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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3583: Segregation for the Vacci-nation Edition Anonymous 12/02/2021 (Thu) 22:47:10 Id: 98744a No. 161365
Germany to ban unvaccinated people from shops and bars https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-59501192 COVID-19: Stranded British travellers face spending Christmas in quarantine hotels https://news.sky.com/story/stranded-travellers-face-spending-christmas-in-quarantine-hotels-12484705 How probable is it Omicron Covid variant will take hold in UK? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/02/how-probable-omicron-covid-variant-take-hold-uk
official no gay posting allowed ITT
>>161368 Good luck enforcing that.
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>>161368 this tbh
>>161365 good lad first for the blair women
strawberry milkshake and woes before bed
QT and lager
>>161373 post screenshots
>>161373 >QT >>161374 >post screenshots
>>161373 Good lad QT screenshots are soulful
reads question from a piece of paper >both questions are muh covid shit
professor phil collins
>COVID-19: Stranded British travellers face spending Christmas in quarantine hotels keeek my aunt and uncle went to barbados or some other deanocore xoomer holiday island and aren't getting back until sharturday wonder if they will be imprisoned >>161364 yeah, something gooey to bond the frame to the brickwork I think I had some brilliant time-saving exhausted-toilee-retard plan where I would clean both the top and bottom parts of the seal off at the same time using a single piece of kitchen roll which ended up taking most of it off but I couldn't actually tell what it was supposed to look like qeqsmh was alright doing portage and misc tool holding and part passing and that kind of stuff but he didn't have proper cleaning tools and the company didn't provide any either so at the end of the job I was trying to clean up dust with a ratty brush and a dustpan with a huge crack and hole in it, and there was a lot of mess because properly setting up dust sheets and pinning them down was deemed a waste of time or not needed smhsmh
Theo Profiterole scare mongering every time he speaks smdh
>>161383 >no /brit/ plant in the audience to ask him about the putty brap toys
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>>161381 yeah caulking around brick is hardmode compared to drywall or wood paneling
>29:10 on the latest gram of woes >"ahahahaha thats great I'm adding that to my meme folder"
middle class deano dunce in the first pics secondly, a zoomer wanting to know if his flight to Amsterdam will be cancelled
west country village idiot speaks
>>161385 this is not sexual repressed
female MP cosplaying as mr bean for some reason
>>161387 wish he had his camera on so I could've clipped that
sweaty nonce ponders if it's time to make vaccinations compulsory
not sure that bringing back QTposting is a good idea tbh
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it's content I guess
his evil planning bursting at the seam
>the government has preordered vaccines nigga wtf, government preordering dlc
>>161401 Powerful hand gesture tbh
>>161399 said the blood clot to the stroke victim I just can't take any more seething tbh. needs some good news
>>161402 supply must meet demand, you understand nothing suspicious about this at all
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For her.
the ukrainu slawa pig video but it ends with pig cart thot pushing the dead sow's corpse into an abbatoir while the russian anthem plays
Dazza telling it like it is, why are they crossing from france when it's safe
>>161407 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek that would be kino
>>161408 they've been asking this question for at least seven fucking years and haven't gotten either an answer or new material
this mr bean cosplayer is asking for a slap
>>161411 it is an evil wog and part of the zog it deserves more than a slap
>>161406 Fuck Ginnie.
>>161413 I rather think that was his point lad
High streets are dead, rage against the supermarkets, rage against the internet, rage against parking charges.
>paki (not actually paki owners tbh) shop were selling a couple expired lagers for cheap
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>fake news sneethebait this close to the manatee
>>161422 tbh sneethe has no power here
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allahu akbar!
>>161425 >a whole two seconds off this does not bode well
I've lost a mince pie, I'm gutted.
>>161428 wish I had a mince pie tbh
>>161428 he died too soon
>>161430 poor fellow
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why the fuck does anyone here still watch Question Time? We stopped that ages ago, how did it come back?
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>>161370 merry christmas to you too, lad
>>161432 It seemed to come back a wee bit a go. Maybe folk are a little nostalgic? I'd rather sandpaper my knackers tbqfh.
>>161432 >>161434 content drought tbh need some more ecelebs or something
QT posting is just puglad, he hijacks the thread every thursday with his autism
>>161436 at least the screenshots of the hand-picked audience are unique and not the same old frames of Joker or Bladerunner then
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>>161435 >need some more ecelebs or something there is only one group we need tbh
>>161385 get yer fookin tits out fer odin, lass!
>>161438 me on the left
>>161436 glad puglad is still alive worried he might have died
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>>161440 hail victory brvther
*paints the trim around the door for the barbie princess playhouse*
>>161435 The drought is real, nothing can stand up to my brutal scrutiny. I just feel empty. I can't stand anything anymore, not even the le funny alt-right wignats.
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>so many people pretending to care about the mass sharting in michigan when literally nobody cared at all when the nigger ran over people
(2.79 MB 1280x720 puglad_cheese_incident_.mp4)

made some incel rants need to upload them tomorrow after I get a bit of a break from toil. smh a mummy called me and asked me to come over and caulk some windows on the weekend. turning into perma toiler, hopefully she sees my thick caulk and knows I am a good boy
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4 hours sleep... that'll do..
Just want to goom, lift and eat cheese tbh.
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>>161447 >can hear the yankisms in the voice chat calling him a 'fucking retard' with americanized accents when they say fuckin' retard
>>161452 youre the fucking retard tbh
>>161454 Bit mean tbh.
>>161452 when?
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how does he do it?
>>161456 its just sounded like xbox live americanoid cadence but idk maybe I am just autistic and imagining that. do people call each other retards alot in UK I always imagined you guys called people mongs
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>>161457 puglad actually looks like this IRL
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>>161458 based steiner finding out people say retard in britain
>>161448 good lad you caulk that mummy up good maybe there'll be time for donuts at the parking lot after >>161451 good lad had lots of leicester today tbh >>161458 maybe contracting terminal bongoitis exposes you to more americans than otherwise smh personally I like to vary my insults as much as possible
>>161461 >good lad had lots of leicester today tbh Going to get myself a ton of cheese for the Christmas period.
>>161459 Probably looks more like Paul Bearer tbh.
