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GamerGate Radio

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Crash Override Network Leader 10/02/2015 (Fri) 16:30:17 Id: 280399 No. 281896
Saw some TORnon talking about CON in the offtopic general (>>281680). Decided to make a thread because I'm autistic and can't find shit in the catalog. CON is Ms. Quinn's anti hate group. According to Wikipedia (https://archive.is/XtaRN) they're a "Pro bono support group for victims," however with Ms.Quinn's past in hell dump I wonder how much of her anti hate group is truthfully helpful. She links to her patreon (https://archive.is/FyFF2) and makes well over 3000 dollars a month, yet no one else's is mentioned. This implies Ms.Quinn's the main beneficiary of any and all donations–a literal "con" if you will. This makes me question who and what is actively helping her, overall, outside of the obvious parties. Looking at Ms.Quinn's past, I noticed things that feel… preplanned. > Congress (https://archive.is/kp8i3) > Google (https://archive.is/hpdJC) > UN (https://archive.is/mTdnY) Quite an odd career path for a compulsive and chronic abuser who, by their own logic, raped their ex-boyfriend. So, GamerGate, what can you tell me about Ms.Quinn's Crash Override Network? What digging have you done? Is this just a massive conspiracy by Ms.Quinn to spread disinformation so others can be more easily doxed? Have you look at the self dox guide posted by con (https://archive.is/xo9lT)? Now looking at what TORnon said, alternatives would be a good way to help dismantle and disprove CON, yet normies seem to lap up anything their news feeds or the talking heads on the TV say. If we were to start a campaign and offer up alternatives like Paranoidsbible (paranoidsbible.tumblr.com) or School of privacy (school-of-privacy.com) to normies, how would we go about showing them as being the betters of CON? School of privacy seems a bit too technical. Paranoidsbible is fine but doesn't seem to have the presence. One we can solve easily with boosting it across social media while the other we can't actively doing anything about. So, what says you GamerGate?
It's almost hilarious that it abbreviates to "CON." Because you give me your confidence? No, because I give you mine.
I wonder if it even still exists in any capacity other than name, in light of Alex Lifschitz going twitter-dark and the rumors of them separating running wild on the web. It was a joint operation by them, so if they stop seeing each other it kind of doesn't work even less than it was before.
I just want to point out that the Paranoid's Bible has their privacy guide at this link - http://www.paranoidsbible.tumblr.com/toc Seems they'll be posting a PDF when they're finished. I browsed their Tumblr for a bit. Steam key giveaways, art and a bunch of security and privacy articles they link to but not much else besides updates and what looks like a constant stream of edits to their dirty guide. They do seem to be trying to keep the guide aimed at the average user and explain why they should be more aware of their info. School of Privacy has age and a lot of authority to their name compared to the Paranoids bible, however PB has more coverage on Google when it comes to specific keywords like anti dox guide whereas SoP is only viewable when you search self dox guide or school of privacy. Both privacy groups aren't as viewable as CON for the average user. I agree, though, that SoP is quite technical at times but it does seem better than the PB, but only marginally. If we would create an OP to try and provide alternatives to CON then we'd have to think of the average internet user. We'd also have to drive the point home as to why they should worry about their privacy. Cat fishing and id theft are good points to discuss, yet doxing would probably attract younger users. I would also look into exploiting the Peeple drama and why people should panic about their info being all over the web. I don't know how we would accomplish this though. Posting infographs seem to work but we'd have to focus on the average user. They are the ones outside of SJWs funding Zoe's patreon and spouting the so called legitimacy of CON. We would also have to point out how SoP and PB are doing this for free, with minor talks about a possible patreon, whereas CON was shilling for monies right out of the gate. Seems PB is more about the distribution of info while CON is more "GIB MONIES PLOX SEXISTS!" SoP asks for cryptocoin donations, though. So PB has a bit more credibility if only because they're literally doing it for free and promise the info will always be for free. I don't know. I'm just trying to figure out how OP could go about dismantling CON's hold.
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Don't know if CoN is disinfo or just outright retarded
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>>281896 >>281901 >>281938 Would not surprise me if CON was just another type of scam. It does not seem well thought out from site design and it's title. And that damn timer that means nothing is also weird. WTF does Crash Overdrive Network even mean? It sounds more like a side for ddos than online harassment.
>>281949 It's crash override, an homage to the 90s movie 'hackers'
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>>282163 >>282174 Still essentially references a DDoS attack obligatory pic attached
>>281938 Outright retardation. It sucks up donations to tell people common sense for how to internet, unless you're from the wrong side in which case they tell you to fuck off in flowery words.
