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GamerGate Radio

Youtube is doing some REALLY shady shit. Leader of GamerGate 01/29/2016 (Fri) 09:34:07 Id: d9f768 No. 314396
Ok so I go to youtube today and find out that vid related is happening. I don't know what the fuck is going on over there but apparently several youtube partners have suddenly had nearly all of their features, including monetization, revoked seemingly over a DMCA strike. Not only this, but YT is throwing up all sorts of red tape on the affected users for no goddamn reason. I smell bureaucratic bullshit, what about you?
LOL Redtube.
>>314396 Youtube e-celebs get their channels nuked for likely copyright infringement bullcrap. Thats good to know
>>314396 Well how shocking that google is evil. But honestly I don't' care if Doug betaman Walker starves to death in a ditch.
This is happening a month after they said they'd start fighting bogus copyright strikes to help uploaders fight fraudulent claims. >don't be evil
It also happened to some of the little people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoMIEdZ4KQw The Patriotic Populist / Populism (2 separate channels) one was being used as a back up and it turns out it was needed as the other was taken down. I generally don't agree with what is there, but I follow enough similar stuff, and one day added one of the video's to my Watch Later. (Something about Allen Sugar). Next day go onto my watch later list… hmm… what is this deleted video? And then channel had been taken down similar to the other big ones such as I Hate Everything. They aren't just targeting the big channels and are going after all who use material for any political purpose. I'm honestly more concerned with the effects of this during a US Presidential election as clearly this will be abused for the means of censorship.
>>314403 NC has gone to shit, but it's not like they're posting full episodes of shows or entire movies. It was something like a 5 minute review of a Studio Ghibli film that used clips with him talking over it. This is also the issue that Youtube's had in a long time: essentially computers and algorithms scanning videos and blocking/deleting vids regardless of any actual complaint or filed report, and you have to fight to say it isn't.
>>314396 Bump for interest. As much as I hate Channel Awesome, this sets a very bad precedent, and shows YouTube is an enemy of free speech. It feels like that these companies are going to stop screwing over both the fans and consumers, is if someone storms the corporate headquarters of these companies in Japan, and America, and remind the CEOs of Ghibli, YouTube, etc. who's really in charge.
>>314541 BTW, I'm not condoning that action, nor am I suggesting people do it. There is a legal and peaceful solution to this problem.
Ive had a video flagged by this group called INgrooves, on behalf of 9G records or some shit. They have zero authority over the in game music as theyre just a distributor, but are able to autoflag and deny the publishing of said video. Forget an appeal too, they just want the money for a song they have zero rights to. Ive also lost the ability to monetize two videos as well.
That video was painful to watch. It was just a bunch of whining. If you don't like Google, stop using it
>>314687 >If you don't like Google, stop using it The whole problem here is communication. If people just stopped using youtube, or any other google service without actually complaining, it would be ironic because people would be giving google a taste of their own medicine. But pragmatically its better to communicate. If we dont actually say whats wrong from our point of view as customers, then google wont know what to work on and improve in future.
so what? 80% of his reviews are a boring plots and characters. If you compare his early stuff to now, he's not focusing any more time on the actual review than he used to. yeah maybe it sucks he lost monetization, but he could easily do reviews in less than 15 minutes if he dropped the boring characters and stories and DID A REVIEW.
>>314541 >YouTube is an enemy of free speech The problem here is, "free speech" doesn't exist on websites that are privately owned. It never has. It doesn't even apply outside the US, really. You can say and do what the website owners allow. Maybe in some idealistic definition they are,but legally they're not.
>>315576 >I'm a fucktard and think the concept of free speech begins and ends with the US Constitution
>>315656 Yes, YOU are a fucktard. The legal definition is what it is. No one gives a fuck about your pretend imaginary concepts when the law says otherwise, you /pol/ clown. Go whack off to your David Duke poster or something, you clueless fuck. Better yet, I'll tell you that Jeff Gerstmann should've been the catalyst for GG, and watch you get asspained because you don't know who he is.
>>315659 Free speech is not granted by the constitution, only recognized and enshrined by it the same as all other natural rights. And you're right, Gerstmann probably should have been the catalyst but there was no attempt to shut down what little criticism his firing provoked and thus no Streisand effect to bring additional attention to the matter. Now go back to your safespace and whack off to Saint Anita.
