manslaughter yet?
Masks in the shops again reeee
>>158526 all you have to do is not wear it and pretend you can't understand them when maskoids try to berate you into compliance
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half-melted lidl magnum just fell off the stick then I squished it into the carpet with my slipper in the panic
very close to seething rn fr
>>158532 a feel most understandable for me it's bloodstains on the carpet smh
>bloodstains on the carpet
>>158535 better than acid damage in the bathroom smh
The French invaded Algeria during the 1800s, only 30 years after the Barbary wars where US, Sweden and Italy teamed up to put the NAFRIs in their place. The French instead permanently occupied Algeria and tried to civilize the country. Pied Noire (French settlers) lived their for hundreds of years in peace. The CIA supported the FLN in the 1940s in an attempt to "turn them away from communism" and they instead just became Islamists until the Algerian civil war where the Western backed "democratic" government overcame the FIS (Front of Islamic Salvation) in a brutal civil war, which killed more than the Algerian war of independence. Remember decolonisation was an official American policy. The French generals of the 1950s predicted a civil war in developing Algeria and tried to stop it with a coup, it failed, along with it went the Pied Noire who were massacred to the point where they started bombing mainland France to force them back into Algeria (OAS). As it failed the pro-French minority (Harkis) along with the Pied Noire (French settlers) fled to France. The democratic American backed front was unable to deal with the Islamist wing of the FLN and former freedom fighters like Mohamed Boudiaf were murdered on live TV. The country dissolved into chaos and civil war with the Islamist FIS splitting into two fronts, an explicitly Islamist group called GIA, which massacred random villages in Algeria until the government received their demands (Dont look up GIA village massacres) and the FIS loyalists who were also beat by the ANP. GIA bombed France numerous times even after it left Algeria just from pure Islamist hatred of France. Overtime a USSR backed strongman called Liamine Zéroual was put into place who cleaned the country up and tried to reconciliate France to receive aid. Gradually Algerian foreign policy included French oversight as they had clearly failed to rule themselves and so Algeria was left as an undemocratic state in the French neo-Empire.
>>158537 did they really think mudsharts would embrace freedum and democracy
>>158537 >>158538 god I hate golem niggercattle zionist puppet scum
>>158537 SO true folks, either the white man or chaos, rules.
>>158537 It's just good business.
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>>53499 >saving an effortpost to repost 3 weeks later at 2 in the morning with zero context what's his game lads?
>>158526 lad you could catch the decepticon variant
>>158537 I made this post when I was drunk, just read about the Algerian war and their civil war after nigga it isnt that impressive.
>>158542 keeeeeke, did you make this big brain post? based if yes i loved it so much i decided to make it pasta. i actually saved it a few months ago though, interesting that someone else is pastaposting it lel
>>158544 based
>>158543 keeek smh optifauc prime needs more beagles to torture to death otherwise they'll get the vaxxcube and destroy the world
It's better than twittershit I'm going to allow it
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>>158547 *optimus prime voice* GET THE VACCINE
how did that lad search through the archives so quickly?
>>158546 >>158545 The Algerian War is super important for the development of modern nationalism in France, Jean-Marie Le Pen personally served there and was accused of engaging in torture of FLN captives. Likely one of the reasons he took to radical right politics instead of mainstream politics. The majority of FNs voter base in the 90s were descendants of either Pied Noir and Harkis, and this was when they first ever gained seats which kicked off riots in the South of France by recent Muslim immigrants that further benefitted them. Front National has always had a devoted voter based from both the Pied Noir and Harki's descendants that will never leave them. One of my French teachers at school was a descendant of Harkis and he was openly racist, pretty based tbh.
>>158551 maybe he just has a good memory
>>158552 tbh isnt zemmour an algerian jew?
>>158553 he word searched the HopeNotHate archives lads abandon the thread.
>>158554 >tradcath14 >young wife and hopeful future mother
eric striker redeems the manlet race lads he makes me proud to be 5'9''
>>158557 KEEEEEEK literally alll of them
>>158554 good lads wop vegeta needs to lose the aviators though
>>158558 can't listen to it until the morning but looking forward to some daftykino tbh
>>158560 tbh he needs heimbach to optics check him
>>158555 Yeah they also make up a significant amount of the refugees from Algeria, there's still a debate if they count as Pied Noir or Harkis. Either way they were treated like Harkis who were brutally tortured before their death usually involved eye gouging and acid, including their extended families. This is unlike Pied Noir who were (usually) simply murdered after the end of French rule. Not to ignore the fact there are plenty of stories of little Pied Noir girls who were left behind being raped before their deaths or forced marriages after Frances defeats though. These facts weren't kept from mainland France. It's no wonder the French are more rightist than the UK considering their colonial collapse was far more brutal and close to home than ours. Harkis are the most far-rightist group in France, they will defend every massacre committed during the war because to them it was the only thing standing between the torture and deaths of their extended families.
Its natural that the concept of the great replacement developed in France when they were once 15% of the Algerian population until the revolution reduced them to 0%, even indigenous Christians and Jews were butchered or expelled en masse. Algeria is a 99% Arab/Berber nation and many of the troublesome Berber tribes were exported to France such as the Kabyle, who are a group that poses remarkable light features like blonde hair and coloured eyes (Zinedine Zidane is an example)
whats a france don't you mean the angevin empire?
reminded myself of the french girls that tried to take my virginity but couldn't because i hadn't hit puberty yet but all my friends had
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>>158567 https://youtu.be/lVN1Apz45AE this is me simping to the brunette
>>158568 keeeeeke
>>158566 I fondly remember my school having a day where a group of French kids came over for their day-trip, the all had clipboards to record whatever they learned from the experience, I guess. I was immediately surrounded by les petite filles, who for some reason picked me, and were so impressed by me for whatever reason they all gathered around pushing me to the ground and they all laughed and picked me up. I still wank to the memory tbh. Anyway I was at the bottom of my class for French so I couldn't speak to them much, I tried telling them I enjoyed Ye-Ye music but they didn't understand and, again, all laughed. The teacher came over and instructed the questions they were to ask in broken English which I replied to. It was very cute.
>>158570 smh lad, all i had to do was nothing, but instead i ran away when i could've gone back to my friends as chad, a man learned in fanny. i thought it was a trap because i'd grown up getting bullied by anglo femoids and thought they were just building me up to take me down
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a lass wanted to fuck me but i put her off by smelling my fingers after i fingered her
I re-read that old thread during the israeli genocide of Palestinians. smh why are jews so hateful?
>>158576 They became slaves of the demon Marduk when they were in babylon
