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GamerGate Radio

You have been visited by the Board Necromancer President Elect 01/05/2017 (Thu) 22:59:58 Id: 3009ef No. 329299
Hand over the board and I will revive it. It will become undead, and we will bring back the shitposting. I warned you at 300 UIDs that the board was dying, then again at 100 UIDs, and now at 17 UIDs in the past 72 hours. I don't even think that number is right because there's been like 6 posts in the last week. Hand over the board, Acid Man. I won't destroy it, I will bring it back, better.
> I'm gonna demand BO powers to do shit that doesn't need janitor powers and that I can't do regardless or else I would have done it already fuck off blackmailer
>>329308 This isn't blackmail. It's opportunity.
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We seem to be at the bargaining stage. Our board is still here. People can use it any time they wish, and everyone from /pol/ to /b/ is still welcome if they want to talk #GG or shitpost the sticky. But turning it into a shitposting board goes against the reason it exists, and in aggregate would leave it just as effectively dead. Contribute ideas if you like and they'll be discussed, but if you think PPH is the best metric of a board I'd say you're wrong.
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>>329310 Shitposting is all that is left. Shitposting is what breathed life into the other boards. You should unanchor this thread, let it sail.
>>329312 Owing that you actually replied and weren't just yet another drive-by faggot, I will. You need to reread your second sentence and go look at all our competitors. What "breathes life" into a board isn't the raw content of the posts on it. Its the quality of the posters who use it. People left so we deal with the slowness, but the board never went to shit like so many others.
>>329299 >woooo I'm the spooooky ghost of faggotry's past >woooo hand over the board so we can ruin it like all the others woooo You faggots seem to think that everyone else is dumb, but you, and we collectively can't remember your unbroken 100% record of failure. …and now you still the longest-running and most successful (despite your worthless record of furfaggotry, autism, and pointless circlejerking) GG board, because we know you'll fuck it up? Are you mentally ill?
>>329314 And I run the second longest running, and more successful GG board.
>>329315 then you don't need another board so fuck off back to KiA (the more successful GG board.)
>>329316 >thinking i was talking aout plebbit
>>329317 Thinking is nice. You should try it sometime.
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>>329299 >I'll make it better by turning it into another /intl/ clone where all my twitter buddies can post about stupid shit and attack eachother I don't even like this board, but I can admit that it's leagues above ggrevolt, now.
>>329314 >Are you mentally ill? Probably yes. I had to read a lot about perversions of the mind people can get from being online with the wrong crowd a lot and I can tell you that Revolt is the kind of crowd you do not want to hang out with. t./irc/ >>329318 Plebbit doesn't matter here.
>>329322 >now now that it's devoid of any conversation and gets a post or reply every 2 days? And /int*/ allows spam. I would tone back the rules of course, so that those that wanted to have a conversation could freely, but no, no spam.
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>>329326 >now that it's devoid of any conversation and gets a post or reply every 2 days? pph isn't everything, just look at revolt. I'm sure this board would get a lot more posts if everyone started making a new thread every time 'x' e-celeb tweets something. Or make hundreds of posts calling each other the e-celeb they hate whenever they disagree on something. >I would tone back the rules of course, so that those that wanted to have a conversation could freely, but no, no spam. Same thing was said for ggrevolt, and look what happened. Besides, Acid might be a bit of a fag, but at least he keeps the trannies and dogfuckers away.
>>329327 >he keeps the trannies and dogfuckers away. and everyone else
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>>329328 There're about six people that post here, same as revolt. If it was the rules that chased everyone away, why is revolt just as dead? and most of the posts on ggr are just dm groups astroturfing the board, anyway.
>>329329 muh ddm boogeyman >believing the lies of an autist.
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>>329330 I said DM, not ddm.
>>329331 well that's the only dm I know of that people are getting spergy about.
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>>329333 tbf that 13 PPH is people sperging.
