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GamerGate Radio

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#AVoteAgainstSocJus Leader 06/26/2016 (Sun) 03:44:20 Id: 21ded3 No. 325454
Idea for trolling: Vote Trump – you non-conformist alt-righters were going to to spite normies anyway – write the above hashtag on a post-it or whatever next to it. Take photo, up to failbook, twatter, instaham, wherever will get the most attenshuns. If you feel like it, also write some cheesy, cringy shit like, "I don't know much about Trump, or politics in general, but I do know Trump pisses off SJWs, so consider this a middle finger to you repressive, regressive left-wing authoritarians." That's it..
What if I know a lot about politics but still want to vote for Trump as a big fuck you to SJWs?
>>325454 What fail board has has under 20k posts?
>Vote Trump He seems to piss off many of the establishment, globalists and SocJus. Worth it for the salt alone. >Take photo, up to failbook, twatter, instaham, wherever will get the most attenshuns. Meh, why? That sounds like you want people to out their choice on a secret ballot, on social media no less. Much better to just vote Trump and announce nothing on social media or anywhere at all. That way socjus and regressives will drive themselves even crazier not knowing who really voted for Trump. It could be anybody, even their next door neighbor, 18-34yr olds, females who was suppose to automatically vote for vagina, or that PoC ethnic, or that faggot couple who they thought would totes vote4her. It could literally be anybody, the horror! :^)
>>325456 Look at the date on those posts.
The SJWs I know seem to think that Trump in the White House would usher in a Socialist uprising, and are talking about voting for him over Clinton. Not that it matters, since she was up by 15% nationally before the Brexit vote, and Trump has basically been an idiot about that, so it might be closer to 18% now. Jesus Christ. Videogames are going to be illegal in January, and we're all going to have to register as gender-neutral and swear fealty to Israel.
>>325463 >Jesus Christ. Videogames are going to be illegal in January, and we're all going to have to register as gender-neutral and swear fealty to Israel. Only if Trump wins. If Clinton wins, we get to swear fealty to Saudi Arabia instead.
>>325463 >Videogames are going to be illegal in January, and we're all going to have to register as gender-neutral and swear fealty to Israel. well meme'd, my friend, my sides quivered but remain intact.
>>325464 >implying we don't already swear fealty to Saudi Arabia
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There are "Anons" in that thread that thread using the word "channer" unironically whatever board that is on what ever chan that is in in dire need of being of being shot straight out of canon and into a fucking active volcano. Holy fucking shit its like they came straight of plebbit or some other place not related to imageboards
>>325504 You're sure salty about other people using common terms. Language policing is the SJWs job, not us.
>>325505 Using channer rather than anon indicates newfag immigrant status. Possibly from tumblr or reddit.
>>325454 >you non-conformist alt-righters We all non-conformist alt-righters now? News to me. I should probably get to the meetings on time.
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>325505 >common terms Maybe on plebbit or whatever shithole those guys crawled out of,i regard that in the same league as twitter nigger speak i see sometimes on the site I still can't figure out which board that is so im guessing its from random metoo imageboard somewhere in the dark recesses of the interwebs
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Why not take it a step further? Gather as many as we can to help in directly contacting Trump or at least his team about what's been going on with the media and that our enemies are essentially the same. Inform him of academia and the media outlets trying to tear down the country, persecuting those that fall out of line, and ask how, if he's able to, to neutralize them once elected. In any case, I'll be voting for him.
>>325591 nice idea
>>325531 Those posts were made in 2009. I definitely saw that word being used back then.
>>325591 Nah. Trump's a fuck.
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>>325599 It's going to come down to either him or Hillary, anon: https://twitter.com/chelseaclinton/status/638351131706568705 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_Entertainment_Protection_Act There's no third party or perfect candidate to bail us out and Trump's victory will at the very least minimize and restrain the influence of SJWs and their (((handlers))), with the added bonus of an ungodly amount of salt. He'd effectively act as a Super Milo for us, and with meme magic, the effect against them will also be amplified.
>>325599 >>325627 This. I doubt Trump will be good for videogames, or for the country, but he's unquestionably better than Clinton, who's openly called for videogame censorship.
>>325657 Trump's the only motherfucker running who doesn't want to go to war with Putin over Syria. That's already better for American than the Secretary of Defense that pretty much caused the Syria/ISIS clusterfuck we're having right now
>>325627 > There's no third party or perfect candidate to bail us out If people would start memeing "Fuck DNC, vote Stein" and "Johnson-Weld For Sanity" we could have a legit 4-way race. Stein is saying the right things to pick up Bernie's followers and the SJWs who Hillary trained but who know that she represents Wall Street and the 1%. Johnson-Weld is two experienced Republican governors. The only reason they are not up in the polls is because they are not up in the polls, the media is not paying them any attention.
>>325454 No. GG stays out of politics for very good reason: it's D&C, it's a way to get co-opted, it's a distraction, and it makes it difficult to recruit gamers who don't care about politics or have opposing beliefs. >you non-conformist alt-righters were going to to spite normies anyway >Take photo, up to failbook, twatter, instaham, wherever will get the most attenshuns. Also you sound like a shill trying to fit in with how you think GG and "channers" talk.
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>>325454 >write some cheesy, cringy shit fuck off retard
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I cant vote non burger here i'd vote for trump mostly cause hillary is a disaster.did she hire 3rd world Indians to run her security on her IT shit Fuck. Mass media hated Trump that i notice

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