>>158567 seeing women spending their alpha/beta/whatever suckers' money will put you off women forever
>orthodox wiki is acting up did tradcathbich666 launch ddos against enemies of the faith?
(((catholic))) biches don't kno bout my orthodox relics
>>158554 whitepilled again
>>158583 >>158582 redpill me on orthodox anglo saxons lad. google gives me nothing
>>158586 they have a whole island no outsiders are permitted to approach, and ZERO women since the founding. No old women or girls either. For this reason alone they are BASTE and worthy of respect & honor.
>>158587 I mean, was anglo saxon england actually orthodox if not connected to Constantinople like Greece and Russia was?
>>158586 The pope in Rome wanted total primacy above all other regional patriarchs and sent William who bore a papal banner when he went to fight Harold who wasn't very interested in this Roman business. Thus you had the Saxons who in the aftermath fled to Crimea to be near the eastern Christians. The anglo saxons werent Eastern Orthodox exactly , but they took a similar position as to those in the east who permanently separated into the Eastern branch.
>>158589 interesting
starting to feel like a historylet again
normans seemed like the original form of zogbots since they enforced papism in most places they went including taigland, asia minor, etc.
>>158593 keeeeeeeeek
>>158589 I know some of that but do you have any evidence of Anglo-Saxon orthodoxy?
>>158592 Sounds fair lad. We just need to tie the Norman families to satanic noncery and we can see the eternal struggle echoing in its' entirety.
>>158595 Dunno if there are doctrinal affinities that linked Saxons and Greek Christians. Would be interesting.
>>158593 Roof wants answers on the anglodox questions tbh
looking at an old receipt wtf pots up with a 10% tax? gotta shop online somewhere else
>>158592 wopbots
>For the first, and indeed the last, time in European history, the >three great civilizations of the Mediterranean, the Latin, the >Greek and the Arabic all came together in harmony and concur. >And all this occurred less than a hundred years after the >schism between the Greek and the Latin churches, and in the >very century of the second and third crusades, where just a >few hundred miles to the East Christians and Muslims were >bashing each other’s brains out. Only here, in this one island, in >the dead centre of the Mediterranean, was there peace, >understanding and mutual respect. Norman Sicily remains a >lesson to us all.” >John Julius Norwich
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>fix sleep schedule >ruined it again
me? well it would have to be 9 to 5 by sheena easton
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me? i've never been employed
>>158605 impossible
lmao Santa has hiv
trimmed my toenails, got that spa high
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BASED boomer protects his daughters from being raped by a pack of negroes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihOiXgvGfqY
>>158611 protects them by murdering one of them might I add.
>>158604 that comes up on the toil radio sometimes tbh always makes me smile and think of /brit/
>>158613 nice lad it's an anthem for sure. whenever i hear it i always imagine i'm a based 54 year old pre diabetic norf dancing in an old church that's been converted to a bingo hall
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>captcha: fabf0e >id: 77b647 >fab foe >77 begat
>>158614 keeeeeeek this is what britain used to be about
>>158615 the walls are closing in
based russia intervening in car
>>158618 elaborate on this please lad
>>158619 can't lad, too many tinnies in
I was reading about the Hungarian Revolution and they either hanged and beat to death or dragged Soviet collaborators behind vans through the streets of Budapest. Interesting how that's allowed when it favours the geopolitics of America but do it to niggers and you're out of line.
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>>158620 good lad >>158621 the only time revolutions succeed is when it's already a done deal and the public are just doing clean-up duty for the new regime there has never been a truly successful peasant's revolt smh you can only string up your old masters after getting permission from your new masters
>>158622 You're right but the Hungarian revolution was very based, it started as an anti-Jewish pogrom that spread to the point where America-backed democracy advocates had to get on board. Many of the people fighting street to street were Nazi WW2 veteran freedom fighters who came out of the woods. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XACh5caP_5I
>>158623 that does sound pretty based tbh ngl video's broken though smh
>>158624 weird it works for me, its a david irving speech on his book about the hungarian revolution.
>>158595 >>158597 Probably more that they picked up eastern tendencies from the celts.
>>158625 the audio cuts out after about nine seconds and just repeats "again gain gain gain" for the rest of the video tried downloading the video with youtube-dl to see if that helped but it didn't smh still does the same thing giz us a quick rundown lad what are the key takeaways from his speech?
>>158627 jews were behind the hungarian secret police and the first politicians killed during the 1956 revolution were jews, therefore the hungarian revolution was actually a pogrom. then he says a story about being bullied by jews who said he hated them and he asked them "what did you do to be so hated?" and equates it to the situation in hungary.
>>158627 thats bizarre. hope this version works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXAfA6z2rm4
>>158628 unequivocally based on all counts tbh >>158629 yeah this one works thanks lad
quite enjoyed that little accidental diatribe tbh
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>>158629 >that one jew in the comments that spent about 7 months autistically posting but without a single argument
>>158632 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>matt munroe
>>158588 It was Roman Catholic, the LARPers here chat mega shite like this fool >>158589 >>158592 The Anglo-Saxons were Roman Catholics. The reason they carried a Papal Banner is because Harold Godwinson was widely considered to have committed perjury. >>158595 He has this website he likes to link to.
>158636 >one person allegedly committing perjury is a good enough reason to subjugate an entire ethnicity under the yoke of furrin rulers for a thousand years yep luv that pope me smh filtered
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https://youtu.be/JTScaFIAtzo >nephew and niece visiting and jumping around and stomping the floor AHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE TOIL REST
>>158638 keeeeek >>158639 keeeeeeeeeeek smh get up lad be a good uncle
>>158640 went upstairs and guessed correctly that the abstract art on the paper was a snowman, got some waffles then went downstairs again. I did my part
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early morning sheether: arreshted and exshecuted
living near the sea during the cold must suck I literally feel like I have freeze burns from a 10 minute walk along the coast.
>>158641 >guessed correctly in awe tbh that's an impossible task >>158642 good lad >>158644 closed the video within a few seconds
>>158644 good lad
>>158645 doesn't it get colder inland? Guess it's the wind making you feel that way?
>>158648 yeah cold wind hurts lad.
>>158649 bet you're cute with rosy cheeks right now
>>158644 >5.7 million views never let a women complain about being molested to you again.
most women actually regret not being molested as kids, I know this from never having sex nor interacting with women.
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>just wanted to find something for the lad to keep warm >get corona virus info smh
>>158652 think it's safe to assume most women lie about it being molestation or rape when they were part of it. Talked with a single mummy who called the father of her son(who was her bf at the time) a rapist but when I asked about it she didn't say no, she just thought she didn't want it but didn't resist or say no. Hate them me
