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GamerGate Radio

OP DisNod 2: Reboot Veteran Leader 11/09/2016 (Wed) 00:01:26 Id: a7ec5a No. 328644
There have been a lot of targets over the last few months, but no concentrated effort. This is for gathering DisNod targets, finding emails, and discussing who to focus on during what time (though each individual may act as they wish). To Do List Contact the FTC about Patreon failing to abide by its own terms and conditions. CON members, despite being shown to harass and dox others are still able to hold patreon accounts. >>327075 Contact Square Enix to inform them of Nyberg's piracy. (Article linked to pirated game, please help find it) Contact Boston PD to inform them of Brianna Wu's fraud (that of obtaining funds throughdeception). There is no proof of life for the existence of Brianna's twitter safe space provider. (Can't find info in the catalog. And Literally Who?) Contact IRS Over Fem-Freq being involved with politics- against charity status. >>328507 Contact independent news/journalists over S.Korea. >>246229 >>326174 And contact Blizzard over the politicized ending skit to Blizzcon 2016. (See next post) For all of the above, check HQ for relevant info and who to email.
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I propose we start with this one as the time of the incident plus the time we can legitimately complain about it is limited. I'll also include a tasteful motivational aide with each summery post. Current Target: Blizzard Blizzcon 2016 fucked up, ending with a skit mocking GG and Wikileaks. Even fans hated bringing politics into Blizzcon- especially one of the most divisive elections. For everyone else, Blizz are using their platform to push what they think is right. Timeframe: Limited. Sources GG mentioned: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDANKQ-p0Wg&feature=youtu.be&t=1h51m30s Follow up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDANKQ-p0Wg&feature=youtu.be&t=1h56m55s Source is: https://twitter.com/Landsknechting/status/795260505740873728 Who to email? https://ghostbin.com/paste/9oc6c Using Ghostbin since Pastebin sometimes deletes GG stuff, and Email Protectors can trigger. All emails were found through search-engines. E-mail these execs and let them know how disappointed you are in the company for playing host to such comments, and that you do not appreciate the attempts the Blizzcon hosts are making at politicizing the convention, and by extent, the games, and the company as a whole.
http://Cabelas.com http://WalMart.com Ad Council (Feeding America) Microsoft Office 365 LG Smartphones The Salvation Army NEST Fire/CO Alarms Pizza Hut Nissan Automobiles http://Monster.com AT&T Cellphone Service CBR Forums: Eastwood Tools http://Paypal.com Norton Security http://Expedia.com http://Bestbuy.com http://Jet.com http://archive.is/IkxRl go at CBR for this get /co/ linked to this too cus this is an easy target & early agg stronghold indiewire.com/2016/10/film-journalist-devin-faraci-sexual-assault-allegation-twitter-1201735206/
>>328646 I thought /co/ was fairly "neutral" or is that D&C shills talking? Also, Faraci stepped down from his website/blog, so I think they have less responsibility now. "We dealt with the issue and got rid of him." Not to discourage, I mean go for it.
PC Gamer Editor Defends GamesJournoPros Corruption During Reddit AMA http://www.oneangrygamer.net/2016/11/pc-gamer-editor-defends-gamesjournopros-corruption-during-reddit-ama/16135/ > “I’m aware of the GameJournoPros chat channel but I do think you’re vastly overstating what it represents. Professionals in every field maintain relationships with one another, and it’s not uncommon for people to keep in touch via Google groups, Slack channels, and so on. I used to work in web design before I became a writer. It was as true for that industry as this one. > “Journalists discussing the right way to handle sensitive material is not compromising in and of itself, nor is it a conspiracy or ‘collusion’. In fact, it’s good practice: writers in every field often refer to peers and common resources in order to guard against personal error and bias.” Sounds like someone has too many advertisers. Find them, drop their emails here or on Ghostbin.
>>328645 The video is fucked. Here it is re-uploaded by an amazing anon in a /v/ thread. Download it! https://u.teknik.io/h2IUw.webm Un-funny at best. Propaganda at worst.
>>328674 To speed this along, here's what they did: > Had a guy dressed a Julian Assange saying the following: > "I only see things in black and white. Like a dog." > Implying he has the mind and body of a 6 year old boy. > "Try to read my mind." "I hate myself." "Eerily close." > #GamerGate. Nothing after the Weird Al Song, other than continuing to be cringe-worthy. This is on top of it being painfully unfunny. Not even them doing it tongue in cheek, just playing it straight. Clearly bitter. Or, as they admit, "improve is hard."
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Thanks mate, I will fire up some email right away.
>>328662 they still refrence him favorably after he left
>>328662 > thought /co/ was fairly "neutral" no they hate SJWs but their too scared to do shit cus relevence or something
Being the Blizzard stuff is now old news IMO (still email if you disagree); Who's the next major target? Stop a narrative being built about S.Korea? (But email who- IMO target indie news groups/major independent figures who talk news on Twitter and ask them to talk about it) >>246229 >>326174 Starve off the useless idiots major megaphones by revealing Patreon isn't enforcing rules to the FTC? >>327075 Or even (this one isn't in the OP), getting Twitter shit-canned over censoring Pizzagate, banning a guy who exposed CP accounts on Twitter- while those accounts stayed up? I'll also make another oic like in >>328645, but since it isn't vidya, it'll be trickier finding the base image. Sure as hell not going to make something for the third.
Cracked is the new target due to this shit: http://archive.is/udsHs Unlike other targets where ethics are harder to prove, or some advertisers like progressiveness, no one is gonna stand by this. If two retards shouting nigger at one another can get an advertiser to pull from Nichegamer, then putting the advertiser "in bed" with pedos will certainly get them out. Write to people that advertise with them as usual, even better if you get a screenshot of their ad next to the article, or just skip to shaming them on social media and tagging them in ("Does @MegaBrand support pedos? Why would they advertise on @Cracked?" etc). https://twitter.com/Cernovich/status/807082757704667136 https://twitter.com/Cernovich/status/807082042248699905 WE NEED THE LATEST CRACKED ADVERTISERS ASAP WE NEED SCREENSHOTS OF ADVERTS AS WELL
>>328674 why is there some faggot trying to make fun and Discredited Wikileaks.
VidCon Doubles Down With Anitas claim of Sargon's mere presence being intimidating http://www.oneangrygamer.net/2017/06/vidcon-apologizes-to-anita-sarkeesian-says-sargon-of-akkad-was-there-to-intimidate/33958/ Vidcon US Sponsors: http://archive.is/BjqR5 VidCon AU sponsors: http://archive.is/dx3iH Rev up those emails!!
>>330917 Jesus fucking christ. There is absolutely no excuse for this. It was their event and they KNEW what happened! This is pure, ideological garbage

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