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GamerGate Radio

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Gamergate 101 Veteran Leader 08/04/2016 (Thu) 23:25:11 Id: 9c52a2 No. 326250
I was looking through my digging folder and noticed something was missing. The fucking GAMERS ARE DEAD articles. I don't have them. I did a search and found this: http://pastebin.com/dWzF8Eqd Is that a complete list? Were there more? Considering that I can't be the only person with missing evidence of what gamergate was and who was involved, let's get it sorted out before our anniversary. Here's what I want to see in this thread: 1. Charts, Spreadsheets, Pastes, Raw Data 2. Requests for: Charts, Spreadsheets, Pastes, Raw Data
Here's a list with some it misses: https://archive.is/hd8en It also includes articles beyond August 28 - some lists include ones not on that day, some don't.
>>326251 When nine articles came out the same day saying the same shit that evil cunt Leigh Alexander said, I knew for certain that the accusations of collusion were true. Burn vidya journalism down and rebuild from the ashes.
>>326273 Was burnt down. Was rebuilt. Came back the same. Have we considered murder?
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I was about to bitch at you- now I realize I didn't save many myself. About the GJP http://blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2014/09/gamergate-game-journalists-ignored-facts-to-push-gamers-are-dead-agenda-according-to-e-mails/ http://adanewmedia.org/2012/11/issue1-consalvo/ http://www.breitbart.com/london/2014/09/17/%20exposed-the-secret-mailing-list-of-the-gaming-journalism-elite/ https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?hl=de&q=cache:QgKzR3wgDzIJ:http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-London/2014/09/17/Exposed-the-secret-mailing-list-of-the-gaming-journalism-elite%2Bexposed-the-secret-mailing-list-of-the-gaming-journalism-elite&gbv=1&&ct=clnk https://archive.today/gqlKc http://pastebin.com/MgqTdyRf http://blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2016/03/game-journo-pros-e-mails-show-collusion-during-gamergate/ Gamers Are Dead Articles & Writers https://archive.today/L4vJG https://archive.today/l1kTW https://archive.today/2t93l https://archive.today/i928J https://archive.today/YlBhH http://pastebin.com/uVb63Rd7 https://medium.com/@A_PLANT_/an-updated-game-journo-pros-list-7c6ea232806c https://archive.today/CtAyj https://medium.com/@A_PLANT_/gamejournopros-who-left-changed-their-job-since-the-leak-43adafbaff59 https://archive.today/cHMlk http://www.breitbart.com/london/2014/09/21/gamejournopros-we-reveal-every-journalist-on-the-list/ https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?hl=de&q=cache:lyknpy130cAJ:http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-London/2014/09/21/GameJournoPros-we-reveal-every-journalist-on-the-list%2Bgamejournopros-we-reveal-every-journalist-on-the-list&gbv=1&&ct=clnk Later articles https://archive.today/4hZhj SXSW Threat Story Collusion >https://archive.is/Wtpxb - Bleedingcool @richjohnston >https://archive.is/l8vpD - Polygon @LegsFrank >https://archive.is/zX39U - Fusion @kristenvbrown >https://archive.is/GXYap - Austin360 @omarg >https://archive.is/oPhzJ - The Verge @thedextriarchy >https://archive.is/iQg6P - Jezebel @annamerlan >https://archive.is/R5kPl - Outhousers
[Expand Post]@judeterror >https://archive.is/5wR5Y - nytimes @nickwingfield >https://archive.is/JLsE2 - arstechnica @samred >https://archive.is/LQMGq - Mashable @geminibros >https://archive.is/bjRO3 - slate @elliothannon >https://archive.is/e1xwK - kotaku @patrickklepek >https://archive.is/THkXN - engaget @timseppala >https://archive.is/CsPAb - recode @nkulw >https://archive.is/9UWNO - motherboard @kari_paul >https://archive.is/QYNkB - gamespot @EddieMakuch >https://archive.is/cKcLx - keyetv @keyetv >https://archive.is/ncXDf - Mirror @jasperhamill >https://archive.is/achGK - Guardian @alexhern
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>>326287 >>326288 Hope this helps. Don't lose it this time!
>>326287 Thanks for the dump. Let us know if there is any info you might be looking for. Here's some info on #WeLoveGameDevs if anyone is missing it. https://p.teknik.io/uS5kK
From the #WeLoveGameDevs articles: > In the wake of a high-profile harassment campaign of a female video game developer (via Fruzsina Eördögh at Vice’s Motherboard https://archive.is/supHx Do we have a list of early news articles claiming "harassment" before #Gamergate?
>>326317 >Do we have a list of early news articles claiming "harassment" before #Gamergate? EDGE magazine, pretty much 75% of the aricles from 2004-2014. Thanks Leigh.
>>326317 Jennifer Hepler, bad writer for Bioware, cried persecution when people on the internet called her fat and a bad writer.
