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GamerGate Radio

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Agent Scully/Vivian James Leader of GamerGate 02/28/2016 (Sun) 03:05:43 Id: cd699e No. 317662
In light of SJWs turning against X-Files and Agent Dana Scully (who spent the new season going full red pill), can someone toss together some Agent Scully/Gillian Anderson as Vivian James photoshops?
>>317662 >In light of SJWs turning against X-Files Nigga, I need details.
>>317663 It's a thing that exists, therefore it is 'sexist', 'racist' and 'homophobic'.
They got pissy that the show made tranny jokes in one episode (complete with a lizard creature that turns human being repulsed when Mulder explained transgender people to him), an episode which featured Islamic terrorists as the bad guys (complete with a version of events where the Islamic terrorists actually MURDERED PEOPLE at a "draw obscene pictures of Mohammed" event and the plot twist that a group of Muslim immigrants brought into the community by a SJW church group WERE terrorists and were building bombs to kill more innocent people). Then there was Joel McHale of Community/The Soup fame as an Alex Jones/Glenn Beck type who was right all along, on everything he ranted about and the fact that Scully was overtly sexually attracted to him. And Scully pushing what they felt was an "anti-vaxxer" agenda when she brought up the plot point of the Syndicate using smallpox vaccines as a cover for illegal medical experiments on the public, as well as the Cigarette Smoking Man justifying his move to end the world in the final episode via "Global Warming" just like Samuel L Jackson did in the film Kingsmen. >>317665 It's more that the second X-Files film had homophobic elements to it that helped doom it with the fanbase (though in the film's defense, the homophobia just exhibit A for why the second X-Files film sucked) and that poisoned the well. Also, there is the "you can't do a conspiracy sci-fi show during a Democrat Presidency" garbage that SJW have (which killed the revival of V), and a lot of people, most notably MovieBob but others as well, basically saying Mulder was too "problematic" to work in any sort of modern version of the X-Files because Mulder is a conspiracy theory type and SJW believe you can only be a conspiracy theory type and allowed to function in polite society, during a time Republicans control the White House. There have been public calls ranging from "the tenth season never happened!" discontinuity and those who want Chris Carter FIRED from his own show and replaced with a SJW friendly showrunner, with SJW types flat out EVOKING George Lucas as far as saying that Carter should be told to fuck off and replaced with Bryan Fuller or Vince Gilligan.
>>317667 Nice. I thought the new series would be boring but it sounds quiet good.
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>>317662 They really should watch "Arcadia" (Season 6, Episode 15), in that episode Scully and Mulder go undercover as husband and wife in a high-class planned community where several couples have gone missing. Needless to say, Fox goes for the "make me a sandwich" joke on Dana and tries to humiliate her in front of their new found friends by throwing in her face what she tells him repeatedly whenever he comes up with lunatic theories and fabricated evidences. Being the asshole he can be sometime, he also takes a jab at "dolphin-free tuna". Claiming you can do a conspiracy theory packed show and still being "politically correct" is laughable. Like pretty much everything the PC police thinks and get offended at. The original series plots may sometime get over-the-top cheesy, I like how Sculler and Mulder work together.
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>>317662 Oh happy days now i can stop not watching that shitty X-files knock off fringe
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>>317689 >Fringe >shitty That's some shit taste. my man. FIX YOUR SHIT DUDWHEELS
>>317667 >can't do a conspiracy sci-fi show during a Democrat Presidency The original xfiles was almost entirely during the clinton era >Vince Gilligan He's a SJW? seriously?
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>>317697 I tried watching Fringe some eps are ok when they don't go overboard with the science fiction and super genius technobable or maybe im seeing it with my nostalgia googles on and subconsciously comparing it with X-files which i liked Bottom line is fringe is just X-files with 1. More Gadgets 2.Sci Fi 3.Larger cast 4.Super genius Savant 5.higher Body count 6.Not so much bureaucracy and paperwork 7.More modern World
>>317667 >(complete with a version of events where the Islamic terrorists actually MURDERED PEOPLE at a "draw obscene pictures of Mohammed" event and the plot twist that a group of Muslim immigrants brought into the community by a SJW church group WERE terrorists and were building bombs to kill more innocent people). The X-Files is supposed to be about fantasy monsters, not about what's actually happening in the real world. >"you can't do a conspiracy sci-fi show during a Democrat Presidency" garbage that SJW have (which killed the revival of V), Wat?!? Sources, please. I don't want to believe.
