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GamerGate Radio

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Before some idiot says "Gamergoobers relied on Hulk Hogan" yes we did but that's not the point. If it wasn't for the newly found immense hatred against Gawker starting in August 2014, and the greater scrutiny against journalism, Hulk would not have won shit. Every news outlet shat on Gawker during the trial. Without the shit that went on these past almost 2 years allowing for an osmosis of hatred to hit the public against bullshit journalism, I don't think Hulk would have had such an easy time. Plus, their loss of at least seven figures on top of what Operation Shekel Shoah did to them with their ad revenue made Gawker uneasy, causing internal changes. If Gamergate had not been a thing, I'm not so sure this uneasiness would have happened on its own. BUT GAWKER IS NOT DEAD YET. KEEP DRAGGING THEM THROUGH THE MUD. MAKE WHOEVER DENTON SELLS IT TO REGRET BUYING IT.
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>>324339 >> You winning yet, gators? Irrelevant. I don't care that Hulk slew Gawker and not me directly. I only care that Gawker lies bleeding for the egregious crimes of libel and slander they have inflicted upon me and my ilk. I enjoyed Hulk Hogan's persona as a child, and I enjoyed seeing the court case unfold; the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I didn't personally have much to do with Leigh Alexander quitting game journalism either. If you put me on the stand in a court of law, I would have neither the evidence or the will to make such a claim. Still I celebrate her announcement and departure, for again an outsider deigned to vilify me in my own kingdom. I don't ever expect this little board to go down in history and become some tourist trap/vacation destination for normies to glaze over some nebulous concept that grand cultural battles played out here. I don't ever expect to tell my coworkers "I was boots to the ground, digging through internet files and emailing advertisers back in '14." I don't ever expect public vindication, or even anything but trolling in passing mention of anything GG even on the chans. You can attempt to marginalize and diminish what we've done on this board to your heart's content, all I care about is that these very-specific people fall. SJWs trying to spin the narrative of how much we did or didn't do, on our own lines of communication, are the salty icing on the cake.
>>324345 >I don't ever expect this little board to go down in history and become some tourist trap/vacation destination for normies to glaze over some nebulous concept that grand cultural battles played out here. Well that's just great, I bought 2 sea containers worth of GG merch to sell (novelty foam gator hats, 'pull my trigger' t-shirts, Milo capsule figurines) in anticipation of the vacation season. And only now you're telling me this. Also OP might be ribbing aGGros with that quote.
>>324348 it was directed at lurking aGGros, since they refuse to engage in their own safe spaces. >(novelty foam gator hats, 'pull my trigger' t-shirts, Milo capsule figurines) kek'd at the figurines, and you can still move the hats with Florida State fans.
>>324340 Best way is to ridicule Gawker and how it's shares are plummeting. Nobody wants to buy something that doesn't make profit
>>324350 I don't pretend to understand it, but a lot of these failed business flip like houses, somehow these venture capitalists see them as fixer-uppers though I don't know why. Might be wasted energy. zzzdefinitely needs more discussion and case studies
>>324349 >it was directed at lurking aGGros, since they refuse to engage in their own safe spaces. Roger that. >>324352 >I don't pretend to understand it, but a lot of these failed business flip like houses, somehow these venture capitalists see them as fixer-uppers though I don't know why. Might be wasted energy. zzzdefinitely needs more discussion and case studies I'm wondering that as well. Is there still the glitz of digital new media nowadays? I can see some of the remaining rats wanting to jump into Old Media. But Old Media don't have a lot of love for digital media clickbait peddlers either, even though many of them aren't much different or better than the online clickbait factories. If the remaining rats are jumping to another affiliate clickbait sites, well aren't many of them sucking on the same diseased teat from Gawker too.
>>324348 Still waiting on the VeeJay daughteru VaJayJay m'self chief. Nothing like a lil incest to celebrate the wincest! Did find some love pillow designs though a week ago but can't remember what podunk arts&crafts site it was at. >>324349 I still lol some are so triggered by people defending creative freedom they're all "Fuck Gamergays for putting me on the side of these people I hate!" Hey chief no one said you NEEDED to side with shitaku, not even ghazi has done that. When you swim in the shitaku, your only company are neofaGs!
Reminder, SJWs have sided a website notorious for outing gays because of muh "goober goblins!"
