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GamerGate Radio

She's Back Veteran Leader 08/25/2016 (Thu) 14:14:30 Id: 262b1a No. 326979
Basically blames Gamergate as the reason why her wondrous new groundbreaking indie game was delayed for so long. >Does she think we will support her and buy and play her new game? Looks like something worse than a generic flash game.
>>326979 webbum when
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She's still pretending to be a game dev? She still hasn't released her game yet cause she spends all her free time bitching on twitter obviously game dev is going to take a back seat to tweeting her brain cells into oblivion
Why do obsessed fappos keep making jack-off threads about anything this random woman who has nothing to do with GG any more does?
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>>326999 >Why do obsessed fappos keep making jack-off threads To be fair, she is pretty qt from this angle. 6/10 >random woman who has nothing to do with GG any more She was at the UN less than a few months ago trying to censor the internet, how do you figure she isn't relevant anymore?
>>327006 If you're seriously going to argue that some random hair dye girl is still relevant because she's making a game about dumb internet sex stories, then she's playing you like a violin. The UN doesn't invite just any hair dye girl to shut off the internet. No, they only bring in the ones with an army of aspies stroking their dicks with one hand and flipping her the bird with the other. She only continues to get attention because faggots can't figure out how to keep their hate boners from cumming money into her bank accounts. If mods instituted a "no random hair dye girl thread" policy, these girls would fall off the earth within two years, guaranteed.
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>>327007 >implying she's just some "random hair dye girl" m8, she's friends with a US representative and until recently, had the son of an Arms dealer literally cucked. To think she's just a random hair dyed game "dev" is being bluepilled,for lack of a better term.
>>326999 There hasn't been a thread about her in months and months because she hasn't done anything in months. She poped up on vice of all places and instantly begins blaming a # for why her game isn't finished rather than the fact that she is too involved in sjw twatter. Unrelated i can't tell the difference between anita and wu anymore i consider them the same person,just like movieblob and jim sterling
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Literally Hillary
>>326979 >mfw "Comments are disabled for this video"
>>327029 At least the dislikes aren't… >yet
FMVz have no audience! She is so much like Brianna Wu with not even caring about whether or not others will actually play her game. Such a fraud, that's why people hate her not because she's a slut /cheat/manipulative/psychopath and won't admit it. She doesn't even know the reason she is connected to GG, itz because of the journalists circle jerking over her because she's big money, corrupt as all hell, while interesting games are never produced due to lack of funding (lack of media support too!).
>>326999 >>327007 "DON'T TALK ABOUT MY ZOE!"
>>327033 backwards my friend, fappos is weird twitter dialect, like doggos. This is ZIDF interference, especially with the CON leaked chat logs spilling out all over the internet right now. Would be a shame for this project to get harmed because of a sexual harrasser acting through her anti-harrassment service & being name-linked to her forever, and for her sabotaging Polaris Game Jam show to go public.
Zoe Quinn and Marina Joyce are the same person.
>Not one minute in >I can't help but be a game maker Ok, done.
I want her to feminize me for her next "game".
Read between the lines: this isn't just about ZQ. Vice just threw down the gauntlet. Expect more anti-GG hitpieces from them in the coming months.
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>>327055 I question whether or not attacking VICE is a productive move. We originally wanted Totilo to discipline his bad writers and clean things up. He refused, so we went up the chain to Gawker. They refused. We took a swing at their revenue to demonstrate our resolve, and they doubled down on hit pieces across the brand. Fast forward, Gawker as a brand is shredded, but Kotaku is still alive, just hired a new SJW tranny, and still shitposting articles. Leigh Alexander dragged a bunch of progressive trashheaps with her to VICE to establish their gaming section a year ago, and even though she's gone, they're still a ZQ-ass kissing division, not the serious investigative journalism film crew people grew to like a decade ago. Suppose we launch a Disrepective Headbob 2: Electric Boogaloo, and hurt VICE revenue again. Suppose VICE actually goes under for some scandal if we're lucky. Then what? All the rats flee a sinking ship and just start writing again for another indie OffWorld-style hellhole until the next dumb media outlet picks up these blogging rejects. Right now, VICE is somewhat of a containment zone or a quarantine. Do we really want another 2 year scorched earth campaign? How do we discredit and stop this shitty journalism style permanently, at the cultural level? And gently steer clicks away from VICE? Fuck you for leaving this problem on our doorstep Gavin McInnes, you bearded fucking LEAF.
>>327060 The people at the top of successful businesses are not stupid. They will realise these people have a habit of pissing off their readers. Gawker admitted that Disrespect Nod hurt them badly. They didn't outright say it, but I infer that the op dug into their coffers so when Hogan legdropped them, they didn't have nearly enough cash to fall back on. Gawker was the warning. If Vice wants to be the example, so be it.
>>327060 VICE can become the next Gawker. They suffer the same infection. Burn them.
>>326979 >>326985 Do I see crazy in her eyes or is it just me?