God DAMN I need more droe wors
>>158655 make your own lad
>>158657 lot of wogs there tbh smh
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>>158654 >when b*sexual ex gf was posting about being a victim of grooming for e-clout because she dated an 18 year old autist at 15 who she persued and I know she dyked out with a 12 year old girl when she was 17 because she bragged about it
>>158663 lad do yourself and the world a favour and honour kill her already smh
>>158662 Baltimore is full of wogs? say it aint so lad...
>>158663 okay and now you're filtered lad. anybody who says bisexual ex from now on is perma filtered.
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>>158664 I should've when we were both 16 tbph. Could be out on parole and have qt groupies that love me for having killed a woman. Now I'd get 30 years and be forced to convert to Islam or get beheaded. Not worth it. I will just continue to sneethe at her from time to time. >>158666 Good lad, Satan.
>>158665 no lad i mean the police squad >>158667 smh missed opportunity
just people on a rock in space stop thinking live life
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Had a nightmare about being a troomer, lads. Never felt 'gender dysphoria' but I had it in the dream, and was being heckin validated by everyone around me, like doctors and school teachers, and even mummy (who would never in a million years do such a thing). Point is I got to the stage of dressing like a girl and then for the first time encountered a bunch of based lads who bullycided me for being hench and having a beard and LARPing as a lady. Smh new found empathy for troons tbh. They would need bullyciding if they weren't coerced down the wrong path by those meant to protect them. Think I also had the dream because I'm worried b*sexual ex gf might groom her kids to be troomers. Smh one day I will save them through unauthorized emergency adoption if she does that. Okay, thank you.
>>158670 stop coming to this website lad.
Lads be at parliament square tomorrow at 10 am.
>>158669 tbh live laugh love am i right lass >>158670 bit worrying lad >>158672 i can't make it lad are there options to telecommute?
>never felt 'gender dysphoria' but i had it in the dream whatever you say lad
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>>158671 Piss off. I was posting in /brit/ before there was a /brit/. >>158674 Rooooo why can't you just take me at my heckin worderino?
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>>158675 resht your head cupcake
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>>158676 morning
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just realised that if i search "cool" in my image folder the results are one third frogs wearing sunglasses one third terrorists and the last third is a mish-mash of dogs, monkeys, robots, skeletons, dilbert, hitler, sam hyde, and calvin coolidge >>158676 keeeeeeeeeeeek morning lad >(147/147) what possesses a man to embarrass himself to such an extent? smh >>158678 morning lad
>>158679 sounds based to me tbh
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>accidentally said good morning to 068ffd when he's been in the thread longer than me smh >>158682 keeeek jumping at shadows smh sad! >>158683 think it's been like that for a few years tbh
>>158685 reminder it's always women and children that's why we focus on this single woman this time
>>158685 based
https://youtu.be/JmeJ2VsCs-0 Recorded for Dorset
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>grandparents somehow fucked up their internet and both their mobile phones and can now only be contacted by landline >don't have their landline number >all other family is on holiday going to go over for smonday sninner and find them dead smh
>>158691 omnichron dinner
>>158691 time to turn up in person to help out lad
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>>158694 >mmm thee fry with chikin an bajutabul an also eck yah an onyon too
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ngl though she is pleasingly curvy
nice toasted cheese and mustard sandwich (with hot english mustard that burns the insides of my nostrils)
>>158699 sounds lovely lad. The only good mustard is one that makes your eyes water.
omnichron lockdown will be literally 2 weeks and then it will fizzle out just in time for christmas spending spree.
>>158701 Unless the aim is to further fuck the economy.
>>158702 if it was just a smash and grab, it will be over by tomorrow but the mask wearing rule suggests otherwise i guess.
If greg is right it'll only stop when central banks are the only buyer and seller of last resort or something like that.
>>158704 tbh you'll own nothing
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>>158705 for you lad because oz is already about 40% there
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiBoKGwVnxM This is from the Andrew Marr show I think?
Only been to Yangon once, didn't realise the ladies were quite so friendly as that lass above.
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>>158706 tbqh >>158708 smh missed opportunity lad
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we should have gone splendid isolation mode at the beginning smfh. now it's annual lockdowns and mask shite until 2030 when they usher in a new age with some gay masonic sacrifice
>>158710 It's by design lad.
>>158711 i thought patriots were in control
>>158710 tbh assuming that mentira is real then honestly everywhere in the world should have gone into splendid isolation and this whole thing would have burnt out in a month and been a complete non-event smh it's almost like it's just a narrative to push more control smdh
>>158713 realistically that's not a real option thanks to the nature of global trade.
>>158714 smh even as a young lad i understood the importance of domestic production tbh the whole world is run by short-sighted idiot jew-slaves sick of it >>158715 keeeeek >>158716 i regret clicking that spoiler
>>158716 he is the only thing on the internet that makes me feel physically sick
>>158718 natural and normal reaction to seeing homosexuals tbh
>>158720 his coffee's probably cold by now
>shartomobiles beeping at big mike and the NJP crew as they drive past the waukesha protest display there is hope
>>158722 what are you watching lad?
>>158723 spy account uploaded footage of the NJP lads prootesting and giving interviews https://twitter.com/tradcath_14/status/1464711835379277837
>>158611 looks like they were associating with niggers and thus bringing them into the white neighborhood. i fucking hate women
>>158725 the human equivalent of pitbulls keeek
"human" tbh
>>158623 jews destroyed the video post on rumble or odysee
>>158629 david irving is such a good lad
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>>158730 >except i wanted to cry because i was so grateful for science
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>tfw get through 3 days of posts and don't know what to post now got more toil deadlines this week that I've procrastinated and I'm about to crash rn after eating noodles smh but don't want to wake at 1 am
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>SA has now made it so only he can post threads when will his despotic reign end
>>158732 based bidung too bad the courts do you fossil
love it when all the panoply of control is aligned together to mindfuck the niggercattle, me
>>158734 use index mode instead of catalogue
https://youtu.be/rX4K482HvZw listening to it again and pretending I am some hip boomer in the early 80s living in chicago and everything is hopeful
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>>158733 sort yourself out lad for your own sake not like i can talk though smh keeek >>158734 it's just a bug in the site software lad trust the plan >>158738 smh can't help being jealous of how good they had it tbh the ungrateful irresponsible shites
(1.47 MB 720x820 wignats in wakesha.mp4)

