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Twitter Shadowbanning is real. Leader of GamerGate 02/17/2016 (Wed) 01:26:42 Id: 8161fb No. 316600
http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2016/02/16/exclusive-twitter-shadowbanning-is-real-say-inside-sources/ We need to make a new operation and make this trend. Maybe as a parallel operation to Torrential Downpour.
>>316616 Obviously THEY'RE not on the blacklist. >>316605 And the secondary effect of going to advertisers with this is that twitter will fall even faster, and GG will actually have something to do with it.
>>316617 even so they should cover it anyway,its not like there isn't potential in it,that safety council thing can at least be worth an investigative journalism
>>316619 Honestly, the only network I'd see reporting on it is Fox. All the others would just listen and believe that it's only "harassers" being shadowb& or something like that.
>inb4 milo is shadowbanned from twitter for reporting this
>>316622 Remember when his account got "de-verified"? My guess would be that they couldn't shadow ban the user if the account is verified. >>316158 >I think they shadowbanned Milo & Mercedes they never show up in my timelines they used to now they don't anymore any word on that?
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>>316605 >[Social Media] has always been a platform to spread information, but advertisers mostly used it to reach new targets, or to stay in touch with their audience. >We could take advantage of this to make [social media] undesirable for advertisers and to spread awareness on its userbase to make them leave. >A company that depends on having a large userbase in order to make money that's doing things to get rid of its userbase to improve its userbase in order to make more money. I don't get this business logic and probably neither do they. Maybe that's why I'm not making big money and neither are they.
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>>316649 basically they stopped being a company and became ideologues with a platform. Happened to a lot of newspapers over the years.
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>>316615 I think we need to exercise a muscle that we haven't really used to its full potential in a long time,twitter tags and trending. what we need to do is to trend a tag where we deliberately post derogatory content in an attempt to egg on mods into shadow banning on mass (not derogatory by normie standards as that would turn the negative attention onto us, but instead derogatory by sjw standards so normies can see the twitter trust and safety cunts for the unreasonable totalitarians they are), that way it will be a more noticeable form of protest than deleting your own account. this will have 3 impacts. 1: mods will be overwhelmed by the shear number of people they have to shadow ban; essentially getting the point across 2:twitter will lose even more money dew to the number of banned customers (as well as redpilled normies) who will no longer supply the company with money, we are still a boycott at heart after-all. 3: the word will be spread to a greater number of twitter user through what is essentially a self inflicted Streisand effect meaning we can expect to see shit being written about on big league libtard journalist sites.
>>316655 boat sailed i'm afraid, Twitter now can manually untrend tags and shadowban users. We could try, of course, but they've got the tools to stop us now. Twitter is dying anyway.
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>>316655 >>316657 whoops, didn't read your post to completion where you mentioned these, sorry, am unbearable faggot today.
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>>316655 >not derogatory by normie standards as that would turn the negative attention onto us, but instead derogatory by sjw standards so normies can see the twitter trust and safety cunts for the unreasonable totalitarians they are Any tag we would post should be backed by credible sources. By credible sources i don't mean some scientific study or a piece of well-researched journalism. We need hard-to-swallow opinions formed by authorities that normalfags tend to follow. Also, the info should be big enough so it targets a large demographic. We don't need agreement. We just need divisive discussion that will force at least half of the audience to be silenced. Twitter's train already is on crush course. The only effect this would have is give 'em more speed.
>>316658 chill man, everyone makes mistakes, and you were successful in highlighting some problems with this (such as how "overwhelming mods" might be out of the question. however the tag should still be up long enough to get the point across. >>316659 exactly. rather than the typical gayy team edge fagging (though theoretically if some troll group tried to hijack this tag wont be to harmful to its aims as the tag will be presented beforehand as something aimed to be provocative), we will post shit that although makes sense, is bound to get reported by some xirs out there. these could include: >gender is not a social construct but is instead grounded firmly in biology >gender fluid is not a real thing >we should not try to diversifies organisations and awards like the Oscars through quotas but instead just let the free market and meritocracy do its work >male and female brains are different >cultural appropriation isn't a thing so wear what you want and make whatever music you want >BLM is a violent racist organisation >immigration is out of control ext regardless of weather people agree with testaments like these they still get the job done. >Twitter's train already is on crush course. The only effect this would have is give 'em more speed true. but why take chances or wait for twitter to slowly whimper when we could put a stop to them early (stopping what little chance they have of recovery) and get some credit in the process.