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>>326979 So what is happening with Camp Not Dead? You know, that game that she was supposed to be making that Greg Sestoro (Mark from The Room) in it? https://archive.is/fvBlS I see from this link it was also supposed to be FMV. I'm guessing that Sestoro is not on board with this project, otherwise they would have featured him in the VICE clip to draw more attention to the project.
>>327006 you're such a virgin if you think she's qt in the slightest
>>327073 That's just the standard "I'm such a wierdo bohemian avant-gardist lol" look.
>>327119 >if you think she's qt in the slightest Only in that image, she's pretty ugly in most of her other pictures. Zoe has mastered the myspace angle.
>>327102 Yeah, duh. Katherine Clark.
>>327144 A US rep isn't really a WH contact though, She either means someone on Obama's cabinet or one of their interns.
>>327144 >three girls one cup
I love how she's trying to sell this persona of a nerdy girl next door to the public, and how she expected "maybe five people" to play Depression Quest. Yeah, it's not like she had had connections within the indie scene long before GG became a thing, sucking dick left and right (figuratively and literally) with other indie douches, giving lectures at conventions etc. >"""ironic""" FMV game Hoo boy, can't wait for all the rags to praise it was the most artistic and innovative thing ever. Also, what the fuck is Lifschitz doing there? I thought they broke up.
>>327164 >"""ironic""" FMV game I'm guessing that what happened is that Zoe thought of going retro because Shovel Knight and other games like it are retro and they've been doing well. What she doesn't realize is that old platform games are fondly remembered for genuinely being good, unlike FMV games. Plus she doesn't have the skills to make a 2d platformer, so she has to go for something more fitting for her talents.
Is she really pretending she's pioneering the "comedy sex" FMV genre?
>>327183 But here's the thing, her game is GAAAAAAAYYYYYY comedy sex FMV game, ergo it's all progressive shit. This other game you're bringing up is a cishet patriarchal game.
All that Patreon money and that's what the game looks like? Not only did she take the laziest path of generating assets by just using a video camera, she also squandered the strengths of the technology. If you are an untalented artist, I can imagine you drawing cartoony horse faces for your pixel art game. It can be drawn and animated poorly and it will look fine by virtue of leaning on an odd and wacky aesthetic. But she has a video camera. It can capture facial expressions, light and shadow, detailed backgrounds, FOR FREE And you choose masks and a green screen? I can't say I'm surprised though. These people have money and connections. They could have taken over the world. But they're losing to a bunch of anime avatars on the internet. Get good.
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>>326979 I love how the comments are disabled like her.
>>327217 >Not only did she take the laziest path of generating assets by just using a video camera, she also squandered the strengths of the technology. That's what the scam of faux indie vidya, and the perpetually offended seems to come down to. People who can not create, are not creative, has no real interest or desire in making anything worthwhile. They mask their inferiority with pseudo intellectualism and haha-I Troll u goonery. But it will never change the fact that they are creatively barren and impotent. Anything they touch becomes shit and ashes. >Get good. But that would mean instead of putting their time and energy into scamming and complaining how it's everyone and everything else's fault their game sucks, they have to put their time and effort at getting gud at making vidya. I think we know where their priorities are. :^)
…and of course MundaneMatt is working on making sure she gets all the publicity she wants…
>>326979 So, how will the producer/distributor of her "video game" react to logs proving her as a doxer, harrasser, and scammer?
>Blaming an internet hashtag for taking so long with your indie game
>>327318 probably the same way Sony executives let Amy Pascal run a lucrative IP into the ground: let it happen.
>>327318 By reminding us of the SJW Golden Rule: It's OK when they do it.
>>327164 >Also, what the fuck is Lifschitz doing there? I thought they broke up. Nah he got friendzoned, still pays for her shit even when she was eating some destructoid guy's baby batter >>327318 Unless you can get someone to file an actual lawsuit against this cumdumpster then they wont give a crap For all the talk about progressive bullshit if zoe gets her cunt sued then nobody will be in business with her because they don't want to get involved in a legal shitstorm >>327341 Yeah but fembusters was the first muhsoggyknees movie and a total failure, the reality distortion bubble is gone
>>327073 >Do I see crazy in her eyes or is it just me? Senpaku as fuck.
The game looks goofy tho, but doesn't take the fact that SHE FUCKED UP, AND BADLY.
This just in. Zoe Quinn's Lies Extend Even to IMDb https://www.allthink.com/1672994
>>327144 Thicc.
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>>327073 >>327700 >Senpaku as fuck. "Sanpaku superior", to be specific.
Got two genuine responses to "tough" questions on the r/IAMA she did yesterday. I left the thread open looking at -20 downvotes on several of my submissions, and was shocked to find them in the positives today. Not sure if she responded to them first & then the upboats came, or if they were seen after upboating from the general public. The shilling was real tho, downvoted within minutes of posting originally.
This just in. Her kickstarter for her new shitty game is successfully funded thanks to her SJW followers. Plus she mention GamerGate about the Trump election. Link below. https://twitter.com/UnburntWitch/status/798442781622476800

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