real 90s wignat vibes from this tbh, kino
>>158740 based
>>158740 those 20 lads could beat the 40 birminghamoids easily
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>>158743 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
(170.13 KB 1920x1080 woes looking at camera .webm)

>tfw the only sweeties are ones that need to be prepared and they are making me feel a bit sick at the thought ate the maltesers earlier it was only a small bag smh what was mummy thinking not getting the family sized bag for her growing early 20s neethog
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>>158746 >seething female toilee running away to avoid the westernised cosmopolitan
lasses who wear flip flop type shoes that just slip on are a 0 to me no matter how peng they are tbh
still would tho
>>158745 no woes terminator sent back in time to find mike penovich and preventing him from saving the white race
>>158750 Imagine Woes with this scene https://youtu.be/zlJtohZSsfY
the "flee to asia and get a chinky wife and spawn a hapa army" option is on my mind a lot these days smh just scared of being gulaged over being a naughty boy
off to sneetheday sneether sneethers
been so paranoid these last few months
>>158753 sneethe sneethe lad >>158754 yeah tbh
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>>158756 "breakfast eh? ho ho"
oh my days schizo will you shut up
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>>158758 bit jealous tbh some comfy isolationkino that
>>158765 yeah, ideally you'd be able to work a few hours to get the minimum amount of money to live that livestyle and spend the rest of the time relaxing and doing hobbies but instead toilberg created the frankenmonster toil control matrix treadmill
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>>158766 tbh fuck toil
what is it with bugmen/cosmopolitan types and ordering those weird coffee fruit juicey type drinks, poofs tbh
>>158765 Can't say I particularly care for all the shite that is linked to a smart phone.
>>158767 luv that 3 year old OC still being posted tbh
>>158751 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek even has the flies
>>158768 tbh >>158769 tbh could do without all the tech shite smh
>>158768 The observation of them being fruit juice drinkers is fairly old.
>>158773 it's weird that for all his talk of introversion and isolation he is massively dependent on services he has no ownership or control of.
>>158775 tokyo looks like the ultimate human ant hill tbf at least it has that nice cleanly jap aesthetic
>>158774 yeah but its the weird brown drinks in plastic cups with straws and ice that I always see cosmopolitans have, every "aesthetic" "minimalist" skinny jeans wearing foid seems to show drinking it as part of their "daily routine"
>>158776 clean safe and still looks 90% japanese
>>158775 he lives in a society would prefer to be a subsistence farmer myself tbh >>158776 yeah they manage to make their urban areas slightly less soul-crushing than average
>>158779 probably just to us round eyes, to the jap man its probably complete demolition man tier meaninglessness. knew this one jap doctoral student when I worked at uni toil and his dad was a comfy japanese village fisherman he was like the japanese version of a redneck and chain smoked ciggies and was super sunburnt
forgot to cosy post earlier >heating on >jumped and dressing gown >double socked if only I had a dairy milk and milk smh would complete the kino, a milkshake made from a based LOCAL brand will have to do,but the heatings died down again so I'm cold smh
>>158780 those mango cafe cubicle things look like it would feel the same as being in a toilet cubicle tbh
>>158780 that sounds based tbh >>158781 almost perfect smh
>>158752 saw a video of chink police tasing a lads bollocks the other day. he was in one of those chair cage things
>>158784 which region?
>>158785 of china or his bollocks?
>>158782 I don't get it them myself. Why would not not just buy/pirate the manga and then you could read it any time you wanted?
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>two (1)'s in quick succession i know they like bollock destruction
>>158787 idk it was a 2 second clip
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>>158789 thinking about that clip again and howling
one thing that isn't comfy is how bad the film choice has been for kosmi of late.
>>158792 give us something then lad
>>158792 what do you expect from 2 freaks
>>158793 Carpenter's vampires followed by Judge Dredd (original)
>>158795 wouldn't mind some Stallone kino tbh
watching that shite foundation series with Bins right now though tbh
that new wheel of time series is horrific, everyone in it is an ugly mutt and all the women are badass girlbosses who boss the men about and they are also ugly
>>158798 Same thing in the foundation series now. mutts everywhere. Hardly a pure white person
https://youtu.be/ZIZECe-55HY It's almost that time again fellow city gurls
stop posting sexy gooks
just remember the only good gook is stacked on top of his dead comrades to make a sandbag wall.
fantasizing about harems of nubile gooks is not sexually repressed and therefore its disgusting
>>158803 That sounds sexually repressed.
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I have found the ultimate boomercore overpriced armalite rifle in existence.
>>158807 you should ask out that nice black lass at the hardware depot
>betray the white race
