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GamerGate Radio

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Allison Rapp Was a Hooker Veteran Leader of GamerGate 04/10/2016 (Sun) 04:14:08 Id: b8e415 No. 321614
Well holy shit. It looks like the rabbit hole goes deep. Rapp wasn't just selling cheesecake and defending pedos. Rapp was/is a hooker. Now, I personally don't have a problem with hookers or people going to see them. But SJWs are pretty sex negative and if they aren't anti sex worker, they're definitely anti sex worker client. Rapp's the kind of chick to deride neckbeards, then hit them up for a grand for a fuck. And I don't think there's a children's toy company in the world who wants a hooker as their public face. Seems this explains why people were so adamantly defending her. They were afraid the jig would go up.
ah of course she was. all the anti-gg are hypocrites and disgusting people
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>>321614 Nothing against hookers. But let's not expect too much from SJWs and their double standards. They are already spinning this as sex shaming. Coming from the same people that said GG are perverts. SJ retards can't think their way out of a paper bag. If she's working for a company, there's contract laws. She violated those.
>>321617 > They are already spinning this as sex shaming. Where? >Coming from the same people that said GG are perverts. If you read any of her hooker ads, she's trying her damndest to milk whatever poor sap "contracts" her. She's not going for the "Hey, I'm a hooker. Wanna get wicked?" thing, which I respect, but instead that "How about you pay me a grand a pop to buy me a bunch of stuff and I might give you a grind job for the last 15 minutes".
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>>321617 The usual suspects, useful idiots, leftist media coming soon and ironic trolls trying for relevance.
Meant to reply to this >>321619.
All I keep seeing is talk and no links
>>321625 look on Brote's twitter. Links are there. It's legit.
>>321626 also, this.
>>321614 so? She's fired why do we need to keep talking about her?
>>321629 Not particularly sure.
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>>321629 Because, Allison, that you were a hooker while working for a child's toy company is quite a bit of vindication for the defaming done by you and your cronies. Also… jesus, you even brainwashed your husband into sucking dicks.
I thought being sex-negative was an SJW trait.
>>321636 Which is why it is worth mentioning when they turn out to be hookers. Especially when they piss and moan about gamergate when being a hooker gets the sex negative SJW in question fired from their job for a children's toy company.
>>321636 They're only sex negative when it's 2D. When it's 3D they're "don't slut shame me!" It is an inconsistency that makes no sense unless you take it from the viewpoint that they understand their biggest competition isn't other women but alternatives to women that are better. 2D, robots, all that hatred they spew is them realizing that the men too incompetent to get with anyone better will soon, or already do, have enough options and confidence in themselves to tell them to go fuck someone else.
I honestly couldn't give any less of a fuck. A huge multinational corporation, especially one which pride themselves on their family-friendly public perception? Yeah, I daresay they might. Particularly if, say, a PR spokesperson of theirs happened to be involved. But no, I'm sure it's all down to them damn goobergators and their damn soggy-kneed horsemint.
>>321639 this x 1000
>>321639 i just don't understand why GG is being sex-negative about this. We love sex workers. SJWs hate them.
There are a lot of SJW in the SJW mafia who are pro-sex worker, but only because of libertarian notions that hooking needs to be legalized so they can maximize their ability to exploit their sexuality for profit without the pesky problem of being arrested or stigmatized for being a whore for money.
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>>321644 Lol nice try at framing the narrative and pretending we are all the same, numbnuts. I love hookers. I hate hypocrisy though. >>321639 Because 2D is competition for 3D.
>>321645 Jake, listen. The issue isn't that she was a whore. THe issue is that she was a whore while working in PR for a child's toy company and shit talking their customer base. The issue is, she's the type of person who crows about how evil corporate america and capitalism is while demanding all kinds of free shit from people and charging a grand to stick it in her pooper.
>>321648 Fuck you. Nintendo is cool. Hookers are fucking awesome. I don't see any real hypocracy, honestly. The best blowjob giver I know does nude modeling and teaches middle school. That's not hypocritical. Rapp sucks, but not because she worked for Nintendo or was a hooker. She sucks because she's an SJW.
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>>321644 Honestly, I'd be completely in favor of her talking to Mercedes and working something out between them. Cross through boundaries using porn. It's funny but I'm not knocking her off her work. She should just take more pride in it. You're a whore and now everyone knows it. Embrace that. And never work for companies like Nintendo or Disney again because those are fields you have made off limits through your own actions and choices. Hookers are great. Hookers that have this as their most important rule >I’m an educated, professional woman who won’t take shit. If you disrespect me or other women verbally or physically, or discuss sexual activities of any kind prior to our date, you will be immediately and permanently blacklisted and/or I will immediately end our date. are shit. Nothing sex negative here, it's just an amusing situation considering her being fired was something GG was getting blamed for and the reason seems to be that she was literally a whore and would rather blame a mass of people instead of her own actions. Work somewhere else that accepts that better. Play-Asia said they'd give someone modeling with their products a raise, try them.
>>>321626 >Highly educated and bi; let's talk about work, love, life, what makes us feel good, the fall of capitalism, etc. >Hates capitalism >Works PR for a corporation. >Charges $250/hr to suck dick Not very proletariat of her.
This is pretty damn funny. And before anyone says "But Mercedes" then you need to step back for a second. The reason why anyone is laughing is because this is supposed to be PR for a family friendly company. Mercedes isn't pretending her image is family friendly. So this on top of being a pedophile is pretty damn hilarious, especially if she's pretending to be holier than thou.
