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GamerGate Radio

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OPERATION: Trans Pacific Shitstorm Leader 07/31/2015 (Fri) 02:21:23 Id: f70a52 No. 240737
The TPP is coming people This deal has been in the shadows for months, but we have one clean shot to kill it for good. The Bill does have a 60-public reading period where criticisms have a chance to flourish against the bill. Our mission: WE MUST OVERREACT IMMEDIATELY We've only scrapped the surface of how much of our shit this can kill (online downloads, mods, chans, doujiins, cosplay,…list goes on) on top of corporations being able to sue governments more liberally. This is SOPA and PIPA back and worse than it's ever been. Fight the good fight, email your senators, post on social media, trend a hashtag, don't let a single politcian think they can keep their chair touching this
>>240737 Additionally enclosed, here's a quick overview of what we've learned about the deal from leaks. And a link to help e-mail your senator about canning this turd. http://action.citizen.org/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=12862
I'm from one of the other 8 countries. I'm 27. I have asked my parents, my boss, co workers, extended family, a large proportion of my friends about tpp..etc Most of them have no idea what it is, a couple said it was something to do with pirating music, and one said "oh America is always passing silly laws, don't worry about it. I did my very best not to sperg out and tried to explain simply. Not one of them cared.
I know I am copying and pasting, but we need assistance and bad. I run a group called Vault 1337 trying to archive retro vidya, we spent the last two weeks or so uploading to MEGA and now its fucked and considering that our ONLY uploaders and pastebin managers are MIA, we need help and bad, we have a Steam group. SAVE US, I'll link to those interested
At least on the future, best state is sponsored by best soda
>>240770 Most people don't care about things until it personally affects them. TPP isn't being called out in the mainstream media (which the average person still trusts) and it's not currently hurting them so they think everything is okay. They'll only start to bitch when it starts ruining their everyday lives but by then it will be too late to do anything.
All the senators/representatives get back to me with nonanswers. "I support trade agreements when they're fair and when they're not I'll not support them". Is this just a generated message? How do I get them to actually respond?
GUYS GUYS GUYS WE HAVE A WAY TO REDPILL FUCKING SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS AGAINST THIS! http://apwld.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/tpp-one-pager2.pdf It's a shame my country is turning into a feminist theocracy, however until we kill this so called trade deal, we must unite!
>>240937 >>241044 >>241124 Thank you dear anons, I'm surprised this issue is treated so lightly, given how much is at stake compared to the past. Vault 1337 I wish you luck, it seems help is coming to you with a sticky. Now if only this issue could have such luck >>240988 We need to be loud enough, the more NOs they get the more they'll openly come out thinking they'll guarantee incumbency
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Sticky pls. This is so important you cant even comprehend.
>No sticky yet Hurry up mods.
>>241236 Good news, current info tells us the talks are still stalling. And we may still have time to react after the talks (I can't guarantee anything though, just hope the waiting periods are in effect) http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/tpp-talks-go-into-overtime-as-early-election-call-looms/article25807591/ >>240737 Bad News: It seems I left out a big if that was just cracked, the TPP may allow multinational Corps to swat away State Laws and even Supreme Court verdicts, costing public services millions. https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20150729/23003431797/contrary-to-what-youve-heard-tpp-will-undermine-us-law-including-supreme-court-decisions.shtml WE CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HOW MUCH OF THIS IS TRUE
This shit is far more important than SJWs or anything else. This corporate dictatorship bullshit needs to be eradicated.
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>>241304 29 minutes and counting MODS STICKY THIS ALREADY!!!=
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>>241304 Thank you, I must watch this when I get back, I have to leave and may miss some, until then be sure to give a good bump. Pray for stickies
Live in UK nearing 4am, ill come back to see if we are fighting an invisible war, when i wake up.
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I kind of hope TPP passes. We're in desperate need of a revolution at this point and something this bad would help people realize that.
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>>240737 Latest News from /V/: Even Shillary Clinton is trying to run from this train-wreck: http://www.ibtimes.com/cables-show-hillary-clintons-state-department-deeply-involved-trans-pacific-2032948 Delays, even the stream of the conference has been wonky, but it's going on right now oh and Kojima was right, WE FIGHTING THE PATRIOTS NOW
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>>241418 >>240737 It's starting to crumble, IT"S HAPPENING!!!!
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http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/its-back-fec-says-regulating-internet-google-facebook-under-its-purview/article/2569255 >Ann M. Ravel, discussing election regulation during a speech in New York, suggested it was time to produce "thoughtful policy" targeting internet political activity. She also expressed frustration that her last bid was met with "threatening misogynist responses to me." Also a reminder: >there is an anti-hate speech law in new zealand >there is an anti-cyber bullying law in new zealand >new zealand is the origin of the TPP New Zealand confirmed worst country ever.
>>241423 Complimentary archive https://archive.is/ETSI1
>>241423 If people keep slapping the "misogynist", "rape", "sexism", and "racism" buzzword buttons constantly, they'll make the words effectively meaningless. This means actual victims will go unheard. On the one hand, fuck yes. On the other, fuck no.
>>241415 link?
>>240737 What we know so far >New Zealand created this monster to sell some fucking milk >Nothing happened in the talks, no progress made in passing >Big name politicians like Rand and Clinton are jumping from this ship >Japan and France are fucking pissed thanks to wikileaks last minute infodump Today was a good day BUT DON'T STOP FIGHTING, THIS VICTORY IS ONLY TEMPORARY >>241423 My point exactly
>>241437 Exactly. The next time we face it, it might much more horribly. Watch for the leviathans.
>>241435 see >>241304 he already linked to the government livestream, the Killary shit speaks for itself
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>>241440 More likely Canada dosent want to open up the barn and the Pharmaceuticals Company's don't want to compete. https://archive.is/Uxslz
>>240737 Before I go to sleep, one more happening. Australia is Out https://archive.is/Sndcz#selection-1717.1-1717.70
>>241535 Only for the time being, our corporate cuck government will resume it's ass-to-mouth position once the US says "pretty please".
>>241688 I guess Abbott's other daughter wasn't offered a scholarship. As soon as she is (and Kevin Andrews OK's it) Australia will be part of the TPP team.
>>240770 It happens. Keep looking worried. Be afraid, be concerned about the TPP. The human is sensible to a member of their species suffering, use it to bring awareness. I stopped trying to use only reason. People will tell you this is some kind of conspiracy, as we always tell ourselves nothing bad can happen. Use your evidence then, make them fear. You need emotional content. Not spaghetti dropping level, but legit concern level.
guys wtf keep posting we aren't stickied yet
You are not going to stay off page 1, thread.
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Why isn't this thread stickied?! Anime saved the world!
Temp stickying by request. Sticky will expire Midnight, August 3rd.
>>241959 Thank you. Who're the biggest supporters of this shitheap as of now with people starting to bail?
>>242000 Better question is, are the people trying to bail on TPP still openly supporting TTIP?
>>242005 Hopefully not, if that thing passes the damage that it will cause here in Yurop will make WWII look tame in comparison.
>>242005 >>242000 Unsure as of now, mostly trade negotiators are behind the TPP now, and the TTIP will suffer immensely if the TPP falls. Anyone that wants the presidency will avoid anything controversial, but if enough shit stirs up these will be Sopa and Pipa all over again. So don't forget to E-mail
Wish I was an amerifag, only so I could write to a congressman and tell him to shove that deal in his ass.
The world is broken, isn't it?
How long before one of these shitty bills/treaties actually passes and we have to just deal with the aftermath? They keep pushing for it year after year.
>>242366 Haven't you learned anything about how democracy works from looking at the Greece situation? No means yes!
>>241044 I agree anon, we have to find the most reasonable of them and reach out to try and redpill them on this. They've probably got most of us blocked on Twatter, but if we can get them to realize how bad this is for everyone involved, they could be valuable allies. Plus, a lot of them are "anarchist communists" or whatever so the concept of corporations ruining national sovereignty should boil their blood.
Wait did it pass? The OP looks different. I thought Japan and Australia pulled out?
>>243297 Australia has, but idk about Japan yet.