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newbrit family
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>sky sports using the gay/trans flag for their screen transitions >players wearing rainbow armbands >90% of ads have niggers in them watching tv as someone who never usually does is the most bizzare thing, it got so pozzed so quickly
>>158815 tv is demonic
>>158815 flicked through the channels the other day and put on womens rugby for a laugh and they were doing some sort of gesture against racism in womens rugby before the start of the match, the commentators were being really aggressive and forceful and over the top about it too kek, turned it off
>>158740 >wignat STOP misusing this insult.
>>158821 I'm not you retard lurk moar
>158823 >provides no an argument >(1)
>>158819 as if womens rubgy wasnt embarrassing enough jej >>158817 tbh
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just want to find a local place that is compeltely isolated and live in a cave for the rest of my life
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Heh. Protesting against the race hate murder of little white girls? What wigger nationalists. Haha. Great optics, recognising objective reality and speaking plainly. Own goal for the shite race. Wignats should be killed before antifa. Aha ha.
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KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK what an actual mong, lurk moar also >posting my own OC to insult me I've done a number on you
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>>158831 he did?
>>158831 Really? I thought he had an Irish but went and found a Swede
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>it's just /brit/ lying and speaking bullshit again smh i thought I could trust this place
>>158834 tbh 22 does this a lot too hate him
>>158834 lad its true, his daughterino has darker hair than him, shes a foreigner
>>158835 Hey... >>158836 there are some swarthy swedes I suppose, referring to that famous comment often posted on /brit/. Could also be part samirino.
>158837 oh, its you..
>basing it on his daughter being darker >not on actual prooferino smh
>>158839 he mentioned it in a video I think
>>158840 well I heard otherwise so here we are smh
>attacking the Golden lion while he's shadowbanned and can't reach a lot of people to fight this defamation smh 51e137 is a youtube agent
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>>158843 ayo this variant bussin fr
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>>158828 >trying to gaslight me Alright, what's a wigger to you? You're dancing dangerously close to the filter. All the concern trolls and leftoids call good lads wignats as an insult and to detract from every action good lads take. But your super special head cannon definition of a wignat must be important. Go on then.
>158847 sperg
what happened to that lad that got a trampoline i hope he kept it
>>158815 >>158819 it's really fucking jarring, unless you consoom it 24/7 there's no way it'd have any effect on you, even if you're apolitical how the fuck are you supposed to just nod along to all that soyim shit
why is rape so bad again? What is one more body on a pile of hundreds?
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>>158851 well when you put it like that
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>158848 >IP hoping >still no argument Fuck off, you 'wignat'.
every day I wake up I wake up with a cripple cock. Nothing can change that
>>158855 there are troons with bigger dicks than you
>>158856 Yes, this is true
>>158850 Happened to see one of those football programs where it's a load of soyim in button shirts and tailored stubble and all they spoke about for 20mins was about "muh mental health" and then about how racism is bad.
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>make arguments against vax >lass just ends up saying she'll take it regardless of all the arguments because everyone else are taking it What was the point of watching 1000 hours of Molyneux when argumends do nothing. Why didn't I just start a giant media empire and control people with propaganda instead?
>>158859 shes lost just give up on her
>>158858 it's just this really weird media in general, I had this video pop up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbBwqxV0DKU and he starts soying about women within the first 30 seconds, no normal person does this shit, no-one talks like this, it's a disconnected media that has normalised this really weird language that only resonates with the media itself and the absolute consoomers
>vaccines are made to help people I can't beat that argument
>>158862 they harm more people in the long run by breaking down Darwinian evolution and allowing the weak to survive, also this vaccine is different from previous ones
>>158863 keeek based. >tfw have a condition that in extreme cases can make me unable to breed >but I can because of turkey basters based technology
>stopped grooming lass into a breeding sow >now I'm grooming her into being an antivaxxer ironically the latter is what they'll get me for smh
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schnischni, toil all day tomorrow
>>158866 night lad
>>158867 women....
Reminder Dutton, Spencer, Woods, and Woes all got the vaxx. Grow.the.fuck.up.
>>158863 tbh its the horrible truth dutton is right
>>158869 I only respect one of those, and I respect myself more tbh
(7.11 MB 1920x1080 woesinflation.webm)