If you're serious about this, then you need to do something on the same level as con. When con first started there were rumors of their url being written on cash. I didn't see any images, nor have I heard of anyone seeing these images. This means if they did do it, they were doing some pseudo-viral advertising in the offline world besides all of the online cock sucking they received from their butt buddies. The best hope to combat them with these alternatives would be to try and get a lot of back links generated. This means people on social media and across the internet linking and name dropping the paranoid's bible and the school of privacy. You'd also have to bring some level of media awareness to these sites by getting articles written about them or at least an e-celeb or two promo'ing them. You might also look into doing some advertisement in the offline world. The possibilities are quite endless, however you'd want to try and commit to doing the ones that'll bring the most awareness to the alternatives. You want to try and create an actual competition for con and not just some temporary meme. You’d want to not only compete with con but out advertise them. If you commit to online actions, then you’re limited to things like dropping links on social media, reblogging and liking on Tumblr, posting tweets, writing articles or simply sending emails or private messages to people you know in order to bring awareness to these alternatives. If you commit to offline actions, you basically have word of mouth, guerilla advertising through QR codes and putting the URLs on cash, fliers and other similar items. One thing that works both online and offline would be infographs, OC, and generally just showing how bad con is compared to the alternatives. I don’t know if school of privacy has any mascots or art but it seems the paranoid’s bible has some decent fan art and an animal mascot called Orwell Huxley. This could be built upon and used to show how these alternatives aren’t just all business and work whereas con is just words, lies and victimhood. For example, check out the image posted by >>281938 Con can't even explain something as simple as an IP address without defaulting to some mainstream belief that it's a magical key to all your info. They act like an IP address is private info. That alone can be used to call out con as nothing more than an actual con being ran by scam artists.
>>281949 >Would not surprise me if CON was just another type of scam You know what would surprise me? If CON wasn't a scam. How isn't it a scam, anyway? As far as I know, isn't CON just an attempt to fleece money from people and/or the government?
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>>282243 He didn't ddos the gibson. He hacked it…from a payphone…on roller blades. Angelina Jolie's tits though. Not very impressive but still.
>>282248 > Con can't even explain something as simple as an IP address without defaulting to some mainstream belief that it's a magical key to all your info. They act like an IP address is private info. That alone can be used to call out con as nothing more than an actual con being ran by scam artists. Or it can mean that they have access to corporate databases that tie your IP address to your real name, credit card, etc. Given how many loyal cultists they have in the IT industry, it would not surprise me at all.
>>281896 I still cannot figure out what the hell CON is supposed to be.
Info on CON There were 20+ news articles promoting Crash Override Network on launch. https://archive.is/nEm6G The Verge deleted comments from a puff piece on Crash Override Network http://www.red*dit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/2ssokv/igda_is_in_bed_with_zoe_and_alexs_latest_scam_of/cnsm96p http://i.imgur.com/ocUqBoq.jpg From Brad Glasgow watching the UN speech, a hint at who is paying her >Zoe says a lot of BLM activists have used Crash Override Network. https://archive.is/e1PZL Crash Override Network was among the signers of Harper's ICANN letter https://archive.is/hvmbW Lauren C. Williams of ThinkProgress promoted Crash Override Network while citing The Guardian and Mark Bernstein to claim that Wikipedia was intentionally banning all feminists https://archive.today/L8rM7 https://archive.today/CIPFA Shills on a Hacker News thread * shykes shills Crash Override Network * delcypher shills OAPI * anthonyb shills OAPI and calls chroma a gamergater for knowing about what happened to FreeBSD package maintainer Johannes Jost Meixner. https://archive.is/Fw4qv https://archive.is/PK5Sz Twitter officially shills for CON https://twitter.com/safety/status/601068137920929793 https://archive.is/cASO7 According to @StephenAtWar: > If you've asked Crash Override for help and all you got back was an email telling you to read their tumblr it's b/c you're not famous enough. All they do is skim the messages for anything from someone famous to rub elbows with… Crash Override actually dropped a case halfway through because the client got fired and no longer had a platform to sing CO's praises. https://twitter.com/GSD_SteVB/status/631760791541301249 https://archive.is/Y2FEJ They blocked BoneGolem for asking for evidence of harassment by #Gamergate supporters http://imgur.com/a/4qdMK