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>>329332 >well that's the only dm I know of that people are getting spergy about. Really? Because I remember people sperging about the /v/ clique all the time. And are you really gonna say these dm groups don't exist? >>329333 lol. there's a thread on there where a guy admits to being 4 IDs.
>>329335 >the /v/ clique they may exist, but they aren't prevalent on /ggr/ >And are you really gonna say these dm groups don't exist? sure they exist, but some people seem to draw conspiracy theories about them and think they're pulling the strings and whatnot. /ggr/ is mostly an unmoderated mess, but at least it allows open conversation.
>>329335 and speaking of DM groups, you were a part of one, were you in control of anything?
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>>329336 >sure they exist, but some people seem to draw conspiracy theories about them and think they're pulling the strings and whatnot. There have been dozens of leaks of their dms showing them trying to do just that. >>329337 >you were a part of one, were you in control of anything? I was?
>>329338 show me these leaks. >I was? ;^) you were
>>329339 >show me these leaks. There are others, but airplay is one. >;^) >you were If you're going to accuse me of something, you gonna have to prove it.
>>329340 >airplay is one. dm groups trying to manipulate /ggr/? >prove it. i don't share things said in confidence. unlike others….
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>>329341 >dm groups trying to manipulate /ggr/? >but some people seem to draw conspiracy theories about them and think they're pulling the strings and whatnot >implying trying to influence an event isn't pulling strings >i don't share things said in confidence You don't need to share anything that was said, just post a cap of the supposed DM member list.
>>329342 but there's no one influencing /ggr/ there's been attempts, sure, but I don't believe any were successful >cap of the supposed DM member list. nope.
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>>329343 >but there's no one influencing /ggr/ >there's been attempts, sure, but I don't believe any were successful >BO is in their clique/DM groups >not successful sure… >nope You've already admitted to the existence of the supposed DM group, so any confidentiality you had is already gone.
>>329344 if the DM has been leaked, then what influence did they have over the bo? >You've already admitted to the existence of the supposed DM group, so any confidentiality you had is already gone. I was talking about the DM group you were a part of.
>>329345 >if the DM has been leaked, then what influence did they have over the bo? Just him being in their DM groups is enough evidence of influence. >I was talking about the DM group you were a part of Prove I was a part of this supposed DM group, or you're lying. Not like can though, You don't even know who I am.
>Come back from work >More autism Why is it always this same shit? The simplest thing is to go back and read the logs from that chat I had with the cancerfags way back. Its all there. Threats. Dox. "Hand over muh board." All but admitting they owned revolt. One of them since confirmed and admitted to be their BO. Another was wulftard, who owned GGHB, another phony "alt board." Zan owned /gg2/ which was another alt board. Thidran himself owned /burgers/ which was yet another. This stupid game that always get played of "You know X but can you PROVE it?! Teehee! :^)" is their standard operating procedure.
>>329348 >One of them since confirmed and admitted to be their BO. which one?
>>329349 @Male_Goddess. The DISABLED VETERAN.
>>329350 What's wrong with that?
>>329299 > now at 17 UIDs in the past 72 hours No.18 clocking in!
>>329351 Oh I dunno. Something about cliques controlling/destroying boards and that being bad. Something else about it being denied that the peepee touching club had anything to do with revolt and dindu nuffin when it was a lie all along. >>329352 It should probably be bad that old drama brings more posting activity than OPs do, but its whatever.
>>329353 You talk to people in private. I'm positive that you talked to the /cow/tist because you've repeated/reposted some of the nonsense they were saying.
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>>329354 Of course I talk to people in private. Individually. No secret IRC meeting places, no DM groups, no faggotry. I was a moralefag and message runner for the hubs before I became a BO, which involves talking to people. Who the literal fuck is the "/cow/tist"? It ever occur to you that I wanted nothing to do with any of these retards in my rogue's gallery or otherwise? Their club fucked up our /gamergate/ board, so nobody who was part of that club got to have any say over this board. That was the whole deal. They could have fucked off or, God forbid, posted anonymously and simply tried to get along with people instead of railing like assholes and starting a war over every fucking thing in #GG that offended them. We'd have never known and never cared. Well they started a war, so they got one. Now both boards are about dead. Great outcome, huh?
