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GamerGate Radio

Comic advertisers Veteran Leader of GamerGate 05/28/2016 (Sat) 04:10:48 Id: ce0258 No. 324406
I'm planning to dig up advertisers for certain books and see if I can get the non native ads pulled by contacting them about how shit the products they sponsor are or offensive ect I'm mostly incensed cus shit like this and /co/ is useless
I'm in. The socjus filth have been making capeshit even worse with their faggotry.
I look at this, and I see complete rewrite potential. It's like, the framing is there. The panels are good. The words are shit.
>>324406 >about how shit the products they sponsor are or offensive ect Nah, that's a sure way to get ignored. What could work is if you took the sales numbers and tried to convince the advertisers that by pandering to an audience that doesn't ever read comics (which could mean both SJWs tumblrites and the nonexistent shitty webcomic art audience) Marvel will only lose their long-time readers - and, therefore, potential advertising targets for the companies. Here you go: http://www.comichron.com/monthlycomicssales.html But you might want to wait till the May numbers come in. Might take a while.
>>324413 I'll do it anon
>>324412 >It's like, the framing is there. The panels are good. The words are shit. Yep, the text is garbage. Without it there's a good story in there about how some girl grew up to be the hero she wanted to be, using her smarts, determination, and no excuses or complaints. Even with her medically fragile childhood years where she had to undergo numerous x-rays test. >>324406 >and /co/ is useless If you're not from /swc/, try /swc/, those guys might be able to help with some info. /co/ is, it's best to just forget about them and leave them be at this point. Many of them chose to stay in apathy.
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Im trying really hard to remember if comics back in the 80s -90's and early 2000's had crap like this and i drew a blank. It looks like they rewrote some girl who dreamed of being a superhero but she had no powers to speak of so instead of becoming a superhero she became a cop or a scientist or something and realized through that she can be a hero to others. This looks like some bastardized feminist,girl power nonsense like they aren't any female suerheroes she can look up to
>>324440 >Im trying really hard to remember if comics back in the 80s -90's and early 2000's had crap like this and i drew a blank. >This looks like some bastardized feminist,girl power nonsense like they aren't any female suerheroes she can look up to Hmm, just from my own memorex bank. Mid 80's had TDKR and Watchmen which started the grimdarque popularity. Though IMO TDKR did not end on a grimdark note at all, and Watchmen ended on an ominous but also ambiguous tone. 90's was when grimdark reached it's ridiculous peak. See vid rel. Image comics emerged and alternatives besides the big 2 became more well known. Rob Liefeld bodies was still around. Collecting relatively modern comics as an investment HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA came to a bust. Political Correctness was around but in general most people told the self appointed PC police to go fuck off somewhere else. Now we know where socjus fucked off to, it incubated and ingratiated itself into a lot of academia, media, and as always, gov't positions. Early to mid 2000's, hrm. Increased popularization of japanimation animu mango? Oh wait, Gail Simone and Women in Fridges was 1999 iirc. That one seemed popular maybe still is, among proto regressives socjus hipsters, even if they don't like or read comics in general. That kind of thing seemed to become a popular past time for SJWs, to virtue signal how sexist awful these comics are, just look at such and such panel etc. Awful just awful literally shaking my head and wringing my hands etc. Looking at it now, the fiction police and popcult clickbait peddlers doesn't seem that hugely different from say Fredric Wertham, they're trying to sell their version of "Seduction of the Innocent" in a new holofoil cover. polite sage because my post is not that related to OP topic.
>>324418 >If you're not from /swc/, try /swc/, those guys might be able to help with some info. /co/ is, it's best to just forget about them and leave them be at this point. Many of them chose to stay in apathy. They seem to think it won't work because /co/ is useless Their lack of faith isn't unwarrented but I know some insiders and I'm seeing what weakpoints I can hit
>>324453 >They seem to think it won't work because /co/ is useless /co/ is at most, a very occasional source of some info. Other than that, just go ahead with your ideas and plans without /co/, GG doesn't have forever to wait for /co/ to act. >Their lack of faith isn't unwarrented but I know some insiders and I'm seeing what weakpoints I can hit I don't know what I can contribute, but I'll do what I can, if I'm able to help out with anything. I did find a possibly interesting clip while I was browsing a /swc/ thread, go to 1:15 dude talks about the idea of marvel comics doing the HBO method of subscription vs direct sales.