Relationships GTFO The Movie advertised Zoe Quinn's Crash Override Network and Mudd Law Offices https://twitter.com/nuckable/status/579035038773342208 Written and directed by Shannon Sun-Higginson Post-production by Ian C. Park Edited by Ehpraim Kirkwood Digital effects by Naoko Saito http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3891970/ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3891970/fullcredits The same crew of Sun-Higginson, Kirkwood, and Saito did The Layover, Anthony Bourdain, Meateater linked to Zero Point Zero Productions http://www.imdb.com/company/co0166045/ Some relationships we haven't seen before: https://archive.is/Fw4qv > "A GAME OF YOU: Into the Social Media Vortex" is the third event of the Disruption Network Lab…#GamerGate, Technovikings & Smart Media as a Psychedelic Webcomic - survival in the wild torrents of our digital lives with: Gabriel S Moses (sequential artist and graphic novelist, IL/DE), Zoe Quinn (video game developer and artist, Crash Override Network, USA), Matthias Fritsch (artist, author of videomeme Kneecam No.1 akaTechnoviking, DE), Pedro Lopes (computer scientist, artist & hardware thinker, PT/DE). Oliver Lerone Schultz (researcher, DE). Event inspired by the work of sequential artist and graphic novelist Gabriel S Moses. Event funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin in cooperation with Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien and in collaboration with SPEKTRUM. Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli with a conceptual site-specific Cube intervention by Topics Books. Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds Cooperation partner: Kunstram Kreuzberg / Bethanian In collaboration with: Spektrum art science community Technology sponsor: Geier-Tronic Videotechnik Media partners: * taz die tageszeitung * furtherfield * exberliner posted by mez breeze From a channer: > Laura Hudson, founder and former editor-in-chief of Comics Alliance… partnered with Leigh Alexander to found "Offworld". An exhausted search of twitter found that she had mutual followings between Brianna Wu, Jonathan McIntosh, Nathan Grayson, Anthony Burch, Feminist Frequency, Patricia Hernandez, Rebecca Watson, and Zoe Quinn herself, in addition to simply following the antics of Crash Override, Polygon, Arthur Chu, Legobutts, Kotaku, XOXO fest, and Tim Schafer. How this contaminates my experiment is that she follows and is followed by every single member of staff at Comics Alliance. It's not hard to imagine the influence she wields. > Kelly Thompson, writer of Jem, co-writer of Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps, self described "feminist trouble-maker", and woman who's drunk so much of the kool-aide that she sweats it, follows Offworld, Crash Override, Randi Harper, Brianna Wu, XOXO fest, Anthony Burch, Bob Chipman, Tim Schafer, Zoe Quin, and Kate Leth, She enjoys a mutual following with Aaron Diaz, Laura Hudson, and Feminist Frequency. She is also following and is followed by nearly every single member of staff at CBR. CBR = Comic Book Resources Lindsay Ellis aka Nostalgia Chick partner of Maker Studios Is following 437 people, including on one page: * Randi Harper * Crash Override Network * Sarah Butts * Arthur Chu * Anita Sarkeesian * Katie Schenkel of The Mary Sue * Alex Lifschitz * Jonathan Mcintosh * Zoe Quinn
[Expand Post]* Samantha Allen * Rebecca Watson * Susana Polo of The Mary Sue * Ellen Page, Canadian actress known as "The Tiny Canadian" * Gloria Steinem * Beth Elderkin, producer of Channel Awesome
>>282353 > If you've asked Crash Override for help and all you got back was an email telling you to read their tumblr it's b/c you're not famous enough. All they do is skim the messages for anything from someone famous to rub elbows with… Crash Override actually dropped a case halfway through because the client got fired and no longer had a platform to sing CO's praises. AHAHAHAHA CON'S A FUCKING MAFIA STYLED SHAKE DOWN GAME.
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Is the page for it still a countdown that resets when it reaches zero and is timed to your computer's clock? Honestly, it was never going to go anywhere. How many months has it been since they started it? If it's more than three, Zoe's done with it. That's how borderlines operate. I'm sure it started as a conversation between Zoe and Lifschitz, either about seriously creating some network they could use, or just another con to further their position. Initially they were really excited about it and posted it everywhere like it was a wedding announcement. Time went on, nothing happened. Eventually they started having arguments about it. "Have you made any progress on that site?" "Ugh, I told you, I'm under a lot of stress right now! I can't think about it! You know the daily terror that is my life! I had that nightmare about a neckbeard stabbing me to death last night!" I know that sounds like a joke, but I promise you, this sort of conversation is the day to day for someone involved with a borderline. Granted, this is unlikely to have been the major fracture in their relationship, but it was enough to create a wedge. Once they have a single argument, a single disagreement, it's all over. Every moment after that is the borderline trying to destroy their partner. I don't think that tranny behind Zoe was Lifschitz, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was. What I think is a much better idea is to form a solid timeline of events with Zoe, because people are going to keep falling for her shit until it's all laid out. Every time she's brought up again something new comes out.