>>324375 *sided with
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>>324375 BTW, here's Denton's response. Fucker just don't know when to quit. https://archive.is/Uh7Pp
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I hope the court seizes his passport and places a travel restriction on his mangy ass he looks like the sort of person that would flee the country and get a new identify to escape his creditors
I'd buy that for a dollar.
>>324385 He sort of looks like has a little chubby greek in him, they might take him anyways Press F to pay debts
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>>324384 > Peter, this is twisted. Even were you to succeed in bankrupting Gawker Media, the writers you dislike, and me, just think what it will mean. > The world is already uncomfortable with the unaccountable power of the billionaire class, the accumulation of wealth in Silicon Valley, and technology’s influence over the media. The detail here is that it's not just the billionaire class who wants to end Gawker. Let's check at how beloved Gawker is… > You say that Gawker is not a legitimate news source. Do you take the same view of the other properties—Gizmodo, Deadspin, Jezebel, Kotaku, Jalopnik and Lifehacker? Gizmodo and Deadspin are well known for their political-bias and unethical methods. Lifehacker is managed by a team of copy-pasting bloggers who never admit a mistake (they just edit their articles as "updates") Nobody cares about Jalopnik ("Top 13 things you didn't know about cars") As for Jezebel and Kotaku, we unfortunately know very well what kind of sites they are. You reap what you sow. Let it burn. Let it all burn.
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>>324384 >>324397 >Trying to pain Peter Thiel as the bad guy >Not remembering that he invaded his privacy about his sexual orientation Denton really has no shame at all.
>>324398 >Pain Meant to say paint. Fuck me.
>>324345 >How dead IS Gamergate? So dead we celebrate a "victory" when our enemies, who don't realize we're still around, suffer at the hands of people who never knew we existed.
>>324400 thanks for the pph & bump m8.
>>324401 Oh no! Is that sarcasm? What is the little Gamergater gonna do, brood at me? Have another post per hour, you middle school snowflake. When you finish sucking your brother's dick, be sure to thank me for it like a good bitch.
>>324397 >Lifehacker is managed by a team of copy-pasting bloggers who never admit a mistake (they just edit their articles as "updates") I thought most of those 'Lifehacks' were trolling attempts? Because some of them are "feel cold? don't turn up the thermostat, wear a sweater! save money and the environment at the same time!" tier.
>gawker still hasn't paid hulk the 140mil >hulk's suing gawker over something else on top of that >denton trying to sell gawker So fellow shitlords, just how smug are you today?
>>324400 Does the poor little faggot want praise instead of results?
>>324400 >(1) What a waste of dubs. Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
>>324410 I doubt it was ironic, it wasn't even passable bait. Ohgodno, Hogan and Thiel is not waving a GG flag while they give financial atomic leg drops to Denton and Gawker! You know who gives a shit about that kind of vanity, aGGros. Assravaged, twitterPTSD triggered aGGros. >>324404 >So fellow shitlords, just how smug are you today? Well GG has been claimed to have shitlorded everywhere and in everything GG is even allegedly seen shitlording in future colonies of Mars, then declared an invisible ghost that never existed, but still everywhere somehow. Kinda hungry than smug (I HAVE LOST CONTROL OF MY LIFE).
