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GamerGate Radio

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Crash Override Network Leader 10/02/2015 (Fri) 16:30:17 Id: 280399 No. 281896
Saw some TORnon talking about CON in the offtopic general (>>281680). Decided to make a thread because I'm autistic and can't find shit in the catalog. CON is Ms. Quinn's anti hate group. According to Wikipedia (https://archive.is/XtaRN) they're a "Pro bono support group for victims," however with Ms.Quinn's past in hell dump I wonder how much of her anti hate group is truthfully helpful. She links to her patreon (https://archive.is/FyFF2) and makes well over 3000 dollars a month, yet no one else's is mentioned. This implies Ms.Quinn's the main beneficiary of any and all donations–a literal "con" if you will. This makes me question who and what is actively helping her, overall, outside of the obvious parties. Looking at Ms.Quinn's past, I noticed things that feel… preplanned. > Congress (https://archive.is/kp8i3) > Google (https://archive.is/hpdJC) > UN (https://archive.is/mTdnY) Quite an odd career path for a compulsive and chronic abuser who, by their own logic, raped their ex-boyfriend. So, GamerGate, what can you tell me about Ms.Quinn's Crash Override Network? What digging have you done? Is this just a massive conspiracy by Ms.Quinn to spread disinformation so others can be more easily doxed? Have you look at the self dox guide posted by con (https://archive.is/xo9lT)? Now looking at what TORnon said, alternatives would be a good way to help dismantle and disprove CON, yet normies seem to lap up anything their news feeds or the talking heads on the TV say. If we were to start a campaign and offer up alternatives like Paranoidsbible (paranoidsbible.tumblr.com) or School of privacy (school-of-privacy.com) to normies, how would we go about showing them as being the betters of CON? School of privacy seems a bit too technical. Paranoidsbible is fine but doesn't seem to have the presence. One we can solve easily with boosting it across social media while the other we can't actively doing anything about. So, what says you GamerGate?
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>zoequinn Somewhat recently there was a whole THING where online buttholes were making fun of how my hands look. They've always been small with huge knuckles and kinda rough. It was something I was already insecure about and the flood of "sausage finger" comments made me feel even more self conscious. I'd found myself subconsciously avoiding showing them in photos, trying to minimize sausage-ness. Shit gets under your skin. I realized this recently, and had kind of an epiphany that eloquently boils down to Fuck That Noise. These hands have built robots, driven motorcycles, cared for abandoned animals, created historic games, written published works, wiped away tears, and high fived a whole lot of people I've been blessed to meet. These hands have power in them, just like the rest of me, even if they're flawed and rough and kinda broken, just like the rest of me. I wanna move metaphorical mountains with these hands. Who cares if my hands are or are not conventionally attractive - these hands make magic. So, instead of hiding them or worrying about it, why not decorate them to look as magical as they are? Why care about meeting someone else's aesthetic ideals over celebrating the witch you are? Why not make your outsides match your insides? Fuck anyone who makes you feel like garbage. Fuck anyone who causes you to forget your own magic. Fuck that noise, celebrate your strengths whenever you have the ability to do so, whatever they may be. >billzoeker YOU HAVE BIONIC HANDS (that are also totally fine otherwise) >tahmfish You know people have run out of retorts when they start making fun of your HANDS. jfc >aninkyaffair People find the smallest things to be assholes about, it's pathetic really. Your rings are awesome btw. >npe_g ✨💪🏼✨ >raigen01 My bleary eyes and brain went "Wtf are my lady's fingers doing on Zoe's Instagram…" it would appear y'all have similar taste in the exact same rings. @CosmiaCross >merlintriss Not to detract from the overall message, but those are some amazing rings. >kthache Your hands? Talk about them scraping the bottom of the barrel… >maddocnyc And there's nothing wrong with your hands to begin with. These people are trash and simply enjoy hurting women. You are so much better than them and for every hater there are 10 people genuinely inspired by you. Never forget that. Also your robot-building hands kick ass. >weswwilson Never cease to be amazed by the pettiness of the public… hugs. >silvermillsy What a bizarre thing for them to single out. Your fingers are fine. >ptibz They just look like hands. >sillygeeses I'm confused. You've completely average looking hands. I see absolutely nothing weird or "sausagey" about them. >cosmiacross @raigen01 awwhh yea @rogueandwolf ftw. Also the more fabulous rings I wear the less I notice my stubby fingers haha >trinrummy All my love 💕🙌🏼💕 >kav_pI never see your hands as anything but hands and I'm kind of surprised at the analysis of their alleged flaws! Nevertheless, I think we can all relate to having something about our physicality that causes stress and insecurity and I'm so glad you've decided to own it. <3
Some good LW psychological analysis.
>>295145 >These hands have built robots, driven motorcycles, cared for abandoned animals, created historic games, written published works, wiped away tears, and high fived a whole lot of people I've been blessed to meet. I'd like to take, "Shit that never happened," for 500 Alex.
>>295207 >like to take, "Shit that never happened," for 500 Alex. oh it happened. If Lego Technix counts as "robots." There's motorcycle pics on twitter, though that should be garaged this month for Washington state snow if she's smart. I assume her cat is a stray or shelter pick-up, no big deal there. Depression Quest is historic, but for all the wrong reasons, and still not a game. She has written a chapter for an anthology about video games that no one will buy; there's definitely an industry-approved ISBN-13 for that book, but Borders is closed and Barnes & Noble won't ever carry or sell it at full price. I'm sure she's cried, and high-fived people. It's not a good resume, but it's all one can muster when an actual resume on the fancy paper at Kinko's would have to list being fired from retail and stripping.