>>158869 Woes took the vaxx for the white rice. What are YOU doing?
>>158869 Good.
tfw in two groups to be genocided, the white race and the unvaxxed race
the shite race
>>158869 oh no not woesy too
>>158876 tbh, this is a betrayal
jab your arse with cocks but keep the needle away
the Jabberwoesy smh
>>158869 and hitler? what of him?
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another breedingless weekend
David Miliband blames migrant crisis on Brexit as he sides with Macron over Boris in feud https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1528010/brexit-news-david-miliband-migrant-crisis-emmanuel-macron-boris-johnson-update >thing that was happening before Brexit was ever mentioned >"it's Brexit's fault"
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>£200 fines for not wearing masks on public transport now >even though it's been fucking mandatory anyway what the fuck is the govt doing
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>>158856 > there are troons with bigger dicks than you Why bring Pembs into it?
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>toil tomorrow
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goodsneethening goodsneethening goodsneethening sneethers chicken and asparagus pie with tatoes, veg an gravy followed by pear and mixed fruit crumble and it was very nice a mere two hours with the boomers and I still found much to sneethe about, as follows; maskoomer insanity, some shit about bojo addressing his megacorporation backers and fucking up and that was somehow a good clown show for the boomers despite them thinking he unironically runs the country, prominently displaying and telling me about their latest piece of telescopic philanthropy (subsidising the breeding of poojeets or something), and finally I saw on their bookcase "Being a Quaker for Newcomers" smh the ultimate betrayal >>158885 smh hope this is one of those citynigger only things >>158887 rip lad >>158890 based, evil fucks need scaring and preferably more
>>158887 >Walla walla walla walla walla! >Ten dolla ten dolla ten dolla ten dolla! Wut?
>>158891 >smh hope this is one of those citynigger only things it won't happen, the police haven't been enforcing it as it is, doing so now when things are going back to normal will just kick shit off >based, evil fucks need scaring and preferably more tbh they need to fear leaving their homes the fucking demonic cunts
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>>158896 god I hate the niggercattle it should be obvious to even the actually retarded that this is just an endless power and money making scheme after two fucking years of this
where are all the dead covid people though
>BBK effortshiteposting no, I don't think I will
>>158904 I see rape-bastard has changed his tactics
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>>158906 >>158905 >'We talked a lot about male entitlement, about how men feel entitled to women's bodies. Quite often we just said how we didn't trust men and it felt like a safe space to say that.' >But after the trans woman arrived, such talk became 'nonsensical', Sarah said, adding: 'It felt like the priority of the group was not to talk about male entitlement any more or our shared experiences, but about making sure this person who was born male felt comfortable. >Sarah – not her real name – said she wanted to speak out as she felt the rights of women are being eroded to appease trans activists. >'I completely support trans people's right to live how they want to live, but in practice women who have been raped are being left to get on with it on their own because of the approach these groups are now taking to please trans activists,' she said. lmfao beyond help
if there was no consequences, i'd do it
watching that sorekara melancholy video and keeking at the complete retards in the comments section going on about how they want based isolationist self serve shops and other shit that can never happened because it would be instantly looted and destroyed by the vermin infesting westoid nations
>>158891 >I saw on their bookcase "Being a Quaker for Newcomers"
>>158910 >he doesn't know about the Quaker menace probably for the best tbh lad
had a laff thinking about a 6ft tranny being raped. It must just be claiming raped status to feel more like a womban
*goes to post-birth-depression-therapy*
>>158911 i do. pic is meant to be the boomers
>>158912 Tbh men do get raped. He was probably drunk/stoned and got done by an asian in the city where he lives while he was passed out.
>>158915 *licks lips*
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>>158916 What is wrong with you?
>>158917 what isn't tbh
smh japs being attacked in more globohomo ways than one this fat cunt advert shouldn't be allowed because they actually tax fat niggas for being fat iirc body positivity shit has no place in the slantnostate
>>158919 >the slantnostate
>>158921 Is that lass a lad? Sounds very female. Might just be a tall lass. Smh. Luv tall lasses. 'Ate trannies. Simple as really.
>>158921 what is he even trying to do
>>158922 >might just be a tall lass >>158923 wigger retard version of the knockout game
>>158923 If it's a troomer (legit can't tell from the video quality smh) probably demonstrating that something that would normally take down a woman left her standing? Or just being a dick, if it's a real girl. Maybe he's a manlet and a weightlet and she's just stronger than him.
>>158924 >a still with scribbles in paint over it You've convinced me, inspector.
>>158926 shoulders and hips lad it's a troon
>enjoying some schizokino when suddenly the in-video advertisement starts and the uploader reveals himself to be a horrifically dysgenic jew smh another channel unsubscribed
>>158928 looks like a pure anglo to me..
>>158929 don't make me break out the scribbles in paint again
>>158930 post a picture of your aryan self then
>>158927 She's wearing a man jacket so it makes her shoulder's look bigger. Hips are also covered by the jacket. Not all females have wessexian thunderthighs, lad. >>158929 He needs glasses.
>jumps straight from 74bc to the 1561 nuremberg event this lazy jigger literally just went to the cryptidpedia
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>they've started posting the humiliation articles about people dying in hospital again
>>158934 how does this even make sense
>>158937 It's about control lad.
(3.61 MB 480x360 radicalreality.mp4)