>>321656 Even funnier? This is an SJW "all hands on deck" to control the narrative situation. You know very well that their keyboards are a titter as they try to figure out how they're going to spin it and control it. Hint: They can't. This is a legit happening.
>>321658 >You know very well that their keyboards are a titter as they try to figure out how they're going to spin it and control it. And that is why this is funny.
>>321659 Their first strategy is to clamp down on discussion. That has already failed. Their next strategy will be to try to avoid discussion. THat will fail too because simultaneously, there will be others among them who can't resist. And they'll spin the narrative. Then, it is possible, that mainstream media will jump on the "Nintendo's Hooker PR" story pretty quickly. Failing that, it's going to be hard for them to defend Rapp, but they'll go with the standard "slut shaming" "bias against sex workers" and "vindictive neck beards"
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>>321656 Pretty much. Mercedes loves the D and she's open about it. Rapp is an intersectional feminist whining about "muh womenz" and talking about cp, while working PR at Nintendo b8ing gamers all day long about her idiotic ideology.
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>>321668 The next Anthony Burch.
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>>321669 You aren't even wrong. https://archive.is/ieBfX
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>>321669 You aren't even wrong https://archive.is/ieBfX
We should really distance ourselves from this. They'll just use this to propagate the "gamergate harassment" narrative. Mods, please remove images from this thread. Ggrevolt are the real harassers.
>>321673 Too late, faggot. It's happening. Any push against it will just Streisand it harder. This is Christmas coming early.
>>321673 >implying ironic shitposting is acceptable
>>321673 The minute you figure out how to stop people from using their keyboards let me know. Can I say now that I condemn harassment and hope that anybody believes me on an anonymous imageboard run on Filipino servers? No? Well, the media isn't going to care either way.
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>visit the Pacific Northwest >hire Alison thru the normal hooker channels >got on a nice dinner date, bring her back to the nicest hotel in the area >get her to strip first >once she's naked, start removing my shirt >on my chest in black Sharpie is written "GamerGate strikes again!" and a hand drawn Vivian smiling on a Nintendo 3DS >film the unveiling and her nudity with a hidden cam there's an indiegogo campaign worth funding
>>321656 Mercedes is great for embracing her sex work. Alison has done nothing but deny, pretend it didn't happen, and otherwise lie about it. While saying inflammatory shit towards GG and working for Nintendo, all dumb variables in an extremely stupid equation. Praise Mercedes! Shame Rapp!
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Under topics "lets talk" Maria Mint says http://archive.is/3VjBf#selection-931.452-931.593 > or the lack of support for a strong and respected proletariat class capable of overthrowing the bastardized version of capitalism in the U.S. No, woman, I'm buying a hooker. Shut the fuck up.
>>321678 Poor dude. >at least you are not Anthony Burch.
>>321683 Rated 2.2/4 stars. Apparently not everyone is into listening to intersectionality in assfucking.
If I was in seattle I would totally try to hire her for a night just to say I fucked a crazy SJW
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First pic is his twitter. https://archive.is/9LjwY Second is that tumblr post. https://archive.is/FoBT6 >Reading the literature is difficult. A lot of folks will point you toward it assuming it will fix all of your problems. For some people, reading about ethical poly practices helps. For others, you end up wanting to scream because you just aren’t feeling like you currently are nor never will be what the books are describing. Again, that’s OK. >wanting to scream because you just aren’t feeling like you currently are nor never will be what the books are describing. >that’s OK. This man is going to kill someone one day. He literally has to brainwash himself by reading book after book over why it's okay for his wife to cuck him. He feels jealousy, envy, wants to scream and stop but says it's all okay and goes back to reading books about why it's okay. >It's okay, Jake >Your wife fucking other men for money is okay >You're the leader of a group of cucks telling them it's okay >Your wife things it's great that you do this while she takes another dick >It's okay, Jake >Read the book, Jake >Don't scream, Jake Please get help and stop this before you bash someone's head in with a 3DS and kill yourself with a Wii U cord.
>>321691 You forgot >Bite the pillow, Jake
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>>321683 >Alison Rapp is a confirmed pornstar >tfw MundaneMatt is fapping to this right now
>>321626 >HIGH-END SEATTLE ESCORT >HIGH-END >this bag of shit with a 6/10 face and full of tryhard tattoos What the fuck guys? What the fuck?
>>321661 >talking about cp >talking I'm pretty sure that if we start digging we might find actual cases of her having cp or even doing pedo stuff We could try looking for any ex classmates >>321668 >>321669 >>321670 They julay themselves
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>>321692 So I did. Damn. Another tumblr post of his. https://archive.is/4RluS >On the other hand, I coach a lot of poly folks and also lead a 400-member poly meetup group in Seattle Literally a cuck leader. The cuck whisperer. By the way when he says he's a mostly straight guy he does mean mostly. https://archive.is/NLjUT He already knew he was somewhat gay in 2014. He at least realized that men probably aren't for him which is a step above Burch, yet he literally runs a support group for cucks so I'm not sure it matters.
>>321696 >I'm pretty sure that if we start digging we might find actual cases of her having cp or even doing pedo stuff Does she have a kid with that cucked husband of hers? Will a V& appear? He needs to get out. With this he has evidence for a dissolution of marriage in the state of Washington - that is "Irretrievable Breakdown of the Marriage". "My wife is a paid escort" is way up there well above having constant affairs, due to the fact that it's not legal He could win sole custody of the kid without even trying just by showing these archive.is pages to a lawyer. He SHOULD do this, to uncuck himself and save that kids miserable life from this horrible situation. That can't be good.