>>326355 > Jennifer Hepler, bad writer for Bioware, cried persecution when people on the internet called her fat Wow that's just begging the Internet to change her first name to Hamburger. There seems to be more to it than that, as apparently she was getting death threats to her family. https://archive.is/DEGHz
>>326367 she made the claim, but no credible proof was provided to any third party for objective verification. It's a "he said, she said" scenario. I believe she probably got some mean tweets and calls, but you'd have to be a real dullard to take them seriously at that time. But she was. She had some really disgusting views on games, she had a quote about how much she loved playing Dragon Age, but was mad at all the combat that got in the way of the story & wished there was a button to skip it. Like, read a book or watch a movie, jesus christ. You like playing this type of game, except for the game part. So you don't like games, you like story minus the game, i.e. cinema/literature. Her books are a real trainwreck too.
History for the anniversary makes sense.
I particular like this article to send to people who are completely oblivious. http://spectator.org/63882_beginners-guide-gamergate/ http://archive.is/C5KFb
>>326984 That's a good link to spread around right now with Weiner being in the news again.
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http://www.speedyshare.com/BxrDZ/Gamergate-11-Feb-2015.zip Zip file I found in the dark corners of the internet named "Gamergate - 11_Feb_2015.zip" compiled by "Holiday anon". I don't know what's out of date and what's still accurate It's a repository of…a lot. Some inspirational, some informational. in their own words: Hi. I am an anonymous user who sometimes goes by the name "Holiday Anon". I once shared a .zip of all my GamerGate files before I went on holiday (hence the name). Since it's been a few months, I figured I'd do another .zip and send it out again. This file does not contain everything, but it should contain a good chunk. Ask the thread for more if you are missing something. - How come you never post? I post anonymously. I wouldn't want to become a minor e-celeb and distract people from the more important cause. I will only use my name when posting updated .zip files. I will often post encouragement anonymously, and I tweet and email frequently. - How can I be sure a person in thread is really you? Be skeptical and verify. Anyone can put on the name "Holiday Anon" and claim they found something important. - Is there a way to verify the real file? I attempted to set up various conformations (.txt file listing out number of files, folder size, etc) but it wasn't practical and did not make it immune from being impersonated. Scan files before opening them. Look into something called "Sandbox" and ask tech how to open files carefully and general downloading saftey. Your fellow anons in thread will help as well. Double check the Mega URL. If it's changed, but it's not a new date, something is up (I will always wait AT LEAST 24 hours before uploading a new archive). - What's with the anime white rabbit thing? I used to occasionally post it with motivational images. It's called "Terriermon", and it's from Digimon. It's catchphrase was "Moumantai", which translates as "no worries" or "it'll be ok". I figured it was a good motivational message to post. I was wrong. I figured worst case scenario, the industry will crash and it will be rebuilt better. But that happened in comics, and it was rebuilt by the people that co-opted it. Now there are a few gems, but the majority of it is now pseudo-intelectual/philosophical debates and edgy storylines to try and get interest from the general public instead of their core audience. With the recent CommonCore information, it's pretty clear multiple groups want to "crash" the industry for their own gain. Commoncore so they can somehow rebrand games as family friendly and use them in their "education". DIGRA and Silverstring Media are both in simillar boats, wanting games to be "progressive" and educational. Whether they are for, against, or part of CommonCore needs to be investigated. GameJournoPros can springboard into other fields to talk about the crash and then move into other industries to push their agendas; news journalism, entertainment, or even education. SJWs have been a pawn of both, and just want to be part of a super cool clique- once they make it progressive of course. The aforemetioned will let them play with their shell of an industry for a while, before they turn their attention to their next target. Never stop fighting for Gamergate. Keep sending emails. Keep spreading information. Never, ever stop. This has gotten so much bigger than being about games; but CC, GJP and the rest will never admit to it. And neither should we. Keep the demand clear "It's about ethics in videogames journalism." They can't touch us then. Because they have acted with zero ethics. We have all the ammo we need and it is mounting day after day.
>>327473 [Continued] Remember: - Remain anoymous at all times- it prevents character assasination. - No leaders. Leaders can be victims of character assasination, doxxed, have bad ideas, breed fanatics, or even turn out to be against Gamergate. We are all leaders; equals able to debate ideas, not the person it comes from. We have no leaders because we need none. - Do not rely on anyone who is not anonymous. Do not build up heroes. We are all individuals. If someone wants to stop, thats fine. There are millions of us. Likewise, don't be quick to praise someone who is on GGs side. Individuals will have opinions different to yours on other topics and thats fine. Gamergate is for everyone who likes games. Everything else is irrelivant. - Resist any attempt to divide the community. Do not tolerate a split in ideas, in personalities, in goals, or in tactics. Ever. By anyone. Individuals can work on their own thing sure, but don't turn it hostile. "Only a true Gamergator des this to help!" This is a lie. We can all help in our own ways. Emailing or writing advertisers, spreading information on social media, digging into important individuals, and helping others when they feel down. How you fight is your choice, as long as you keep fighting. - Trust yourself before your peers. Be skeptical and verify. - Spread information, but don't "touch the poop". Those who want to debate and discuss will be open from the beginning. Those against it will be close-minded and refuse to acknowledge evidence presented to them. If you have a choice between teaching the student or the fool, who do you teach? Check out OP Vulcan for more info on how to educate, rather than dictate. - Send emails and even hand written letters- but don't breathe word of GamerGate in them. You are a consumer first and only. YOu are informing companies out of concern for who they work with. The "I'm offended" culture SJWs have bred over the last few years will work in our favour, but we are complaining about stuff that is offensive; because it is important! Websites targeting their own demographic, posting false information, or click-bait articles that only demonise and ostrasise those who love games. - Don't give up. Don't stop. Earn your moumantai.
