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GamerGate Radio

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Abused ignorants Leader of GamerGate 03/11/2016 (Fri) 04:04:01 Id: 2dc974 No. 318744
My subject is this: The manosphere (anti-feminism, MRA, PUA, TRP) is the establishment? A new form of totalitarianism? One that has a lot of power to start considering a threat? I found funny how during gamergate many of these humans believed they where fighting against censorship, but they where the only ones who censor the opponents of the movement! I feel like I don't have any freedom in imageboards (and, again, feminism never take away my freedom, they did it), I know it sound something big, but here's the thing; If I post that I read Chomsky, they atack me, if I made a comment on a left-wing site that has not relation with this movement, they come and spam it. Almost every thing that has some relation to non-manosphere ideas, they come and censor everything. If this movement continues to grow, what would happen in 5, 10 years? Would there be any non-fascist space around? Every tenet they fight for; they are the ones who created it, or they practice it, but the opponent doesn't. I once read I fake post, saying something like "CIA could create feminism"…the funny thing to this, is that the US government has only created counter-movements against the left; Contra in latin america? Gaddafi? Iraq war? They are doing it in front of us: http://www.appliedmemeticsllc.com/ I want to start being paranoid and conspiracist; the same thing applied at the inverse: how do we know the new right movement was created because of the fear that the left was gaining momentum? Look at the "fathers" of this movement…if this is not in relation with the government…the quantity of money they make out of ads…probably millions per year; enough to think about their intentions.
>literally "muh patriarchy"
Also >appliedmemetics Shit, the government is trying to harness our meme magic
>>318757 The big billionaires created this ti push their agenda. Search and you'll find…
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>The manosphere (anti-feminism, MRA, PUA, TRP) is the establishment? A new form of totalitarianism? One that has a lot of power to start considering a threat? >Aurini the only one involved gets his YT suspended >Everyone losing his marbles over Roosh's reader meet ups >reaxxion has closed for good, because no one read it >Meanwhile Based Gamer actually got off although Bharj is not a very trusworthy woman >Matt gets suspended on twatter >Clarey doesn't give a shit >Actual Nazis going after them Even without the big dawgs there is more than enough shit that went down before. >Happy Bachelors gets suspended on Proboards >Marketers went into the PUA scene. Among them our favorite scam artist >MGTOW got swamped by spergs who only do Youtube shit >Press blitz against them after Elliot Rodger's Day of Retribution >More than one Blog is as dead as shit >Omega Virgin Revolt still exists >We Hunted the Mammoth still exists >The Spearhead has closed for good This is a bait thread and has nothing to do with Gamergate. Why is that even here?
>>318744 >the funny thing to this, is that the US government has only created counter-movements against the left; Contra in latin america? Gaddafi? Iraq war? In Iraq we were helping the peshmerga who were left wing.
>>318744 >WHAAAAA I DON'T CONTROL EVERY MESSAGE ON EVERY MEDIUM >THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO ARE FIGHTING BACK AGAINST MY BULLYING >I'M BEING OPPRESSED BY FACTS AND DATA Feminism is a hell of a drug; I can't even call this "bait" as it's just puerile whining.
apology for poor english when were you when June censored you "feminism is bad" "no"
>>318744 >The manosphere (anti-feminism, MRA, PUA, TRP) is the establishment? Yeah, that's why the National Organisation Against Women (NOAW) pushed through the Violence Against Men Act.
>>318744 >If I post that I read Chomsky, they atack me Have you tried reading non-retards?
>>318766 >The big billionaires created this ti push their agenda. Ok I'm actually curious. What agenda? That first world feminism is fucking retarded and Social Justice Warriors are violent autistic retards? If so, then what exactly is the problem?
Im guessing English is OPs 4th or 5th language.
>>318744 I have a feeling you get attacked for being a retard. Doesn't matter who is in charge, that will never change.
>>318744 >they where the only ones who censor the opponents of the movement! >I feel like I don't have any freedom in imageboards (and, again, feminism never take away my freedom, they did it), I know it sound something big, but here's the thing; If I post that I read Chomsky, they atack me >they atack me >implying attacks by other users can be compared to buzzfeed/verge/gawker editors outright ERASING comments that disprove them, point out their mistakes or ask for sources >implying gamergate wasn't actively censored in most major sites like reddit, with admins with proven connections to fraudsters like zoe deleting any threads about the evidence against her Sage for bait thread, but it had to be said OP is a fucking idiot who would cry her ass off over a parking ticket thinking the officer is somehow oppressing her because she can't drive for shit

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