>>329355 /cow/tist makes graphs like >>329336 and spreads massive amounts of disinfo. Most likely created the GGRevolt Information Dump Is known for archiving literally everything and intentionally leaving misleading titles or captions to the archives. He earned his title the /cow/tist because of his obsessive behavior in the /cow/ thread "newfag board can't take it" or whatever it's titled, where he tries to tie in /int*/ and /furry/'s creation all the way back to /jp/ on 4chan.
Well I guess since 5a2a78 still hasn't replied, he must not be able to back up his claim. or he realized how controlled ggr/the BO is.
>>329357 I'm still here. Waiting Watching Commiserating Say it ain't so, I will not go Turn the lights off, carry me home Na, na, na, na Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
>>329356 You mean this? Your autistic behavior is irrelevant, because you where a sideshow back then and you are sideshow now. >>329355 >Who the literal fuck is the "/cow/tist"? That would be me. /intl/ is trying to get you against /cow/ or something. I don't care much and so should you.
>>329359 The /cow/tist is still here!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This guy monitors all boards, reddit, and all imageboards, and he still can't figure out what he's seeing, so he makes shit up! Either that or he's a disinfo pro, and he's purposely spreading disinfo. I can't tell if he's really fucking smart or he's really fucking stupid. Just know that anything that comes from him is wrong.
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>>329299 That's some nice dubs Mr spooky corpse necrophiliac person,hope you stick around and Make Gamergatehq Great Again
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https://archive.is/0X8Fe#selection-3457.0-3457.5 >THE BUTTHURT CONTINUES How is it butthurt? I said the same back when it was ggr. >GGR went to another, much smaller site and continues to be more lively than gghq. It's the content that matters. Most of the posts on revolt right now are either ddm-related drama, or /pol/ crossposts with link spam in them. >/v/ clique destroyed the greatest board by getting bladee to hand it over to ayyteam. muh /v/ clique boogeyman :3
>>329365 /v/ didn't have much to do with /gamergate/ beyond being couriers. We backed Drybones when he set it up originally because he was a /v/ anon at the time, but it wound up under the control of the Cancerfags shortly after. Bear in mind, this was before anybody knew anything about what the old IRC faction had been up to. We had no reason not to trust them.
>give us back our honeypot
>>329355 >>329353 >>329348 >why is it always autism >why is it always the same shit I can't believe you don't know the answer to this. GG filled up with leaderfags sjw lights and dogfuckers and their respective cliques very early on. Its the reason jim rage quit along with others around the same time. Hell its the (claimed) reason that bladee had for rage quitting and giving teridax and ayycucks the board passwords to burn down /gamergate/ Looking back on it now i'd have to say the moment GG became more than just a thing on imageboards was also the moment it was doomed. We simply did not have an effective strategy for dealing with the sjwlight/leaderfag clique problem which is the same thing what killed occupy before gg and so many others. And I'd say we still don't have a solution to this problem. It is a problem that only seems to plauge spontaneous reaction happenings though because look at all the sucess /pol/ has had even in spite of shills and literal government funded disinfo operations, they won the election and control part of the us government now. There will be a "next time" when it comes to video game industry corruption and drama, and I wonder if by then we will have a solution to this issue. My 2 cents for next time is we keep the thing anonymous. People wanna make retard youtube shit thats fine but the moment they start cucking or trying to collect shekels/have secret groups they get disowned. No twatter bullshit or reddit crap next time that really didn't help matters alot of the worst autists came in from reddit and twatter. My 2 cents fam, but tldr it was autsim the moment it left imageboards.
>>329368 >giving teridax and ayycucks the board acktually I heard from Teridax himself that he was alseep at the time. By the time he woke up, the board was already nuked, but the password had been spread to him too.