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>>321698 Anon, I'm not sure he knows how to. The two literally sit on a couch together and read books about why it's good to get cucked. Even if he wanted to, he'd just read and get told it's okay. From there he'd just listen and get back in the kitchen to make her latest client a sandwich when the guy's done fucking his wife.
Why is revolt trying to take credit from kiwi farms?
>>321700 They like to pretend they're relevant?
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>>321700 Because they are shit stirrers?
>>321617 >They are already spinning this as sex shaming you mean like they said that porn star that was attacked in her house deserved it because she was… a porn star. yeah no hypocrisy here
>>321637 allison rapp was pretty fond of the kid sex though. probably she was only sex negative in bed with the husband
…..so how much does she cost?
>>321713 See archive in >>321683
>>321694 That is like the fourth or fifth time I've seen someone using Matt from SuperBestFriends and talking about MundaneMatt. …you know those are two different people right, or are you too lazy to take a screencap of that fat shilling fuck on your own?
>>321629 anti-gg's and SJW's suddenly pro-sex worker, after they were attacking MS for having go-go dancers at a after party event. That's all you really need to know.
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Someone taught Alison how to use the gg blockbot thats odd she wasn't using it before i guess she escalated to Defcon5. Protectmode would have been the more better choice but oh well its a slow weekend might as well watch this shitstorm and see how it plays out the worst thing is that she gets shitcanned….Oh wait she's already fired.
Hey: http://www.dailystormer.com/disgraced-nintendo-pedo-alison-rapp-is-a-literal-prostitute-allegedly/ You people need to spread the word and tell people to cool it with bullying Rapp now that this has been exposed. You have morons like in the link I posted rallying people to "ruin her life and marriage." Tell me, what's making a martyr outta Rapp gonna accomplish aside from validating SJWs claims against GG? There is literally nothing wrong with prostitutes and escorts. Our goal was to get a person unqualified for her job to leave her position, not to bully a girl with questionable ethics. Her private life is get private life now, and we gain nothing from further pursuing this. If we make a martyr outta this chick, she'll literally become Zoe Quinn 2.0 due to retards harassing her.
>>321736 See >>321656 Stop and see the nuance here. There is a reason why she, an SJW, is being targeted while the thousands of other escorts aren't.
>>321736 We could do that or you could just watch from the sidelines and let it run its course its basically Sarah Nyberg all over again only this time it involves Nintendo. There's not much we can do at this point except point and laugh. >Daily Stormer But why Anon,that is place believes in Natsoc Unironically don't have a clue how this Rapp stuff made it on there
>>321740 >>321741 I know, and I get it. But you don't want to turn this chick into a martyr. There's nothing to gain from perusing this. If anything, at least make it clear GG believes Rapp should be left alone in order to disassociate yourself from retards. You don't wanna lend more credibility to the shit Sarkeesian and co. Pushed for at the UN.
>>321670 Jake. Dude. You are in a relationship that's making you fucking miserable, you know it, and instead of standing up for your fucking self, you keep burying your head in the sand and hoping things will magically get better if you wish it hard enough. You legit are a fucking victim, you fucking moron, even if you're too fucking thick to notice.
>>321742 if they don't have even a fake martyr then they'll just invent one from nowhere
>>321742 Like, it's just hurting the cause dude. Instead if it being about this SJW with a questionable view getting fired cause she wasn't fit for the job, now it's more personal and mean-spirited, and more people will take Rapp's side if that's vtge case. Leave it be now, and people will be like "wow, GG was right." And that be that. But bully Rapp further, and people will jump to Rapp's defense.
>>321742 I wonder if she is smart enough to open up a Patreon and feed of the attention like Wu and Anita..i certainty hope not. Those two generate enough Victim complex energy to power a small city. The retards are already attaching it to gg they seem to suffer from sort term memory loss regarding creating fake e-celebs,why exactly they are doing this is a mystery to me its not like she works at Ninny anymore and with this latest bombshell she is unlikely to work anywhere else ever again at least till people forget it >>321746 It looks like its mostly on twitter at the moment and if you look closely you can see the markings of a certain board all over it,there isn't a way to stop these particular brand of Autists besides destroying their Internet access anyway.
I should point out that this stuff was found out by Josh's Forum Kiwiland or whatever the fuck he calls it. Joshy even posted it on KIA about this trying to farm them for clicks thats pretty low even for him
I knew you had to fuck up bad to get fired by a Japanese company but I didn't think someone being a hooker while representing a children focused video game company was ever going to be a thing. Because why would that be a thing? What kind of sane person makes a life decision like that? "Oh, hey, I've got a sweet PR gig with one of the biggest names in gaming. How should I progress from here? Of course! Prostitution, that's the best answer! What could possibly go wrong?"
I wonder how Ninny find out?did they hire one of those agency's that perform background checks on employees?was she dumb enough to access her second job from her work computer/work internet?did someone leak it to Ninny. Will Ninny make another statement about this whole rap thing? Will saying Ninny instead of Nintendo become an actual thing? So many Questions
>>321752 No, this is the reason why they fired her and didn't want to say "one of our PR was a prostitute and that doesn't look good for our family friendly company." They will likely not speak of this again.
>>321700 >Taking credit for the deeds of Kiwispergs, EVER 2016 will be the year of group autism.
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>>321749 Kiwifarms.
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>>321753 Goddamn seeing this reminds me of Josh and what Next could have been the modern imageboard for the new millennium I thought he was feed to pigs or still in the Philippines sucking tranny dick for flight ticket money.
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>>321700 It's what they do. I'm just happy they gave me this man to laugh at. https://archive.is/yaFmi >not attracted to men >reads books about why it's okay to get cucked >I'll try dick I guess
>>321757 "My wife sleeps around and I guess I'll try dick" by Anthony Burch?