>>295145 >created historic games Wow. Kinda impressive that old sausage fingers managed to make literally every word of a sentence a lie by itself.
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Socjus not even once.
https://8ch.net/gamergatehq/res/295897.html So when's the Paranoid Bible film coming out?
>>295145 >These hands have built robots, No they haven't. Maybe put together an erector set kit, but no, I am certain that those hands haven't built robots. >driven motorcycles That someone else paid for >cared for abandoned animals That you forgot about as soon as something distracted you >created historic games You mean written emo journal entries that you handed to someone else who made them into a twine Choose Your Own Adventure emo journal. Still haven't made a game, faggot. >written published works Because those hands jacked loads into that mouth, and that's the merit that they got pubilshed on, not their readability >wiped away tears, Boo hoo, faggot >High fived a whole lot of people You consider that an accomplishment? >These hands have power in them, OK, let's arm wrestle >I wanna move metaphorical mountains with these hands Keep jacking them dicks. It appears to be your avenue to everything > these hands make magic. THey make semen. Not much else.
>>293541 The woman that came forward with that information ended up being interviewed in the Sarkeesian Effect documentary. Other than that, I don't know what else, if anything, has come out of her.
>>282667 When I first heard about it, I hoped that she might actually do something good with it. I'm not a fan, but I like to think most people setting up some sort of support group are well-intentioned at some level. Knowing this, I guess it's just going to be the usual posturing that accomplishes nothing. If she abandons it and someone else takes it over and does some actual good with it, that'll be great. If she abandons it and it just collapses, might be for the best.
>>297305 The PB has seven PDFs so far, each about a different topic, how-tos on securing your information or tips on becoming more private on the Internet. CoN has done nothing but blast disinfo and take money from people.
Any suggestions on who to contact to spread awareness of PB? Like not necessarily sites based on media such as games, comics, etc. There are people who don't give a fuck about those kind of subjects who care about e-privacy.
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>>296588 >The Sarkeesian Effect I couldn't even watch the whole movie because it was presented so horribly. >worst CGI ever >over 3 hours long >horrible voice recording throughout >soundtrack ranges from over-the-top dramatic to elevator music with no in-between >levels for everything are off >volume all over the place >background noise >muffled sounds >lighting >brightness >contrast >color balance >final 30 minute stretch morphs into conspiracy theory bullshit that has nothing to do with Anita
>>297305 Quinn is spending time trying to fluff up her CON a bit right now. You'll notice that she put out some tweets to get some graphic design work done. That's probably all she's doing, mind you. But that is intentional. With the movie option going through, Quinn has to now make it look like she actually does something. So she's putting some spackle on the facade in hopes that nobody will stick their head in the front door and see that the house is a crack den. It's funny how much of her behavior is textbook BPD/abuser behavior. Quick! Clean up the house and buy the kids some toys! Promise you'll take them to Chuck E. Cheese! CPS is doing an inspection!
Bumping to ask, do you guys think Milo or Ralph would do a story on alternatives?
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If anyone has any more feel free to share
>>307501 Zoe Quinn is not the lord of savior. She's more like the devil.
>>309724 Leigh Alexander is still alive? I figured she'd have killed herself via alcohol poisoning after she had to take a job at some site no one's ever heard of.
>>307501 Still name searching yourself in GGHQ, I see, Zoe. >>309873 >Leigh Alexander is still alive? Due to all the alcohol consumed, Leigh is probably preserved by now. I wonder if she has paid off her debts or repaid Taleoftales their money after she failed to shill for them?
>>307501 I might also add the question: When are you going to nail Zoe to a tree? Not that she is a stranger to being "nailed". Just ask at least 5 guys. :^)
>>295145 > These hands have jerked off over 9000 penises and have been in hundreds of vaginas and rectums. FTFY.
there is now a PB-tan.
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>>282667 With this one, the question is only which breed of a psychopath - borderline vs. histrionic vs. narcissist…
Their Trello got leaked just like the Skype leaks. https://lolcow.wiki/wiki/Crash_Override_Network_Trello_Leaks
This thread is still alive, and so are School of Privacy and the Paranoid's Bible? Thought ZQ's literal CON would've seen them sued or some shit for breaking her narrative. >>331661 >Privacy group >Can't into OPSEC or INFOSEC >Get their shit cracked into or leaked all the time >No guides to speak of but one highly laughable one >Doesn't use any free software solutions
Her book got nominated for the 2018 Hugo Awards for Best Related Story. She's on Twitter gloating and sperging over it all day long. https://www.theverge.com/2018/3/31/17183718/2018-hugo-award-nominations-science-fiction-fantasy-books
>>331693 Maybe she should worry more about removing her own dox and helping her so called privacy/security group actually running? I mean, besides it being a literal CON, what has she done with it besides harvest information and threaten to dox people?
>>331693 How the hell it isn't on a fiction category?
>>331696 She is a scumfuck psycho liar. Why do people still talk about her like they want to give her the benefit of the doubt? >>331693 No doubt her narcissism is fed, but this is a pretty clear middle finger to the sad puppies. Are they still doing their anti-SJW thing for the Hugos?
>>331896 Any chance it's still on YouTube?

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