>not spoilering that vile monster
i need drugs
>>158944 >Forgot video smh
>>158937 if you haven't taken the deadly vax they obviously dont think you are serious about killing yourself
>>158945 yeah I'd keep her in a cage underneath my bed
>>158948 >greco-roman >not judeo-christian
>>158950 keeek smh
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I'm thinking we're back, cryptochuds
it'll always be rangoon to me. fuck yangon, fuck it right off
>>158952 >Greta
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>>158956 smh when did Steiner meet her
Last week it was an SUV but CNN have now changed it to ‘car’. It’s clear they now definitely know it had an auto motive
anybody got the meme with the (((fatcat))) getting scared of daftjak and occupy goons kicking off, and so tricking them that "everything is racism"? I appear to have lost or forgotten to save it
>>158960 based
>>158960 based but also fuck them for letting a woman touch any kind of state power not based enough
>>158962 tbh, would you let a woman be in charge of your household finances? would you let a woman be in charge of your state finances?
>>158963 yes i would let gingerlass be in control of my money
buy golb
>>158869 Woes for vaxxed? Where did you hear this?
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having sex in photoshop lads
>>158968 draw me and sperg having sex (her on top)
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>>158967 probably the secret woes paypig tg must donate 1 BTC 10 ETH or 150 XMR to gain access openly admits he lies to his free tier cheapo audience about vacc status and routinely gives juicy insider alt shite drama updates before leaking them on cuckchan, in addition to a few other 'elite' perks
>>158972 smh bet there is an even more secret inner circle, like the secret bongo smh
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>squid game pretty sure that shit's already faded even from normie memory. Given how shit it was I hope it isn't renewed. Koreans don't know how to write, and especially not how to write endings.
>>158974 thats so epic!!!!
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Not that jews can either, this was absolute shit. Apparenty from the start, but it actually got worse with every episode
woes died the current woes is a time travelling cybernetic organism sent from the future to infiltrate white nationalism (aka wigger nationalism as it is known in the tradcatholic mexican castizo cyborg reich of amerikaner-bruderstan where the cyborgs were created) and personnelly liquidate eric striker and mike penovich who will one day lead the resistance during the 5th groyper wars which take place in the 2040s over access to the mississippi river's lucrative smoke signal based chat forums
>>158974 imagine the people of the future studying this time and seeing how historians made light of human tragedy by connecting them to ephemeral dogshit pop media
>>158979 history is just popscience tier now everything has to be compared to some current tv show or movie
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>>158979 >>158976 >"it's to appeal to a broader audience!!!" if the material can't appeal to a broader audience on its own merits then it doesn't need to appeal to a broader audience >>158980 majority of these history youtube channels are like that now and it's fucking awful still seething that RCH took down their deboonking of ExtraCredit's pile of shite on the crusades
Toil is just like the holocaust if it actually had happened tbh...
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https://youtu.be/KXhbWOrvm1s Based Chucklechad tackling anti-whiteness, lads didn't watch it of course, how anyone can I have no idea
>>158981 >that pic talking to gen xers about mentira and they connect every thing to the nutzees
Wish Hitler and Mendele would personally jab me tbh
>mendele smh now the lads will laff at me
no cap hitler would probably be a vaxnigger because he is kr*ut rulecuck
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we need him
>>158988 a fellow highwayman
>>158991 the eternal southerner even back then they were braggarts
>>158987 supposedly one of the things the NSDAP campaigned on was no forced vaxxooming which is somewhat surprising considering the whole 'becvme the vbermvnsch' thing but also based if true
those dumb bastards calling the german units mustered out of NY "dutch" when there were plenty of moravian krauts in carolina
>>158993 based
smh dad telling me to go to bed as a 29 year old man. I guess I'll have to. nini
>>158993 redpill me
>>158993 I also heard this, which is surprising if true do you have a source on this? my only source is someone in a pub told smee
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ngl if i were a zoomer id have the zoomer hair fr
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>play xenonauts >tricky night mission, some losses, accidentally gassed some my own troops to dreamland >about to assault the ufo with the dregs that survived >game crashes reeee
>>159005 >the relationship between civil servants, ministers and the public was at risk keeeeeek
put a za in the oven..,
>>159000 someone on twatter tbh probably >>159006 smh goodlad for playing the only good modern UFO Defence game though tbh can't believe gollop himself fucked up with Phoenix Point smh, became molyneux tier furthest I've got in xenonauts is fighting robot type enemies with floater disc tanks or something and getting my B team absolutely destroyed because normal guns did nothing against them smh, kind of made me not want to play when it's that unfair
>>159017 well imagine my shock
>>158997 Make sure he wears a condom
>>159019 keeeeeeek
>>159017 what does it mean?
>>158993 I've seen this on twitter but it sounds like fanfiction tbh, iirc the alleged story is that the untermensch would be allowed to choose not to vaxx so they would die from preventable illnesses whilst the german master race being the clever boys they are would survive with the power of vaccines >>159010 Played the modern xcoom through once years ago and it's okay but I never felt the urge to play it again, just felt so restrictive and narrow. Meanwhile I can't get into the old UFO, too old school for me. As messy as Xenonauts' development was it seems to be the only decent game in its niche. I bought into it back when it was early access. The one that irritates me to no end is that the Earth is a cylinder.
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>>159023 >he's not cylinderearthpilled we are inside agartha >>159024 not sure this one is real tbh
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>did you know PragerU has links to Mossad? No I didn't know that, tell me more.
>>159026 keeek he looks so trustworthy, why would you ever complain about the jews
>>159026 keeek the dislikes
>>159018 > "Unit 8200 is probably the foremost technical intelligence agency in the world and stands on a par with the NSA in everything except scale" - British military think-tank Comments for when you’re bored https://www.twitter.com/prageru/status/1463598301681373186
>intifada >violent Just most peaceful protests you fucking racist islamophobe
they're just gonna get away with it huh
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ate a whole pizza just for me
>>159034 Good lad
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>>159036 and i'm still 8stone 8lbs
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>drive thru >take-out Vile yankisms, begone from here
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>>159045 Didn't they already do this or some variation that pretty much is the same?
(1.16 MB 480x480 poggerU.mp4)