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>>321758 Well he is the cuck coach. If it's good for at least 400 others, it's good for anyone this gone. But how do you find other cucks? Someone asked that. >Assuming you mean poly people to be in relationships with - I think this largely depends on what types of relationships you are looking for! Do you mind if it’s long-distance? If no, then the internet is wonderful series of tubes that will lead you to anybody and everybody! >long-distance relationship >internet >wonderful My latest evidence that this man is insane: Doesn't just recommend online dating. He recommends it to people trying to get with other cucks. Neither of those sentences is something a person with a soul would ever do.
>>321722 You can't keep defending your waifu Matt.
>>321757 This is a dysfuntional marriage doomed to fail i just hope there are no kids involved its like a bad episode of some trashy reality show where the couple try to be as trashy and Jerry springerish as possible in public in this case twitter
wow when you google Alison Rapp, google highlights her firing saying it was due to moonlighting. . . how do we update this to reflect the truth ?
>>321772 Did Nintendo gave an explaining reason of why she was fired in the first place?
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Pic related to video
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So, I just saw something listing Jake's employment. It says "Nintendo(Sodexo)". So. He works, not for Nintendo, but for a VENDOR at Nintendo. And what does this vendor provide? Is it IT services? Is it technology installations? Is it anything relevant at all? Anyone? No. Sodexo runs their fucking cafeteria. Jake works in the fucking cafeteria for the food services company that has the contract at a Nintendo location. He is even cucked by his job. And to top it off, he probably made the contact that got Rapp her job working internally at Nintendo, further cucking himself. Jesus. Mr. Bones. Can I PLEASE get off this fucking ride? I just wanted to play fucking vidya.
>>321775 wait, is that mundane matt? im out of the loop, when did he join the legion of the SJW-drones?
>>321785 MundaneMatt has always been a bit thirsty, a bit attention whore-y, and a bit cucked. There's a video he did talking about Quinn's movie deal and he was practically giggling like a little girl over the idea that magically Kevin Smith might play him, because they'd definitely feature him in that movie. It was cringeworthy. I like some of his content, but he's a bit… high on his horse and easily swayed. I think he was trying to pull a TB.
>>321785 >>321791 It is not. If you just bothered to google "mundanematt twitter" you'd know this Don't just jump to conclussions - it makes us look bad And who wouldn't be having top keks at the idea of having Kevin Smith playing you in a movie?
>>321752 >>321753 It puts the whole "fired for her second job" and the email in the company to keep things hush-hush all into light. Nintendo of America didn't want word and gossip of someone they showcased in their company's videos and streams to have turned out to be turning tricks. They REALLY don't want to talk about it, even though it's out there now.
>>321774 They only mentioned it wasn't due to "online controversies" (GG; CP) but due to her second job "conflicting with Nintendo's conduct and sensibilities". For a while, we all thought it was due to her selling naughty images of herself with things like a 3DS in her hands– images she PROMOTED AND MENTIONED IN HER OWN TWITTER. The whole escort/call girl makes a whole lot more sense, especially with that archive link being about a week prior to her termination.
>>321656 A reminder: GG loves the fuck out of sexworkers like @TheMercedesXXX and @AnnaCherryOnTop The the SJWs who are the hypocritical sex-negative moralists and don't let anyone say otherwise!
She's on Twitter saying her family is getting doxed. Who dun it
>>321806 The trolls on josh's playpen Kiwifarms are going all out on this,no surprise really they are trolls in search of "milk" though i don't see much "milk" that can be extracted from this except twitter ranting and victim complexes
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>>321812 That guy has been posting into the tag since this whole shit started ggrevolt that and ggrevolt this why is he suddenly saying errrr no it was kiwifarms that did it. Blame them we at revolt are good bois who did du nuffin. Sounds like him and his gang are only interested in glory seeking and not the consequences of it
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>>321806 By dox she probably means shit that's publicly available. She should probably embrace it. Maybe she can be the new voice for sex workers or something. >>321813 When the initial shock blows over they're pretty much fucked. The hashtag disowned this finding, KIA disownend it, it isn't being posted here, all eyes are Kiwifarms and GGR wanted to take credit for it before they realized they are taking credit for something that can be considered libel. Hulkster just won a libel lawsuit so it really is bad timing.
>>321814 There are threads about this shit on the half/full /pol/,the kiwifags must be pissed /revolt i stealing their thunder.
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Ok this made me smile when i say the heading nice to know that 4/pol/ still remembers even though this isn't actually gg related more of a Sarah Nyberg kinda thing. Has Rapp set up a Patreon yet?
Kiwi found this a few hours ago. about: https://archive.is/d3qyp rates: https://archive.is/VpZ9y FAQ: https://archive.is/r3ezp pls respect: https://archive.is/B2DOm Long story short. For $200/hour you can fuck her husband in the ass and tug on his pierced cock that looks like he stuck a safety pin through it.
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>>321822 >I love perusing markets on Sunday mornings, snobbishly tasting espresso and flights of IPAs, and having wine-fueled dialogues about auteur directors. Underneath all that lives a mature and affectionate heart; I often hear, "You have it together much more than I did when I was your age."
>>321814 If you're talking about the escorting pages, they were made publicly available by the Rapps. Hogan did not make his sex tape publicly available in any form. Enormous fucking difference.
Lots of cuckolds in here
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>>321812 Let's just blame it all on jKelly since he basically created the "#TorrentialDownpour is harrasing Allison Rapp"-narritive for aGG by himself. Let the autistic little shit reap what he has sewn
>>321814 You are a fucking cuck and that's why your board is dead.