>>161460 okay good as long as you are not being subverted into being americanized global citizens of the global white nationalist underground
>>161462 extremelygoodlad I eye the variety pack cheese board type offerings but they always seem too expensive for what they offer and would rather get individual pieces the lidls speciality frog cheeses from earlier this year like saint felicien are particularly kino, luv trying new cheeses me
which instance of retard lad? the one at 0:20-0:30 or the one at 1:35
>>161466 the one right before 30 seconds is like when nick rochefort was saying fucking retard in cadence
get the forensic audiologists on this case, we need an expert
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you are being subverted there are secret cianiggers in the discord making you into americans
>>161467 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek lad........ unironically take your meds
"We'll take their metal boxes away from them" but it's referring to the heavy duty steel lockers with air holes sold with the names of young girls that conspiracy degenerates purchase and ship to their island retreats
there are secret american agents right now trying to make you talk secretly unknown to you into a radio controlled electronic operating table light radio in the walls listening nigger brained electrically connected brapologically designed computer god controlled nigger lad
post the steiner communist gangster computer god masterrace rap video
>>161474 I don't think I have that anymore
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>wouldn't happen in the souf >doesn't count I had my fingers crossed >jokes on you, this isn't real texas
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who washing dey chickin rn frfr on god fam no cap
what does frfr mean? keep seeing it
actually think I am going insanc lads
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>>161478 fr? no cap? nigga you aint bussin
retard does seem like a bit of an americanism tbh for me it's spacker or window licker
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>>161478 for real, for real. its how the north american street monkey shows a feeling of what we might call joie de vivre or elation at his particular stance being taken seriously by the rest of the troop
Considering the dialect of zoomies, saying 'retard' is the least of our problems. Bit of perspective, lids.
>>161478 "for real" I think can't wait for this memmie to die tbh it's absolute shite the fact that bongo boys are saying it out loud to each other cements it
>>161479 whatever happens the average borderline schizophrenic imageboard addict will still be more sane than any niggercattle >>161481 spastic, sped, mongoloid, downie etc never encountered 'mong' in the short form until madlad tbh
>>161486 good point lad, keep forgetting how dumb normalcattle are
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i dont think retard is an americanism
prefer spastic myself
>>161488 it's not really but I hear it from them more often
true chads, of course, use the term 'slow-in-the-mind'
>>161486 Mong is heavily used in Scotland, so is retard tbh. Retarded or retardation used to be clinical description of people with learning disabilities etc. though.
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>>161492 i hear/use mong quite often (souf) tbh
>>161489 for me it is spakker or cretin
>>161494 >cretin keeek just makes me think of the bully boy public school lads advancing towards the camera
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for me? it's "retarded nigger brained troglodyte"
>>161496 that's decent
This was all just a psyop to get lads to stop using 'retard' because it offends the MI5.
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>>161498 this is something an american agent would say
going to start schizooming
>>161500 good lad
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>>161503 >>161502 at least there is an angel and a nativity scene and it says christmas
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>>161505 the lobsters whisper in his ears
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>>161504 love tacky overdecorated ex-council houses tbh they make williamoids seethe
>>161507 kino hope they get some snow. hope none of that is american subversion
smh we got an indian summer already and all the snow melted
https://youtu.be/3zHZzxJtOKw smh reminded myself of the only doors song I liked >tfw listening to this song on repeat blown off my face on tramidol and dude weed as a zoomer
>>161508 Modern christmas is sort of entirely a post war globo-american imposition in scotland since it was never a big holiday here after the reformation. It was a normal working day until 1958 when it became a public holiday. New Year's eve was always a bigger deal here until around the 60s according to my dad
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its just subversive shit designed to americanize people into being athiest dude weeds
it's just good business to make the goyim worship the coca-cola company
>>161511 smh c*lvinist no fun allowed types?
I always thought charles dickens had alot to do with modern christmas then the consoomer version is the rand corporation american 1950s shit
>those one jehovah's witness kids who never did any celebrations and would tell me I was going to hell for being a papist at school
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https://thepostmillennial.com/waukesha-massacre-suspect-says-he-feels-demonized-after-the-parade-attack?utm_campaign=64502 It would help if you werent a literal nog demon, then people wouldnt demonise you.
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>mfw when during class the globohomo teacher would make us make dreidels and sing the kike song and all us aryan lads just threw the dreidels at each other and this one kid painted a swastika on his dreidel and the kike girl cried
>>161518 based
>>161517 in a healthy society that nigger would have been hanged and burned alive by the men of the town and the policemen of the town. the fact that he is even talking is a testament to how cucked, cowardly and gay americucks are
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>>161518 hope those lads turned out alright
>>161522 one was a gunner or assistant gunner on a bradley in 2004-10 or something in iraqistan and reduced the shitskin population
>>161375 why do they dress like children?
>when during holohoax section when we had to watch schindlers list and the niggers came in to class all baked and laughed at him sniping kikes and the based lads did the same and us nerd kids drew pics of stick figure death comics in holocaust and I made a flash animation of a ss guy running over jew babies in a zero turn lawnmower as an assignment for media literacy class and the boomer guy gave me a B on it because he had no idea what it was
>>161524 xoomers are almost all manchildren
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>all those stick figure death comics lost forever
joe rogaine is in his mid 50s and dresses like a 19 year old student
>>161525 >flash animation of a ss guy running over jew babies in a zero turn lawnmower keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek I miss making daft flash animations with my brother
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real schitzo hours
>>161530 okay dame we get it you're cute but the question is, are those nips pink because if they are brown im gonna flush it down dig?
>>161532 very cute*
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>>161535 truth is the game was rigged from the start
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Jew havin a sneethe https://vimeo.com/517984855
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>>161537 luv the abstract merchant memis tbh
Feel a bit bad for myself. Think I'll get a bag of crisps for brekkie
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Smh always getting a case of the hard cock right before the first delivery of the day
>>161452 >saying "retard" means i'm americanised It's turbo over...
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It's friday tbh
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So cold. Wish I was unbirthed into a warm womb
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>>161541 >comments are turned off
>>161548 There ought to be a serial killer who kills jews smh
Does ought mean should? I meant should
Right, reported to PREVENT.
Remember when dump had "Mein Kampf" next to his bed and was gonna save the white race?
zoomer pepe on the bus is watching family guy meme compilations without headphones
>>161554 go slap him on the back of the head and tell him not to be such a fucking pipsqueak
>>161553 I don't remember that. I'm sure there were some polacks that believed it though.
deadass need a girls feet in my mouth
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>>161371 I'd keep that young lass in the dungeon ngl
gentlemen... we did it
>>161562 BASED FRENS
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>>161446 >when everyone immediately forgot about the black school shooter
>>161562 Just build your own internet
Is there a/brit/ minecraft server?