>>324428 (I HAVE LOST CONTROL OF MY LIFE). kekarot, is that the filter when someone types in tee bee h eff ay em? polite sageru
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>>324339 >>324380 HAHAHAHAHAHA
>>324428 I just like watching Denton Squirm like a worm that he is which will soon turn to panic when he realizes Hulk ain't letting up
>>324438 >I just like watching Denton Squirm like a worm that he is which will soon turn to panic when he realizes Hulk ain't letting up Just wait for the second trial. Denton is going to end up in a cardboard box by the end of this. http://nypost.com/2016/05/02/hulk-hogan-hits-gawker-with-another-lawsuit/ http://archive.is/179sX
>>324438 >I just like watching Denton Squirm like a worm that he is which will soon turn to panic when he realizes Hulk ain't letting up Denton wrote a piece called An Open Letter to Peter Thiel. Some of the points are fucking hilarious. >The court cases will proceed as long as you fund them. And I am sure the war of headlines will continue. But, even if we put down weapons just for a brief truce, let us have a more constructive exchange. >We can hold the discussion in person with a moderator of your choosing, in front of an audience, under the auspices of the Committee to Protect Journalists, or in a written discussion on some neutral platform such as Medium. Just tell me where and when. Translation: No hurt gawker! Plz nomore, no clobbering gawker in court! I put down weapon yes? Gawker does not drop it's weapon You put down your weapon yes? We go outside court yes? We go to my house instead yes? >At the very least, it will improve public understanding of the interplay of media and power. Considering the amount spent on lawyers, $20 million between us at this point, there should be some public benefit. Denton should've also added "there should be some benefit for the children." Because gawker is so considerate of the children, that it's former editor in chief would draw the line at releasing a sextape of a four year old. Brah.Vo. >Is your goal to bankrupt, buy, or wound Gawker Media? If you were to own the company after a final judgment in the Hogan case, what would your editorial strategy be? Does Denton not realize the possibility that Thiel does not want to get gawker in order to pilot it, but to crash it. With NO SURVIVORS! >You say that Gawker is not a legitimate news source. Do you take the same view of the other properties—Gizmodo, Deadspin, Jezebel, Kotaku, Jalopnik and Lifehacker? Does Denton think the rest of those properties are so beloved? Is he using them as shields to cower behind? Does Denton realize the possibility that oidunno, there are people that would love to see the rest of the properties mentioned also clobbered in court. >When you say your aim is deterrence rather than revenge, whom do you aim to deter? Can't be you Denton, since you seem to think you and gawker are god's gift to journalism.
>>324437 Oh my god, if that's true that's hilarious. …almost as hilarious as if a bunch of people pooled their money together and got a GG'er to move in for a month and dress up like Hulk Hogan and follow him around the house.
>>324448 Simply amazng
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http://archive.is/JLDyC >“This election cycle was tailor-made for Gawker-style coverage,” says Benjamin Toff, a political scientist who has been named research fellow at the Oxford University’s Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. “But the distinctive voice Gawker once had is not as distinctive now. When one of the Republican nominees is talking about his penis size, and that’s all over the news everywhere, it’s hard to be the one that’s pushing the limits of what’s deemed appropriate.” >One of the presidential candidates is so clickbait incarnate, it kills the Gawker >mfw
>>324625 The reason Gawker can't fucking capitalize on Trump running in terms of negative clickbait attacking him and his supporters is multi-reason: 1. The lawsuit against Gawker Hogan launched basically was a thermonuclear weapon that went off decimating them financially. As was his intent to sue them again AND the reveal that their former victims that were the victim of their pro-outing philosophy and Sam Biddle anti-Silicon Valley bully blog were financing other victims of Gawker's lawsuits against them. They are in full siege mode and can't think the necessary steps ahead to capitalize on Trump to keep their coffers stuffed with cash while they struggle to try and stave off doomsday via appeals and outside investments. 2. The fact that there is a GLUT of anti-Trump shit on the internet, on ALL of the major websites. Why fucking go to Gawker to hear about how horrible Trump is, when you can go to Huffington Post, Salon, Vox, etc? And that's not counting the CONSERVATIVE websites cursing Trump! If anything, Trump has basically glutted the the web journalist market with so many hit pieces, NO ONE can make money off of it. It's probably one of the main reasons WHY Brietbart has decided to go full in on supporting Trump: they see the market in it where people don't want to read stories about how Trump is the anti-christ. 3. Gamergate, for better or worse, showed Gawker that the fire was rising against the SJW wave they've been riding for quite some time. They barely were able to hold the lie filled narrative against Gamergate together and not have it exposed as a lie. And that was just against a bunch of nerds who had enough of being bullied and fought back against them and red pilled a TON of people about how corrupt Gawker was. For all their talk about being on the "right side of history", they really suck at sticking the finish and scoring a flawless victory. I would not be shocked if Biddle and his ilk are terrified of fighting Trump and losing/being rebuked by the public via the public electing Trump. Better to half-ass shit and hope, when Trump gets power, you can hop onto your soap box and play victim with the big bad conservative in the White House ala the Bush years.
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>>324628 Trump has also repeated wanted to sue media companies on libel and hitpieces. Thiel and him are the battering ram on yellow journalism. http://archive.is/g3XkG

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