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>>321835 Bad boi behave yourself or you get to sit on the naughty stool.
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And the Rapp defense force rages on, with Pedo Dan leading the charge. http://archive.is/Dz4m3
>>321785 >>321791 Matt Myers is one twitter usual suspects, same with David Gallant, should be obvious for anybody.
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A moment of seriousness: Her father's criminal record was found. Expect the narrative to take form around her family history and the supposed claims of her extended family getting doxed. Some will concede that Nintendo was right but also say that people are going too far, others will simply double down and say that Nintendo should've kept her hired despite her doing work that is illegal. It'll be an interesting Monday.
>>321874 That isn't helpful or relevant. Publicly-available information isn't dox, it's sexual offences or have anything related to Allison (like molestation or abuse), so it doesn't have anything to do with anything except fuel speculation.
>>321876 >it's sexual offences should read >it doesn't have any sexual offences
>>321874 I don't really give a damn about what her father did. It's not like he was repping a family focussed vidya company while literally being a prostitute.
Top Cuck: Down Under.
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>>321713 PERSONAL GIRLFRIEND EXPERIENCE: Would you like a movie buddy, dinner date, gala girl, frisky enchantress…all of the above? 1 hour: When you’re light on time but heavy on desire. Best for returning clients. $250 2 hours: Let’s get to know each other and have a little fun. Good option for new clients. $450 3 hours: Some extra time to grab a bite…and grab, and bite… $650 4 hours: What can’t we do in 4 hours? $800 VIP EXPERIENCE: For gentlemen (and ladies) who want to go deep. Extended dinner date: Let’s go out on the town for a romantic meal and still have plenty of time left to play in private. 6 hours. $1000 Long affair: The day and evening are ours. Dying to see a show? Visit a comic book shop? Take a walk through the park? Don’t forget to save time to see me in private. 8 hours. $1300 Overnight: We can savor a nice dinner, have some active fun, and then fall asleep cuddling and watching old horror movies. Don’t worry – I’ll make sure you’re awake and at rapt attention in the morning. 14 hours. $2000 Full day: Let’s jam-pack our schedule with romantic outings, or just stay in, eat ice cream, and marathon your favorite movies. It’s your day. 24 hours. $2500 Weekend: Give yourself a two-day sensual staycation. We can go out, stay in, sleep, stay up, kiss, laugh…above all, let’s relax together away from everyday stressors. Times negotiable (e.g. Friday evening – Sunday morning). $4000 Travel: I’m a travel guru and would love to accompany you on your vacation or business trip. This option is only for returning, trusted clients. Donation negotiable.
>>321874 The fuck is "Terroristic Threat"?
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>>321889 These prices are too high. My only perspective on it is reading "Superfreakonomics" though, because I don't pay for strange.
>>321890 Threatening to blow up the local welfare office if he doesn't get his bux or something similar I guess.
>>321859 5k & 1.8k followers nobodies.
Came back to post my thoughts on this escalated development with Rapp, been busy gaming. UPDATE THE FUCKING TIMELINE https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Current-Happenings Narrative control is only as effective if you can obfuscate the events of what happened. Document and date fucking EVERYTHING. In the meantime roll with the inevitable PR punches and laugh at everyone's faces for the ridiculous shit their life choices brought on themselves, plenty of milk from lolcows just keep on providing. We know we didn't escalate this shit, and we know its the same D&C crew that always fucks shit up for us, so hunker down and keep your notes updated, well sourced, and archive fucking everything.
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half-chan /pol/ on full blast because of Jake Rapp being the ultimate cuck, dethroning Anthony Burch: >Imagine this same situation with the sexes reversed. >Imagine a man slowly pressuring his wife into threesomes, then 1-on-1 with another chick, then later she appears on escort site. Think about that. Let it sink in. >This is full-on abuse and it should be the first thing anyone brings up when talking about her moral character. It's practically indefensible. http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/70609162/at-least-im-not-jake-rapp
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>>321894 optimal summary thus far: >E3 2015 happens >Rapp arises attention when she posts a Google Doc of /v/ comments about her on twitter >She becomes known as a SJW >Fatal Frame Super Spoopy Trailer comes out and Alison claims credit >Xenoblade Chronicles X controversy happens >Alison is made out to be an easy target despite just being a marketer >People find out about her poly relationship and a dog fucking rumor spreads >FE Fates localization becomes criticized >Alison is once again a scapegoat >Someone on twitter finds out about Alison's pro cp thesis and tweets >People start demanding Alison to be fired >John Kelly writes an article on this >Jamie Walton of the Wayne Foundation is notified and contacts Nintendo >Neogaf finds out and sides with Rapp >Rapp gets fired >She blames GG and Nintendo stays silent >SJWs cry out sexism, claim that Nintendo is caving down to bullying, forge a petition, and more >Nintendo releases official statement that Rapp was removed due to moonlighting >People backpedal, stay ignorant, or believe Nintendo is lying >Rapp claims moonlighting was allowed >IGDA calls Nintendo out >Alison is revealed to have been a prostitute >Jake Rapp is revealed to be worse than Anthony Burch >Jake Rapp is revealed to be an escort >Alison is alerting people on twitter
>>321895 "At least I'm not Jake Rapp" Anthony Burch
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>>321897 this is just like my chinese cartoons
>>321898 No it isn't. At least poju shit is fap worthy.
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>>321900 Not surprised, no one wants an uppity whore.
I’m thrilled you’re ready for me! Here, you’ll find information about etiquette and additional notes about the screening process.