>>161567 You're living in it.
>>161568 They do call me blockhead tbh smh
so the kali yugas meant to last 200,000 years. thats fucking retarded. indian religions are dumb as fuck.
good morning retards >>161474 here you go lad
>>161571 morning fellow retard
>>161562 You are terrified of your own children, since they are natives in a world where you will always be immigrants. Because you fear them, you entrust your bureaucracies with the parental responsibilities you are too cowardly to confront yourselves. In our world, all the sentiments and expressions of humanity, from the debasing to the angelic, are parts of a seamless whole, the global conversation of bits. We cannot separate the air that chokes from the air upon which wings beat. In China, Germany, France, Russia, Singapore, Italy and the United States, you are trying to ward off the virus of liberty by erecting guard posts at the frontiers of Cyberspace. These may keep out the contagion for a small time, but they will not work in a world that will soon be blanketed in bit-bearing media. https://www.eff.org/cyberspace-independence
>>161570 The length of it is actually disputed, quite a lot of Hindu scholars believe that around 700 B.C. an error was made in the calculation of the ages, and that it is much shorter. However, the rational element of the aeonic template still stands. According to one model, we have already passed out of the Kali Yuga, which started around the first Olympiad and finished in the late 17th century. So we are in the Dwapara Yuga right now.
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>>161564 Tbh. Hope Alegs doesn't get gayist gitmo'd by the Bidung regime.
>>161576 Transdimensional alien vampires soon
god i miss old 8chan.
schmorn, seething already I see
that kind of freedom to post and read whatever you wanted is gone forever. its so over.
The jeremy vine show going full SHUT IT DOWN mode on the vaccine stuff today
>>161548 Just noticed: Santa Inc = Satanic
>>161582 pure conspirabait tbh, all the while rubbing it in your faces.
>>161583 in that situation pretty sure mine would come out something like this
Great. Groomee getting the vax today
I might just get vaxxed to see what the fuss is all about. I could ask the pharmacist for a little doggy bag of pure uncut vaxx so I can snort it later.
Imagine not being this chad every single fucking day
Well why don’t you just fuck my post up?
Imagine not being this chad every single fucking day
>>161587 Get a dartboard tattooed on your anus and get them to jab the syringe in there
>>161590 >based wogs doing the jobs the alt shite won't
just listened to the puglad cheese incident sheeeeeesh
>>161592 Some Muslims were giving Jews grief on a bus yesterday, I think even Johson mentioned it. Immigrants doing the jobs Whites just won't do smh, probably too busy doing 'posh' things.
>>161595 Heimbros...
>>161595 At least he had a job, kek, and was shagging multiple birds, which is more than can be said about some people here.
>>161600 I've got a problem with my arsenal, doc: Bomb Squad are called to A&E where patient turned up with two-inch-wide WWII shell lodged in his rectum which got there when he 'slipped and fell on it during a clear-out' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10270067/Man-seeks-medical-help-artillery-shell-lodged-rectum.html sounds like dorshit or pembs
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Another devil caught lads Nazi death camp guard, 101, on trial over the murders of 3,518 prisoners claims he was just a farmhand who worked nearby https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10270901/Nazi-death-camp-guard-101-claims-just-farmhand-worked-nearby.html
>>161603 god I hate jews
>People with allergic conditions including hay fever, asthmas and eczema have an up to 40% lower risk of COVID-19 infection, study finds https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-10269241/People-allergic-conditions-including-hay-fever-runny-nose-lower-risk-COVID-19.html Looks like dysgenics is finally paying off
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>>161595 I wish there was a doco of him working his shifts at mcdonalds in some rural indiana town and he is on his breaks reading mein kampf while shart cars power chair past him and he looks up wistfully at the sky and takes a deep breath
>>161601 damn albanians at it again
>cuckers son had a recommendation letter written by le laptop man
>>161613 so tucker is just the most advanced gatekeeper yet? smh
get yer fokken dick out ay
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going to unironically learn russian tbh..
going to unironically filter you tbh...
>>161618 before or after you bum poombsa
>>161619 based
scatbois poomsbies and dorshit
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>161618 >So, why have you learned Russian, little Dorset? >Well, spit it out! You better have a good excuse. >By the ghost of Stalin, if you bring more western gayism to mother Russia, I will beat you until I can wrap you in your rainbow flag and it will turn all red...
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on a walk and some dogwalkers are talking ahead of me. Soon as I reach them they start walking again, right alongside me with their dogs bouncing everywhere. sure i'm getting gangstalked.
>>161627 it's called dogging lad, probably wants you to bang his missus. just be cool and let them know subtly you're dtf, like winking at them or something
>>161628 You don't bring dogs to dogging, you sick fuck.
>>161629 why's it called "dogging" then idiot?
friday night dogging night
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>>161633 AHHHHHH
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God i want to breed her so bad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kj9Tpub86w
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>>161636 >all those videos of needles sticking to peoples arms were real
>>160780 >offensive meme it's called a joke jews make far more offensive shit about whitey >joke about the greediness of jews also another joke, perhaps don't be greedy moneygrubbing kikes >jews have too much power maybe don't have too much power then >judged for speaking out on israel's right to exist and live in peace >*bombs palestinians* >*destabilises the middle-east* >*demands that every western nation kneel to them* >"we just want to live in peeeeaaaace!"
>>161636 Yeah I have a lot of stuff saved on graphite oxide but it's all about how you can manipulate it using EM waves. Makes me think the 5g towers will be using in conjunction to do something.
>>161639 And that's a good thing!
>>161637 >>161639 tbh Im never disregarding another schizopost
This guy built a tesla atmosphere electricity collector using graphite oxide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENeDkGce5-4
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morgoth was right its all just number to them
>>161646 >>161645 behead those who insult the GDP
wtf is this seating arrangement
>>161651 >no arm rest on the chairs absolute shite table looks too smol too
>>161644 >a huge asset to "britain" would like to btfo them in a debate asking them what exactly they think britain is
>>161651 looks like gaudy arab shit
>>161654 >>161652 how the fuck are you supposed to sit at this lmao
>>161651 imagine the bill
>>161651 reminds me of a hippy restaurant I saw online that used old paperback books as door stops
>white table in the middle with three stools >unusable due to these ridiculous tiny tables blocking it
tfw no sarah silverman elf gf
>>161658 keeek
>jerry unironically checking peoples vaccine passports
>161660 BAN HIM!