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http://itsourfuture.org.nz/tpp-cant-wait-for-canadas-october-election-says-key/ https://archive.is/byWtt TPP can’t wait for Canada’s October election, says Key >The conclusion of the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations needs to occur before the Oct. 19 Canadian federal elections, says Prime Minister John Key, who is tipping the likelihood a further negotiating round “in the next two or three weeks” after last week’s talks in Hawaii failed to land agreement on the contentious trade and investment pact. Whelp, scratch November we have mid to late August for the next round of negotiations.
>>243436 They're really trying to get things settled as fast as they can, before too much shit gets stirred up.
https://www.red*dit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/3fqirc/misc_cisa_again_sen_mcconnell_just_filed_cloture/ RED ALERT They are trying to push up CISA from this fall to this WEEK by extremely-pro-NSA shill McConnell! We need people pushing against this ASAP. It's not TPP (and is US-only) but it's just as bad.
>>243735 Revevant, got any mailing links?
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>>243821 I got this one: https://www.faxbigbrother.com/?org=fftf&t=dXNlcmlkPTU1NDY1MTkwLGVtYWlsaWQ9OTkyNg== THIS IS URGENT PEOPLE. THE FUTURE OF VIDYA DEPENDS ON IT
>>243842 Signed, thank you leader, you are a brother in freedom
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You have to give your street address to sign this?
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>>244218 Dude, any time you want to e-mail a government official, they ask you for information to prove you're a U.S. citizen. It's the same process as any government website, they just parrot the results to the 2-3 representatives of your state at once to make it easy. If you want to E-mail your senators at all this step isn't optional
Here be the IP text: http://keionline.org/tpp/11may2015-ip-text remember to download
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>>243462 >>243735 Interesting that they got the GOP circus going on and a dead lion distracting everyone, eh? If the people knew all the horseshit going on they would be having Bastille Day 2.0.
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>American corporations so stupidly greedy and unwilling to compromise that the trade deal implodes on itself. >On top of that, Obongo already spying. Well, this is new.
I want a sitrep on this thing asap!
>>245181 They were unable to come to a deal at the end of July, but their going to resume talks at the end of this month. They are desperate I believe.
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>>245440 Of course they're desperate! They can smell their bill's death, and the sound they make rattling their cages will serve as warning to the rest.
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>>241454 >Company's don't want to compete. Of course not. That's why TPP is even a thing. It's a way for them to ensure a global monopoly, rather than compete like most normal companies. >>245444 >Bob Page Fifty keks.
>>245509 >philippines Isn't that where the server is?
>>245624 Confirmed. GET ALL BOARDS ON THIS!
>>245509 Let's not pretend like NDP and Liberals wouldn't suck dick and do the same thing. If one of those parties were in right now, they would've been on board too.
>>245891 That's why we need to make TPP so toxic party will be favor of it! at least if their smart
Why are you guys hating on The phantom pain?
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>>245995 Trans Pacific Partnership, anon.
>>245902 No smart party would be in favor for it, I meant.
New TTIP Video Announcement From Wikileaks https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/631020235965992960 Wikileaks has just released a presentation warning of the implications of the TTIP (Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) for the world and crowdfunding a €100,000 reward for its release.
>>247160 Holy shit man, this needs to be seen, please bump and share guys
The this doing on page 3?!
>>247363 >Assuming we didn't already know about it >Assuming we can do something about it
>>247160 farting this on social media
fucking chrust, gg world.
I'm kinda slow these days, guys, what's new?
Game over, man. Game over.
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>>249294 Time to respawn and level up
Bumping this shit.
>>253895 Holy fuck good dump m8, keep this alive, why were we unstickied again?
Halfchan made a tumblr about this: http://saveourmemes.tumblr.com/
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Meme from /v/
thread theme (?)
Daily remind to keep spreading the word!
>>246021 >>245995 In earlier talks the Japanese were not impressed -perhaps calling it 'The Phantom Pain' was intentional.
SPREAD THIS SHIT https://twitter.com/SDFreePressorg And here's the tweet: https://twitter.com/SDFreePressorg/status/638373894966022144 Some others: > How #TiSA strolls off with our services https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/636331637261864960 > WikiLeaks €100,000 #TTIP reward is 86% complete https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/638453083639410688 =REMEMBER TO COPYPASTA, DON'T CLICK!==
>>263292 Fail POSTING THE RANSOM PAGE FOR THE TPP! https://wikileaks. org/pledge/#rd-6
>>267661 Today? Dammit…
>>267661 Any updates?
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If we can make the TPP an issue before the elections even begin, that's a feather in our cap. http://canadians.org/tpp Also their batch tool for contacting Canada's trade committee. It's probably much better to just use the list of emails, and give your own personalized email to them individually. http://canadians.org/expose-tpp#letter DO THIS NOW YOU WONDERFUL MOTHERFUCKERS! ALSO WIKI-LEAKS HAS A RANSOM ON THE TPP! https://wikileaks. org/pledge/#rd-6 SPREAD THIS! DO IT NOW!
>>269445 DO THIS SHIT!
>>270617 BUMP!
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/conservatives-rushing-to-resolve-tpp-auto-parts-impasse-before-election/article26376233/ Conservatives rush to resolve TPP auto-parts impasse before election >Even six weeks into the Canadian election campaign, though, Ottawa continues to try to resolve this impasse. The Conservatives are still looking for a way to sign a deal during the writ period, when federal party leaders are under intense pressure to demonstrate how they would create jobs and spur economic growth. Sources say Canada is making plans to meet the United States, Japan and Mexico next week for what could be the last chance to resolve the deadlock on autos in time to wrap up an overall trade deal before the election. The location and exact dates of these negotiations are still being worked out, but the U.S. will play host to the meeting. >Japan, among the most influential players in the 12-country TPP talks, is right now pushing hard for a final meeting of negotiating countries to wrap up a deal, an accord that has been billed as the biggest free-trade deal in history and one that Mr. Harper warned Canada could not afford to pass up. It would lower trade barriers between countries comprising 40 per cent of annual global economic output. >Negotiators for Canada, Mexico, Japan and the United States met in Washington last week, but sources say Tokyo’s envoys displayed no willingness to compromise on the lower domestic- content rules for autos and auto parts reached by the Americans and Japanese. The problem, as two Washington trade experts wrote this month, is the TPP as it stands would erode the preferential position enjoyed by Canadian and Mexican auto-parts makers under the North American free-trade agreement. It's going to erode allot more then that. >“The negotiated advantages that Canadian and Mexican auto-parts producers currently enjoy under NAFTA could be wiped away by a TPP agreement that would extend the same benefits to at least nine other countries,” say David R. Hamill and Birgit Matthiesen with Washington-based Arent Fox LLP. >Now, however, the math works against Mr. Harper, who would want to brandish a TPP deal as evidence of his economic policy at work. And it threatens the jobs of more than 80,000 Canadians working in the auto-parts sector – a mainstay of Canada’s value-added manufacturing sector. >One of the major irritants both for Canada and Mexico, but also for Japan, is that Washington had assured Tokyo before Hawaii that it could sell this reduction in domestic-content rules to its NAFTA partners. “The anger against the Americans for hatching something they couldn’t deliver on is still palpable,” a source familiar with negotiations said of the Japanese. >Walking away from the table is one option for Canada. But a Canadian government official, who asked for anonymity because they wished to speak more bluntly than they could normally during an election period, said that’s not in the cards. >“Negotiators continue to push for a strong agreement that will protect and respect the integrated structure of the automotive industry, but we can’t understate the importance of Canada being a part of a final agreement. Walking away would be disastrous for our auto industry, and thousands of Canadian workers and their families.” >NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair has waded into the TPP debate during the campaign, pledging an NDP government would fight for stronger rules in the Trans-Pacific Partnership accord to protect homegrown manufacturing. His staff later explained the NDP would seek to preserve the 60-per-cent-plus NAFTA content rules for autos. Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau has said he supports a deal, but has criticized the Harper government for being too secretive about what was being negotiated.
You can kill this shit. Everyone wants everything out of each other and its creating a great divide.
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How have YOU fought TPP today?