I’m an educated, professional woman who won’t take shit. If you disrespect me or other women verbally or physically, or discuss sexual activities of any kind prior to our date, you will be immediately and permanently blacklisted and/or I will immediately end our date.

If you do not provide all screening info requested, I cannot meet with you. This is for safety and confidentiality. Any additional information above and beyond what is requested for screening is greatly appreciated. Rest assured that all information you provide is kept strictly confidential and is requested only in the interest of making sure we’re both safe. The more relaxed I am, the more fun we’ll have together; it’s a win-win.
I’m committed to respecting confidentiality and ask that you do the same for me. Let’s have good, respectful fun.
Good hygiene is good manners. Showering before and after our private time together keeps us both safe and feeling fresh.
Donations are for companionship only, in accordance with the law. Anything beyond that between us as legal, consenting adults is not contracted for.
Please leave your donation (in an envelope or card) in plain sight at the start of our date.
I reserve the right to refuse to communicate or engage if I feel uncomfortable or unsafe at any point.

Tweets by @missmariamint
>>321877 Can someone point me in the right direction? And Alison's nudes I guess.
>>321902 google kiwi farms it's right on their front page
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>>321902 Right there. I can't believe that revolt is joining the Kiwispergs.
>>321905 Encourage it, make them completely transition their identitify from GGR to Kiwifags.
>>321903 >>321905 Thanks guys.
Guys, I think I may have missed something important in this whole debacle. Why Rapp? I mean, I know that her thesis and moonlighting are what ultimately led to getting her fired, but why was she even a thing in the first place? I remember hearing it was because people were mad with Nintendo's localization policies, but Rapp worked PR, so why would she even be involved in all this? What was the straw that broke the camel's back and ultimately caused people to start calling her on her shit? Sorry for the slowpoking here, but I'm genuinely curious. Some of my friends with SJW tendencies are lamenting she shouldn't have even been a thing to begin with.
>>321903 >go to Kiwi Farms front page >there's a picture of Rapp's husband in a dress That's not quite what I was hoping for…
>>321911 He's also a hooker too if you didn't know.
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>>321911 you are real dumb You don't see the clickable hyperlinks on the left? use your eyes and brain, jesus christ. You aren't even being spoonfed at this point, you're having a baby bottle shoved in your face.
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>>321913 >Jake Rapp, her husband, is apparently in a "poly" relationship where she is encouraging him to have homosexual engagements and introducing him to BOYS Damn Alison, your pedo ways can't be contained.
>>321910 PR is the first step anyone gets to in order to speak to Nintendo. Plenty of women work in PR, no one worries about them or cares. But Alison Rapp made herself different by being a vocal SJW. Therefore, people started digging into who she is, and out came that she is a pedophile. Of course, since she is an SJW AND a pedo, which seems to be the new big thing now after Srhbutts and the Salon articles, people started writing to Nintendo. She got fired and it was old news until now. Plenty of people are escorts, we do not care about them. Plenty of people make porn, we do not care about them and some are even our allies such as Mercedes. But Alison Rapp is different. As I said before, the reason why people give a shit is because of her holier than thou attitude she displays as an SJW. Plus she was PR for Nintendo, a family friendly company known for making CHILDREN'S video games. So she is both a pedo and a prostitute who worked for a family friendly company, which makes this entire thing funny. If she was PR for Samsung, no one would have given a fuck about this.
>>321896 >John Kelly writes an article on this >The Mirror.co.uk writes and article about Rapp that quotes jKelly's Medium >Jamie Walton of the Wayne Foundation is notified and contacts Nintendo
>>321913 Shit, I missed that the first time around. Thanks Leader! She's cute! I wasn't expecting that.
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I cast some serious meme magic fellas, brace for impact
>>321888 I need the link to the actual video.
>>321932 Oh shiiiiiiit
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>>321651 speaking of Mercedes, someone who uses twatter should forward her this and ask if these sorts of prices are reasonable on the market today.
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>>321913 Look at that gut i bet he's sucking in his stomach to look skinnier than he actually is,also that red and black pierces my soul and sends shivers up and own my spine
>>321910 >>321918 That and poking and insulting complainers, which seems to be cropping up more and more from plenty of these aGG PR members. None of that sterile formalities of PR-speak, just mocking fans that didn't take kindly to a horror game's trailer being listed as "Spoopy" in the title that she admitted to inserting personally.
>>321910 Consider it as "fighting fire with fire" or "what goes around comes around". Getting random people fired for saying the wrong thing on social media as well as doxxing them was bound to rebound on the SJWs that approve of these methods.
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>tfw her ratings is 2.2 So does this mean she sucks in bed?
>>321955 Probably something along the lines of "More cock sucking, less intersectional feminism/international marxist theory".
>>321955 2.2 out of 5 is more of a resounding "mehhhhh", unless the site has detailed reviews. Shit, I read up tons of reviews for the $180 monitor I purchased two years ago, so I'd be damn sure to want to research the best bang for my buck for double/triple that cost for the fraction of use.
>>321913 Look at that gut i bet he's sucking in his stomach to look skinnier than he actually is,also that red and black pierces my soul and sends shivers up and own my spine >>321937 Na pics like hers are a dime a dozen
>>321934 U U U U
So why did everyone forget her modeling photosets the second they discovered she was an escort?