>>329368 I'm going to disagree with your opinion that it was "sjwlite/leaderfags" who caused the problems. While we did have a few, and they could be annoying, their numbers and influence were extremely exaggerated by the thing that did #GG real damage: The self-appointed inquisitors and witchfinder generals who made it their business to burn such "heretics" at the stake. Their public antics soured our normalfag base on social media. The very people we needed to give us numbers and weight, and the people that supported us in major part because we were a big tent that set opposing ideologies aside for a bigger cause free from politics. Instead, lilting at "sjwlite" windmills, they attacked our own side over petty and political differences until we lost the critical mass of voices and information nodes that kept us going. Now we're left with the core - capable of making ideas and small operations but lacking the manpower for the Normandy beach stormings we had in 2014. Open house #GG was a massive herd of cats, but it worked. Ironically the Democrat party is suffering a similar schism right now, where their own purist inquisitors are pushing "Berniebro" people out of the tent, while wondering why they lost the election. Its hilarious watching it from the outside, and fucking tragic that it happened to us.
>>329370 Additionally, now that I'm thinking about this stuff again, there was another failure that came when our moralefags gave up or retired and never got replaced. I share some culpability in this. /v/ in particular used to have many Clerics. People whose job was essentially to stay in touch with people inside and outside of 8chan, be it KiA users/mods or e-celebs or just major signal boosters on social media. We kept them in the loop on happenings, took their input on things, resolved differences and disputes between people peacefully and privately by mediation, and generally just looked after everyone's sanity and emotional states so they could stay in the fight. This was how I came to know Mark Kern, Mercedes, Cernovich, the Pandas, and many many other people in the days before GGHQ came along. Beginning around the Christmas before /gamergate/ fell, we started to lose a lot of Clerics. Familiar memes and shitposts from known anons in the megathreads would just stop appearing and never came back. The people responsible for keeping other people from burning out on #GG were burning out themselves. I was one of five or six left when GGHQ took off, and I let the board consume all my energy, basically becoming a hermit everywhere but here and /v/. A good Cleric corp could have probably forestalled a lot of the damage the "inquisition" did to our base, if we had been active and paying attention.
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Still waitin', 5a2a78. you guys are always obsessed with providing "proof" until it's one of you making the claims. >>329366 ddm(or whatever you wanna call them) are basically like jews. They have their hands in everything, but when you point it out, they dismiss it by calling you an anti-semite(/v/ clique).
>>329372 I already said I'm not going to share what was passed along in confidence. /v/ clique pushed for this board over other boards after the fall of /gamergate/. They also spread FUD about ggr before the board had a name. >>329371 >KiA users/mods lel KiA made themselves useless back in 2014. Really cucked themselves when the mods decided they needed to listen to TB and push for more ethics and less going after SJWs…. And I don't know why you thought it was a good idea to follow their lead, making SJW discussion "off-topic". /gghq/ was just a branch of KiA after that, and why go to 8chan when people could just get their fill on KiA?
>>329372 Part of the issue is how compartmentalized their overall group was and is. All the way back to the VERY beginning in the IRC, the top of the group had multiple tiers of access between #MDD, #DDM, #Luminati, and #bnf. Their DM groups are the same way if not more convoluted. So you get this scenario where somebody in like a tier 2 group does some shit pseudo-anonymously, and people in the tier 4 group see that it happened and push it, because it'll be tailored to be something they'd find amusing. People outside the group see the 4th tier guys pushing it and blame them for starting it. Meanwhile the tier 2 guys who really started it let the 4th tier guys take the heat, and the tier 4 guys get mad and feel they're being unfairly attacked by "cucks" so they start striking out at people. It's a system designed to generate collateral damage on their own side, because Thidran and friends know that the pooled blame the whole group gets will keep the ignorant members in the lower tiers angry and on the attack. Meanwhile he's got fags like Wulfington willing to dox and raid "their own" if anybody steps out of line.