>>316661 >inmigration is out of control this one seems more tangible. The situation in Europe is quickly getting out of hand and some must just be expecting a moment to let their contained rage go free. The context is set so we just need a good ammo. Some weeks ago /pol/ shared a video with some excellent emotional content to share their message. The problem? The youtube video received a copyright claim for the music. So is shared without the music here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44vzMNG2fZc But check the one with the full music content: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/11/11/watch-anti-migrant-video-going-viral-across-europe/ The bad part is the provider of the info. No matter how good the argument of Breitbart might be, it can and will be dismissed just based on the source. Besides, in internet years is already too old. Recent happenings like the mass rape in Cologne have yet to be addressed. This might be a good start, it exposes a big and terrible event that the media barely touched and the PC open borders fags tried to silence exposing their double standards. Even more, this is an event that depicts actual rape, the favorite word of our clap-triggered friends. Why not expose that double-think and make them eat each other? Look at this simple video of victim-blaming: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=68b_1454319837 This still would require a point where we would start the fire. Catholics? Right-wing advocates? Even feminist groups? Fathers groups? Neutral minor media? I would try to not paint immediately the idea of sending rapefugees back home. That triggers the typical libtard defensive response. Instead focus on how german female victims are unsupported and silenced by their own government and the media (and if you want, even the patriarchy). I mean, like, OMG, why wouldn't you share and support survivors? Are you some kind of pro-rape creep shitlord?
>>316657 >Twitter is dying anyway. If you're talking about the stock quote (feel free to ignore if you're not), even though Twitter is now slowly crawling back to the grave it dug last week, its shares increased significantly (going roughly from $13.90 to $17.50) a couple of days after the announcement of the creation of the "safety & trust" council (it's currently around $17.10 – used to be around $75 a couple of years ago ) Now, don't let anyone fool you: the council had nothing to do with that raise. Visa publicly disclosed spending bucks on Square five years earlier. Just so you know, the CEO of Square is Jack Dorsey, who's also the CEO of Twitter (both companies are tanking by the way). Investors felt confident in Dorsey's business when they found out that Visa put skin in the machine, I don't think they could care less what's going on in Twitter internally or what are their business decisions. http://uk.businessinsider.com/visa-now-owns-999-of-square-2016-2?r=US&IR=T http://www.pymnts.com/news/payment-methods/2016/visas-square-ownership-disclosed/ http://www.wsj.com/articles/visa-details-stake-in-payments-startup-square-1455286504?tesla=y
>>316663 >I would try to not paint immediately the idea of sending rapefugees back home. That triggers the typical libtard defensive response. Instead focus on how german female victims are unsupported and silenced by their own government and the media yes, but i was also thinking we could mention the economic aspect of it. such as the problem Sweden has with housing and the fact that many countries are letting in more people than they have jobs. also people who don't already have twitter accounts should not be encouraged into make new ones just to post in the tag, it would be kinda counter intuitive to the idea of shrinking twitters user base even further if the accounts being shadow banned aren't of long term twitter customers (though early on it can be used to boost the tag to top trending).
>>316663 That video is apparently deceptively edited: http://www.snopes.com/2015/11/17/disturbing-muslim-refugee-video/ In any case, I'd prefer we stay away from contentious political issues like this. If you want to do this, pick something that won't get derailed into a larger debate among normies on both sides of the political spectrum.
>>316657 Then we just use other tags. If you really want to do damage, start shit posting in trending tags that advertisers clearly paid for or that have a business backing them. For example, #apple is trending right now. Example would be to shit post there. They can't untrend #apple, it's the center of something important right now. And the mods have to sift through a ton of other tweets to find the offensive ones. You want to fuck up Twitter, this is how you do it. Specially if it's a trend a company paid a lot of money for.