>>282667 To that end: -Changes her name to Locke to become a stripper. -Discovers it doesn't pay as well as she thought it did, makes up stories about beating and in one case even killing a customer and switches careers getting into alt. nude modeling. -This doesn't pay as well as she thought either, and she also has conflicts with her roommate, her photographers, and spreads rumors about people on the forum for the girls who model on the site. -Zoe will later claim people posting her adult work are posting "revenge porn" of her. -At this point is married to her first husband. Relationship falls apart for unknown reasons. -In the Bro Team UN stream he stated Zoe claimed to have been stalked and harassed by her last two exes before Eron. Need more info on this. -Switches careers and becomes a "game dev". Ingratiates herself with the SJW Indie scene despite not producing a game. Sleeps with "two greyhound buses" worth of people in this community, male and female. -Stories float around about her attacking and threatening transgender people. One person comes out with a story claiming Zoe harassed them, but is shouted down and excommunicated by Phil Fish for coming forward. -Creates a text adventure about depression, from her perspective, even using the name and phone number of her own psychiatrist. -Nathan Grayson is listed in the credits. Additionally photos of them taking a trip to Las Vegas surface. -Criticism of Grayson promoting her will later be dismissed as them "not having been dating at the time" or "having already broken up" and they will claim the charge was that he made a review of the game, rather than simply giving her press coverage. -The 'game' gets terrible reviews. She launches a false flag claiming wizardchan is harassing her uploading her own pictures to the site while linking to her Patreon. -Her Patreon itself reveals she can't work on projects for very long, and never completes any actual games instead releasing occasional useless codes and scripts, like one which changes any use of the word "female" to a picture of a ferengi, and a flash "game" that is a still image of Jeff Goldblum titled "Jeff Goldblum staring contest" where you click when you blink. -Speaking of which, Zoe is invited to take part in a Pepsi "game jam" with other indie devs and youtube personalities. Has an argument with JonTron when they're assigned to make a let's play video, and the game she wants him to play is the aforementioned staring contest. Realizing the show will make her look terrible, Zoe organizes a revolt and gets the entire thing shut down costing Pepsi millions of dollars and costing the producer his job labeling him a misogynist. -Later announces her own game jam called Rebel Jam to follow, linking to her personal account to receive donations. -Two years later, Rebel Jam never happened. -The Fine Young Capitalists announce their own game producing fundraiser for women. -Zoe takes issue with capitalist being in their name, and attacks them claiming they're transphobic because of their definition of women -a claim which wasn't even true- and gets their site DDOS'd and gloats about it. -When TFYC goes to the media they're greeted by friends of Zoe who advise them to give her money and do whatever she says. -Zoe's boyfriend discovers her long history of infidelity, and stupidly thinks SJWs will listen to his story, posting their entire relationship online. -He's instead excommunicated, attacked, lied about and finally silenced by Zoe in the court. -This silencing will later be reversed and reveal Zoe has committed perjury to silence Eron, but that comes later. -Zoe uses her considerable connections to get discussion of the scandal silenced, even on sites currently creating their own scandals such as the Hulk Hogan sex tape. -Gets the entire left-wing media to declare anyone upset about this silencing misogynists, bigots, backwards fossils and collectively dead. -Files false DMCA claims against youtubers who discuss the controversy getting many e-celebs upset. -Claims to have been 'silenced by GamerGate' when in actuality a judge told her to stop poking the hornets nest and courting controversy. Continues poking the hornets nest anyway. -Switches from "indie game dev" to claiming to be an advocate for harassed people despite herself launching numerous harassment campaigns in the past. Someone else continue from here with her making congress look foolish and embarrassing the UN.
>>282668 Didn't this scammer break up with Lifschitz recently?
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>>282248 >mascot is a tinfoil hat dog >Orwell Huxley
I'm pretty sure con is just a means for people to make their patreon legit so it doesn't conflict with tos
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>>282667 >>282668 As someone who was in a long-running fortunately NOT romantic… relationship with a girl with borderline personality disorder… this shit is legit AS FUCK! ''The lies… The gas-lighting… The victim-complex… The reshaping of reality… The need to re-invent herself… '' Even if I had the good sense not to stick it in the crazy the temptation was there; as others in my group -did- before she imploded it with drama-bombs people like her are complete poison.
>>282798 >Didn't this scammer break up with Lifschitz recently? I think that's a rumor that someone posted as a response to a Milo tweet. I wouldn't be surprised if it were true though.
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>>282668 Glad I saved these, is her old journal still archived? Has anyone actually confirmed if the story about beating up a guy at 'DiCarlos' is true?
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>>282850 Here's another bullet point, she got an office job and it apparently didn't last long because once again everyone there is plotting against her. She's apparently been the victim of sexual assaults and conspiracies in every industry she's set out in. Aside from maybe retail, which she had a habit of not showing up whenever she felt out of it. Also retail culture is literally draining her soul, etc.
>>282850 >confessing to bulk shoplifting from Walmart HAHAHAHAAAAAAA HOW DID I MISS THAT?
>>282854 >Also retail culture is literally draining her soul, etc. Speaking as a guy who works in retail, that might be the ONLY thing she's ever said that was actually true. Retail kills souls man, ESPECIALLY during the holidays. Not enough we get a MASSIVE influx of shoppers during that time, but we also have to put up with 25 days of Christmas music over the loudspeakers, and we aren't allowed to listen to radios while we work, and two WEEKS of "patriotic" music in July. There are at least 4 renditions of Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer, and Sweet Home Alabama is fucking SEARED into my brain!
>>282856 fuck no am I glad I learned to code at a shitty community college and forever got out of retail.
>>282667 >>282668 She fucking terrifies me. I feel sorry for anybody who ever got involved with her in any way, even if they were just simply acquaintances.
>>282353 >Johannes Jost Meixner. >sounds familiar, forgot why >google >laugh at autism being #1 on google, then see this: https://archive.is/krT90 ah
>>282667 >Honestly, it was never going to go anywhere. How many months has it been since they started it? If it's more than three, Zoe's done with it. That's how borderlines operate. it's been over a year, it reset to 365.