>>161643 cool tbh based men in sheds
>>161657 they fill these places with "quirky" bits of tat and they call it character >>161656 £69.99 for a glass of wine and a few lumps of stale cheese or you can go for the premier £89.99 offer and get another glass of wine for no extra charge!!
>>161666 >yank jew using the word shite
>>161666 The elf is immunised against all dangers : one may call him a jew, kike, yid, parasite, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an elf and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back : "I've been found out."
>Elf is now a new code for Jews hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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>>161670 KEEEEEEK
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>>161670 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek good laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
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>>161670 >babybel keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>missed the cheese story
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Think that lad might actually be a poster here
still one of the funniest posts on here tbh, the pathetic meal on the floor taken with a terrible webcam, show yourself cheeseboy
marathon anyone?
>>161681 I love Greta
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>>161447 >/shit/ is full of williams puglad is correct though
>161684 >(1)
>161685 >(1)
did you see this? National Action: Ben Raymond jailed for eight years >Ben Raymond was found guilty of being a member of banned terrorist organisation National Action following a trial at Bristol Crown Court. >He was also convicted of possessing a manifesto by Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik and a guide to homemade detonators. >Serve five years and four months' imprisonment before he could be considered for parole. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-wiltshire-59519211
>>161686 good lad
>>161687 smh 8 years for fucking nothing and because its terror related he doesn't even get out in half the time, SA will be here to tell us he deserves it though smh
>>161687 yeah smh compare that to child rapist pakis getting let out in five months for good behaviour and such
>>161687 tbh they just arrest whoever they want at this point smdh
>the thalmor circumcise the talos amulets similar to how the kikes circumcise the plus symbol What did God Todd mean by this
Don't let them take you alive lads, don't be caught lackin
>>161687 reminder he probably posted here
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>>161694 Well would you look at that if it isn't OC I made. Guess you can never ban me now since I drew something 5 years ago
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>>161694 keeeek. this face still gets me today.
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shouldn't have continued eating tacos after I was full after two smh. Put 4 on the plate and mummy taught me to finish it
why are cuckservashits so cringe smh
>>161699 good lad not wasting food
>dark already
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>>161702 time to go out
>>161704 like?
>>161700 wonder how talking with someone who is half-based is like. It's hard to make leftists or apolitical family members accept that the media lies, but these basedoids do believe they lie, but at the same time they must have something about them that doesn't let them go further than that.
>>161704 *impotently screams*
>>161708 don't really find it funny when labours loss is the tories gain
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>>161709 what's the white hands in the air vid about?
>>161712 she sounds minted
>>161713 Labour Conference this year where they kept ignoring white men in favour of parading pakis and troomers on the stage
>>161716 I'm on that competitive shit
>>161710 tbh tbh, but on the bright side it's at least clear that the majority don't buy into this overly"woke" shit that labour has been pushing for so long now also wasnt the hartlepool candidate a fucking remainer in a pro-brexit area
>twitter asking me to verify my 2 year old account that I only use to follow e celebs on >won't let me browse anymore before I do so
>>161719 the poo reign of terror begins
strong urge to just poo on the floor and see what happens
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Why are people forgetting to like it
>>161723 have jews ever considered just not being jewish
>>161723 >cunning
>>161726 even when begging for pity points they can't help but wank themselves off
Jews have got the ultimate shabbos goy with Pajeets.
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HEY WESSEX got a shortstack for you
>>161722 This skank is a chameleon.
https://twitter.com/i/status/1466662973749940228 >>161729 keeeek you'd think they'd draw her face a bit less foul and ugly
>>161731 Ngl luv me rodent face norge anglo and jew lassies me
>>161731 They jew fears the contemplative druid.
>>161731 where are these orb memes tbh? I hear people talking about them but i havent seen any
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Good sneedvening, lids.
>>161734 twatter of course smh
I don't like to be too much of a tinfoiler but it sure is curious that youtube's dislikes get disabled just a few days before a jew film insulting Santa and Christmas is followed by an oy veying video and they both get ratiod
>>161736 meme had potential now it's gay
>>161739 I am gay because gay means happy hahahahahahaha NIGGERRRRRRRRRR
won't someone think of the niggers!? fresh australian dystopia https://twitter.com/i/status/1466715838967205892
Gaddafibros... We're back.
>>161743 Maybe the flow of fucking migrants through Libya will stop now.
>>161744 one last wave as he expels them all into the ocean and arms of the ngo ships
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>>161743 Is this different son to the one that had a legendary career in Italian football?
"ELVES could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this neighborhood before. There could be ELVES anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE ELVES" he thought. Deck The Halls With Bows Of Holly reverberated his entire sleigh, making it pulsate even as the eggnog circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of minorities after dark. "With a sleigh you can deliver presents anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.
>>161745 We really pissed off tens of thousands of constituents with our new show #DavidDavisResigns which is now available of BBC Parliament Live! (Please read the David Davis posting in response to the post for confirmation)
>>161735 let's see the original pic
>>161745 Santa Inc?
>>161750 DAVID DAVIS!!!
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>>161755 >>161755 oh god why would you admit that
>>161756 if only shartin hadn't groomed him
>>161755 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>161758 Yes... it's all my fault. He has no autonomy
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>>161752 Ew, lad... Happened on it while browsing pornpics.com as it was the thumbnail for the category 'cumshot' iirc. Decided it'd make a funny memi because of the zoomer haircut and decided to make it instead of wank.
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Based Ben night shift posting
>>161762 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek what the fuck
>>161760 at least you acknowledge it >>161762 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek how much does he make grifting qoomers? he might be able to profit off of the furry vore community
>>161762 keeeeek >when the kangaroo waving an australian flag isn't a big enough cue so you turn the kangaroo's face into a map of the continent
Saw /cb/ was trending again and decided to try and save some buttholes from incontinence, lads. Join me, and maybe we can yet save Pembs.
https://youtu.be/99t-4yKr5Io Important information
>161769 *realises what is happening in that photograph* lad . . .
>>161772 See >>161761 >>161735 Smdh. I'm a good boi. Turning away from all that is degenerate. I just want to help those further down the degenerate path than I was.