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OBAMA REACHES OUT TO MEXICO TO SEAL TPP LEAVES CANADA IN THE DUST https://archive.is/IHJFL >U.S. President Barack Obama is reaching out to his Mexican counterpart, Enrique Pena Nieto, as Washington launches a charm offensive to close a massive Pacific Rim trade deal next week. >As of Thursday afternoon, he had not made a similar call to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. >There’s rising concern, meanwhile, in Canada’s 80,000-job auto-parts manufacturing sector that the Trans-Pacific Partnership could seriously harm the industry. >The White House announced Thursday that Mr. Obama called the Mexican President on Wednesday regarding Trans-Pacific Partnership talks to discuss “the importance of bringing the negotiations to a swift conclusion.” Mr. Harper’s staff said the Conservative Leader had not received a phone call from the White House. >Both Canada and Mexico, NAFTA partners with the United States, are standing in the way of of a TPP deal because of a dispute with Japan over how much of each auto or car part can be made overseas and still qualify to be sold in North America without duties under the Trans-Pacific Partnership. >Mexico, though, is arguably a far more vital auto-sector ally for Mr. Obama in his quest to seal a TPP deal. Mexico ranks second behind the United States and ahead of Canada in annual auto production, and its output is growing every year. The country once considered the junior partner in NAFTA will be producing five million vehicles annually by 2020, while Canadian output is expected to be about two million vehicles. >Japan, one of the most influential players in the 12-country TPP talks, has so far refused to give ground on rules in the proposed accord that could hurt the Canadian and Mexican auto sectors.
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So I got a response from Schumer around the time the last thread we had here and I posted it, but it was after the bump limit and no one really saw it. First time I got a response form anyone on this topic so I was kinda excited, considering being a NY Fag is usually suffering. Is this bullshit? Because I don't want this to be pure bullshit. I wrote to Gillibrand in a letter and also a email and the bitch hasn't gotten back to me, either.
>>278649 Whats the point of rush finalizing a trade deal that pisses off 70% of people involved and leaves you with less than before?
>>278649 So, it's dying, or we need to keep delivering finishing blows? god this gets more confusing.
>>278669 Isn't is obvious? It's so we can't pin this disaster solely on them. Plus an election would put in limbo, which would be a preferable outcome. >>278707 REMEMBER THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS OVERKILL! SPREAD WORD OF THIS TRAVESTY FAR AND WIDE! TO DO LIST! >>269445 >>267661 >>263489 >>263292 >>241044
>>278723 Right, good reminder anon, it's been a fair while.
>>279374 They are continuing talks right now.
>>279430 Where?
Dumping what I can to help. >>>/v/6202487 This has a list of all the stuff reposted in each TPP thread on /v/. Emails of senators, youtubers, porn website hosts. The first to say "don't you dare support this, or I will dedicate my life to boycotting you", the last two to spread awareness that their careers are FUCKED if the TPP comes to pass. Also included is redpilling info for people to support the stop of TPP/TTIP. I'm also making Pastebins of some OP templates. Finally, have the archive of the last TPP thread on /v/. https://archive.is/3u8Nv (If nothing else, all info you need is here. Except for the talks going on in Atlanta right now) If anyone wants me to dump the info from the old threads, let me know. Or do it yourself for fellow anons.
>>279905 https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Trans-Pacific_Partnership By the way, any EDiots in here: Get in there, you faggots. This thing hasn't been updated since last year.
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http://www.mykawartha.com/news-story/5940027-canada-heralds-progress-toward-tpp-deal/ Canada heralds progress toward TPP deal >ATLANTA - The Canadian government is eager enough to complete a historic trade agreement this week that the country's lead minister has no idea when he'll be back home campaigning in the federal election. >In his first full day at the meetings that could ultimately clinch the 12-country Trans-Pacific Partnership, Ed Fast said he's willing to stay as long as it takes. >He said he doesn't yet have a return plane ticket to British Columbia where he's in a re-election fight because, he says, completing the deal is critical to Canada's economy. >"What I can say is that Canada is prepared to negotiate, to stay here until we have a deal," the international trade minister said Wednesday. >"We believe we are on track to do so." >He insisted that he's also willing to walk away if necessary: "I can't prejudge whether there will be a deal this weekend… We are only going to sign a deal that is in our national interest." >Some countries are expressing a sense of urgency that a deal be completed now before several governments involved in the talks face uncertain re-election campaigns, starting with Canada's. >But the biggest impending concern for TPP proponents is the fast-approaching U.S. presidential primaries, which could play havoc with attempts to get the agreement ratified in Congress. >The Canadian government faces the dual pressure of having to run a campaign at the same time. While Fast chats about dairy and auto quotas in Atlanta, his colleagues back home are weighing the potential impact in dozens of ridings that could hold the key to Conservative re-election chances. >The government left the last talks dismayed by a surprise Japan-U.S. agreement that would have upended auto-production, with tariffs eliminated on cars that primarily use cheaper parts from non-TPP countries like China. >Fast called the last proposal unacceptable. He added Wednesday that there has been movement since the failed round in July: "We have continued to make progress," he said. >But the Canadian government also desperately wants to change the conversation. >It's attempting to steer attention toward companies and industries enthused by the TPP. It hopes those voices drown out some of the skeptics: the auto-workers union warning of lost middle-class jobs, and the dairy farmers urging against even a one-per-cent increase in foreign cheese imports. >The government has been circulating quotes from supportive stakeholders in multiple industries: mining, seafood, pork, cattle, and even from the bigger auto-parts companies with foreign plants. >One enthusiastic stakeholder is the Canadian beef industry. It predicts exports to Japan could potentially triple if tariffs fall as low as reported in Japanese media. >John Masswohl said the industry shipped $100 million to Japan last year — and lost almost 40 per cent in duties. But that's not the biggest issue: It's that Australia is gnawing away at everyone else's market share, he said, because it already has a tariff-reduction deal with Japan. >"It's a bad scenario for us if there is no TPP because Australia's rate continues to get lower and lower," said Masswohl, director of government relations for the Canadian Cattlemen's Association. >in Quebec and Ontario, the concerns of dairy farmers have received widespread media coverage. Those two provinces also happen to produce more than half of Canada's hogs. >And the pork producers are delighted. >Martin Rice of the Canadian Pork Council predicted that joining the TPP would increase the $1 billion in pork exports to Japan by more than 30 per cent within four years. >He warned that the exact opposite would happen if the TPP happens without Canada. >"Our processors just wouldn't be able to compete anymore," he said.
[Expand Post]>Expect to hear arguments like those from the Conservative party repeatedly in the last weeks of the federal election, should an agreement come together in Atlanta. >Another emerging debate has to do with transparency. The deal is being negotiated in secret; the final text might not even be made public before Canadians vote; and the government hasn't involved opposition parties despite the fact that one of them might actually have to implement the deal if they win Oct. 19. >Fast said Canada would push for the full text to be released instantly. He offered no guarantee when asked about consulting his election opponents. >By Alexander Panetta, The Canadian Press
What is this "deal happens without us" shit? Is tpp pre destined to happen no matter what?
>>281921 Their desperate to get it done, to the point they will leave Canada in the dust. even though that would be a good thing.
>>281924 so would voting NDP stop canada from getting fucked in this deal? but wouldnt Canada getting left out of the deal be bad for our economy? its already fucked from oil dropping
>>281933 The implications of this deal are so bad that just about anything would be better. As for our economy being fucked without TPP sounds like mindless rhetoric. From what I've been seeing here shows it it would be fucked if it was under TPP Also, the too do list: >>278723
>>281939 has the ndp or liberal party said anything against tpp?
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>>281945 NDP seems to be the best bet, since they are the ones speaking up the most about it. Liverals just don't like the lack of transparency.. Also: >>281942 >TPP negotiations are being finalized, and Canada's Trade Minister, Ed Fast is pushing to sign the pact before the election. There’s just one problem: the plan he’s backing will censor the Internet for generations to come. We need you to tell him to back off, TODAY, before he rams this extreme pact into law. DEFCON1!
>>281947 >our partners >Reddit Did something change over there?