How much info do we exactly have on Zoe Quinn? Couldn't we use it to map out her crazy and show people why CON is a scam and won't help anyone? >>282806 I wonder if the PB would be mad if we use their dog as a digging mascot?
>>282668 >-Changes her name to Locke to become a stripper. >-Discovers it doesn't pay as well as she thought it did This bothers me. Stripping pays extremely well, but you have to WORK for it. Zoe had no hustle. Even fat black chicks get paid big bucks. Girl has zero work ethic.
>>282993 >but you have to WORK for it Well, there's your problem.
>>282983 As >>282668 displayed we have PLENTY on her, it's just any time you bring it up her supporters bury their heads in the sand and start going "LA LA LA! CAN'T HEAR YOU CISLORD!" Remember, we're talking about the same people who use The Blue Whale's blockbot.
These people claim they can magically prevent swatting. They have created the belief amongst the computer illiterate populace that they’re the cure for their worries and concerns. They’ve—Crash Override Network—generated the belief that Zoe Quinn is now the messiah for the paranoid and privacy concerned. Look at >>283247 Zoe runs and cries to both congress and the UN. Then when she doesn’t make enough dosh or gain enough attention, she flips her views. Behold the anti-Christ that'll pollute and ruin an actual movement from the inside out. Watch Zoe. She’ll suddenly gain influence amongst privacy groups. She’ll promote self censorship and policing as a remedy for the UN’s cancerous laws.
There's a ton of good info here, so I'm hoping someone archives this thread.
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>>281926 Ever notice that these 'anti-dox' techniques also work well for avoiding process servers and collection agents? Something tells me that the paranoia and pseudonyms have more than 'online harassment' in mind.
>>282849 Daddy probably got tired of hearing about her in his arms dealer circles, and threatened to cut him off. Either that or he caught her taking on the entire Chicago Bears in a train.
>>282850 DiCarlo's in Albany? Holy shit anon, I'm going to check that out tomorrow!
>>283776 Well doxing is ultimately just using services found through a search engine like Google to find information and string it together into a dossier/dox. Collection agencies and process servers don't rely on Google or people search engines. If they are truly a part of a legal team, then that means they have the proper channels they can use to find a person's information. Most dox is composed of public information (name, age, birthdate…etc) and is available for all to obtain through a simple trip to records. Some places have fees and some don't. All depends on the city and state. So all a person does by doing anti dox is making it harder for people on the internet to track them down and cause them trouble. Basically this can be boiled down to: DON’T POST YOUR NAME OR ADDRESS ON THE INTERNET! A proverb that has been beaten into most 90s kids by their parents, which sadly has faded from common sense for many. Guides like the Paranoid’s Bible are simply a solution for those that were too messy with their information or simply wish for more control, or so I believe from reading it and their blog. I doubt opting out of a bunch of crap and purging your social media is going to prevent your baby’s mama from suing you over unpaid child support. Paper trails still exist. If you picked up and moved, there are a plethora of things being generated. From leases and taxes to state IDs and driver licenses, all of which the state and city will actively keep track of and potentially sell, too, unless you’re offered to opt out of your data being sold. If someone really wants to serve you papers, they will. You can’t prevent legal actions from being taken against you, as the city and state will always know where you are at all times thanks to your paper trail. All you’re doing is preventing some SJWs or rad fems from getting upset because you posted a meme they disagreed with. TOR, VPNs and proxies mask your IP. These are probably more damaging to the legal process than opting out of databases that buy and sell your information like digimon cards.
>>291187 Thanks for the link. Been waiting on that PDF.
>>283777 Or she started telling Alex to put a baby in her or marry her or both and he cut her a blank check to get rid of her, on account that paying her off would be cheaper and healthier in the long run than letting her breed and drag Alex into a lengthy and costly divorce/custody fight.
>>291213 >put a baby in her >like she has a motherly bone in her body
>>282668 >-In the Bro Team UN stream he stated Zoe claimed to have been stalked and harassed by her last two exes before Eron. Need more info on this. I've found several tweets of her mentioning an angry ex, not sure if it's supposed to be more than one: 26 May 2013: >@mikesacco Oh dear. Hook her up with my ex who leaves passive aggressive call out comments on all the kotaku articles I'm mentioned in https://archive.is/3RUCj#selection-1689.0-1695.124 31 May 2013: >@willoneill @HanFreakinSolo I called the cops after getting a restraining order on an ex and they told me to calm down cause he's harmless https://archive.is/GXqcu#selection-6905.0-6921.111 31 January 2014: >wow. my ex was in my apartment while I was asleep without my permission and is acting like I'm a bitch for being weirded out by this :| https://archive.is/IHXj5#selection-713.0-713.135 25 May 2014: >An armed ex I had a restraining order on was lurking outside my house and they just told him to go across the street when I called https://archive.is/QjBPD#selection-713.0-713.130 Here's a long twitter conversation from 30 May 2014 in which Zoe talks about how some ex was trying to ruin her: https://archive.is/rhrcE She also wrote this in 2011: https://archive.is/tr8QN >Hmm… NY ex-pat living in toronto, rollerskates, weird hair, evil exes… Yeah I am never shaking the Ramona Flowers comparisons am I…
where;d the name come from?