>>161773 NOT bussin fr fr
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/12/02/tory-rebels-back-amendment-allow-young-hong-kongers-move-uk/ >Tory rebels back amendment to allow young Hong Kongers to move to UK
>>161776 Why didn't they ask "if a copper arrests someone for no reason but muh coofid, would you intervene?" As that is literally why she died. That she went along with being arrested herself. Fucking journos and pollsters.
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>>161777 >tory rebels >rebels
>30% thought the discussion in the months since Sarah Everard's death was "fair" in highlighting where women feel unsafe, and where men can help >24% said it was "unfair" and "put the blame on all men” >28% are now more likely to walk on opp side of road to a woman when she’s walking alone >When it comes to catcalling or wolf-whistling in the streets, 17% of men admitted they have done it before. >Of the men who engaged in this, or similar actions, 41% said it does not count it as sexual harassment. >8% of men have touched a woman without her permission. >85% of those say it does count as sexual harassment, 8% say it did not. >32% are more likely to help female friends, family members or colleagues to get home at night
>>161777 >88,000 Hong Kongers have applied for Britain’s bespoke five-year visa scheme in the 10 months since it was launched
>50% say they are willing to change their behaviour from what to fucking what unless you're a rapey gropey bastard you're not going to need to change
>>161781 I'm hoping xi invades and massacres them all
>>161783 no chance jews probably influencing our zog traitors to do this as a favour to him, gets rid of dissenters in HK and increases our suffering everyone wins except the shite race
>>161784 yeah just trying to cope and not seethe
>>161785 good lad
>>161784 Xi doesn't want emigration from HK though
>>161787 not en masse, but getting rid of troublemakers is just good business
>>161788 those troublemakers are his taxpayers, I don't think he will just give money away like that
We're going to get an influx of CCP spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) due to this.
>>161789 He's not reliant on the manpower, that's one thing he has plenty of, just inheriting a major port city on a global shipping lane is enough.
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official EU mandarin guidance
>>161792 pepe doing a poo into his hand dot jpg
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we so excited
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>>161798 could do without the pornography tbh
>161798 >tfw recognise that bj
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did we get too cocky threadchads?
>>161805 it's friday night lad you should be out clubbing and drinking, not sitting in the thread
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Lonely on a friday night? JOIN THE B TEAM. We're watching Arcane any second now. recommended by that aussie mormon who likes swords https://app.kosmi.io/room/mxhkqs https://app.kosmi.io/room/mxhkqs https://app.kosmi.io/room/mxhkqs starting any second tbh
>league of legends >a netflix series >starring drug addict warning colouration thots with pig piercings, also a negress
keeek we knew *You'd* say no, Wessex. Silly W
love the designs tbh ngl, surprised it's league of legends since I hate those designs in general and prefer the dota designs
>finding dinner from 2 days ago in my beard smh
for me it's the lass with the starcraft tank in heroes of the storm the only assfaggots game I would play when forced to by blizztard friends kind of glad they went full chink and locked my account unless I submit to giving them passport and bank information, not worth doing that for their shit gooms
>malted milk biscuit got too soggy and fell apart
>>161815 one of the upsides to becoming a third word hellhole is that we will eventually have kino brawls in parliament like the ugandans and such do
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>>161819 very undignified for middle aged people to do silly dance numbers like this tbh victoria wouldn't have allowed it
>>161820 Steps are so good tbph. They dominate all the groups of their genre. Liberty X, S-Club 7, S-Club 7 Juniors. Nothing beats Steps. https://youtu.be/P9xBayzbAFc
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It's actually good so far. Making me feel a bit dysphoric
filtered tbh zero tolerance for grooming related posts
>>161807 >should be out drinking and clubbing
>>161825 we're hitting levels of JUST that shouldn't even be possible
>>161825 the lengths they go to get attention is astounding
looks like the paedo conspiracy trial is showing some results
>>161826 >>161827 >make yourself look like a freak >people treat you like a freak >seethe what exactly is their endgoal
considering going to watch dune in the kinoplex again tbh
>>161833 how is it
>>161834 not bad, not terrible
>>161833 You seen the last duel ?
>>161836 no tbh think someone poosted a trailer here and it just looked grey and boring and ahistorical so I didn't bother
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>>161837 These two midwest tradesmen get transported back in time to 14th century France like redneck Bill and Ted.
>>161833 Have you seen "The Alternative Edition Redux" of the Lynch version? I haven't but people have been saying good things about it and it's on YT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJykw3H4PDw
>>161842 it's usually called the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) diver edit and yeah it is kino tbh
are the patriotic alternative updates worth listening to? or is it just lukewarm takes from the deputy and leader of PA on topical news?
>>161830 they want to get attention but they also want the satisfaction of forcing people to pretend they don't look like a freak
>>161844 it's worth it if you want to know what they've been doing mostly talking about the organisation and the demonstrations they've put on I like it for background content tbh
Ozzy Covid Camps expectation vs reality
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>>161840 subversive propaganda to make people into americanized dude weeds
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https://youtu.be/HUtqdiMqof0 hell is this song playing on every radio station over and over again and you are cutting in on a wall that goes on forever
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>college boy still can't paint straight
>hey jack when I was a kid cornflake jackson and me used to freebase cocaine and paint an entire apartment complex in 4 hours, stop with that special snowflake belly aching, and we did it for 3 dollars and hour
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>s-shouldn't we be using t-tape mr boomer sir
>*throws unopened tin of paint at wall and goes for a smoke*
>>161852 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EcjWd-O4jI Mini wispas out of the Heroes box for supper
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>defrosting a whole chicken to roast and eat myself tomorrow
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Timed the post correctly but forgot to attach an image smdh
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>>161854 where are those promised incel rants >>161858 smh
>>161858 no excuses lad
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>>161859 the coolest dox of all time, hands down
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who remembers this guy? https://youtu.be/LlMJvSaCWO0
>>161856 You gonna wash that? >>161853 >>161854 >
>>161861 keeeeeeeeeek tbh those images are kino
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>>161859 I will upload them in a bit
>>161861 he could be a semi-chad if he lifted weights tbh
>>161866 thank you lad I've been looking for this one
>0:44 she was the first to dab
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>>161869 Shwelcome lad
>>161872 based
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>>161870 >bidenstein wdhmbt?