>>324456 durr, I forgot the vid link
Oh shit. Looks like somebody sent a link to somebody at Marvel, and they're doubling down.
>>324461 What? Link?
>>324406 >Like most girls my age I was obsessed with… math and science. So… we're just going to lie, I guess? Yeah, we're just going to lie. I knew I could never be an idiot because I lacked one thing: parents who would pay for me to get a liberal arts degree… but like most men my age I had… A twenty-two inch penis.
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>>324444 Nice Repeating Numericals The animation quality as well as the frames are so much better than 80% of western shows. I don't know much about comics the last one i read was way back in the day, i used to read Archie,Mutanimals,tmnt,Superman,Batman,Hulk and some others i can't remember right now. I even have some pdf's of comics from around early 2000 that i keep forgetting i have
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>>324483 >A twenty-two inch penis.
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>>324406 Are you really getting upset over Mockingbird? Sure, the issue was a bit SJWy, but authors are allowed to have their own political opinions, and the whole issue was tongue in cheek, as you can see by the last panel. >>324440 There were some, like Nancy Reagan insisting all comics in the 80s have an anti-drugs story arc, or some SJW-esque stories and pandering characters in the mid-90s during the last wave of Political Correctness. But most of the politics is mild, and easy to miss if you're not on the look out for it. One of SJWs failing is that they forget that subtle messages have a lot more power than in your face messages. >>324444 >Looking at it now, the fiction police and popcult clickbait peddlers doesn't seem that hugely different from say Fredric Wertham, they're trying to sell their version of "Seduction of the Innocent" in a new holofoil cover. Quads confirm. It's no different at all, just another wave of people who don't read comics getting offended that comics aren't what they personally think comics should be like. Like OP, for instance. >>324457 >slanting Captain America to the left You guys should really read the issue, it's right-wing if anything, mocking radical feminists and talking about how poor white people are oppressed and forced into extremist behavior. Maybe I should storytime it. And the Cap "reveal" has pissed off the left-wing as hard as it's pissed off the right-wing. What's SJW about it?
>>324499 >double dubs checked. >Are you really getting upset over Mockingbird? Sure, the issue was a bit SJWy, but authors are allowed to have their own political opinions, and the whole issue was tongue in cheek, as you can see by the last panel. Could be a case of allergic reaction, there has been a lot of hamfisted attempt in recent years that I think people's sense are maybe debateably overtuned to that. I agree that authors and creators should be able to have their own political opinions, at the same time the author in question iirc seemed to be a very left leaning politician so you can understand some of the suspicions. We'll get back to that point later, but I'll just say this. SocJus has been winding people up, wanting people to be "more sensitive", to the point of hypersensitivity. Microagressions, manspreading, fartrape. It's gotta be a ruse cruise, please tell me the world has not gone that fully retarded. Well what happens when socjus own rules is applied to them? From what I've seen they either conveniently make up an exception for themselves, or get violently mad. >One of SJWs failing is that they forget that subtle messages have a lot more power than in your face messages. Quite agree. And as we can see from recent events ie: DePaul, that wil be one of their own undoings. >You guys should really read the issue, it's right-wing if anything, mocking radical feminists and talking about how poor white people are oppressed and forced into extremist behavior. That vid I linked, I should have more explicitly put an asterisk like: Put aside the claim of politics he's talking about for a second, and focus instead on the idea of the HBO method subscription vs direct sales Reason I say that is because there might be, a nearly identical structure between cliquebait vidya "journalists" with questionable ideologies that tries to be the editor and gatekeeper while shutting out actual readers and customers, and cliquebait comic\pop culture "journalists" with questionable ideologies that tries to be the editor and gatekeeper while shutting out actual players and customers. Ie: TheMarySue seemed to be very cozy with Joshskeesian. >Maybe I should storytime it. That's a breddy gud idea. Getting back to the point mentioned with creators and their right to their opinions. If you do storytime it, I'll have no problem reading the whole thing to get a better idea of it, since I hate it when socjus declares something problematic based only on a snapshot, I don't want to do the same. All that said, IMO OP has a right to be cynical and suspicious at this point.