>>291292 >trusting the validity of anything she claims.
8diamonds must've got stuff on ZQ right
>>283802 Isn't doxing gaining the information through illicit methods? Getting someone's name and address because they put it on their Facebook attached to their Twitter isn't doxing them in any way. Hacking into their Facebook account to gain access to data that is hidden from all other users? That'd be doxing.
>>291443 Where did I say I trust her? I merely presented her claims, never said I believe her. I am willing to believe however that she issued a restraining order against one of the exes she had befpre Gjoni, but seeing how the gag order against Gjoni was based on bullshit I wouldn't be surprised if the same goes for the one against the other ex. It definitely appears that Gjoni is not only man Zoe had an ugly breakup with: https://archive.is/DgbMz
>>291467 Perhaps someone on twatter should reach out to the rest of her ex's to find out their side of the argument.
>>291292 > Yeah I am never shaking the Ramona Flowers comparisons am I… Ramona Flowers was neither a butterface nor fat so nobody is going to compare you fat fugly delusional Pod Person.
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>>291745 God that movie was hipster cancer.
>>291767 What movie ? And do I really want to know ?
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>>291853 Scott Pilgrim VS The World It's full of faggy, bazinga tier geekdom references and annoyingly quirky characters.
>>291879 Kim was cute in the game, though.
>>291670 >Ramona Flowers was neither a butterface nor fat so nobody is going to compare you fat fugly delusional Pod Person. On the other hand, Ramona DID had a habit of cucking her boyfriends. Scott should have gone with Knives at the end.
>>291670 >Ramona Flowers was neither a butterface nor fat so nobody is going to compare you fat fugly delusional Pod Person. On the other hand, Ramona DID had a habit of cucking her boyfriends. Scott should have gone with Knives at the end.
>>282668 Wasn't there an article about her being totally like, 100 years ahead and an actual cyborg because she got an iPay chip in her hand? Also, was that article created before thezoepost? I think it may have been. So the question is - why were they shilling for her even before she became the posterchild of aGGros?
>>291920 >Wasn't there an article about her being totally like, 100 years ahead and an actual cyborg because she got an iPay chip in her hand? Yes, there was one in kotaku: https://archive.is/zr36F >Also, was that article created before thezoepost? The answer is also yes, look at the article's date. >So the question is - why were they shilling for her even before she became the posterchild of aGGros? Look at the very first line that was written after the first parapgraph of the article: >(Update: full disclosure, Quinn and I are friends.)
>>291910 Given that all of her exes were complete psychopaths I can't say I blame her for dumping them. Zoe, again, doesn't have that excuse.
Oh and btw, I did a site search on Destructoid for Zoe Quinn's name, limited search results to pages created between 01.01.2006 to 08.16.2014 (Israeli google was used because I'm of the merchant ethnic group) so all results are from before the Zoe Post: https://www.google.co.il/search?q=site%3Awww.destructoid.com+%22zoe+quinn%22&biw=1920&bih=985&source=lnt&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A01.01.2006%2Ccd_max%3A08.16.2014&tbm= Look at the cached version of the various Quinn-related articles. The only one that isn't written by Holmes is taken from a community blog. Robin did a pretty good job showing that Zoe and Holmes were friends: http://pastebin.com/cp4bgej5 . Holmes tries to downplay the relationship, but it's kind of hard to do that when he actually tweeted at her things like "LETS START BEING IRL FRIENDS IMMEDIATELY!" (https://archive.today/60AGi) and offered to help her in her various personal projects (https://archive.is/yZRar , https://archive.is/mlk2U , https://archive.is/TVV4a). So to continue answering >>291920 , many journos shilled for Zoe even before GG because they were friends with her. >>291923 >Given that all of her exes were complete psychopaths I can't say I blame her for dumping them. OK, getting out of a bad relationship is a good move… but when one gets into so many bad relationships one has to ask himself why does it keep happening to him. The answer is probably because of something that he's doing.
>>291930 >OK, getting out of a bad relationship is a good move… but when one gets into so many bad relationships one has to ask himself why does it keep happening to him. The answer is probably because of something that he's doing. On that, I have no argument. Seriously, seven freaking times?
>>291930 >>291930 >OK, getting out of a bad relationship is a good move… but when one gets into so many bad relationships one has to ask himself why does it keep happening to him. The answer is probably because of something that he's doing. On that, I have no argument. Seriously, seven freaking times?
>>291922 >>291930 >Friendship is magic, and also shilling That's not necessarily what I meant, because obviously I know that Chelsea has a lot of "friends" in those circles (at least two greyhoundfulls). I was thinking more along the lines of (and yeah, I know it's just conjecture): was their shilling of a no-name pseudo-dev "friend" of theirs just them not realizing the difference between serious journalism and blogging, or did Quinn have enough dirt on her "friends" (Or at least Holmes) to blackmail them into enabling her attention whoring? I mean, between her helldump past and the shit she pulled in the last 15 months I could see her doing the latter, but then again, the record-low levels of journalistic integrity - and ability - that we've been against since it all began makes the former a pretty plausible scenario as well.