>making SJW discussion "off-topic". That's a damning exaggeration. I put inconsequential SJW discussion into a sticky thread, for the sole reason that it not take up half the catalog and slide digging and operation threads. I wanted people to be able to talk about it, I just wanted it to take up less physical space. That's all. That's it. There is no fucking apocalyptic conspiracy to censor you. Important or in any way impactful SJW discussion was allowed on the board whether it was news or digging or ops or whatever, in its own threads, and was on topic. This got fucked up one time when that thread on Butts was deleted by mistake and I fixed that when someone explained what had happened.
>>329373 >I already said I'm not going to share what was passed along in confidence. Like I said, you've already broken any confidentiality by posting these… >>329337 >you were a part of one >>329339 >you were So if the dm was real, I see no reason why you wouldn't just post the DM group list now. Unless you're just lying, of course. >They also spread FUD about ggr before the board had a name. Now that i think about it, i can't really blame them, even if they did act like fags. ggr is controlled op. I wouldn't even be surprised if that /leftypol/ meme was true, considering all the communists and faggots on there now.
>>329376 >ggr is controlled op uncontrolled >>329375 >I put inconsequential SJW discussion into a sticky thread, for the sole reason that it not take up half the catalog and slide digging and operation threads. I wanted people to be able to talk about it, I just wanted it to take up less physical space. That's all. That's it. There is no fucking apocalyptic conspiracy to censor you. Just say it, "I fugged up" Try it, just once, "I, Acid Man, fugged up." You ran people away from /gghq/, they went and made their own shitshow, and now there's two boards that are practically dead. GG lost its charm, people moved on back to /pol/, got on with their lives, whatever. At the time though, GG was still in it's upswing, still had bite to the name. The last time a Kotaku writer even mentioned GG, it was about KiA being so "respectful" or some nonsense, and then they quoted a /ggr/ post as an example of the dangerous GG or whatever.
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>>329376 Thing is, there is no /v/ clique. I came to the opinion that "/v/ clique" is a throwaway meme they came up with to deflect when it got pointed out that they had an actual cabal working together. What /v/ has is the megathread, which is a public hub unto itself, and also a few small Twitch and Twitter DM groups that anons used to meet up and play videogames and talk. Its a bit hard to explain, but the short version is that after I became aware of the Cancer Crew I got concerned about other factions potentially shilling the board. /v/ doing it would be no better than IRCfags doing it, because the point was for the board to be independent. That's also why I took a lot of disdain for /v/'s "honeypot" label for the public hub. I went digging. The closest thing /v/ ever had to a clique was four guys, two being known Twitterfags, who were both regulars in the megathread and the various gaming groups. When tied up in an argument or discussion in the thread, they could go to the DM and ask one of their friends for help if they were around. It happened a number of times you could count on one hand, wasn't an organized action by a dedicated group, and most importantly they got a ration of shit for doing it when people on /v/ found out. In fact I called them out directly when they started some shit with me one time. The two situations between them and the Cancerfags aren't even comparable.
>>329377 >"You did [thing I accuse you of]!" >No, [thing] was actually [other thing entirely] that was done for [reasons]. You misunderstood. >"Apologize for [thing I accused you of] anyway! Take responsibility!" You see why I'm ambivalent about you.
>>329377 >uncontrolled The BO is literally friends with most of the people in ddm. just because you think it's "uncontrolled", doesn't mean it is. Also, you didn't answer my other question :3 >>329378 >Thing is, there is no /v/ clique. I've never seen any hard evidence of it existing, that's for sure.
>>329379 No, I said you chased people away, which you did. People didn't split from the board for no reason. >>329380 >Also, you didn't answer my other question :3 I can't find your other question. >The BO is literally friends with most of the people in ddm. and as I asked before, why would that matter? If literally anything can be posted on /ggr/, what does it matter who's friends with who? Post a BO digging thread over there, or a thread on the ddm people. If they're removed, then call it compromised.