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>>161868 >he could be a semi-chad if he lifted weights tbh like smeee
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The idea that the elites are paedophiles isn't a conspiracy any more, it's just an open fact isn't it
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>>161704 ew she's a tacky scaff, fit though
lmao biden was hacked by israel, apple revealed. how is israel separate from china in any way? israel invented modern china.
>>161882 What kind of apple was revealed? Dunno, western socdems were collaborating with the Chinese since the 1900s well before the big Jew push mid-century.
>>161883 *early 1900s
>>161878 the WHO is literally china, of course they rape everybody, they are savages
>>161883 it is the peagasus hack. snowden has been hinting about it for some time.
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>>161886 ah right
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>>161792 >replace interracial with international lmao what nation is the white nation?
>>161887 >britain is overpopulated
>>161890 it's reddit so they're faggots that can't say foreigner need to fuck off.
>>161891 lmao can't speak yer mind nowhere
>>161892 foreigner need to fuck off.
missed the s twice
>>161890 >>161891 Norferner is right on everything though, isn't he
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>drawing the court artist lmao she is a sociopathic crazy person
>>161896 no, he is low caste and therefore will intermix to oblivion, being incapable of an education.
>>161896 With all working class statements yes but no.
>>161896 not the green one. perfect place to but "not racist just don't like 'em"
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It's just a simple vaccine, why won't you take it?
>>161896 universal healthcare is shit
>>161899 where is he wrong? >>161898 the blood of heroes is of higher value than all the priests and philosophers and he's a working class hero - true to himself and his sense of justice >>161900 yeah stick that there instead, he's still right
>>161903 universal healthcare requires racial universality
>>161903 the way it's done in the UK is shit, but it can work if done properly
>>161904 Without a guide, he'll go to ruin.
>>161904 spaz. the norf argument against open borders is nothing to do with overpopulation.
>>161904 Where is he right?
>lads agreeing with me but disagreeing with me hypothetically whatever, that's all i need. it's shit
>they removed norf fc from his top reddit shite making me seethe at this hour
>>161910 what's the leaf healthcare system like?
>>161912 basically african shamanism
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>>161907 that's why he loves the queen, loves his country, loves his wife, loves his mates at the pub and hates nonces >>161909 everywhere
>>161914 he's a knob and a faggot, there is no such thing as a queen without a king.
>>161915 >he's a knob and a faggot no you
>>161916 queens can't be kings. faggots think otherwise.
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>williamoids ITT
>>161918 good looks are a sign of a harlot mother.
>>161919 lol what?
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>>161919 nonsense ugly women are way more slutty, everyone knows that
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>>161914 Yet no where, quite the paradox/
>>161920 don't worry lad, this is the kind of cope ugly lads say to themselves
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>>161923 who can truly penetrate the great mystery that lies at the heart of the norfern mind?
>>161925 I can as their better and more refined contemporary
>>161926 it's not possible lad if you think you understand it, you're mistaken
>>161927 I'm sorry northern plebs think that while ignorant of our noble guiding hand.
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>>161928 >noble guiding hand. ummm
>>161929 yes and?
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>>161930 >noble guiding hand lad?
the entire thread is filtered
>>161931 I've seen nothing to refute my point lad. Just seething norfisms.
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go back to the bongo
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>>161933 there is no seethe here lad, just the silent, noble knowledge of the norf
>>161935 That keeps the noble hand in power, I know.
>>161936 the only hands in power right now are all noncing kids smh
>>161937 the noble knowledge of the norf at work. electing only the best.
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me and who?
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My immune system is so advanced it's neutralisng the prions other vaxxcucks are shedding.
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I'm gong to bed night lads
>>161942 good night
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>>161945 just clicking on the time bar along to the music makes it much better
>>161946 keeeek >clicking at 0:17 when the chubby incel on the left does his little shimmy
>>161947 BIG incel and BIG nigcel stood next to each other
>BIG nigcel praises the lord at 0:19
>>161945 based those mummies are going hard
wew I think this might actually be madlad https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-59525916
>>161920 ugly women may be free, but beautiful ones are expensive, yet the hardest to achieve are plain jane, women guarded carefully by fathers and mothers of high iq.
>>161939 lmao >mark the handsome profiles as "unvaxxed" >raise the price >all the same jew owner's jizz anyway
>>161955 the wise man seeks a plain wife.
>>161956 to each his own
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bossman messaged me to ask if i want to get jabbed to do a government job, lol
https://youtu.be/GqfSl2YuilQ god I wish this was me
couldn't sleep so I laid awake fantasising about being a huwizard and visiting justice on evil conspiracy members for a few hours tbh favourite divine punishment I thought up is propaganda propagators in the jewsmedia being choked to death by BIG snakes coming out of their throats live on air
>>161962 https://youtu.be/JzcSiQ3D9Qg hope you can get comfy and sleep lad
>>161963 god I wish that were me
god I hate women >decide to kill yourself >not content with that decision, decide to take your son with you because he's your property right, you made him after all https://twitter.com/i/status/1466817839852138504
>>161963 wtf is wrong with dog owners
>>161967 tbh yeah I do hate how weird the dog cult is getting
>>161970 how long until they are solovki prison camp tier
>>161971 soon they will be intentionally starved to death due to globalist technocrat instigated purposeful "supply chain mishaps" probably
>>161960 Reading up on Circe lads, and wanting to be turned into a pig is a very old meme. Possibly based and redpilled.
>>161972 tbh thats exactly how they tortured people in solovki, it was so remote that they were rarely issued clothes so they would make the prisoners strip and walk naked through the arctic air from building to building to preserve the clothes. the prisoner would stay in almost unheated rooms in just basic rags
>>161973 based tbh >>161974 god I hope the niggercattle hivemind snaps and starts some daftiness instead of twoweeksposting until we all die
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no sympathy for dissidents
>>161975 you first
>>161977 lone incel polface attacks don't do anything smh just hoping there will be a pendulum moment where the men go to work and the cupcakes stop resting their heads a vain cope tbh
>>161970 i'm not typically so extreme, but i sincerely believe the appropriate thing to do to these politicians is to publicly clown them
>>161976 good lad >>161978 tbh yeah incels acting out just ends up like roof
>>161979 TBH the old pie in the face works on many levels
https://youtu.be/vBVu-nJPxBE >mexicans actually do this
>>161978 smh need a tyrant to make a move
>>161983 lukashenko should fund daft nick's crusaders to start a bombing campaign on government properties or something smh
would hitler wear jorts if he was alive?
is he wearing them in that pic? when were they invented?
