/egy/ - Egyptian Anons 𓂀

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(31.85 KB 250x250 Shitposting.gif)

/s/ - Shitposting General Anonymous 11/07/2024 (Thu) 07:08:34 No. 134
اكتب اللي نفسك فيه
حلو الموقع ده كسم المعرصين التانيين
>>167 احطك عليه يا متناك
أنا أستخدم مترجم آلي. لقد رأيت للتو منشورًا جديدًا من هذه اللوحة ويبدو أن هذه اللوحة قد تم إنشاؤها مؤخرًا. كيف عرفتم يا رفاق عن هذا المكان؟ أتمنى أن تعجبكم هذه الأهرامات المتحركة.
>>190 We appreciate you sharing the incredible moving pyramids. We left 8kun's /egy/ board because of the lackluster moderation. A fellow anonymous user recommended this platform as a better alternative.
(22.28 KB 108x86 floating pyramid apng.png)

(23.91 KB 68x64 spinning pyramid 3 apng.png)

>>191 حسنًا، شكرًا لانتقالك إلى هنا، استمتع بإقامتك. إذا كنت تجيد لغتك بطلاقة ولديك بعض وقت الفراغ، فنحن نرحب بك لتقديم ترجمات مترجمة للموقع. حتى الآن لدينا الإيطالية والفرنسية والإسبانية. >>>/site/8243 إليك هرم عائم وهرم دوار آخر. هذه ترجمة آلية أخرى.
(64.21 KB 1584x396 Correct RTL And LTR.png)

(67.27 KB 1507x434 RTL Not Working.png)

>>192 Many technical terms and abbreviations are difficult or lengthy to translate into Arabic. For optimal user experience, it's recommended to use the English version of the site. The problem lies in supporting Right-to-Left (RTL) text, especially when mixed with Left-to-Right (LTR) text. The linked images illustrate the current display without and with a CSS workaround. While there is a clean HTML solution, a dirty CSS fix can be applied by adding "unicode-bidi: plaintext;" and "direction: rtl;" to the divMessage class. And thats what I've done to the default uploaded CSS. I recommend adding the same CSS value to the rest of the boards themes to fix this issue.

(36.61 KB 120x100 spinning scroll apng.png)

(132.57 KB 128x128 vinyl apng.png)

(19.67 KB 128x128 spinning spoiler apng.png)

Got some more things for the board if interested. Pic 1 is the floating pyramid as it was before being scaled down for posts, if you would like to use the higher quality version for the board's banner. Pic 2 is a spinning scroll that replaces the document thumbnail whenever an anon uploads a document like a PDF file. Pic 3 is a spinning vinyl record that replaces the audio thumbnail whenever an anon posts a audio file like an mp3. Pic 4 is a spinning question mark for spoilers. I don't know if it will continue spinning once applied, but it's a nice touch to have.
>>207 The scroll and record don't spin because they're over 25KB, but they'll still animate once applied to the CSS theme. All you have to do for those two items is to add them to your theme. They would look like this... If the code syntax is broken, syntax probably isn't enabled on this board [code] /* [DOCUMENTS] */ /* For downloadable document formats such as txt, pdf, epub, etc. Original site thumbnail size is 150px. */ img[src="/genericThumb.png"] { display: block; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; background: url("/.media/81f7d75cb0e93dcc8666d82518694c32dc148ffc1bf283902581687625f5e72a9.png"); background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 120px; height: 100px; padding-left: 120px; } /* [AUDIO] (Only appears when uploaded audio file(s) lack an embedded album artwork cover. */ /* For audio formats such as mp3, flac, opus, ogg, etc. Original site thumbnail size is 128px. */ img[src="/audioGenericThumb.png"] { display: block; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; background: url("/.media/866bbf433e5bde20c935caa49d515bd2f15ac9fc7d48f8cd6f0b2487516d501e3.png"); background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 128px; height: 128px; padding-left: 128px; } [/code] There may be an extra 8 added to the beginning of the url hash, it seems to be a bug. Just remove it before adding it to your theme.
>>207 >>208 Thanks friend, After chatting with the other anons, we've decided we're happy with the site's default icons for audio, documents and spoilers. (❁´◡`❁).
Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. -Friedrich Nietzsche
>>269 العيال بنت المتناكة دول بيبقو واقفين تحت بيتنا هو وكم شلة وبيعلو الصب يخرمو طبلة ودني والكلام دا بيبقا الساعة 12 وشتايم ونجاسة وحاجة بنت متناكة عايزين نعمل اعدام جماعي للعيال بنت الاحبة دي
>>270 بلغ عنهم وقول انهم عاملين ازعاج وبيشربوا حشيش وبيتحرشوا بالنسوان.
(125.55 KB 1920x1080 eg.jpg)

عايز اغتصب مصر زي ماهي اغتصبتني
>>281 Kek, old but gold

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