>>281952 i thought reddit was a huge part of gamergate even in the beginning its the one thing the two sites agreed on
>>281953 Nigger reddit is banning ppl right now for not blaming 4chan for a shooting.
>>281981 They also originally were deleting thread talking about TPP, while 4chan is pretty much bought.
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>>281919 I fucking hate my country.
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Some E-celebs should make videos on this, like Sargon and Internet Aristocrat for example, it would get the message a wide audience of people faster.
>>282048 We need to get rid of Harpy. Almost anything would be better then TPP…
TPP LIVESTREAM TOMORROW! https://ustr.gov/TPP/Atlanta-Livestream GET HYPED!
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http://www.therecord.com/news-story/5942884-tpp-deal-close-dairy-the-last-big-issue/ TPP: Deal close, dairy the last big issue >ATLANTA - Negotiators have taken a big step toward an historic agreement that would knock down trade barriers on four continents while opening important sectors to greater foreign competition. >A Trans-Pacific Partnership deal could be announced Saturday if negotiators clear the final hurdles including the tallest remaining one involving Canada: dairy import limits. >The broad contours of a deal are mostly sketched out. Canadian exporters of beef, pork, canola, grains, machinery, medical devices, minerals, seafood, aeronautics and other products would have greater tariff-free access to 11 countries including Japan, Vietnam, Australia and Peru. >Now those countries are knocking on Canada's door. >They've demanded a greater presence in two areas that have historically supported good-paying jobs: the auto sector, and dairy. A deal on auto parts is mostly done, according to various stakeholder groups watching the negotiations. The final fight turns to Canada's grocery shelves, where importers want more than the meager 10-per-cent space set aside for foreign milk and cheese. >That politically sensitive issue remains one of the few obstacles to completing a pact that would cover 40 per cent of the world's GDP, including some fast-growing economies and additional countries already angling to join. >"I'm pretty optimistic it will come together (this weekend) — 80-20," said Alan Wolff, a former U.S. negotiator who now leads the American National Foreign Trade Council, a commercial association. >"But because it's a negotiation there could always be a holdup." >That's exactly what happened at the last round in Maui. Canadian and Mexican negotiators were blindsided by a Japan-U.S. deal that would have doubled the allowance for cheaper car parts without tariffs from Japanese suppliers in non-TPP countries like China and Thailand. >Those differences appear to have been settled. >The hallway chatter from industry lobbyists at the convention site suggested the percentages for import thresholds might not differ significantly from the Maui offer — with perhaps a five-per-cent change for parts. But it's expected that new exceptions will be built into the agreement for different types of parts, limiting the scope of the change. >Canada's envoy to the talks wouldn't talk percentages. He also said some details still must be worked out. But International Trade Minister Ed Fast confirmed Friday that major moves had been made. >"There's still some work left to be done," said Fast. >"But we're optimistic that issue can be solved and we'll have an outcome that will support our Canadian auto sector and ensure its long-term viability in Canada." >The autoworkers' union fears the loss of middle-class jobs. But some Canadian parts manufacturers are enthusiastic about the opportunity to grow an international presence. >Fast used more guarded language on dairy. Of that, he said: "There's still lots of work to be done." >The Canadian government faces domestic pressure from dairy-producing provinces, who are not at the negotiating table but have provincial representatives in Atlanta pushing against any opening to foreign milk and cheese. >Canada isn't the only country with domestic pressure: the American delegation has received a public letter from influential lawmakers urging it to walk away unless it can secure certain gains for American businesses. >But the biggest U.S. business lobby is urging a deal now. >It says the decade-long TPP project could be destroyed by domestic politics if it doesn't happen immediately, with elections in Canada, then the U.S., Japan and Peru next year and governments under pressure to protect individual sectors. >"If we miss this opportunity I believe we may lose it forever," said Tami Overby, vice-president at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
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>>282105 Cont: >"We have the Canadian election. No one knows what that outcome's going to be. We also get closer to the U.S. 2016 (presidential race) — that gets harder. So from my perspective nothing gets better. But the risk increases, and in some cases quite significantly as time goes by." >As if to underscore her point, NDP Leader Tom Mulcair announced Friday that he wouldn't consider himself bound to ratify any deal reached during the election campaign. >Overby encouraged all countries to put some of the proverbial water in their wine. >For Canada, that wine comes with a little more foreign cheese. >She said New Zealand hasn't asked for much. But it helped spearhead the TPP project years ago, with its one major demand being access to dairy markets. >Other Canadian industries are thrilled at the prospect of a deal. >The head of Canada's pro-free-market agriculture group said he expects a nine-per-cent increase in canola exports alone, with big gains for other industries including pork, beef and barley. >"We're extremely optimistic for our sector," said Brian Innes of the Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance, and vice-president of the Canola Council. >"We face significant trade barriers, this is the most ambitious deal in decades, and it could have a major impact on our ability to export." TO DO LIST >>278723 >>281942
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>Industrial capitalism might actually hold a candle too the growing and eminent thread of the neo-capitalism of moderators. >Suddenly everyone at GAYmer gate is buttmad. Typical. I'd much rather side with the industries of technology, medicine, and agriculture whether or not they're corrupt that actually produces shit over committing tax-fraud, and just screeching "bahmammer!" whilst acting like everyone else is the problem.
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>>281942 Don't forget to sign this.
>>282105 f-fug
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>>282105 Besides >>281942 anything else to do?
>>6334811 Most recent /v/ thread. Please send help.
>>282271 >>>/v/6334811
>>282271 Whoops. >>/v/6334811
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>Canada is preparing to open the border to more American milk, without getting reciprocal access for Canadian dairy farmers in the United States, CBC News has learned. >Trade Minister Ed Fast will leave the campaign trail to join his counterparts in Atlanta on Wednesday, intent on concluding the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade talks. Chief negotiators from the 12 Pacific Rim member countries meet starting Saturday. >Conservatives want to conclude a deal before the Oct. 19 election and cast it as a win for consumers. But what Fast offers could seriously disrupt the supply-managed dairy sector. >If that happens, "there's going to be a war," says Yves Leduc from the Dairy Farmers of Canada. "The industry will never accept that." More: https://archive.is/GVWLJ Canadian farmers are on our side, spread knowledge of this to other agricultural organizations in your own countries. Use this list >>>/v/6335037 to find something to redpeople with, or write/call a governmental body and demand action.
http://www.please use archive.is/us-news/2015/oct/03/tpp-trade-deadlock-japan-us-to-break-impasse TPP trade deadlock: Japan leans on US to break impasse >Japan called on the US to find a way to break a deadlock over protections for next-generation medicines on Saturday, as talks on a sweeping trade pact were extended for another 24 hours. >Negotiators were up all night trying to broker a deal on the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership, which will create a free trade zone covering 40% of the world economy. >A push by the US to set a longer period of exclusivity for drug makers who develop biological drugs such as Genentech’s Avastin cancer-treatment has run into opposition from other TPP economies and is holding up a broader deal. >Japanese economy minister Akira Amari said he had agreed to a US request to stay on in Atlanta for another 24 hours, but said the US had to find a way forward on biologics. “I said there were two conditions for us to accept that proposal: first, this would be the last chance, in other words there had to be certainty of getting a deal on pharmaceuticals; second, because of the schedule, Japan could not accept any further extension,” Amari told reporters. >>282106 TO DO
Can someone that's not from either of the countries involved do something (besides spreading the word) ?
>>283040 60 days you cocksuckers. It may be on Fasttrack, but 60 days is a long time. Obama and his goons could shorten this period, but if we're loud enough we can probably get it shutdown.
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>>283047 You could toss up your own nuke but it won't budge them. Our gooses are cooked at this point.
