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Online News Association digging thread Veteran Leader 09/18/2016 (Sun) 19:10:21 Id: 632cba No. 328075
The Online News Association (ONA) held its 2016 conference yesterday where Rose Eveleth plugged the Crash Override Network at one of the sessions. http://archive.is/Pe6XY We have had a few people hop into their hashtags #ONA16 and #ONA16doxx to correct the record, but this is all over already so nothing more needs to be said. Rose Eveleth was involved in Shirtstorm, where the comet lander scientist Matt Taylor was forced to apologize for wearing a shirt that an artist lady friend of his had patterned after Barbarella, Queen Of Space and its many imitations. On Twitter she accused Taylor of making women feel unwelcome in science by wearing a woman-designed shirt featuring popular iconography of strong empowered women. https://archive.is/Xl9Zv We have a bonus censorship story where the Atlantic's moderators banned someone for saying the title of Eveleth's blog was just as offensive (if not more so) than Taylor's shirt. http://yro.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=6688465&cid=48780063 https://archive.is/kTRZe From >>>/v/10739201 > According to the responses, the #ONA16keynote was all about "diversity" in the SJW sense of demanding quotas and hating white people. This is really fucking influential, this is what they fed a room full of journalists. ONA might be worth digging into. Who ran it and who selected these panels? https://twitter.com/hashtag/ona16keynote?vertical=default&src=hash > > ONA showcased software put out by the Coral Project. https://archive.is/A1VLy That's in our digs as a joint project of Black Lives Matter and the Frankfurt School that sent another nutbar to the UN. Let's see those digs, and let's see if there is anything else in ONA that we should be concerned about.
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> This from #ONA16 says it all about the future of journalism - notice absence of "investigative reporter" https://twitter.com/davidsirota/status/777521792164335617 https://archive.is/zR8IQ and "fact checker" is on the "out" list.
>>328078 Journalism - Out: >Reporter Maybe I missed the memo - or the sjw dictionary that redefines everything - but I thought the main job in journalism was 'reporter' - the one who goes out and finds the news stories to write about. In: >Bot Developer = 'Our socjus drones aren't reliable enough! We need swarms of bots to spread the Narrative everywhere!'
They had something called #digitalwomenleaders, Women's Leadership Accelerator, Women's Leadership Academy. This raises suspicions because in a business environment nobody should care what you have between your legs, and the racketeers attacking us always claim to be representing women and gays and other minorities. Nothing immediately looks wrong with it though. https://archive.is/iaLXr The ONA Women's Leadership Academy is a project of Poynter Institute. http://journalists.org/programs/womens-leadership-academy/ https://archive.is/p25HU Remember that we got a complete freezeout from Poynter. They would not talk to us. If anyone got so much as an acknowledgment, a "thanks we'll look into it" let alone a correction, let us know and I will be happy to be wrong about that. Financiers: * Knight Foundation * Ford Foundation * Craigslist Charitable Fund * Facebook * The McClatchy Company * Google * Wordpress Names named in a press release: https://archive.is/G2oXm * Jane McDonnell, ONA executive director * Kelly McBride, Poynter’s vice president for academic programs * Amy O’Leary, editorial director of Upworthy * Jennifer Brandel, founder and CEO of Hearken * Charo Henriquez, executive digital editor for People en Español * Kari Cobham, senior manager of digital content for Cox Media Group * Meghann Farnsworth, managing director of Reveal * Masuma Ahuja, social apps producer for CNN Digital * Elite Truong, product manager, partner platforms at Vox Media, Inc. * Katie Hawkins-Gaar, digital innovation faculty at Poynter * Butch Ward, senior faculty at Poynter * Will Neville-Rehbehn, director of talent brand and marketing, Prudential Financial None of these names look familiar and they are not in my digs. We have grievances against some of the organizations they work for but not them. It is odd to see Prudential Financial have an interest in journalism for "brand and marketing". Professional journalism is supposed to be not that, and why an insurance company? Odd. Diagnosis: no cancer detected yet but patient may be vulnerable. I don't see anything wrong here, and I am only posting it in case someone else might have found something and this would help them.
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>>328075 > Let's see those digs United Nations Alliance of Civilizations conference on Tracking Hatred: An International Dialogue on Hate Speech in the Media http://ohpi.org.au/unaoc/ https://archive.is/trKyc Panelists: * Nihal Saad, Chief of Cabinet and Spokesperson, United Nations Alliance of Civilizations * Ms. Rosario Soraide, Project Officer, Freedom of Expression and Media Development Division, UNESCO * Dr. Andre Oboler (Australia), CEO, Online Hate Prevention Institute (OHPI) * Sydette Harry, Community Lead, Coral Project Sydette Harry, Katherine Cross, Akiba Solomon of Black Lives Matter, and Andrea James of Wikipedia were among a large number of speakers (about 170) at the 2014 Hampshire College conference on Civil Liberties and Public Policy https://web.archive.org/web/20140415052827/http://clpp.hampshire.edu/2014-conference-conference-program/speakers https://archive.is/azM5U The Coral Project is a collaboration between Mozilla, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Berkman Center "to make comments safer". The international press freedom group WAN-IFRA is also involved. The project is funded by the Knight Foundation. https://www.washingtonpost.com/pr/wp/2015/05/19/the-coral-project-is-hiring/ https://archive.is/O1rra https://medium.com/the-coral-project https://archive.is/2SLEx The Coral Project is run by Andrew Losowsky, former books editor for the Huffington Post, recipient of a Knight Foundation fellowship at Stanford University, and recently hired as associate professor at The New School. https://archive.is/L6WsZ The Coral Project is hiring with an explicit preference for a certain race and sex. Is this legal? https://archive.is/bzkvU The tweeter is a Black Lives Matter activist who retweets srhbutts. https://archive.is/mabTz Several websites identify the tweeter @BlackAmazon as Coral Project community lead Sydette Harry, a contributor to Model View Culture. https://archive.is/43OLJ How did this person end up at the United Nations?
>>328097 A lot of Bilderberg cointelpro in all of that.

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