>>315659 >Yes, YOU are a fucktard. The legal definition is what it is. The concept of free speech predates the colonisation of the USA.
>>314448 meh, hes been shitty for awhile
>>314396 We need a youtube alternative
>>316467 such as?????
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>>314396 My, they even gave them a horrible band for his videos Google stopped playing "do no evil" years ago Wasn't there a part in the TPP where it said that they could take down censor anything in the web as they wished without explanations? But this might be the same tactic that we used on them to us Remove the income of those who mess with you In this case someone that doesn't agree with the current corruption play
>>316545 See why we need HUAC?
>>315659 Freedom of speech is a universal right according to the UN. They've even recently created a resolution specifically to protect free speech on the internet. >On July 5, 2012, the Human Rights Council (HRC) of the United Nations, unanimously adopted a resolution to protect the free speech of individuals on the Internet, the first such U.N. resolution of its kind. http://www.loc.gov/law/foreign-news/article/u-n-human-rights-council-first-resolution-on-internet-free-speech/
>>317738 >believing anything the UN says Do you really think they stand for ANYONE'S free speech? Why the fuck did you believe them?
>>317740 I was just pointing out that the resolutions are there. I don't trust the UN either, but at least if (when) they fuck with freedom of speech you can throw their own resolutions in their face and use them for legal purposes. Theoretically citizens in any country in the world that has signed up to U.N resolutions can use the related resolutions to legally protect their freedom of speech.
A lot of the people whining "but muh fair use!" don't actually fall within fair use. Fair use protects guys like Double Toasted and RedLetterMedia who use like seconds of movies and then talk over them for the vast majority of the videos. Doug Walker, YMS and IHateEverything will literally just show entire scenes of the movie and narrate the synopsis for a half hour. Those aren't "reviews".
>>317778 What do you consider a review?
>>317738 How does that jibe with their resolution that disagreeing with women over the internet is sexist harassment and needs to be censored?
Didn't Doug have a huge website with his own hosted video content, other reviewers and critics, and a huge following? I don't remember him being on Youtube for many years. Why did he decided to go there? He strikes me as one of the only people that could've lived without Youtube just fine.
>>317894 He releases videos to YouTube week after when a new episodes comes out on their site. Maybe he's just "milking" the earlier episodes with different audience, who prefers just visiting YouTube than thatguywithglasses or site's community returning to the older videos just easily finding them on YT. He was originally having his first videos hosted on YouTube, but they were copyright struck and got banned, so his site then went to blip.tv for hosting the content, but then until recently blip.tv died shortly after the announcement and since the YouTube actually gave an opportunity to profit under the Fair Use, he returned to YT.
>>317829 Double Toasted and RedLetterMedia. Who use like a few seconds of movies. And then talk over them for the vast majority of the rest of the video. Trying to do a shittier, bite sized MST3K is not a "review".
>>314687 Are you on the internet? Then you almost have to use Google. It's hard to escape Big Brother's jackboots.
Hey. We all know this shit is only getting worse as time goes on. The system is obviously skewed against those with no money, so why not make it to where the big companies want the system revamped too? I propose we make the companies deal with the same shit we deal with on a daily basis. Just repeatedly flag/DMCA videos from the channels of ubisoft, EA, Activision, dreamworks, universal, etc, until they bitch at youtube to do something about it. There are some counters to this strategy, but why not run it and see what happens?
>>317920 You can remove your energy from Google. You can stop using their services. You can stop using their search. You can block their ads. It takes a bit of effort, but it helps remove a lot of the internets creep factor
>doug walker >an outspoken feminist who actively distributes a feminist agenda in his videos someone explain to me why this is relevant to gamergate?
>>317930 This anon gets it. All the angry youtubers need to band together and abuse the flagging system on the companies being dicks.
>>318683 That's some pretty shady shit!
>take a 'job' that can deny payment at any time they want to and for no reason >deny payment >partners get pissy if you're dumb enough to make yourself dependant on charity from Google then you deserve everything you get don't like that arrangement? walk away see how long it is before google begs you to come back

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