>>281942 OP again, this thread got stickied again, so that means bad news and this shit is indeed closing in SIGN THE PETITION ABOVE, SPREAD IT LIKE WILDFIRE Also, support politicians like Bernie and Trump for their views against the agreement when applicable, make this political neurotoxin
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https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2015/10/trade-officials-announce-conclusion-tpp-now-real-fight-begins Trade Officials Announce Conclusion of TPP—Now the Real Fight Begins Trade officials have announced today that they have reached a final deal on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Their announcement came after a drawn out round of negotiation in Atlanta, Georgia, which was mainly held up around disagreements over medicine patent rules and tariffs over autos and dairy. We have no reason to believe that the TPP has improved much at all from the last leaked version released in August, and we won't know until the U.S. Trade Representative releases the text. So as long as it contains a retroactive 20-year copyright term extension, bans on circumventing DRM, massively disproportionate punishments for copyright infringement, and rules that criminalize investigative journalists and whistleblowers, we have to do everything we can to stop this agreement from getting signed, ratified, and put into force. The fact that close to 800 million Internet users' rights to free expression, privacy, and access to knowledge online hinged upon the outcome of squabbles over trade rules on cars and milk is precisely why digital policy consideration do not belong in trade agreements. Hollywood, other major publishers and even big tech companies have taken advantage of this secretive, corporate-captured process to pass rules that they could not otherwise get away with in an open, participatory process. The Fast Track trade bill, which passed in the U.S. this summer, was a critical piece in the White House's toolkit to getting this terrible deal passed through Congress with little oversight. And yet there's an upside to that bill—which is that it may succeed in mucking up the TPP end game. Despite all of Fast Track's faults, it imposed on the White House a timeline for it to finalize, sign, and ratify agreements that uses this expedited trade approval mechanism. This includes a mandate that at a minimum, a 90-day notice period must be given before the President signs the agreement. Thirty days after that notice the text must be posted publicly online—so there's still about a month when the U.S. trade officials can claim to have a final text and give notice, but not really have a text. President Obama will give a notice to Congress in order to get the clock running on these Fast Track requirements. If so, the White House will be required by law to publish the final text publicly, online in 30 days. A failure to do so could be a violation of this Fast Track-mandated timeline. (More detailed analysis on this timeline can be found on Public Citizen's website.) As we continue to fight this toxic, corporate-captured trade deal, we need to remember this fact: laws made in secret, with no public oversight or input, are illegitimate. If we're to defend one of the fundamental pillars of modern government, that law should transparently reflect the will of the people, we need to fight back against an agreement that so flagrantly disregards the democratic process. We will soon see what's actually in this agreement. At long last, the White House won't be able to hide behind the secrecy. And as long as there remains any threat to the Internet and our rights online, EFF, alongside a massive coalition of public interest organizations, will be mobilizing to kill this agreement dead once and for all. ~ Additional TPP News: EFF was one of 17 U.S.-based transparency and open government organizations that sent a letter to U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Michael Froman calling into question his agency's appointment of their own general counsel to become their new transparency officer. This new USTR officer is a position that was mandated by the Fast Track legislation that passed by a narrow vote this past summer. The Society of American Archivists has released a strong statement in opposition to the TPP over its copyright provisions for potentially damaging archivists and researchers.
>>283174 Online petitions don't do shit. Getting up off your ass and writing every representative you know and telling them to put the fucking brakes on this IS.
>Our gooses are cooked at this point. Shut up defeatist fag. A few years ago when George Bush and Ted Kennedy and John McCain tried to pass their amnesty for illegal immigrants the Congress refused: http://www.anncoulter.com/columns/2015-07-29.html > Washington has tried to sneak through three amnesties in the last decade – in 2006, 2007 and 2013. Each time, amnesty had the full support of the media, the White House, leaders of both political parties, big campaign donors and lobbyists. > And every time, as soon as the public got wind of what was happening, the politicians scattered like roaches and the loudest amnesty proponent in the room would suddenly be demanding "border security first!" > The McCain-Kennedy amnesty passed the Senate in 2006, instantly inspiring an outpouring of voter anger so virulent that it shut down the congressional switchboards. Why The Axis Of Amnesty Was Defeated http://www.vdare.com/articles/why-the-axis-of-amnesty-was-defeated-a-post-mortem >Well, as Napoleon said: "In war, moral factors account for three quarters of the whole; relative material strength accounts for only one quarter."
>>283203 >Online petitions don't do shit. >Getting up off your ass and writing every representative you know and telling them to put the fucking brakes on this IS. Getting up off your ass and getting in their face and talking to them directly is even better. Remember, you're dealing with cowards that's what most of them are. If they feel the heat they'll kill the TPP.
Too bad GG is too afraid to go to PAX, let alone "get in the face" of someone with actual power.
TPP has been passed. We fought for nothing. It's over.
>>283188 >Trade Officials Announce Conclusion of TPP—Now the Real Fight Begins EFF double speak "we sat on our hands long enough to get the TPP passed, now we make some noise about it" >We will soon see what's actually in this agreement. At long last, the White House won't be able to hide behind the secrecy The fact that they're accepting SECRET laws in the first place shows you these guys are bullshit artists.
>>283432 If they want to play pretend, then we can still spread their articles. Only we should dictate the action that needs to be taken. Instead of whatever EFF propose (again, we need to contact senators and rattle their cages. We know kike, now knock it off!!) >>283209 Fucking THIS! Gonna repost this in the /v/ thread.
>>283244 what makes you say that?
>>283572 The threads on this board during PAX and other summer conventions where everybody said the best thing GG could do is sit on hashtags while SJWs got to stand in front of auditoriums unchallenged and peddle their philosophies to gamers and developers without any hard questions from redpilled truth tellers.
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>>281919 Pro-tip from /pol/ for you. TPP isn't putting the world in a wood chipper. It's putting oddities like us in a wood chipper and hoping we won't drag the rest of the world in.
>>283896 >It's putting oddities who are not in control, like us, in a wood chipper and hoping we won't drag them in so they can reign supreme. Don't mistake the pieces for players.
Could we add TPP awareness to the red list on top of the board?
>piracy dies, have to pay for things now >fan art dies, no more porn art of cartoon characters that are meant for ages 5-8 TPP isn't all bad, I suppose
The IP Rights Chapter of the TPP Treaty just got Wikileaked. https://wikileaks.org/tpp-ip3/
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>>284800 Copypasta from /v/ Anon also made a torrent to download it while it's hot https://my.mixtape.moe/mmvsyy.torrent MAGNET LINK: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6bfa031a72aaabb13d63051aecd74fbead22c6c2&dn=WikiLeaks-TPP-IP-Chapter-051015.pdf&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.blackunicorn.xyz%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3A80&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com%3A1337&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.leechers-paradise.org%3A6969 MD5 Checksum for WikiLeaks-TPP-IP-Chapter-051015.pdf : f31cd1b975b3356f2f40c527a77c2f23 Get to spreading outside of your social circles to anyone who will listen about the TPP
This would not have happened if you idiots had stoned Metallica to death back in the 90s.
What do you guys need? I have templates for the old OPs and a bunch of archives of previous threads. Current /v/ thread: >>>/v/6421418
Ausfag here.. TPP is more and more over tye news now and promoted as great for the economy and all… etc etc… nothing about what it does for us. The TPP seems like its going to pass in Australia.
;__; Im scared /GGHQ/ please hold my hand /) >>284970 i was in the failed concert in mexico df, we had the best chance to do it but we chiken out.
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>>285642 I have a QT anime girl to make you feel better.
>>284970 What happened with Metallica?
>>285732 Probably referring to the them becoming shills for the RIAA
>>284957 That's it. We're all gonna die.
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>>285885 This really does feel like the end of creative freedom, doesn't it? This is how Idiocracy starts and nobody cares enough to stop it.
>>285642 *holds anons hand*
>>285329 Bumping link to /v/ thread. We got stickied again.
It's ogre. Encrypt, get a VPN, disable Javascript, have magnets at hand in case internet police knocks your door.
>>286013 Shit, the worst part is that if faggots on GG would publicly support the TPP, every media outlet would be reporting against it.
>>287052 WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE WHAT IF WE MAKE AN OP TO ASSOCIATE THE TPP WITH GG JUST TO GET THE ATTENTION OF OUR FRIENDLY OPPOSICIONIST SJWS? We've seen for a fact that they will try to be contrarians with everything we support. Our PR it''s always been shit, so why not try to get them actively against this?
>>281919 I can't believe I used to want to live there at one point.