>>317701 The fact that X-Files launched during Clinton's administration was brought up to defend V to no avail when that show rebooted. The current line of thought is that X-Files was an exception since "Conspiracy nuts were rightfully shunned but now they are mainstream and we can't allow that!!" to get around those facts. >>317711 The funny thing? The Muslim terrorist stuff was window dressing in the episode in question. A sort of "It's 2016!" type way of showing the show was not stuck in a time warp where it was perpetually 1995. The meat and potatoes of the Islam episode was Mulder and Scully meeting a pair of rookie agents who were their exact dopplegangers and having fun contrasting how chummy Mulder and Scully were vs how their counterparts were basically what Mulder and Scully were like in the beginning. And Mulder's gloriously campy drug trip…..
>>317711 >The X-Files is supposed to be about fantasy monsters, not about what's actually happening in the real world. They had an episode involving terrorists using a deadly flesh-eating toxin (The Pine Bluff Variant, s5ep18), and another involving a squad of soldier from the Vietnam war going after the government (Unrequited, s4ep16); It's not like terrorism is off limit to them. (Just noticed. Are we really in a deep discussion about X-Files on a GamerGate board?!)
The people attacking GG have added X-Files to their shit list. There have also been open calls to fire Chris Carter from any additional seasons of the series, if not ban him from writing any further episodes.
>>317723 >Are we really in a deep discussion about X-Files on a GamerGate board Is that such a bad thing? I'm still waiting those sources tho.
>>317723 X-files is a great show dood. who wouldn't want to be an FBI agent investigating paranormal activities,aliens and Area 51 type situations. I just hope Agent Mulder and Skully retain their original personality and the writers don't get any wild ideas about making them a couple all that lovey dovey cringy shit belongs somewhere else not ruining my cinematic experience
That terrorism episode was fucking awful, to be fair. Worst episode of the new season which already was very disappointing.
>>317737 Mulder and Scully are in that love phase though. That was one of the (few praised) bits of the new season; that Mulder and Scully basically now are a couple who've been shacking up on and off for the last decade and a half, to the point that the Islam episode basically revolved around them getting into hijinks with a pair of rookie FBI agents who were basically pre-character development, one-dimensional season one Mulder and Scully knock-offs.
>>317747 No, the worst episode was "Home Again" which was a god-damn Emmy bait episode that had NOTHING to do with the original "Home". Also, it was the most SJW episode of the season, with a monster who was killing right wing politicians and city managers over their treatment of the homeless.
>>317749 Not a chance, I actually felt like I needed to throw-up after the ending to that fucking terrorism episode, it was so damn hokey and lazy.
>>317751 The whole arc of the entire series has been to get Mulder and Scully together. Even if they never marry, it's the heart of the series and why the end of the episode worked as well as it did, especially as the calm before the storm when the apocalypse comes in the next epsiode.
>>317737 X-Files on the show is seen as a seventh level of hell punishment in the FBI. You get zero support or funding and you are considered the laughing stock of the FBI. A major plot point in the first series, was that the only thing keeping the X-Files going was the fact that Mulder was a genius criminal profiler who solved so many serial killer cases, that he/the X-Files was the go-to guys for any serial killer related case due to his ability to close cases/catch the bad guys.
>>317785 That's kinda weird, given that E-sports are a lot more diverse than fandom as a whole. Anyway, make a new thread. Sure wish you could delete on this chan.
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>>317785 >>317785 Somebody bully this nerd
>>317723 >>317737 Also the FBI had investigated and cleared Gamergate of actual terrorism early last year, earning the ire of SJW-leaning politicians. Unlikely but the thought of the FBI as pro-GG strikes me as excruciatingly hilarious.
>>318161 The FBI is all privileged white male shitlords, of course they'd twist the facts to GamerGate looks innocent.
>>318171 The FBI is a GamerGate operation.
>>318221 IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW Thanks, based FBI.

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