>>291259 "their children would have hooves!"
>>283758 How come no more came of this? This is kind of a big deal. >I discovered I can confirm and prove that she claimed to have killed the man she stabbed Did anyone ever ask for the proof?
>>281949 Given the fact that Zoe/Chelsea Quinn/Vanvalkenburg is a predatory, opportunistic sociopath with criminal tendencies that are probably genetic, you should not be surprised at all. Hell yeah, C.O.N. is as con.
Has anyone else even tried contacting the Paranoid's Bible or School of Privacy?
>>283250 She like exclusively posts in GamerGhazi where everyone asspats her all the time.
>>282668 from what i understand that gamejam with jontron was fucked anyway due to the showrunner jamming mt dew and product placement everywhere. Generally just focusing on ads instead of the games. so most of the actual game designers left the first day.
>>282854 tennis balls full of strike anywhere matches is a recipe from the Anarchists Cookbook
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>>294869 Wow, you shitposters become more and more uncreative by the hour. At least have some decency and post lewds.
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>zoequinn Somewhat recently there was a whole THING where online buttholes were making fun of how my hands look. They've always been small with huge knuckles and kinda rough. It was something I was already insecure about and the flood of "sausage finger" comments made me feel even more self conscious. I'd found myself subconsciously avoiding showing them in photos, trying to minimize sausage-ness. Shit gets under your skin. I realized this recently, and had kind of an epiphany that eloquently boils down to Fuck That Noise. These hands have built robots, driven motorcycles, cared for abandoned animals, created historic games, written published works, wiped away tears, and high fived a whole lot of people I've been blessed to meet. These hands have power in them, just like the rest of me, even if they're flawed and rough and kinda broken, just like the rest of me. I wanna move metaphorical mountains with these hands. Who cares if my hands are or are not conventionally attractive - these hands make magic. So, instead of hiding them or worrying about it, why not decorate them to look as magical as they are? Why care about meeting someone else's aesthetic ideals over celebrating the witch you are? Why not make your outsides match your insides? Fuck anyone who makes you feel like garbage. Fuck anyone who causes you to forget your own magic. Fuck that noise, celebrate your strengths whenever you have the ability to do so, whatever they may be. >billzoeker YOU HAVE BIONIC HANDS (that are also totally fine otherwise) >tahmfish You know people have run out of retorts when they start making fun of your HANDS. jfc >aninkyaffair People find the smallest things to be assholes about, it's pathetic really. Your rings are awesome btw. >npe_g ✨💪🏼✨ >raigen01 My bleary eyes and brain went "Wtf are my lady's fingers doing on Zoe's Instagram…" it would appear y'all have similar taste in the exact same rings. @CosmiaCross >merlintriss Not to detract from the overall message, but those are some amazing rings. >kthache Your hands? Talk about them scraping the bottom of the barrel… >maddocnyc And there's nothing wrong with your hands to begin with. These people are trash and simply enjoy hurting women. You are so much better than them and for every hater there are 10 people genuinely inspired by you. Never forget that. Also your robot-building hands kick ass. >weswwilson Never cease to be amazed by the pettiness of the public… hugs. >silvermillsy What a bizarre thing for them to single out. Your fingers are fine. >ptibz They just look like hands. >sillygeeses I'm confused. You've completely average looking hands. I see absolutely nothing weird or "sausagey" about them. >cosmiacross @raigen01 awwhh yea @rogueandwolf ftw. Also the more fabulous rings I wear the less I notice my stubby fingers haha >trinrummy All my love 💕🙌🏼💕 >kav_pI never see your hands as anything but hands and I'm kind of surprised at the analysis of their alleged flaws! Nevertheless, I think we can all relate to having something about our physicality that causes stress and insecurity and I'm so glad you've decided to own it. <3
Some good LW psychological analysis.
>>295145 >These hands have built robots, driven motorcycles, cared for abandoned animals, created historic games, written published works, wiped away tears, and high fived a whole lot of people I've been blessed to meet. I'd like to take, "Shit that never happened," for 500 Alex.
>>295207 >like to take, "Shit that never happened," for 500 Alex. oh it happened. If Lego Technix counts as "robots." There's motorcycle pics on twitter, though that should be garaged this month for Washington state snow if she's smart. I assume her cat is a stray or shelter pick-up, no big deal there. Depression Quest is historic, but for all the wrong reasons, and still not a game. She has written a chapter for an anthology about video games that no one will buy; there's definitely an industry-approved ISBN-13 for that book, but Borders is closed and Barnes & Noble won't ever carry or sell it at full price. I'm sure she's cried, and high-fived people. It's not a good resume, but it's all one can muster when an actual resume on the fancy paper at Kinko's would have to list being fired from retail and stripping.
>>295145 >created historic games Wow. Kinda impressive that old sausage fingers managed to make literally every word of a sentence a lie by itself.