>>329380 Not to mention that "uncontrolled" also means "open to outside influence." People think "controlled" means that the board admin and mods are forcing viewpoints and specific actions on the community. The proper name for this is "top-down control." And its true that revolt did not have this. We didn't either, but we were closer to it than they were by reason of this board using the staff authority to help organize things. But there's another kind of control. "Peer-to-peer" or "Side-control." This happens by exploiting the bandwagon effect, using subtle movements and contextual information to influence people in the crowd in a specific direction. In shorthand, its shilling. And it works best when there is a total lack of top-down control because anonymous users have no way to detect it happening to them. Everything looks fine on the surface while they're actually being led around by the nose, thinking the whole time its just the organic community acting together. This is what revolt fell prey to (or was created for, in my opinion), and what nearly happened to us in May of 2015.
>>329382 I joined revolt when I showed up and you were trying to force your "top-down" control down everyone's throat. Pretending the whole "no leaders" bit still applies is retarded after your self-named purge.
>>329381 And if people split from the board because they were lied to by an outside party for weeks on end? Would they have still felt "chased away" by my actions if they had believed me instead of those people when I tried to explain what I was doing? Because it was SO bad we had to make a fucking rule about no >lying about board rules and policies to deter others from posting So you tell me, who was REALLY at fucking fault for all those people "chased away"?
>>329384 you banned people for talking shit about you….. you're at fault. Just say it, one time, "I fucked up." Shit, I bet you would've had people come back if you had just admitted that you'd fucked up. It's too late for that now. What, are you going to get the 8 people who post on /ggr/ to come back now? Then there'll be 24 UIDs lol >>329383 how do you join an anonymous image board?
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>>329387 >you banned people for talking shit about you….. For only talking shit about me? Just so we're 1000% clear on that. For a normal anon, who wasn't spamming or goading people or breaking any other rules, who wasn't making whole threads for it to shit up the catalog, who wasn't making their 10th thread about it from a VPN to look like it was one but reused the same filename and gave themselves away in the admin panel. You're saying that people got banned for that? That I banned people for that? Who, when, and how many do you claim? Because the answer is that I never did. In fact I fired a mod for doing that shit once. Calling me a faggot or sassing the mods has never been, and never will be, against the rules by itself.
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>>329381 >I can't find your other question. >So if the dm was real, I see no reason why you wouldn't just post the DM group list now. Unless you're just lying, of course. >Post a BO digging thread over there, or a thread on the ddm people. So the BO can leak my post history like he did to the anon in pic related? nah nig, i'll pass.
>>329391 >So the BO can leak my post history like he did to the anon in pic related? nah nig, i'll pass. I see no posting history in that pic. where did he leak posting history?
>>329392 >where did he leak posting history? >That you posted on this damn board I highlighted that part for a reason…
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>>329393 that's not proof of anything. Do you know what posting histories look like on 4chan? That's because there are none. you would have to go fro thread to thread to compare hashes.
>>329394 So then how did the BO know that the anon made the wulfington thread?
>>329395 >that the anon >anon I don't even know what proof there is that was John Kelly, but if you look at it, it is probably John kelly. Who hates wulfington more than anyone else right now?
>>329396 >I don't even know what proof there is that was John Kelly So maybe the BO should explain how he knew the OP was John. >probably "probably" isn't good enough. The BO is supposed to be trustworthy. So if he's going leak an anon's post history, he better be right. >Who hates wulfington more than anyone else right now? "who else could it have been" isn't an excuse, especially since there's dozens of people itt shitting on him.
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>>329398 >So maybe the BO should explain how he knew the OP was John. you could ask him? >So if he's going leak an anon's post history, he better be right. but there was no post history leaked.