>>159041 >It's time to stop demonizing respiratory infections >Modern science is forcing some viruses to adapt. Don't call them "mutations"
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Sunday... Is over...
>>159048 good lad cucked by filesize smh
let the twitter seethe commence.
>>159053 looks like some weird orcish troll creature from a 1980s jim henson production
>>159054 she looks like the average british woman tbh
(1.23 MB 750x923 dolphin pussy jelly.png)

>>159048 Bless you lad
(6.19 KB 500x281 free-video-1966695.webp)

>>159055 >thinking of average american woman rn
>>159056 my inner schizo thinks this shit is a psyops to take phones from them in the abo camps
>>159056 return to monke
bottle of Carmenere and a tube of Doritos stax for dindins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixbcvKCl4Jc
i got through a whole pack of hobnobs today
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>>159062 Return to tibbles
I wish GG allin was still alive to dab on maskfags
(3.88 MB 640x360 monkeyhypno.mp4)

>>159062 Good lad
>>159069 Do these actually work?
>GG allin
Omg this proves it!!!
>>159074 the milf on alegs was talking about this
>>159075 >Alegs Jones I miss that nigga
>Decided to tune in to infowars >woman is talking about turning to the word of the lord >caller is talking about masons and how he can’t afford rent
(2.07 MB 576x1024 vr_autist.mp4)

>>159080 thats not real thats not real thats not real thats not real thats not real thats not real
>>159080 he is being groomed by some 22st type into wearing a maid outfit
should have gone full kraut_mutti_finds_fleshlight_plushy.mp4 on him
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>>159081 it's not
forgot the audio for fuck sakes
(7.29 MB 406x720 minions_autist.mp4)

(4.75 MB 406x720 minions_autist_bathroom.mp4)

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>>159089 amongus very poggers!!!
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>>159091 anytime someone mentions poggers I think of him now
>>159093 big chungus sends his regards
>>159093 no chungus that's all she said no chungus amongus
(74.46 KB 852x480 gigachad_deathbed.jpg)

he'll either save the white race or become one of them
>>159094 kek read that in his voice
>>159096 a sussy imposter?
(40.66 KB 640x1316 israel [comment removed].jpg)

>>159079 Ah, it's one of those Jew who reminds you why you need to hate the Jews. Good she turned up, I'd nearly forgotten.
>wog music bit cringe tbh
>>159101 I agree with tibbs on everything
>>159088 nice one lad, are you the original rastalad?
>>159102 You're a faggot
(1.35 MB 1280x703 downtrodden_sand.png)

>no steincel rant in 2 weeks
>>159092 I hope he becomes a reality bending wizard like chris chan instead of a cringe sperg
>>159086 They're laughing at us and there's nothing we can do about it
>>159089 That’s not food
Is amongus actually good? I don’t really know what it is tbh
Gonna start reading books again. Can you imagine what the reissues will look like?
Why are bri’ish women like this?
>>159112 i'd breed her tbh
>State of weimartica Keeeeeek
lovely sturdy dwarven sow
>>159113 She has fat dick sucking lips tbh
>>159117 tbh built for big dorsie dick
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>thought i saved a game >but i didnt >have to reload an older save which completely puts me off playing
>>159122 this is great tibbs
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pierce used to be a lepolface
>We got are own astroworld mane Well that’s The O2 fucked lol
>>159126 diverse crowd
>>159125 keeeeeeeeeeeek me when i was 15
>>159126 whats happening
schizo posting something valuable for once
Why can't I pooooost?
Watching Ark of the Covenant and I somehow forgot how casually Indie just shoots people in the head. Lmao. Not very Disney. >>159135 Hmmst perhaps maybe.
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i'm going to be waging soon. better than being a neet alkie i guess
>>159141 it isnt but ok
>>159141 good job nobody here is a neet alkie then
>>159142 kek neetism becomes embarassing after 30
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but becomes based again at 40
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Reading the "anti disinformation" NGO milieu on twitter is horrifying once you realise how sick in the head these people are and how they're getting more funding and power every year. Sick world.
smorning lads >>159148 tbh
>>159140 keeeeeeek this one matches well
>>159140 just noticed their is a fit dark haired mummy on the far right
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looks like someone stayed up all night before toil again
>>159153 >every fucking sunday you can't even go incognito at toil on mondays because toilberg has a whole week of toil he's planned and wants to power ahead with it all.to hell with it all, i just want a hut and a vegetable patch ffs
actually this is more accurate
(39.62 KB 613x613 noftxg10ewr61.jpg)

*helps toilslave become comfy*
>According to a report by the CCJ issued in July, the number of homicides during the first half of 2021 increased by 16% compared to the same period last year. The number of homicides in 2020 compared to 2019 rose by 25%, according to an FBI preliminary report, the largest jump since the FBI started releasing annual homicide figures in the 1960s. Haha based. That's 5,000 extra dead niggers a year. https://mobile.twitter.com/Rafa_Mangual/status/1465137192288886785
>>159154 >i just want a hut and a vegetable patch ffs tbh
>>159158 Allah willing they will defund the police even more
(2.70 MB 1080x1328 based.png)

>>159124 >european ethnic group celebrating nationalism without the police shutting it down
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>>159161 it inconveniences the natives so it's fine >>159162 smh
>>159164 strange photo tbh
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Ravioli and bunking off toil for brekky
>>159167 goodlad
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>>159167 based >>159169 tbh
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now sticky toffee pudding and ice cream
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>tfw you remember a funny post from on here from months ago and start laughing
>>159173 tbh i still keek occasionally when i remember vilepost-slagginses

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