>>161986 it's lederhosen lad austrians wear that as well as bavarians iirc
>>161982 Keeeeek! Hard to imagine when there are still so many greatest generation table saw relics that are basically kicking about for free round here
>>161985 no he would have realized they were an american subversion and would have resisted them and he probably would not say retard but said something like Dummkopf
>>161957 to semiretarded children beautiful mothers
>>161985 Didn't know he was so sturdy, he could have been swol smh
>>161991 probably kept decently fit because of ww1 tbh real strength not le fuggin joocy show muscles
thinking about unser hermann again
>>161993 Description Unser Hermann [German carnival song][+English translation] 1.1K Likes 38,759 Views 2020 Aug 23 Sung by “Die Uissen” from Westphalia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKnGO... Unser Hermann steht im Teutoburger Wald Und da bleibt er noch lang' steh'n, Denn der Hermann ist ein Denkmal, Und ein Denkmal kann nicht geh'n. Unser Hermann steht im Teutoburger Wald Und den kennt hier jedes Kind, Und tief im Herzen sind wir stolz, Dass wir Westfalen sind. Hey, Hey, Hermann! Hey, Hey, Hermann! Hey, Hey, Hermann! Hermann! Hermann der Germane, Ja, das war ein Held, Darum hat man ihm auch Ein Denkmal aufgestellt. Jetzt steht er hier im Teuto, Das Schwert hoch in der Hand, Oben auf'm Oiver Im Westfalenland. Jeden Tag und jede Nacht Bewacht er sein Revier, Das ist unser Hermann Und den lieben wir! Hermann! Unser Hermann steht im Teutoburger Wald Und da bleibt er noch lang' steh'n, Denn der Hermann ist ein Denkmal,
[Expand Post]Und ein Denkmal kann nicht geh'n. Unser Hermann steht im Teutoburger Wald Und den kennt hier jedes Kind, Und tief im Herzen sind wir stolz, Dass wir Westfalen sind. Hey, Hey, Hermann! Hey, Hey, Hermann! Hey, Hey, Hermann! Hermann! 69 Stufen, Dann hat man es geschafft, Wat 'ne dolle Aussicht Auf jedes kleine Kaff! Von Detmold bis nach Münster Kann man alles seh'n, Und wenn es mal nicht rechnet, Is' es noch mal so schön. Doch einem macht das gar nichts aus, Der steht schon länger hier, Das ist unser Hermann Und den lieben wir! Unser Hermann steht im Teutoburger Wald Und da bleibt er noch lang' steh'n, Denn der Hermann ist ein Denkmal, Und ein Denkmal kann nicht geh'n. Unser Hermann steht im Teutoburger Wald Und den kennt hier jedes Kind, Und tief im Herzen sind wir stolz, Dass wir Westfalen sind. Hey, Hey, Hermann! Hey, Hey, Hermann! Hey, Hey, Hermann! Hermann! Unser Hermann steht im Teutoburger Wald Und da bleibt er noch lang' steh'n, Denn der Hermann ist ein Denkmal, Und ein Denkmal kann nicht geh'n. Unser Hermann steht im Teutoburger Wald Und den kennt hier jedes Kind, Und tief im Herzen sind wir stolz, Dass wir Westfalen sind. Hey, Hey, Hermann! Hey, Hey, Hermann! Hey, Hey, Hermann! Hermann! Und tief im Herzen sind wir stolz, Dass wir Westfalen sind. Hey, Hey, Hermann! Hey, Hey, Hermann! Hey, Hey, Hermann!
Please clap and sing
[remains silent]
*slinks away*
>>161997 did you ever get any more bear visits lad? must be so kino to have proper wildlife around
>>161998 that's the other canadalad
Nah, I've only seen a bear, just a cub, once when I was a bairn at my folks cottage we had I posted a picture of a racoon in my backyard once. Ive got a video of it I can post. I saw a fox right in the city a few days ago. First I've seen in years.
>>161999 >there's more than one
no. i've been living in a city the past year.
>>162002 smh hope it's not been completely colonised by chinks
>leafniggers don't even have regular deer or coyote sightings smh
how many leafs are there?
>>162003 black bears are kino luv them they are like giant mega coons. only seen a dead one before though
heard a bobcat scream and there was a cougar sighting near where I was living at uni in shitagain one time but never seen a cougar
>>162003 actually, i've been noticing a lot more lately. disgusting >>162004 yeah we do
>>162005 more than we know >>162007 wish great shitain had some proper dangerous predators smh niggers and pakis just aren't good enough
>>162008 yeah I would hope so are you just over in ontario then? do they have a decent wolf population now, wolves are coming back in shitagain but alot of people are not happy at that fact
>>162010 yeah but also its kind of comfy you lads don't have weird beasts that can attack but black bears and cougars are goodlads and keep the shitskins from exploring the woods as much out of fear. maybe you lads should start breeding feral pigs or something to attack pakis when they try to go hiking
>>162011 no, i'm in the prairies. don't notice wolves too often. usually just find their tracks following the deer trails
Sometimes if you are on the outskirts of the city you can hear coyotes howling at night. I like to think about then eating the cats of the Lisa Simpsons
>>162007 Supposedly they get seen on trail cams but the MNR says it's not possible
>>162013 based it must get really cold there
Cougars that is.
>>162015 there was a deer corpse 30 feet in a pine tree in michigan which meant cougars were active but that was about 8 years ago I think and in the very northern part bordering with canada
>>162018 >a deer corpse 30 feet in a pine tree it's just like my /k/ stories it must have been a skinwalker or a cryptid!
epic libtard ownage there wessi
>>162020 just making fun of ye olde homosexual fudd lads smh I do miss having active /k/ and /x/ boards
>>162019 /k/ancer is the worst board ever
>>162021 now this is kino
if Verizon sold unlimited 4K tv capable hotspot at their current rates, it would be $3,000 at least, portobello more like $10,000, since more expensive plans are a worse and worse deal.
i am once again going to bed at an unreasonable time
>>162025 s/portabello/probably
>unhide schizo to see if he has anything interesting to say >blathering about telecomm networks BORING >>162026 good lad
>>162018 >cougars
lmao she drilled holes in the space station
>>162028 i don't hide you, because my superior mind automatically ignores you lad
lmao I really do ignore everything he writes, didn't even notice his posts
>>162018 There's not a huge amount of land to hide down south here, but seeing as how they are active around night there's still some big swampy areas with adjoining bush where they could live pretty quietly, Especially if the ministry wants to pretend they were all escaped exotic pets. On a sad note a black bear lad came down south round these parts some years ago to seek his fortune and got ventilated a dozen or so times by a municipal cops 40s&w. They didn't know what to do about him wandering in the suburbs.