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>>287632 If we're lucky, we will vote Harper out. The real challenge may be gathering MP's to vote against this monstrosity when the time comes. I think that's how it works?
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>>287054 This is probably the shittiest idea I have seen in this entire thread. I get where you're coming from, but holy shit that would not work on many levels.
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>>287714 hi s4t
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Totalbiscuit knows about the TPP! We may have him on board. Let's hope he does a video https://twitter.com/Totalbiscuit/status/654362693323784192
>>287904 >not archiving tsk tsk anon https://archive.is/XA5Q4
Current /v/ thread: >>>/v/6508199
Something to give normies. It's gaining momentum. Keep spreading it around! NEVER GIVE UP!
>>288443 Question about the modding part he talks about at the end of the video: Is it up to the game companies if someone gets in trouble for modding their game or not? Like one company puts in modding support for their game and goes "here, mod the game as much as you want", and another company will arrest you for modding their game? Or will anyone get in trouble regardless of what the game company thinks?
Do we have other e-celebs on this? There's this video by an Aussie youtuber.
We have Jim Sterling on it now too. People don;t like him, but he's got a pretty sizable following. We will need as many popular youtubers as possible to spread the message The only reason TPP has been so effective, other than secrecy, is the fact that it's BORING. We need more videos from E-celebs to help us out. THE FIRE RISES! DON'T GIVE UP PEOPLE!
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https://archive.is/2N7Ua Apparently, someone supports ending anonymity. What a fucking cunt.
Latest /v/ thread: >>>/v/6583848 Please share any info you have.
>>289259 Couldn't find Jim's original tweet about his vid. So have a guy from TeamFourStar instead (Dragon Ball Z abridged.Big following): https://twitter.com/Takahata101/status/655550744674701313
If this ends up passing, then it will be proof that democracy is dead.
>>289873 Newsflash, democracy does not mean that people get any kind of actual power, its just mean they get to chose who rules them next couple of years in the most anal way. In its core people supposed to chose a person they trust from their circle that will hold ideals of their electors dear but for the long time we dont chose a candidate from our own, we chose a few selected ones who are so above us that its basically a different cast at this point. Modern day politics are basically king family, we just chose different member every few years, dont expect them to do anything for the people, its not in their interest anyway.
>>289882 Ya, the modern "democracy" is an insult to the old Athens style democracy, where people were actually voting on various topics regularly instead of voting on a group of pretend representatives every 4 years. That's why I call the current system "Choose your tyrant".
>>241044 No, because they only care about themselves, really. Though I guess nobody wants corporate oligarchy, so maybe?
>>289882 How would you alert those on Reddit on this?
>>287684 How much better will Trudeau be? not much, especially when few politicians can even see it..
Ok why is reddit constantly deleting things related to the TPP so often? do you think a admin or mod has been corrupted or something?
>>290885 Probably this >>290877 SJW pushed excuses for anal censorship and govt is pretty happy about it since they can abuse it to hell and back.
Current /v/ thread is auto-saging. Here's an archive of it: https://archive.is/8hJAR Someone make a new one there when it dies. Also, idea: People are pissed about youtube taking down more music (to push youtube music) and people are blaming it on youtube red. Is it worth redpilling people on #YoutubeRed on Twitter?
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>>291579 >blaming it on youtube red https://twitter.com/MainEventTV_AKA/status/658048584160555008 >So now my KOF vid was taken down, which was up FOR YEARS, due to new Youtube Red Service. Tired of this shit…
http://8ch.net/v/res/6693504.html >>>/v/6693504 Latest /v/ thread. Ignore the panicing, people though the CISA vote was the TPP vote. Also, we're looking to make more templates of info that needs to be reposted (Pastebin, or better yet Ghostbin, etc)
So should I send a Email to my representative about cisa?
>>292695 Yes. Let the fucker know if they voted for it, you will DEDICATE yourself to boycotting them and their party. The more people they think are working against their job security, the sooner they'll buckle.
>>240737 Who is Popehat? Is he pro-GG or anti? I thought he was anti, but I see a lot of GG'ers like him.
>>294313 He thinks both sides are fucking spergs. This is also the most accurate way to view Gamergate.
https://twitter.com/TPPMediaMarch/status/661620688655110144 SPREAD. http://pdamerica.org/component/k2/item/50-tpp-media-march Seems like a concentrated effort to redpill about TPP on Tuesdays. Worth joining in IMO (maybe a thunderclap to boot?)
>>294607 Spread for my 8 inch cock 8=======>
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BIG NEWS https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/318325 -Only 2 weeks until we finally see what's inside the fucking bill, -January 2016 will be the time where all the lawmakers have to vote and later on the House will vote on approving/disapproving TPP GET READY FOLKS
>>294730 deal, not bill
BIGGEST NEWS I have an 8 inch cock. 8=======>
>>294730 Remember, assume the worst. They could change dates. They could vote on it at 4AM. They could hastily vote it through when the next tragedy happens. Spread news of it now So when they try to play it down/hide it it creates a streisand effect
>>295484 Gentlemen, to the Internet Autism Machine. It's time to scream as loudly as we can.
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>>295546 Quick someone post some laconic
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Vox shilling TPP to the max These guys are truly the scum of the earth. What Bernie Sanders gets wrong about Obama’s trade deal https://archive.is/G3jLd >"The TPP would allow foreign corporations to sue federal, state, and local governments in an international tribunal for passing an increase in the minimum wage or any other law that could hurt expected future profits," Sanders says. Which can happen if laws and policies are changed. So they find a shill to weasel around the facts: >I asked Gary Hufbauer, a trade expert at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, about Sanders's comments. He was not impressed. >"I don’t know if he’s read the agreement or the text of the investment chapter," Hufbauer sighed. "But this is just bunk." Your shill opinion. >Sanders was wrong on both ends, Hufbauer said. For one thing, ISDS covers discriminatory regulations — but an increase in a minimum wage law wouldn't discriminate between foreign and domestic companies. Which is irrelevant, either company could sue. >"You can't sue over an increase in the minimum wage," Hufbauer says. Yet, which is what is worrisome. >"Both foreign and domestic corporations pay a minimum wage. It’s not discriminatory. Now, if you said foreign corporations have to pay double the minimum wage of local corporations, that would be a different story." Again dodging the issue Sanders raised. >The other problem with Sanders's argument, Hufbauer said, is that harming "expected future profits" is not a cause for action. You simply couldn't, as a company, launch a suit just because a labor regulation harmed your future profitability. Not yet again. Holy fucking shit fams, keep an eye out for these tyrannical weasels.
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TPP Update: Obama Notifies Congress That He Intends To Sign Trade Agreement https://archive.is/ALAdX >President Barack Obama alerted Congress on Thursday that he intends to sign the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Hill reported Thursday. Obama must wait 90 days before he can sign the agreement, which is a requirement of the trade promotion authority.
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Take this with a pinch of salt but, We only need five members of congress to kill TPP! https://twitter.com/Azu_Rayn/status/662741936734769152
The only part of TPP that matters is my 8 inch cock. 8=======>~
>>296085 Rude.
Whats this talk of Obama wanting to sign early, did it get through the senate and congress already?
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screencapped something very important listen to him, everyone!
>>295941 >gets it passed before election >TPP has so many hooks in it that it is 100% impossible to repeal >most Republicans are more concerned with "gay marriage" or "kick out Mexicans" than they are in TPP anyway
>>296640 Eh, TPP could bring in more Mexicans if their jobs start getting shipped to places even cheaper.
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>>/v/6931787 Latest /v/ thread. Using Pic to avoid double post.
>>296895 Motherfucker. >>>/v/6931787
Reminder that anyone for TPP in America is a traitor.
Anything new about Trans pacific partnership
So tell me, you lovely conservatards, if Trump says he opposes this so much, why isn't he telling his supporters about the TPP? This thing goes up for vote in 2 months and all he can talk about is his dumbass wall and how much he hates non-whites. but not one serious attempt to tell people about TPP. He must not be too concerned about it, but really, he only sort of hates it because he hates anything Obama does, not because of genuine dislike. TPP stands to make him wealthier, after all.
