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GamerGate Radio

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Revolution 60 Thread Veteran Leader 09/11/2016 (Sun) 01:30:22 Id: ca3c2f No. 327807
Let's talk about Brianna Wu's 'game' he release on Steam a few days ago. It's horrible and people are getting refunds.
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At least he got fanart.
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Bridget Sarkeesian. Sounds familiar?
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No. Nope. No way. Uh-uh. Stahp. Wu's "game" has nothing to do with ethics, and to even discuss it is just giving her more credibility as a "victim" of gamergate. There is no reason to bring this crap here.
>>327826 So a sneaky male trying to get fame and money by lying about Gamergate for self serving reasons has nothing to do with morality? Since when and why?
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>>327826 Wu slandered us just to get "her" game publicity, got a SciFi feature on it, got multiple features through talks and TV spots, and pic related is the outcome. Yes this has everything to do with Gamergate. The outcome of this game is proof that SJWs are not to be listened to. Let Revolution 60 be the shining example of how SJW bullshit and pandering does not equal game sales.
>>327834 >Wu slandered us just to get "her" game publicity that will never ever not piss me off. wu deserves every single bad thing that will ever happen to him. seeing his shitty game crash and burn brings me a sweet, vindictive pleasure unlike any other. reap what you sow, wu, you lying cunt dickhole.
>>327807 its just me or this thread sounds like briana when he tried to harrass himself on steam?
I thought Flynt canceled the steam release after he got caught harassing himself again.
>>327833 Morality is different than ethics mate. >>327834 So you think if someone namedrops GG they should have access to all the free publicity they want from us? And you think that will help stop them? >got multiple features through talks and TV spots Yeah, and how do you think he got that? I'll give you a hint: it's not from people ignoring him.
>>327807 good posts from another thread: >>327765 >>327766
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>>327882 Do you seriously think talking about how shit this game is constitutes publicity? This isn't a Bad Rats level of ironic shit, it's just plain shit. What's done is done. Yeah maybe we should have ignored John from the start but we don't know if he would've just lied anyway. Most likely he would have and the media would have gone along with it, considering his secret hiding spot after the alleged death threats was his own fucking house.
>>327899 You really don't understand how bad publicity works, do you? …it's impressive, considering Brianna Wu's entire career is based around it. Tell me how continuing to do what she's been feeding off of all along WON'T benefit her more?
>>327899 Case in point: She was even talking shit about HERSELF. So good job, you're rationalizing doing to her what she willingly did to herself, and you can't see why that might be a bad idea to follow her lead.
Is John Flynt censoring deleting Steam reviews? Yesterday the game had 39 reviews: https://archive.is/3Q5Ru#selection-981.1-981.13 Now it's only 36: https://archive.is/4NAgg#selection-981.1-981.13
>>327948 I see currently 40 of them. 28 Negative and 12 Positive.
>>327807 Someone needs to leave a comment complaining about how sexualized the characters are.
>>327949 >>327948 maintaining watchfulness on the current review totals and any sudden influx of buyers and review skewing is important. Keep up the good work
this Lets Play is doing well on the Community Hub on Steam
>>327807 Is it true that Brianna Wu quit the video game business?
>>328018 that would be news to me. Late 2015 their twitter was filled with vague hopefulness about getting angel investors re: "emotional" games for VR.

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