>>316670 >yes, but i was also thinking we could mention the economic aspect of it. such as the problem Sweden has with housing and the fact that many countries are letting in more people than they have jobs. Sound reasonable as a discussion point, but not too exploitable in terms of rising the fire. It all depends on whether you want to seriously discuss this, for which 141 characters is not the best format. My post was directed to the shadowbanning system and how to exploit the trigger-happy PC council to get normies against them in both sides, as exposed in >>316655 . In that case, i would not expect an informed and civilized discussion. That in fact would be detrimental to the objective. >>316671 >That video is apparently deceptively edited Good, more reasons to generate a shitstorm. >something that won't get derailed into a larger debate among normies on both sides of the political spectrum. That's exactly what i'm proposing anon but i'm open to read why you think this would be bad for us and good for the dying censoring horse that twitter is.
>>316655 >>316672 Mr. double dubs and this anon seem to have the right idea of how to start the fire. But the fire hasn't started yet. Let us know when you guys start taking action on twitter, if we still have the numbers for this.
>>316676 numbers were never a problem. the problem was always with communication and the fact that for a while now we've been unwilling to spread our plans to other fronts and GGer with large follower bases.
>>316677 This. We need to work with other parts of GG to make this happen. Hell, we don't even have to limit this just to GG> there's a lot of people who hate Twitter and don't like the types of people on it. I think other anon is jumping the gun. These sort of things work best when we talk them out and discuss what needs to be done as opposed to jumping all over them and making huge mistakes.
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the thread has been made here >>316679 sorry if the time is unreasonable, I am an unemployed britfag after-all. hopefully that that will give us a good enough time to organize, contact relevant allies and produce oc.
>>316680 >>316678 Mentioned >hate twitter That gave me an idea, post make a thread on /pol/ and let them know there's a real chance of really hurting twitter/taking it down and making them regret the SJW trust and safety council. There's enough butthurt and desire for mayhem to convince people to make accounts and shit up trending advertising. You just have to be careful not to make them think you're asking them to do it for gamergate or the whole thread is going to be infighting and butthurt over "gamergoys" or whatever. This can be big enough to spread to 4chan if there's little to no association with gamergate as you can always count on people hating on twitter/SJWs/brands advertising/capitalism/normalfags(not to mention lulz/the desire for chaos) as long as they're not busy hating gamergate/rs.
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>>316600 Considering the CEO is listening to Fat Randi, it's not surprising. https://tweetsave.com/jack/status/698586265361330176 https://archive.is/12RhY
>>316709 InFUCKINGcredible Twatter admins are far far worse than 4chan,tumblr and reddit combined as least their admins don't take advice from confirmed trolls who make long walls of text and have no experience running a social media platform.
>>316681 yeah I dont think i'll be able to convince them that im not a secret gamergay.
>>316709 What kind of moron would listen to an obviously evil SJW like Randi Harper?
>>316745 Twitter CEO ofcourse. Why no one making twitter alternative yet, it's such a ripe oportunity.
>>316749 It'll probably happen. Twitter's stock is tanking, they haven't been able to get something as simple as a 'layout' down for years, and they're losing viewers and ads to goddamn Facebook. That really says something.
>>316749 >>316870 The problem is that we have too many twitter-like outlets each one taking a little part of the twitter total userbase. Even if every twitter user would migrate to one of these alternatives, we still don't get the same level of users when compared to the blue bird.
>>316671 > If you want to do this, pick something that won't get derailed into a larger debate among normies on both sides of the political spectrum. This is pretty easy. Pick popular hobbies or activities that you like, and go from there. It could be anything, like tech gadgets (so we can get the #apple hashtag like >>316672 said), health (so we can bring up stuff like Protein World, exercise, bodybuilding, etc.) or evne hobbies like comics (the recent hulaboo over Iron Fist's reverse-whitewashing comes to mind) and… video games (the obvious, duh). As an additional suggestion: distance from the whole gender war/mysoggykness bullshit. No, this isn't saying we abandon the gender war entirely, but don't let SJWs pick the battleground to favor them.
https://archive.is/sAYcn dailykos is claiming Twitter censored an anti-hillary hash tag while having ties to the Clinton campaign.
>>317568 Ok so we attack from as many angles as possible ?

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