Capeshit has been pozzed for fifteen years, and some characters have always been that bad.
>>324508 I'd be happy to, and I think it would be OK cause this is a slow board and this is SJW related, but how do I know the mods won't banhammer me? >>324515 Green Arrow has always been a raving liberal.
>>324525 >I'd be happy to, and I think it would be OK cause this is a slow board and this is SJW related, but how do I know the mods won't banhammer me? Hmm, is there still a storytime board? I'm not a mod so I'm curious as well, would there be any problem if hypothetically the info is crosslinked to another board or place. >Green Arrow has always been a raving liberal. That 70's iirc of Green Lantern Green Arrow team up run where a black man asks why green lantern protects blue purple dayglo alien people, but why not black people, then green lantern has a white guilt sad.jpg In all seriousness, I don't mind authors creators having their political opinions. That's a right I would defend. But god damn, I sure as hell am not going to defend some of their hamfistedness. I am still pretty generous with Green Arrow being the ultralibtard Batman with a bow panel until I got to that text bubble. >I prefer the company of the streets. I prefer the job description of Social Justice Warrior. Kek levels over 9000, but shit is so jarring and the clumsy signalling distracts me from getting into the story. It's like a really badly done product placement.
>>324530 >Meanwhile, over in Brazil: >That included DC Comics freelance artist Allan Goldman, who posted to Facebook, What happens if the 30 rapists claimed they are women? According to the leftist gender ideology, a person is what you feel, and your biology does not matter. The society is obliged to accept this decision, if not is fascism! How the Court will hear case of a woman who was raped by 30 other women? I was curious now. >I think all sorts of people might like to answer his curiosity. I’m going to go with, it would be exactly the same. >Chiaroscuro Studios, which represented Goldman with the American publishers have, as a result, terminated their arrangement with him, saying “We decided to terminate the relationship with artists not aligned with values that, for us, are absolutely non-negotiable”. I think the guy asked a valid question, unfortunate that in current year he got nailed for asking an ungoodthink on facebook.
>>324531 Only brainless Tumblrites still unironically call themselves social justice warriors. So guess who's in charge of the big two right now.
>>324525 >Green Arrow has always been a raving liberal. Yes but it was balanced out by his flaws Oliver was treated like a hotheaded retard now not so much
>>324499 >Are you really getting upset over Mockingbird? Sure, the issue was a bit SJWy, but authors are allowed to have their own political opinions, and the whole issue was tongue in cheek, as you can see by the last panel. Fuck off I read it The author shills for feminism As soon as I see sells for it (Which are undoubtably poor) I'm mailing
>>324499 >And the Cap "reveal" has pissed off the left-wing as hard as it's pissed off the right-wing. What's SJW about it? Nick spencer is a raving SJW stop damage controlling holy shit anon
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>Laura Hudson Nope shes dead serious anon stop damage controlling for her
>>324539 >The author shills for feminism Yeah, so? Are you some sort of SJW, triggered by any media that has politics you disagree with? >>324540 >Nick spencer is a raving SJW Prove it. >>324538 I don't read DC, so I'll have to take your word for it. Which is hard to do judging from your other posts.
the fuck is this thread we criticize sjws for not making their own shit and instead wanting current shit changed and then they DO make their own shit and here we are pissing our panties over it? jfc people. they made this, let the market decide if it has value (it doesn't) don't get at them for actually creating content they want when it turns out nobody buys it after the first issue, that's when the lulzbus should go party mode
>>324559 Are you fucking retarded? thes idiot didn't make her own shit you idiot She shit on a preexisting charicter and stop acting like the free market is self correcting comics are more corrupt then games the neoptism is insane
>>324555 >I don't read DC Theres your problem >>324555 I smell a shill or are you just a redditor who got lost? >Yeah, so? Are you some sort of SJW, triggered by any media that has politics you disagree with?
