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GamerGate Radio

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Cancer crew has dun goofed pt 1 Veteran Leader 07/26/2016 (Tue) 06:09:11 Id: cf6453 No. 326063
What the hell happened? A seekrit IRC club of namefags had the control over the first two gamergays boards that both went tits up due to drama and almost every other Gamergays resource online. When Acidman and the /v/ general took over, the club got very pissed, because they couldn't freely shitpost their garbage anymore. What followed was a scorpion shill attack that split the board into 2 and then ggrevolt had been founded. The main topic of revolt is driving out any eceleb that isn't under the cancer crews' control and driving out BOs they don't like while PAing /intl/, a bunch of former Warosu posters. A few weeks ago, the cancer crew drove out Oliver Campbell and their next target then was Acidman. This is why we have a shit thread about him here. After a successful dox by /baph/, the cancer crew attempted to swat Acid by the ATF, but the FBI didn't buy it, because Acid is also selling restricted guns to the Police and the FEDs. So the FBI contacted Acid and asked him if knows anything about the people behind the swatting attempt instead and he gave them the digging folder he was working on with other people for months. Now the entire cancer crew is sperging and panicking. Revolt even lost one of its volunteers.
What are teenbros? (by Warosushitter) Teenbro is a slang term that originated on the 4/jp/ archives of Warosu. A teenbro is a poster who never understood what /jp/ was about and was there for the epic battle against Janny, without realising why Janny was killing /jp/. The only thing that was achieved was the alienation of /jp/'s original userbase and the splintering of a community from which it would never recover. These usually underage fucks first grouped around /jp/ tripfags, such as Tokiko and !ZUNbar, resulting in the latter being banned. Later they would go on to cause chaos on other boards such as "I drive" on /o/, Watamote dick spam on /a/ and /v/. They were finally kicked off of Warosu when Warosuko had enough of the unironic /ghost/ pedo threads, with links to streams of underage girls. What was left of the /jp/ Warosu posters have now found a home on 8ch, while the teenbros are now making up the ranks of /intl/, thinking they have another ebin fight to save 8chan from rulecucks and it's own admin. -Former Warosushitter and /jp/edo
How does this connect? The cancercrew has been an essential part /intl/ all along. They hid among the normal users and have shilled their bullshit. Since teenbros are the way they are, they took in their new Idol and obeyed his marching order for ebin netwar. In other words, they have been played like a damn fiddle! Take a look at this fun stuff from freech: https://archive.is/40zWC are you angry fam? https://archive.is/fzFRb Something from the cancercrew on /n/ https://archive.is/a1xFw Teenbros are having a blast with ggrevolts autism https://archive.is/O2aeL Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. At least it is kinda related. https://archive.is/bYIt1 Nope, but you should be angry at the cancer crew for fucking with you https://archive.is/Tlh5a no one cares, not even teenbros These are related but probably just bonus material: https://archive.is/dlR2a https://archive.is/7PPUl https://archive.is/i0nXC https://archive.is/ysioc https://archive.is/3Dqot https://archive.is/su3oo Shitposting won't shield you from reality. See Janitor01's little chat with Hotwheels. http://poal.me/jyhuqk vote Autism for president Frankly, the rest is just worthless. Nothing new except a confirmation that we are dealing with the same people who posted garbage on cuck/jp for years here.
Gamergatehq threads about the incident First thread: https://archive.is/h9XTs Second thread: https://archive.is/CSIjH Third Thread: https://archive.is/4dtXU Fourth Thread: https://archive.is/uVlOl Fifth Thread: https://archive.is/zeXTI Sixth Thread: https://archive.is/NJ1HG Seventh Thread: https://archive.is/5Vqvz Eighth Thread: https://archive.is/3vPRj https://archive.is/ovIZJ old first posts of a shillboard owned by /leftypol/. Why? BECAUSE I HAVE TAKEN IT OVER! >>>/vidyarevolt/6
>>326063 Damn son, that's some awesome news.
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>>326063 I didn't know much about 4/jp/ (I'm never going back, that adds a few missing pieces, but that's pretty much what I've been saying about the cancer crew for the last 8 months or so: fucking triangles thinking they were the GG Illuminati, crashing the first two boards with no survivors, and why /GGHQ/ and the 8/v/ GG thread have been alive, while losing people due to constant triangle drama fuckery, user churn, and general disinterest because GG has effectively won all it's major goals. As of this posting, games journalists finally finding out disclosure is a "thing", Gawker/Kotaku in chapter 11, game devs telling Polygon to fuck off, the literally whos becoming irrelevant fools.
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Also, I'm not saying "GG is dead" or "close the Gate" or any other type goon shillery along those lines, because GG is entering a new phase with this bullshit: >>326017 as the MSM at-large, is having it's it's #fiveguysburgerandfries moment and there's a shitload of normies, who have never even heard the term "SJW", to redpil about how utterly contemptuously corrupt their media has become…
This feels like a repost. Is there new info?
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http://archive.today/C1Am4 Heres a blast from the past Niko giving terridax mod powers on /gg/. GG moments are priceless
bumping for spammers
Always have known that CC and /intl/ have been SJW lapdogs.
Seems about right.
I still can't believe we've gone through so much autism that this topic feels woefully incomplete.

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