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>>321910 >Why Rapp? Honestly? My money's that it's a mix of coincidence and the Rapp defense force who attacked Nintendo over firing her without knowing the story. Take a look. https://archive.is/gzlzx https://archive.is/Qc0T7 https://archive.is/Fv24a The drama around Rapp's pedo defense thesis came around after the first archive and a few days before the second. Then there's a steady drip until it became publicly known on kiwi. You can see other archives for the dates but the fact is archiving had already begun well before she got fired, even before her last controversy with Nintendo. What seems likely is that somebody looking for escorts found her, realized who she was, and began archiving. Maybe one of the people who gave her a low rating. This person could've revealed the facts anytime they wanted to. Archives from February 14th says if he wanted to start drama back then, he could've. If he wanted to start it from her pedo defense, he could've, that was late February and early March. He didn't. He may be who tipped off Nintendo on the second job to get her fired but still didn't reveal the truth to anyone else and it was kept as private information. Only after things were getting out of hand and people were attacking Nintendo did the information get released. Based on this timing, I'm led to believe that this is what prompted the release of information as a direct response. If people want to know the true reason why Nintendo fired her and not try to fault them, this was the only way he could do it.
>>321973 No, the top date is when it was actually archived, which was a couple days ago. The bottom date that you drew boxes around is actually just when it was crawled by Google. When archive.is archives a Google cache it uses the date the cache itself was from. It was archived by someone on Kiwifarms, I saw a post there saying he'd archived Google cache copies.
>>321974 Shit, you're right. In that case back to the drawing board. Sorry about that.
>>321932 It's like gore spamming I don't wanna look at her pasty saggy tits I don't wanna see her try-hard tats but I can't look away… Link to thread plz
>>321973 I suspect HR did an extra-careful sweep of her after the cp thing surfaced. I'm tempted to say it's not actually connected to why she bot the boot; posting pictures of he in lingerie with nintendo stuff on her official nintendo twitter channel is… well, Nintendo is like disney. They're carefully crafted this family friendly thing. Disney has adult stuff (Deadpool is Marvel and Marvel is owned by Disney for example) but note how very, very clearly seperate Disney keep Marvel from their 'brand'.
Jesus. The PIDF is dedicated to disengagement on this thing. How to escalate this further?
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>>321937 based Mercedes delivers
>>321695 Maybe she just has really long legs in comparison to the rest of her body.
>>321680 I condone this. Get crackin', faggots. Let's teach these SJW commies what happens when you fuck with freedom.
>>321785 Silver Ranger here. Mundaneshill's ass is MINE. I BTFO'd him once, and I will do it again. I won't stop until I've destroyed him. Ari Gold style.
>>322027 >regular Why would you waste your time with a regular escort? If you're about to pay that kind of money better go for the high end. Also GFE are retarded.
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Just saw the pic of Rapp's husband with his cock out…ok i have had enough of that rabbithole.
>>322057 >Silver Ranger Literally who?
>>321918 Citation needed, defending japanese culture is not pedophilia you disgusting SJW censor. Selling sex is PRIVATE PROPERTY and freedom of associate the foundations of capitalism, if you have a problem with that go join the commies you faggot shitstain.
>>322185 This. The whole Allison Rapp debacle has got to be the low point of GG.
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>>322185 >implying it was about defending Japanese culture 1st pic related. Based on your argument, why not change "Japanese" to "Middle Eastern" and argue that the age of consent should be in the single digits? It's defending their culture, after all, according to your argument. And here's your evidence. Pic and link related. https://issuu.com/honorsreview/docs/volumeiv/33 No one cares that she is selling sex but why am I even saying this, since you're just going to continue on your VPN here >>322195 >The whole Allison Rapp debacle has got to be the low point of GG. Get over it faggot, not GG's fault kiwifarms actually did some digging.
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Just a quick tip for faggots saying GG talking about this is bad PR: GG's involvement or not with a happening is not correlated with claims that GG caused the happening. If you want this half-dead movement to survive, the important thing is TO HAVE FUN, not to be walking on eggshells all the time.
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>>322209 This isn't GG because this is kiwi farm's dig, revolt tried to take credit… at first, then Rapp boohoo that her family got doxed (which twitter is saying kJelly's did, because he's since gone suspiciously silent), revolt did a 180 and claimed they never took credit for the shit were YELLING A MINUTE BEFORE to take credit for the kiwi's dig. In this case it is factually correct to say: GG dinudunuffin with Rapp …it was the the kiwis dig and the shit revolt were taking credit for before not taking credit for, and whatever bullshit Jkelly was up to. Will the SJWs care if we tell them? "NO!" A stronk wyman whodontneednoman (except to cuck and pimp out his asshole to men and boys) was harassed and needs lesbiens and strong lvl99 Nintendo Paladin virgins to protect the pterodactyl pedophile prostitute pimp princess from those ebil goobers!
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>>322209 >TO HAVE FUN THIS I demand OC of pterodactyl pedophile prostitute pimp princess. SHOOPS FOR THE SHOOP GOD! SHOOPS FOR THE SHOOP THRONE!
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>>322208 If the couple ever kickstarts a vasectomy + tubal ligation, I'll throw in $100 just to make sure they don't reproduce.
>>321900 "2/5" - Her Johns "0/5" - Nintendo >>321972 Whore or not, selling sexy pics posing with your employer's merch - that they sell to kids - is not going to help you keep your job.
>>321673 We already have a perfectly good subreddit for people who want to play GamerGate while being careful not to offend anybody.
I don't care about her family, but good job on getting rid of her GG. Also now I know if I see her on the street i can fuck her for cash. You all kick ass!