>>324559 >we criticize sjws for not making their own shit and instead wanting current shit changed >and then they DO make their own shit and here we are pissing our panties over it? >and then they DO make their own shit Eh, wat? No, they did NOT make their own shit. Making their own shit would be coming up with their own characters and setting.
>>324565 pretty much this
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>>324571 fuck still wrong one fucking acid not having a delete function
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>>324572 Actually I had forgotten all about that. Switched it back on for you. TORposting too. Have fun!
Don't forget to Hail hydra today you godless heathens
>>324581 >>324573 Look above nick spencer crying harassment
Why do you care so much about this?
>>324572 I'm a bit out of the loop with that Nielsen\DC chart. -Why is the title "Male Domination", does DC\Warner think that is supposed to be a bad thing I guess that there are still people buying their wares and they happen to be male? >Females found their voice in the public voice in the public online DC Survey. Ooookay then? What is the online DC Survey, does that represent females who are more comfortable answering online surveys, or does that represent female buyers and readers, what is the Online e-list beside it? -New 52. I have not bought or read much big2 since hmm, very possibly a decade or so? But iirc, isn't N52 popularity similar to new coke. If that's overly harsh, maybe cherry coke or crystal pepsi? >>324584 >nick spencer crying harassment This might be splitting hairs, but he himself might not have cried harassment. Spencer's crying may have been outsourced to a writer who would Listen&Believe. ID: 5423df (1) >Why do you care so much about this? Why do you? It's other people's time and effort to spend of their own choosing, so why do -you- care?
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>>324581 I don't know how many comics you read, but just before the Marvel multiverse reboot Red Skull stole Professor X's brain, fucked up earth's mutant population, got his shit pushed in, transformed into Red Onslaught, and pushed a reality warp where heroes became villains(Iron Man pushing plastic surgery nanobots with microtransactions into LA water supply) and villains became heroes(Carnage repenting for all his sins and going good). If anything, this is probably a spillover plot from that Axis storyline.
>>324592 I'm more annoyed at mockingbird And Spencer dropped the fucking ball with this
>>324562 >can't figure out how to put all his replies into one post >calls others redditors And you like DC on top of that. >>324563 >prefers Trump to actual racists That's not what makes someone SJW. >>324584 >Getting death threats from SJWs Which makes him anti-SJW if anything. >>324559 >jfc people. they made this, let the market decide if it has value (it doesn't) It'll probably sell like hotcakes since for some reason people flock to buy the comics that anger them. >>324574 Good job Acid. >>324586 Congrats, this is the dumbest thing anyone's posted in this thread.
>>324614 >>prefers Trump to actual racists lolwut? >>324614 >>can't figure out how to put all his replies into one post >>calls others redditors wut >>324614 >Which makes him anti-SJW if anything. Anon are you fucking retarded or shilling? Hes a massive hillaryfag who wants all guns taken away only sjws or retards do this or both
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Just dumping some dank memes don't mind me carry on with your bussiness
>>324561 Haven't you heard? According to feminists, things like "Ghostbusters" is creating original new content. Or female Thor.
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If dumping all the Cap related memes is allowed, maybe it's ok to do storytime too.
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>>324615 >lolwut? >wut Convincing replies. Especially since you quoted yourself. >Anon are you fucking retarded or shilling? Hes a massive hillaryfag who wants all guns taken away Prove it. A quick google turns up some wishy-washy tweets about guns. And gun control, while stupid, isn't soley an SJW issue, but a general liberal one. (Which is good, can you image militant SJWs who are willing to back up their threats with guns along with bullying and rioting?)
>>324639 >Prove it. A quick google turns up some wishy-washy tweets about guns. I've personally argued with him about it on fucking twitter >>324639 >And gun control, while stupid, isn't soley an SJW issue, but a general liberal one. (Which is good, can you image militant SJWs who are willing to back up their threats with guns along with bullying and rioting?) SJWs don't use guns They have niggers and spics do the dirty work
>>324559 How about we just BURN THEM ALL FUCKIN' ALIVE and let GoG sort'em out. That's always been my plan and focus throughout GG, anyway, since xmas 2013 >>324623 But are you just saving them outright or have you been copying them out and popping :orig at the end? these are the important questions the thread should be asking! >>324619 Considering she's got tits like that and they've only got one son who's already like 14….well maybe that one's on the mark. >>324639 Those types would be more likely to hang around on our side anyway.