>>297372 >protests scheduled for the 14th >on the 13th a terrorist attack occurs that is guaranteed to get news media focus, TPP won't be mentioned whatsoever I already suspect Trump is responsible for the attacks so he could magically justify his racist rants, AND I suspect he's secretly in favor of TPP. I don't see this as a coincidence that this happened the day before planned massive attention-drawing protests against TPP.
>>297372 The recent attacks was the perfect smokescreen for this. Please keep an eye on any TPP news and tell /v/ and /pol/ about it. https://archive.is/SNjBp Archive of the current thread, not bumping.
Sargon Just released an audiobook on the TPP Archive that shit
What dies the TPP mean for places like ExHentai?
In a case of me honestly not knowing, what did Mark Kern supposedly do that got SJWs bitching at him and black listing him? Was it rape allegations? because that's a popular one.
>>298866 YFW Paris was a False Flag.
Current /v/ thread Baker forgot the subject. >>>/v/7111244
>>300254 Parody works are gutted, so it'd slash the websites content. Not to mention it sets the ground work for internet control to go after "deviants". For the children. Pic related.
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>>300511 >TFW Canadia has a fucking feminist PM
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>>300511 >TFW This Ministry of gender Equality actually exists.
>>301552 >All these countries wanting to join the TPP Jesus We are just completely fucked, aren't we?
>>301562 Pretty much. Notice how it's key countries, too.
>>301567 Then let's do something about it Also, some slightly good news: http://www.politico.com/tipsheets/morning-trade/2015/11/morning-trade-behsudi-211462 Yeah, when even the jews are hesitant to support your trade deal, you might have a problem.
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>>301552 >Filipinos want to get in. > http://www.philstar.com/business/2015/11/27/1526253/not-too-fast-tpp /pinoy/ here. We don't want this shit either, but when the criminals in the country are both the ones running our government AND the insurgents "opposing" them, we're pretty much fucked in both holes,
WTO Authorizes Over $1B in Sanctions Unless USA Guts Country-of-Origin Meat Labels https://soylentnews.org/article.pl?sid=15/12/10/0226227 And that happened without the TPP. If the TPP passes, things are going to get worse.
Good news. McConnell wants to delay the vote until after the election: https://archive.is/yXQ05
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Copy/Paste from >>>/v/7471183 HOT DAMN WE GOT A SITUATION CISA, the frankenstein version of CISPA, just got implement to a must-pass spending bill for the gov't to stay funded. This is probably the same bill that a rider that will strip FCC rules from the internet turning off Net Neutrality. In short, they knew it couldn't pass on it's own, so they wrapped it in shit they need to pass. Obama and congress are trying to pull this while some internet groups connected to big companies like google, microsoft, apple and amazon are currently not in support of it. PLAN 1. Find the name of the legislation CISA was snuck into (it's related to the goverment budget. 2. Spread awareness on Social Media (tag jack ANYTHING to do with the internet or tech). Maybe start a hashtag to raise awareness of it. #SneakyCISA? 3. Call your senators now. Not write. Call. Make it blatantly clear you are pissed off and will NOT tolerate this, and will hold [your senator] personally responsible if it passes, and will not rest until the CISA is overturned and s/he is out of office! All the contact info you need is here: http://pastebin.com/myPa0K87 Ctrl + F here for ALL senator contact info. When in doubt, use the congressional switchboard. Get them to shut down out of fear. 4. Find out all the companies who (claimed) they were against this and let them know. If we get them to lean on congress we have a lot more pull. And Share their contact info here. 5. Repost on /tech/ and /pol/ (/pol/ seems defeatist, but it is mostly shilling. Though I wouldn't give them senator contact info, they prefer to play dirty to kindly asking the guy that fucked them to stop) along with other boards who'd be affected (/a/ can't pirate under CISA?) We frustrate the corporate! Even if this passes! Don't give up!!
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>>309400 addendum >>>/v/7472205 , >>>/v/7472325 - Confirmation http://www.commondreams.org/newswire/2015/12/14/white-house-spotlight-controversial-cisa-cyber-spying-added-omnibus-must-pass https://archive.is/bwR5H > WASHINGTON - Media reports and sources close to legislative negotiations indicate that the final version of controversial cyber surveillance bill CISA––which has been gutted of its already weak privacy protections––has been added to the “omnibus” must-pass budget bill that Congress is expected to take up this coming week in order to avoid a government shutdown. More you can do http://tumblr.fightforthefuture.org/post/135198961703/white-house-in-the-spotlight-as-controversial https://archive.is/54KbK > Fight for the Future has launched an online action page ObamaDecides.org calling for President Obama to veto CISA in any form. The action tool allows concerned citizens to sign up to be “daily callers,” who will receive a phone prompt to call the White House every day until the administration issues a veto threat. https://www.obamadecides.org/ It's a petition, but at least it gives you a reminder to keep calling the White House. Which you should be doing. You've also got this number: 1-985-222-CISA But also use the congress switchboard. Make them regret it. Also got an email from FFTF. The steam rolling process is from Paul Ryan- the new speaker of the house. Twitter: @SpeakerRyan Phone Number: (202) 225-3031 Be polite, but make it clear you are onto him. Trying to sneak the bill through is reprehensible. And you will dedicate yourself to boycotting his office until he is thrown out, and will encourage others to do so. Other key players: @RepMcCaul Mike Mcaul (email tweet said "don't back down" so I assume he's against it?) @repjeffduncan Jeff Duncan. @ratcliffetx4 John Ratcliffe @RepCurtClawson Curt Clawson @RepLoudermilk Barry Loudermilk @RepMarkWalker Mark Walker @HurdOnTheHill Will Hurd. Make every moment of their waking lives be filled with complaints against CISA. Let them know they are HATED if they support it.
Any news on TPP?
>>310199 likelihood of it passing is at "damn certain" and climbing. we are buttfucked.
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>>310414 Sauce? All my local Congresspeople are against it, and I'm in a pretty liberal area.
>>310497 Aw sweet. More time. Anything new? Here are some older threads from /v/: https://archive.is/hKEvH https://archive.is/r7cVW https://archive.is/BeHlS https://archive.is/EHRfp https://archive.is/8hJAR Within those threads you should find archives of older threads.
>>311334 http://pastebin.com/myPa0K87 http://pastebin.com/af0cNcmn Info here will help. One of them has a bunch of senator info.
WE HAVE A CHANCE TO VOICE OUR OPINION ON THE TPP Listen up, motherfuckers. It's real simple, just go to the address below and follow the instructions on how to comment. Don't act like a dipshit. Leave serious comments only; memes should be used subtly for best results THE FIRE RISES. http://www.flushthetpp.org/your-chance-to-officially-tell-the-ustr-what-you-think-about-the-tpp/
Bumping this since /v/ isn't talking about it anymore and /pol/ is focused on other things right now. Any news on this?
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Here's some more shitty TPP news http://www.castanet.net/news/Business/156248/No-TPP-renegotiation http://www.nst.com.my/news/2016/01/122335/accept-tpp-or-become-north-korea-sarawak-cm http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trans-pacific-trade-deal-signing-freeland-1.3402248 >Chrystia Freeland won't commit yet to Feb. 4 TPP signing http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/01/15/business/world-bank-says-japan-will-enjoy-23-export-boost-tpp/ http://www.thestar.com.my/business/business-news/2016/01/14/thailand-philippines-and-indonesia-might-join-tpp-says-miti/ http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/minister-malaysia-to-look-into-internet-controls-after-tpp-signed http://thehill.com/policy/finance/265925-business-leaders-say-tpp-may-be-on-ice-until-after-the-elections and here's a big one http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/minister-malaysia-to-look-into-internet-controls-after-tpp-signed The Cabinet will study how it can filter out porn and seditious elements from the Internet after Malaysia signs the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed said. >According to the New Straits Times today, Mustapa said that the Cabinet also decided during its meeting on Wednesday that it may introduce controls to social media. “We feel that at the moment, there is too much freedom on social media and there is a need to review this with the hope of controlling it. >“We decided to study the matter and may impose control to prevent undesirable elements on social media,” he was quoted as saying by NST. >According to local paper Sinar Harian today, Mustapa said that Malaysia’s rights to censor foreign content will not be affected by the TPP. >“The TPP agreement’s contents do not impose conditions on filtering online content, TPP member countries are even barred from doing so. >Nevertheless, it doesn’t affect the government’s right to filter foreign content including films and magazines. >“This is included in the list of exemptions under the Investment Chapter and Cross-Border Trade Chapter. So the import of books, magazines, newspapers, artworks and films that are imported and will be distributed in the domestic market will be subjected to Malaysian laws, including the suitability of broadcast content,” he was quoted saying. >Parliament is set to debate the TPP in a special parliamentary meeting on January 25 and 26. >The controversial free trade agreement which was negotiated among 12 countries is expected to be inked this February. THIS SHIT WILL BE USED TO CENSOR LITERALLY ANYTHING THAT TRIGGERS THEM. SPAM THOSE PORN SITES NOW!!!