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Socjus not even once.
https://8ch.net/gamergatehq/res/295897.html So when's the Paranoid Bible film coming out?
>>295145 >These hands have built robots, No they haven't. Maybe put together an erector set kit, but no, I am certain that those hands haven't built robots. >driven motorcycles That someone else paid for >cared for abandoned animals That you forgot about as soon as something distracted you >created historic games You mean written emo journal entries that you handed to someone else who made them into a twine Choose Your Own Adventure emo journal. Still haven't made a game, faggot. >written published works Because those hands jacked loads into that mouth, and that's the merit that they got pubilshed on, not their readability >wiped away tears, Boo hoo, faggot >High fived a whole lot of people You consider that an accomplishment? >These hands have power in them, OK, let's arm wrestle >I wanna move metaphorical mountains with these hands Keep jacking them dicks. It appears to be your avenue to everything > these hands make magic. THey make semen. Not much else.
>>293541 The woman that came forward with that information ended up being interviewed in the Sarkeesian Effect documentary. Other than that, I don't know what else, if anything, has come out of her.
>>282667 When I first heard about it, I hoped that she might actually do something good with it. I'm not a fan, but I like to think most people setting up some sort of support group are well-intentioned at some level. Knowing this, I guess it's just going to be the usual posturing that accomplishes nothing. If she abandons it and someone else takes it over and does some actual good with it, that'll be great. If she abandons it and it just collapses, might be for the best.
>>297305 The PB has seven PDFs so far, each about a different topic, how-tos on securing your information or tips on becoming more private on the Internet. CoN has done nothing but blast disinfo and take money from people.
Any suggestions on who to contact to spread awareness of PB? Like not necessarily sites based on media such as games, comics, etc. There are people who don't give a fuck about those kind of subjects who care about e-privacy.
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>>296588 >The Sarkeesian Effect I couldn't even watch the whole movie because it was presented so horribly. >worst CGI ever >over 3 hours long >horrible voice recording throughout >soundtrack ranges from over-the-top dramatic to elevator music with no in-between >levels for everything are off >volume all over the place >background noise >muffled sounds >lighting >brightness >contrast >color balance >final 30 minute stretch morphs into conspiracy theory bullshit that has nothing to do with Anita
>>297305 Quinn is spending time trying to fluff up her CON a bit right now. You'll notice that she put out some tweets to get some graphic design work done. That's probably all she's doing, mind you. But that is intentional. With the movie option going through, Quinn has to now make it look like she actually does something. So she's putting some spackle on the facade in hopes that nobody will stick their head in the front door and see that the house is a crack den. It's funny how much of her behavior is textbook BPD/abuser behavior. Quick! Clean up the house and buy the kids some toys! Promise you'll take them to Chuck E. Cheese! CPS is doing an inspection!
Bumping to ask, do you guys think Milo or Ralph would do a story on alternatives?
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If anyone has any more feel free to share
>>307501 Zoe Quinn is not the lord of savior. She's more like the devil.
>>309724 Leigh Alexander is still alive? I figured she'd have killed herself via alcohol poisoning after she had to take a job at some site no one's ever heard of.
>>307501 Still name searching yourself in GGHQ, I see, Zoe. >>309873 >Leigh Alexander is still alive? Due to all the alcohol consumed, Leigh is probably preserved by now. I wonder if she has paid off her debts or repaid Taleoftales their money after she failed to shill for them?
>>307501 I might also add the question: When are you going to nail Zoe to a tree? Not that she is a stranger to being "nailed". Just ask at least 5 guys. :^)
>>295145 > These hands have jerked off over 9000 penises and have been in hundreds of vaginas and rectums. FTFY.
there is now a PB-tan.
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>>282667 With this one, the question is only which breed of a psychopath - borderline vs. histrionic vs. narcissist…
Their Trello got leaked just like the Skype leaks. https://lolcow.wiki/wiki/Crash_Override_Network_Trello_Leaks
This thread is still alive, and so are School of Privacy and the Paranoid's Bible? Thought ZQ's literal CON would've seen them sued or some shit for breaking her narrative. >>331661 >Privacy group >Can't into OPSEC or INFOSEC >Get their shit cracked into or leaked all the time >No guides to speak of but one highly laughable one >Doesn't use any free software solutions
Her book got nominated for the 2018 Hugo Awards for Best Related Story. She's on Twitter gloating and sperging over it all day long. https://www.theverge.com/2018/3/31/17183718/2018-hugo-award-nominations-science-fiction-fantasy-books
>>331693 Maybe she should worry more about removing her own dox and helping her so called privacy/security group actually running? I mean, besides it being a literal CON, what has she done with it besides harvest information and threaten to dox people?
>>331693 How the hell it isn't on a fiction category?
>>331696 She is a scumfuck psycho liar. Why do people still talk about her like they want to give her the benefit of the doubt? >>331693 No doubt her narcissism is fed, but this is a pretty clear middle finger to the sad puppies. Are they still doing their anti-SJW thing for the Hugos?
>>331896 Any chance it's still on YouTube?

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