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>>324638 >first pic He knows what's up!
>>324440 The only thing I can think of that even comes remotely close is Captain Planet. I remember them doing an episode on overpopulation but since it was a kids' cartoon they couldn't mention things like sex, contraception or abortion. Their talking points boiled down to: 1. Having nine kids is bad. 2. American parents are pig disgusting and waste resources raising their kids and you are raping the Earth.
>>324655 >throughout GG, anyway, since xmas 2013 uh-huh
id:038c85 email field: ggrevolt You're not getting 3 fiddy.
>>>/co/600767 storytime of rage faggots
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>>324661 >American parents are pig disgusting and waste resources raising their kids and you are raping the Earth. The Earth was totally asking for it tbh
>>324614 >And you like DC on top of that. He said he has read DC. He never seemed to imply that's all he reads because that's what he "likes", if anything I think he's saying he has read both and and suspects the cancer is present at both of them. Which makes me more inclined to hear what he has to say because he has read material other than what he "likes". Which of the big2 anyone "likes" is not relevant to the ideas brought up in op, anymore than liking ebola vs zika in trying to study it, or liking pc vs console is relevant to GG. >Getting death threats from SJWs >Which makes him anti-SJW if anything. Those are strangely curious definitions of SJWs. If I were to go with that kind of reasoning, Sensitive Joss Whedon would not be a SJW since he got twitter roasted by the cannibal cult he was hanging around with. Anyhow, I think the real problem is well stated by this post. >>324561 >and stop acting like the free market is self correcting >comics are more corrupt then games >the neoptism is insane This is not a marvel vs dc problem. The more I read into this the more I'm not convinced this is just a matter of "the author and artist has a right to their political opinion guise". Even if we look at that angle, it's looking more like whoever is hiring the writers seems to favor and promote a type of extremist political viewpoint. We're not even talking oh it's just liberal vs conservative pov. It really seems like a parallel structure of socjus circle jerk of vidya reviewers, but instead of reviewers writers with an extreme regressive agenda to push.
>>324762 > It really seems like a parallel structure of socjus circle jerk of vidya reviewers, but instead of reviewers writers with an extreme regressive agenda to push. It is anon I've cataloged some shit >>>/8diamonds/132
>>324754 This reminds me of the last time the mainstream media got all upset about Captain America, forgetting that the character is a liberal created by liberals. It's hysterical reading people who admit they never read comics (both on the right and on the left) calling for a comics boycott. Comic books put out edgy, shocking plotlines like these precisely because comics aren't selling. But this storyline isn't a political message at all. The only intent of it is to shock and sell comics, not to somehow convince people to (depending on which side you ask) convert all readers to fascism or to belittle America values.
>>324782 >But this storyline isn't a political message at all. >isn't a political message >at all. At what point did you become a cuck?
>>324788 It's a shitty plot twist that accidentally could be contrived as a political message because Cap is supposed to be synonymous with the American values of liberty and freedom, but if "Cap is actually Hydra!" is a political message, what message is it sending? There's nothing coherent that I can come up with and, as we've seen from other instances of writers pushing political agendas, if they were pushing an agenda you would know exactly what it was because they're never subtle about it. This is a case of shitty writers not understanding the potential of their characters, squandering symbolism and character depth for shock value.
>>324793 > if "Cap is actually Hydra!" is a political message, what message is it sending? that Trump is Red Skull, and his supremely gifted charisma and talking points are turning the most American of Americans around and realigning their values to a mindset that is abhorrent.
>>324793 >what message is it sending The message it's sending is "we need to boost sales right now, no it doesn't matter if it makes sense or not"
>>324788 At what point did you forget that calling someone "cuck" is no substitute for an actual argument? >>324796 This.