Sorry for the weird layers in the video
>>162033 smh they do like to kill the wildlife
Schizo galaxy brain ignores Wessex but curiously sees his posts and responds to them.
>>162035 I could see getting uncivil at a stag lives matter protest tbh
Isn't a white deer like the sign of the apocalypse in some cultures?
>>162033 based you better have called him a goof
>>162038 definitely some kind of mystical connotations to it
>>162033 not as bad is when that one amerikek policeman tactically shot the woodchuck can imagine having mooseses running around all the time would be more scary than bears
>>162038 yeah I believe in c*ltic or something right isn't a sign of the 'otherworld' or something like in that article
>>162042 *white is a sign
new type of genetically modified brahmin occupier discovered
>>162041 My first efforts searching for police involved groundhog deaths turned up two police in Troy chasing down and running over a groundhog in a golf cart. Back the blue!
Scottish Ballet revises The Nutcracker to address racism https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-59527811
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>>162048 >it's considered racist to simply not have niggers present
>>162047 Blocked from Canada by YouTube but I found the video off CBS elsewhere. That groundhog was acting a bit strange tbh. Distemper? My old dad was golfing when a racoon kept coming at him. He prodded him away with his putter and when he wouldnt stop coming at him my dad killed him with the putter.
anyone know who this is? >One of UK's 'most prolific far-right anti-Semitic video streamers' jailed https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-59525076
4 fucking years for videos
>>162049 Every white person must have a negro follow them about for the rest of their life.
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>>162039 Keek, dunno lad, goof can be real fighting words round these parts,. I once had a bouncer attack me after I called him a stupid dummy. Older and wiser I know to be careful with my words now l.
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>>162057 what a coincidence. i'm listening to kate bush right now
>>162057 keeeek
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>>162060 >human shaped
i should go to bed
>>162062 same smh. fixed my sleep pattern yesterday but it's back to usual already
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>>162063 i managed to fix mine a few months back for a grand total of 9 days i was waking up at 6am without an alarm and going to bed at 9-10pm, it felt great it was the first time in my life i had woken up/gone to bed so early voluntarily but the call to shitpost at 6am is too strong
>>162060 Doesn't look especially negroid to me.
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>>162062 >>162063 smh why is it always so difficult
>>162053 gee, where has that been tried? >>162056 you're fat.
stayed awake at least 48 hrs this past week to fix it and it didn't work gn
>>162036 only if summoned, as are gods, so should we be
>>162068 have you tried eating human flesh? it cure bill gates' insomnia
cured* not a flood not a flood
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>>162071 Wonder if any native american edgelords ever took the story of the wendigo and thought yeah I'll try that and then died from disease from too much cannibalism. Or if it really works.
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>>162074 >internet computer
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Thought that Cowboy Bepop actress was a hapa, but she's "mexican-american". She has also got her tits out for roles before. Not bad tbh. Just not huge anime titties. Amerimutts smh.
>>162073 can't worry about going to hell if you're definitely going to hell
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>owning a coombait figurine
>>162078 good channel that
skip the first couple of minutes for the music https://youtu.be/mfTvaYP1Eh0
>>162079 Hwew. Maybe he got sent it to include in a vid as a sponsorship? Mega cringe otherwise. He is a fairly based wop.
>>162079 >Overwatch >Only has the first Dune book and not even a good edition >Actually bought a nogames PS5
I need to be selling ticks to see my feet!!!
hot damn, these feet!!!
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>>162082 lmao italians are a treasure
>>162086 lmao he tells him his wife is present, so they can avoid epstein stuff
But Snow White is a person, apparently trafficked, mentioned by another epsteinite.
Then again, Snow White might just mean cocaine.
lmao in france the pigs demand papers of diners >license to chew bon amie?
>>162086 it all seemed a little less grim back then
>>162092 Snow White is featured in disney parades. It is a coveted role, I believe. >According to the Financial Times, Staley and Epstein exchanged 1,200 emails over a four-year span, which contained unexplained code words such as "snow white," according to people familiar with the emails. Staley and Epstein became acquainted in the early 2000s, when Epstein was a client of JPMorgan's private bank.
>>162092 it's fake but still funny
>>162094 aha, so it's the product of a prophet.
the queen should be in PRISON
>>162097 I woud rather that somebody killed Charles tbh
>finger seems sticky >keep wiping it off >look down at keyboard to see melted choccy smh
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Sharp decline in post quality and sharper decline in food i.e veggie bacon for breakfast.
>>162100 is someone forcing you to eat veggie bacon?
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cheese toasty and bourbons for brekky
>>162101 No it's just we ran out of real bacon. It's the only edible veggie anything - rest tastes like mushrooms - but still nothing like bacon tbh.
>I'll buy this food item in case we run out of the other items >not just buying more regular bacon
>>162087 >Italians are a treasure Yes tbh
>>162099 Sure it’s chocolate la?
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>>162106 tasted like it at least
>>162102 based >>162103 why would you even have that filth in the house though lad
>>162105 lots to seethe about today, just read that news article about the nutcracker and am seething
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going to watch The Battle at Lake Changjin tbh
>>162111 >written by 2 poo authors
>>162111 so sick of the pajeet managerial caste
morning lads I hate the zog it's not right feeling simultaneously hunted and trapped in what should be my own country
>>162114 smorning lad tbh smh
>>162113 So sick of pajeets tbh. Dumb rude bloodsucking scum
>>162116 just a mass of ugly same looking brown people augh
>>162116 needs a major culling tbh wish their little squabble with china would actually go somewhere >>162117 tbh
A mostly peaceful boarding attempt at Minneapolis airport
>>162119 very tired of niggers tbh understandable that sharts always prefer private vehicles over public transport with so many of them around
>>162119 animals smh
smh can only find shite camcord versions of that chinky war film
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Toil soon
>>162123 have fun lad
>>162122 tbh most of the good chinky movies have Chow Yun Fat in. I like Chungking Express too, but mainly just for Faye Wong
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>>162057 Love this

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