>>322327 >good job on getting rid of her GG. Also now I know if I see her on the street i can fuck her for cash. You all kick ass! Illiterate outsider detected
Eh, kinda amusing (or sad, not sure how much her husband really is into that lifestyle), but she neither was influential at Nintendo nor was she super anti-sex. The relation to GG is rather flimsy. >>321937 >>322027 >probably reasonable for a regular escort But what about an escort who is into bondage and who — without asking — shoves amiibos up my spooper?
>>321614 Any happening in the last few weeks? Any meltdown? Did she admit anything? Any more nudes? Porns? Anything?
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>>323436 Some anon on /pol/ (i think) living in Seattle claimed to have hired Rapp before he knew who she was and made a sex tape supposedly, that anon hasn't released it yet, because he's trying to sell it to Gawker, and there's other (probably bullshit) rumors floating around that one or more of Jake's clients may have been a minor and may-or-may-not have filmed the act, as well, which means…, but nothing confirmed, so take with a huge grain of salt [spoilers], but shit son, with these two, anything's possible…[/spoiler]. Jake for-sure quit/was-forced-to-resign from his barista job in the Nintendo canteen. Oh well. Nothing much else, tho.
>>321669 >>321670 Man, even Burch is better than this dipshit. At least Burch wasn't literally whored out to other men by his wife.
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>>324506 Did you really needed to bump this old thing just for that?
>>324506 THANKS 4 THE UPDATE, ALLISON, (but we are on 2 u!)
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>>324506 >>324506 >>324506 700$ a month for tame cosplay high def pictures and hand written notes wow now that's beyound sad the people giving her money have likely never felt the touch of a woman and thus can only fantasize about ex nintendo employee's I look forward to when she finally ditched this and heads into the adult film industry full time at least she can use her gimmick as an ex nintendo employee to her advantage over there
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6grand to learn how to code!? This bitch is outta her fucking mind yo, She didn't learn that stuff when she was working at a nintendo when the people who could teach her for free where like 2 office doors away from her? I'm honestly surprised it hasn't been fully funded yet,she was kinda slow on the uptake though if she had set it up the second she was still trending she would have over 6 grand by now,thats why you gotta strike while the iron's hot or get left behind in dust
>>324549 I dont think its her coworkers responsibility to teach her to code. They would have lots of other jobs to do. But learning to code is not something you can just throw money at either. If your interested in coding and have been around computers and the internet for more than a year, you should be picking it up already. As paradoxical as it sounds you should already know 'how to code' in a basic sense before attending a course. Most of the people on the course will. The course just gives you the formal approach based on whatever tools and applications its focused on.
>>324550 She could use her feminine wiles to get them to teach her how to code she is in an open marriage and there's bound to be one or two desperate guys in there willing to TRY to teach her. So shes shit outta luck cause she doesn't like she could code to save her life,i guess she needs that money to pay for tuition for it then whats she going to do afterwards code programs,maybe she wants to release her game,shes going to ask for yet another patreon for either of those
>>324551 Ah yeah I forgot about the old feminine charms. Shes probably better off using that to get someone to write code for her. That is much more realistic and plays to her strengths. Rather than her deluding herself that the only reason she doesnt know how to code is because she hasnt attended an expensive course on it.
>>324549 >needing to earn 66,000 a year to learn coding It's so obvious this bitch just wants money and only that, you can learn how to code online for free for fuck's sake.
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>>324552 >Get someone else to write code for her This is a much better idea someone should tell her that before she blows all her patreon money down the fucking toilet. I wonder if she can handle all the technobable involving in actual coding without fucking it up, i have being in some of the threads where the talk about coding this site,it all looks like greek to me
>>324549 What do people mean when they talk about 'learning to code'? I see lot's of people in the twittersphere talk about coding, but never go into details or specifics. Is it the latest trend to be into coding? What does it actually mean?
SJWs tend to be fourth wave feminists, who tend to be a lot more sex and sex-worker positive. Though the whole sex positivity thing is questionable and seems to be "positive about sex if it's a woman talking about it but not a man". The sex-worker positivity tends to be pro sex-work, but anti sex-industry. So Rapp being outed as a harlot would either be ignored or celebrated, and give the SJWs more ammunition to attack GG for slutshaming and misogyny and shit.
>>324585 Learning to code is quite a vague statement. But in practice it would usually mean learning one of the simpler high level languages in its most basic form. Java is a great framework for beginners. In popular normie language 'learning to code' means going from a complete novice, to something resembling neo from the matrix. This is just the usual mistake people make of over simplifying things they dont understand. It would be like me taking a 1 year course in Spanish and expecting to be the worlds best Spanish poet afterwards.
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>>324579 >I wonder if she can handle all the technobable involving in actual coding without fucking it up To be honest, coding isn't hard and any idiot can do it. We actually green card a lot of Indians for coding/programming/web design and they claim to have degrees from their country of origin, but end up not knowing anything and just copy-pasting shit from open-source repositories or getting their buddies online to assist them. It's like being an online "journalist" nowadays, you can get away with figurative murder and barely know how to do your job, but so few people understand coding in the first place that you can get away with mediocre half-assing and no one will know it. Anyone serious about coding can also self-teach themselves any language and make amazing things with the right amount of dedication and letting the material sink in. It's not even expensive, if you're pirating books online and humble in the right online communities. Although this is getting rarer with the shit environment kids are raised in nowadays, not because coding is getting any harder. It's arguably easier with all the easy access and learning tools/paths to success there are now. Also, I'm Loving Every Laugh with Alison Rapp and Arthur Gies going at each other over an old Bayonetta 2 review. Brief call-out to McIntosh for being a male who doesn't understand women either. Stephen Colbert eating popcorn.gif follows, and Arthur immediately blocks Alison on twitter, the drama is hilarious

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