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So, Vote Loki 001 was released today. Both sides seem to think Loki is mocking their candidate.
>>325135 That's because it's mocking both of them.
>>325137 But but but then how will it choose sides in the culture war?
>>325139 >>325139 Stop being an apologist for the big two for pandering
>>325135 >So, Vote Loki 001 was released today. Both sides seem to think Loki is mocking their candidate. Eeh, is the writer Nick Spencer? Quick googling says it's written by Christopher Hastings. Saying that well it's still Marvel, see they allow diverse political opinions on both sides, is weak reasoning and sidestepping the issue that was discussed. Also those faces are fucking hideously drawn, looks like shitty barely warmed over tumblrtard art. Seeing the really shitty art standard being acceptable like that makes me think >>324780 is really on to something about the fucked up nepotism. INB4 all art is subjective. A great many things about art is subjective, but not everything is subjective, those faces are just plain crappily drawn. >>325151 >Stop being an apologist for the big two for pandering Agreed. There's some posts here that seems cucked to fuck, being contrarian for contrarian sake, or really whiteknighting for the obvious bias of a writer.
>>325151 >>325152 Who are they pandering to? Third party voters who hate both major candidates?
>>325174 >>325174 I'm shitting on him for defending Mockingbird
>>325174 >Who are they pandering to? Third party voters who hate both major candidates? You can't say it out loud? Pretending to be coy? Who do you think? Here's an idea, maybe pandering that is barely disguised at all is a lazy and shitty excuse of a stunt and story writing to begin with, and a large reason why these stunt comics don't sell well. If you refuse to see the pandering and axe grinding, that's your choice. Others have presented their points and digging that is more substantial than just 'nuh uh, what pandering, there's nothing here to see lalalalalala I don't see any bias here whatsoever'. I'm definitely seeing what comic fans have been saying about the presence of cucked apologist and ostriches in the comic community. Not all of you comic nerds are cucked, but definitely some ostriches around who are not doing your fandoms any favor whatsoever. Then again maybe it really is a shill. For some strange reason the contrarian posts gets awful defensive the moment certain connections are mentioned.
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https://archive.is/Ltuoh .red*dit.com/r/GamerGhazi/comments/4onh3q/the_new_nazi_captain_america_is_the_hero_that/
>>325212 >with a more topical, of-the-moment take = we've jumped on the identity politics train.
>>325228 >There is no agenda forcing political correctness. There are new creators bringing new ideas to appeal to an expanding audience. I want my nieces to love comics as much as I do, and I want them to have plenty of strong women they can look up to within the industry. I know that the change won’t happen right away, but that shouldn’t stop us from trying. >There is no agenda forcing political correctness. >I know that the change won’t happen right away, but that shouldn’t stop us from trying. I want to see if the author of that piece is connected to the usual circles, but meanwhile see vid related for mfw.
More from nick Spencer
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>>325191 >You can't say it out loud? Pretending to be coy? Who do you think? I don't know. Bernie Sanders voters? Why don't you tell me, instead of acting like it's some big secret? >If you're OK with writers who have different political points of view you're a cuck If you hate people just for having wrong political opinions you're an SJW. >>325212 >Fans were OK with black Nick Fury but not with black Cap so they're all racist Aside from that what he claims NEVER HAPPENED, that is SJW reasoning. Not to mention nobody really got upset at there being multiple black members of the Justice League, either. Hell, people barely got upset over Captain Falcon America. Not too long ago SJWs were writing about how fans were upset about Whor, but not Cap Falcon, and concluded that means they're hiding their racism but not sexism. The possibility of hating shitty storylines never occurred to them. >>325254 Don't confuse being liberal with being SJW. Heck, that storyline flipped the SJW narrative on it's head - the bad guys at first appeared to be racists, but were just using racism as a cover to kidnap illegals and experiment on them.