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Bumping for visibility because Hillary Clinton just fucked up https://twitter.com/HFA/status/772563031716982786 https://archive.is/JzD6X HELLO JOURNOS Brianna Wu bullet points: * her first involvement in Gamergate was trolling as @brololz * she recruited Doemela's Anonymous faction to harass her so she could claim we did it * she claimed to have been forced to leave her home when she was taking a planned trip to a con * she then took interviews in the same home she claimed to have been run out of * she visited Microsoft HQ shortly before getting involved, and many of the people implicated in Gamergate are friends of Ed Fries Longer forms: https://lolcow.wiki/wiki/Brianna%20Wu http://thisisvideogames.com/gamergatewiki/index.php?title=Brianna_Wu http://gamergate.wikia.com/wiki/Brianna Wu More: http://theralphretort.com/brianna-wu-randi-harper-started-pathetic-act-before-gamergate/ http://theralphretort.com/brianna-wu-admits-to-colluding-with-patreon-to-cheat-8chans-hotwheels-1715/ https://twitter.com/Papapow/status/548135799624302592 Everything you have heard is wrong Here comes the science! * Data analysis of #Gamergate tweets finds no evidence of harassment http://chrisvoncsefalvay.com/2014/12/07/Gamergate.html https://archive.is/BHGj3 * #Gamergate users lean further to the left than the average Democrat https://www.allthink.com/1588852 https://archive.is/dYDK1 So why haven't you heard this? The scandal involved: 1. dozens of media outlets colluding to print lies, followed by 2. the censorship of the story across the most popular sites on the internet, followed by 3. remaining sites covering the story got DDOSed, service pulled by their ISPs, operators banned by all payment processors, etc So you might want to cover the story and you: 1. source from the popular experts who were caught being colluding liars 2. cannot find contrary information anywhere else The other side had professional PR and we did not. The New York Times / Anita Sarkeesian article was planted by Bohle. https://web.archive.org/web/20150803033538/http://8ch.net/gamergatehq/res/193900.html https://archive.is/0m52v https://archive.is/C97RL - Edelman https://archive.is/SVmgP - Ayzenberg And some of the "real" journalists were not that honest themselves.
[Expand Post]http://degree180.com/how-the-new-york-magazine-allowed-jesse-singal-to-scam-candace-owens/ https://archive.is/dUnRE Want more information? Just ask.
Could somebody who knows how to download from Google Docs convert this website to a spreadsheet and repost it elsewhere? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XnvtyFeORyTGF30ohKzok8exujb6aqpNJQzBntiAhTY/edit?usp=sharing The account that made it claimed to have an AI following links between corrupt journalists. They haven't been heard from in two years. What happened? https://twitter.com/ExposeTheCabal
For old times sake here is the KiA post announcing the Gamers are Dead articles. Remember that this information was banned from every other on-topic Reddit sub except for /r/conspiracy. https://www.red*dit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/2eyrc4/sj_media_is_shitting_out_article_after_article/?ref=search_posts
Here's a spreadsheet of the articles, #WeLoveGameDevs, #OpGamergate, and Randi's Patreon donors http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=07496895422409298998
>[23/12/2014, 1:04:39 PM] drinternetphd: yknow for having fought so hard against the nerd stereotype for years now I'm just kinda like "oh lol those people actually do exist" >[23/12/2014, 1:04:50 PM] Quinnae: I feel the same way, Zoe. >[23/12/2014, 1:05:10 PM] drinternetphd: I mean that was kind of the point of the "gamers are over" articles anyway >[23/12/2014, 1:05:24 PM] drinternetphd: but NOPE gotta be trash about it because…???
>>328337 Is that fucking cumdumpster zoe admiting the articles are bullshit and pointless?
>>328337 >>328345 Nope, she's admitting they did it to drive nerds out of their own hobby to make room for "cool" sociopaths with "cool" political opinions like her and her ilk.
Does anyone have: * The long form of Wolf Wozniak @Ouren accusing ZQ of sexually harassing him, including the tweets leading up to it? * The photos of Phil Fish's wedding with the attendees labeled?
>>328372 The ED page has screencaps of the tweets leading up to it. https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Zoe_Quinn#Zoe_exposed_as_a_Literal_Rapist_Phil_Fish_Freaks_Out_.28Again.29 Twitter search doesn't seem to be working for me right now but you might find the photos by searching "phil fish wedding" or something there.
Bumpf for attention

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