>>312416 I have lost my ability to feel rage, it just burst the fuse and now apathy is whats left, emotionally shocked really, but in a can't feel a thing kinda way
all dark?
Latest /v/ thread: >>/v/8044163 http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trans-pacific-trade-deal-signing-freeland-1.3402248 >Chrystia Freeland won't commit yet to Feb. 4 TPP signing This means, THE TPP SIGNING COULD BE AS EARLY AS FEB 4. CALL EVERYONE AND START A PROTEST START MASS "CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE http://pastebin.com/myPa0K87 http://pastebin.com/af0cNcmn
For all of Trump's supposed opposition of TPP, he never once told anyone to oppose it. It''s what I expect from a rich JEW.
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While I hate the guy, an Internet Celeb and some bigger ones are trying to push #WTFU, Where's the Fair Use. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23WTFU With the bigger channels it's getting 20 - 80k views. Dunno how relevant it is to us, but being TPP nukes fair use, we could use this tag (pushed by e-celebs and their fans) to spread awareness that TPP fucks over fair use and copyright- And who to call to demand no. Basically use people who only care about "funny reviews" and parodies to kick up a stink close to SOPA. Youtube just nuked Team Four Star (the guys who do Dragon Ball Abriged and some other bits). Their account is suspended. > Who cares? They have tonnes of followers/subscribers, and have been pushing #WTFU. Someone has been the victim of the very thing they started protesting about. So, a lot of people are going to be talking about Fair Use soon. Fill #WTFU with info on how TPP kills Fair Use.
>>317494 Wonder if the campaign might get censored if we link it to corruption in the media that only informs one side of the story. OF course that would mean wrongthink on the eyes of Twitter. Being censored once again would generate a new Streissand effect. But the attention span of the average normalfag is really low. IT really needs some work to make it happen. https://twitter.com/search?q=%23WTFU
This should stay on page 1. Also, some news: Benie get's Silenced while talking about TPP I know not everyone likes him, but this just further illustrates corporate media really wants their shekels
>>317494 Nah fuck him. I want to see him go under.
>>317494 >>318224 Opposing TPP is one of the very very few issues that SJWs and anti-SJWs, that Gamers and anti-Gamers can agree on. I see nothing wrong with linking arms with our opponents on an issue this important and substantive. There's quite a bit of opposition to TPP in Washington, from both the right and the left. They haven't held a vote yet because they know, as things stand right now, it wouldn't pass. We all have to do our part to make sure it stays that way.
>>318329 I'm not willing to get within backstab range of SJWs, thank you but no thanks. TPP is actually a good thing for social justice, after all.
>>318335 >TPP is actually a good thing for social justice, after all. How so? It might be a good thing for spoiled upperclass SJWs, but how would it possibly be good for actual social justice?
>>318336 >actual social justice Of course it would be pretty bad, but we're using "social justice" as defined by Tumblrettes and SJWs. Hell, I don't think the youth supporters of TPP realize how it'll rob everyone of a future.
Any news?
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Where the U.S. presidential hopefuls stand on TPP http://www.ctvnews.ca/world/where-the-u-s-presidential-hopefuls-stand-on-tpp-1.2864626 Trump presidency would sink TPP and harm China relations, says Kim Beazley http://www.please use archive.is/business/2016/apr/21/trump-presidency-would-sink-tpp-and-harm-relations-with-china-says-kim-beazley
is this guy on something?
worst case scenario time what should we do in preparation for TPP becoming law?
worst-case scenario time what should we do in case TPP does indeed pass?
>>322856 Because nothing is more important than kissing up to the murderous Chinese government!
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Public Protests Would 'Bury TPP Deal at the Graveyard of History' http://sputniknews.com/politics/20160504/1039056722/us-china-tpp-deal.html US government agency's own numbers predict virtually no gains from TPP http://boingboing.net/2016/06/02/us-government-agencys-own-nu.html
Where's the TPP level?
>>312416 >>314131 for those with continued interest in Chrystia Freeland… https://8ch.net/newsplus/res/35733.html >>newsplus/35733 http://8ch.net/baphomet/res/116939.html >>baphomet/116939
>>328595 https://twitter.com/magnifier661/status/793462798340677633 Podesta leaks proves Shillary supports TPP in secret. Use anti Hillary groups to stop TPP, and use anti TPP groups to stop Hillary
https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/796460354142208000 NOT A DRILL Bastards are trying to pass TPP before Obama leaves office. Get public protests. Get the switch-board on fire. Work with /pol/ and pro-Trump groups (Trump is anti-TPP). Trump could be lumped with a bill that overrides US laws before he can stump it. Just give him one last push!!
>>328668 Will see what I can do mate.
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IT CAME BACK https://archive.is/sx1dc https://archive.is/fP7OH They claim no dates are confirmed and they need to re-draft the text- but you know how sneaky these bastards are. Everything from before still applies. Hiding draconic punishment by banning whole families from using the internet under pretext of copyright law in the deal. Making ISPs capable of more monitoring than the NSA is in the deal. Ignoring environmental and worker laws as they see fit is in the deal. A nation's own laws mean nothing, and TPP overriding them is still in the deal. Them making every attempt to keep it out of the public eye as much as possible is still in the deal. Them making the document itself as hard to get a complete copy of is still in the deal. Them keeping the document secret for YEARS after it has passed is still in the deal. Because the TPP has never been about trade, and all of the above is the true goal. Much of the redpilling material from last-time still applies (albeit, they're gonna carry on without the US). But we do have new tools: - Trump is antiTPP. Even if he does nothing, his fan base might whip it up since he hates it. - With all the Hollywood rape charges going around, trying to make sure they get every cent out of people for looking up even clips of their movies isn't gonna sit well. Get the Pedowood crowd in on it. - Tagjacking is an option. FUCK playing nice- find a hashtag that's popular, and tag it onto the end of your TPP based tweet. AWARENESS IS PRIORITY ONE LADIES! GET TPP BACK IN PEOPLE'S MINDS TO GET PEOPLE BACK TO COMPLAINING
Shit we can still use for the second round. Do not claim the old contract is the new contract, it is just likely to contain the same stuff: >>240737 >>240738 >>241044 >>241236 >>241251 >>241415 >>241418 >>241422 >>241423 >>241427 >>241454 >>242072 >>243436 >>243735 >>243842 >>244800 >>245509 >>253895 >>256722 >>263292 >>263489 >>267661 >>269445 >>273547 >>278649 >>278723 >>279991 >>280052 >>280547 >>281152 >>281919 >>282105 >>282106 >>282280 >>282332 >>283188 >>283209 >>283896 >>284800 >>284957 >>287904 >>288443 >>289259 >>289587 >>291579 >>291698 >>292005 >>294607 >>294730 >>295484 >>295546 >>295939 >>295941 >>295992 >>297372 >>298866 >>300511 >>301552 >>302933 >>303120 >>308793 >>309168 >>309400 >>309408 >>310497 >>311334 >>311457 >>312416 >>314131 >>315587 >>317494 >>318224 >>320672 >>322856 >>324713 >>328595 >>328603 >>328668 >>328726 MODS WE NEED A STICKY
>>331361 Yeah no thanks that's great. Glad I tried to avoid making a fucklong post. Acid help.

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