>>325294 > The possibility of hating shitty storylines never occurred to them. the worst part isn't that it was a shitty storyline, it's that Jane was the shitty part. Malekith had a cool couple of scenes in it, Thor being unworthy was okay, and getting his arm cut off/replaced with a dwarven cybernetic replacement arm was kind of cool, as was his using an axe for the interim. But Jane refusing asgardian magic cure for cancer, but living in Asgard as a diplomat, and using Mjolnir and magic to go on little magic adventure jaunts was so contradictory it was mind-blowing. Not to mention the cringey dialogue she had. WORST part for me is she's a better character than Thor in the mobile game Marvel Future Fight, so I felt compelled to level her on my roster, despite being much harder to acquire/recruit than normal male Thor. Jane is fucking cancer personified on many levels, across multiple platforms. REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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>>325294 >Don't confuse being liberal with being SJW. Hes IS SJW
>>325294 >I don't know. Bernie Sanders voters? Why don't you tell me, instead of acting like it's some big secret? Nah, clearly you already have your mind set on the things you wish to see and things you don't. Anything anyone here tells you will just be conveniently be brushed off as "nuh uh, you guys are just seeing connections that aren't there because I sure don't see it". >>If you're OK with writers who have different political points of view you're a cuck >If you hate people just for having wrong political opinions you're an SJW. That's bullshit you're trying to sling, and you know it's bullshit. It is not about having a different political opinion, it is about injecting an ideology and very noticeable bias into a work that is one pubic hair away from outright pamphleteering. And yes Virginia, there is such thing as wrong opinion, political or otherwise. Not everything is washed out grey relativism. >Don't confuse being liberal with being SJW. Wake up and smell the current year. The label of liberal and conservative is losing it's meaning by the months, if not weeks for some time now. >Heck, that storyline flipped the SJW narrative on it's head - the bad guys at first appeared to be racists, but were just using racism as a cover to kidnap illegals and experiment on them. And the Nile isn't just a river in Egypt.
>>325296 What's SJW about that? >>325298 >Nah, clearly you already have your mind set on the things you wish to see and things you don't. Lame non-answer.
>>325299 >What's SJW about that? Lame non-answer.
>>325300 >A question is not an answer Imagine that!
>>325308 >A question is not an answer You were not asking a question. There is info already provided in this thread by other anons digging about the author in question, that shows at the very least he has an overt bias and an axe to grind. You're asking a question the same way a child keeps asking "but why tho?" >Imagine that! Imagine this: Even if Spencer himself would say something like "I don't care if I'm called a social justice warrior by my critics". I can imagine you would say "well he never said he actually was one." I can also imagine you would ask, "what's SJW about that? Maybe he was joking around, isn't that a possibility guise?" But then again I'm not really 'imagining' it either, I am making a guess based on your previous posting pattern.
>>325311 >But then again I'm not really 'imagining' it either, I am making a guess based on your previous posting pattern. I keep asking questions because you keep failing to provide answers.
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>>325338 >I keep asking questions Doubtful that is your real intent. Participation ribbon for your effort to derail the thread though. See vid related for your cookie. >>325383 Nick Spencer again? The dude seems as subtle as a dropped piano. And about as in tune. In another somewhat related matter to how these cliques can affect other media. Sam Maggs is hired at Bioware for assistant writer(?). Sam Maggs GTA IS VIRTUAL RAEPZ. Sam Maggs of TheMarySue. https://archive.is/W2iZl https://twitter.com/grummz/status/742730942201004033
>>325412 >Doubtful that is your real intent. WTF do you think my intent is? I don't come here to talk comics, but I'll argue comics if someone's pushing FUD like that guy I was questioning.
>>325383 Nick Spencer hard on with regards to shitting on Mark Gruenwald (who created the definitive liberal version of Captain America but who would be tarred and feathered as an extremist by the SJW death cult) and his entire Captain America run. Americop was actually a cool character in terms of untapped potential. He had ties to the Punisher/2099 Universe (his grandson would become Punisher 2099) and his backstory was neat: Texas cop who got sick and tired of the Cartel bribing his fellow cops to let drugs poor into towns and turning them into hell on Earth. Also, missing/abused kids, who Americop saw was being ignored as a high priority. He teamed up with Cap while investigating foster kids being kidnapped by a sick fuck immortal, who sold several of the kids to Baron Zemo, who promptly brainwashed them into being his kids (Zemo had gotten married to a feminazi bitch who wouldn't fuck him and he had to kidnap kids to have any). The character had a cool look and his ties to the 2099 universe are such that he deserves much much better than this.