>>329360 Cool. Take your meds, go to autism thearapy and find the peace of Christ! Your sperg theories about me are irrelevant and I am glad that it is now all about gghq meta >>329370 >>329371 >>329378 There's our problem: Polarization, bullshit information about board meta and net culture and egomaniacs screaming all about their wing-wangs are. >>329394 There are! They are not talked much about, because 4chan staff is neither allowed to show themselves and because they are only accessible to mods. Furthermore, mods can also check how often a user has been reported, how many banrequests there are against him and where they have been on all of 4chan.
>>329400 > 4chan staff is neither allowed God damnit, Acid, turn off the damn word filters. 4chan = e n d c h a n /furry/ = /g g r e v o l t/
>>329399 >you could ask him? He'll have to come over here. I'm not going to post on /honeypotrevolt/. >but there was no post history leaked >>329393
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>>329402 I already said you can't vie post histories on 4chan. you would have to go from thread to thread and compare IP hashes.
>>329403 >4chan. e n d c h a n
I suppose the filter can go. We haven't been spammed with it in a while.
>>329403 >you would have to go from thread to thread and compare IP hashes. You say that like it's un-doable. There's nothing to stop the BO from wasting his day going thread to thread writing down and comparing IP hashes
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http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sph2ac archive: https://archive.fo/6ZGUp links: >Listen to this while you read, it will only make it funnier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53NqvQoK1iA >Chat log in question: http://pastebin.com/CJV7FBEq >Don't sit here and tell me it was "preventative" when those "enemies" didn't even exist to you yet. Who died and made you emperor? >https://voat.co/v/GamerGate/comments/68487 >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3Blqv_dPWo >Explains this a whole lot: https://archive.is/5P62p >Come join us next time, when Cole further red pills the rest of GG about himself and his cohorts by just opening his mouth. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8iOmVd1W_g
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>>329428 There comes a point where conspiracy theories, unsupported suppositions, and bad faith come round and bite their own tail, making an ouroboros of infinite autism. Thy name is Nackt. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Gish%20Gallop
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https://archive.is/KtZZh So revolt's BO is lurking iit, yet he hasn't made a post here to explain how he knew that anon was john. I wonder why? Also, I just realized you still haven't answered my question, f6774e. >>329376 >So if the dm was real, I see no reason why you wouldn't just post the DM group list now. Unless you're just lying, of course.
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>>329431 Someone let me off this wild ride
>>329432 The ride never ends. Been doing some digging over on /v/ while Nackt was playing attack dog. Among everything else going on we may have another Quinn-class Literally Who on our hands in the form of a tranny named Christine Love. Will very likely have a thread over here sometime soon.
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>>329449 >Christina Love What's his real name, anyway? People shouldn't be feeding his illness by calling him his preferred name.
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>>329428 I can't believe they are still going with the "/v/ sabotaged the board poll" shit. Like everyone pointed a gun to anyone that didn't want to come to gghq and forced them to do it. However I did like to acidman to explain that chat log at the beginning of the post, is that true?
>>329454 it's real, but there's like 5 hours of missing chat log because Acid just beat around the bush for like 5 hours before saying anything of note.
>>329455 I know it is real, but I wanna hear his side of the story. As far as I remember he always vocal about not doxing/not posting someone's vital info.
>>329455 maksev = Zan savagememes = S8tan ElzevirAuxiliatrix = ?? Anon27459273 = ?? supbra = ?? tlok = ?? The rest use handles that match their twitters.
>>329456 >not posting someone's vital info. He never said he's against doxing, not that I remember. Maybe he's just against doing it under his name or on the board?
>>329299 hey mg why are you trying to gain control of this board?
>>329459 Destroying one board wasn't good enough, i guess.
>>329460 Which board was destroyed?
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>>329462 Did there need to be this many boards about one topic in the first place? first:gg second: gamergate third: ggrevolt forth:ggrevolt dryboneschan edition five:???? six:you are now here
>>329465 /gghq/ came after /gamergate/
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>>329462 /furry/. He destroyed it by leaking anon's identities and letting it become /intl/.