>>325450 Nick Spencer has been bringing back a bunch of 80s-90s Captain America characters, including Free Spirit. I wonder if he'll bring back Superia and Heike Zemo? Or would that be too politically incorrect? Totally agree about Americop. Since Bart Gallows is still out there, wouldn't he have some objections to people stealing his name and costume for profit?
bump for interest/update
>>325393 What was that in relation to?
bump for interest/update
>>325748 >Nick Spencer Speaking of which. https://archive.fo/Vkscy >Maybe we should've let these dudes keep video games shitty, might've been an ok price to pay to keep them distracted. But I'm sure there will always be that contrarian comicuck that would defend Spencer as somehow not a SJW or has no axe to grind against vidya, or that he doesn't lick the ass of regressivism and tries to inject propaganda into comics. The comic fans who saw the koolaid for what it is and didn't drink it, and called the bullshit you saw happening in your hobby, you're alright and I got no beef with you. Those who shills and derails and defends ideologues like Spencer and the rest of his ilk. I ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and prep the bulls which fucked your comics. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!
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>>327273 That first reply! +1 ←pic [reply] That self-awareness! -1
Bump for update/recent comic news.
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Nearest comic thread. Marvel doing an 'Avenger for every state' thing - not even sure who some of these are - scraping the barrel a bit with these 'superheroes'. Two-Gun Kid?
>>328890 And Canada get Deadpool.
>>328891 That should be Gwenpool >>324835 >no substitute for an actual argument? you racist and/or nazi gee… you seem annoyed having your own tactic used against you… Into the "cuck" box you go! Arguably, "quisling" or "Social Justice Stockholm Syndrome Victim" are more accurate terms than cuck, as I don't see you having a wife in need of a satisfaction (unless you're Jim Sterling, the only *ahem* "man" I respect MORE for being a cuckhold; having outsourced insemination of his fat sow of a wife to some poor brown immigrant)
>>328890 >Marvel doing an 'Avenger for every state' thing Looks retarded. It'd be marginally improved if it just has the character an their name. Is disney using the marvel comics division to launder or burn money or something.
Unsurprisingly Britain gets Captain Britain. Considering it's called 'US Avengers', but includes Canada and the UK, someone at Marvel needs to look at a map.
>>328890 >Whizzer Holy shit, did you accidentally scrape under the fucking barrel for that one? >Hellcat, Avenger of Alaska FUCK YOU IN YOUR FUCKING FACE, MARVEL.
>>328891 Canada has 10 provinces, they should have gotten one hero for each one.
>>329029 >United Kingdom >includes the Isle of Man, but not the Isle of Wight Could also do with reading a book
>>324444 90's PC police was much worse in cartoons and video games, you couldn't even mention death much less show it in cartoons because MUH CARTOONS 4 KIDZ. Nintendo was bad before killer instinct, but slightly more lenient in that you could show death to some extent. most nintendo games that had death didn't show it as violent-looking I have no clue how enix got Illusion of Gaia's jackal death past the censors, that shit was straight up brutal! but cartoons had the PC police breathing down their necks either as stuck-up executives or 'parents groups' that would push to get shit pulled, you'd have to be at Warner Bros's skill level of dodging censors, or be Disney. 90's Disney cartoons mentioned death and destruction very casually, and even had actual guns! freaking guns! if any 90s cartoons that weren't looney tunes had guns, the PC police would've had a shitfit.
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>>329114 >Isle of Man. That's clearly sexist.
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Useless info: The Isle of Man is where Manx cats come from - cats with no tails.
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Marvel 2017: 'Yeh sales have tanked so we're gonna do Superhero stuff instead of politics.' http://archive.is/pWTAu
>>329942 Is there an equivalent of "he's still not getting his ads back" for the AIDS riddled western comics.
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Can you spot the snowflakes in this comic?

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