>>329468 *GG revolt. I thought the filter got removed
>>329468 Good ol /intl/ i remember them spamming the shit out of boards they didn't like and annoying hotwheels till he quit and stayed in IRC. Not sure why we are bringing up the ghost of a dead board It is over I am just waiting for Sessions to be confirmed and watching the antics of the dems
>>329468 It was always /intl/ like, except spam is removed. You still never showed who's identity was revealed, and john kelly says that he's not OP. Maybe he fell into the calling everyone john trap?
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>>329470 I'm saying the quality of posts is the same now, because it got culturally enriched by progressives. >>329471 >It was always /intl/ like, except spam is removed. see above >You still never showed who's identity was revealed The BO said the OP was john >and john kelly says that he's not OP. Maybe he fell into the calling everyone john trap? People trust the BO, he shouldn't say who an anon is, unless he's sure. So either the BO was leaking his identity, or he was misleading anons to discredit one the few people that's been openly critical of ddm. And the BO is friends with ddm members, too… How odd~ :3
>>329472 Progressives are Haram and must be purged for the greater good
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>>329454 >>329456 Sure anon. There's some background to cover though. Its been a bit so my memory of the exact order may be a bit fuzzy, but I'll try to hit the highlights. The chatlog came from a meeting I had with the Cancerfags in a Rizon room called #preterchat. This came after Revolt's board owner Zan had this "Weekend Dox Crew" stream on Youtube along with several other known parties. Clips related. In that stream he publicly took credit for the raid on me in part of a conversation with Kevin Weinberg, billing himself as "one of the people running it." The raid itself had taken the form of multiple /b/ and revolt threads and large threads on /cow/ and /baph/. In addition to the usual pizza and Korans type shenanigans they got this idea into their head to contact my local PD, the FBI and ATF with bullshit tips that I was stockpiling illegal weapons and threatening a nearby school, hoping to elicit a SWAT raid on either my home or my gun store. Pushing for this was Zan and Wulfington's doing as I would later learn, but the others were on board with it to one extent or another. After having to deal with the local PD over it, I was contacted by an ATF liaison wondering WTF was going on. I explained the situation from start to finish, to the extent that I sent them archive links of the threads on revolt and the Dox Crew stream. When I asked them if there was anything I should do about it, they said to contact the FBI, because fucking with a Class III dealer is a pretty serious no-no. So I did. I was happily surprised that the FBI contact assigned to me was actually an old customer and acquaintance of mine. So I just told him and his partner everything. #GG, revolt, Zan, Kohrro, Kelly, all of it, and I put them in touch with the detective at the local PD and the ATF liaison who were familair with what was going on. They asked me for anything I could provide as evidence to be taken to some cybercrimes division thing in Kansas City. So I gathered up everything that I and some diggers/leakers had compiled on the group, put it all on a thumb drive, and made a special trip to drop it off. When I did I took a pic in the lobby to prove I had been there. I intended to make the FBI's involvement public to turn the tables since they thought trying to get me raided was so funny, but I wanted to wait a few weeks so the Feds would have time to eye their social media accounts and sort through the other stuff I gave them. The IRC chat happened during this intervening timeframe. I invited one of them (s8tan, I think) via Twitter to come have a chat on IRC about what was going on after alluding to something big on the board, and knowing he'd bring the gang along with him. Knowing the context, the rest is pretty self explanatory if you read through the log in its entirety. They interrogated me about /v/ and the board mods and KiA, dropped my dox, threatened me indirectly a few times, and demanded that I hand over control of GGHQ. One of them in particular came within a hair's breadth of outright admitting revolt was their board. Zan threatened to kill me when I informed him that I knew all about the Dox Crew stream and what he had done. And yep, I admitted that I had doxed most of them, which I had. In fact I had Kelly and Variloh's dox months before their own friends turned on them and confirmed it all by doxing them publicly. s8tan's and several others too. They thought doxing and raiding were funny, so it was my turn to make some threats in the chat. Of course, the information was actually being compiled for the FBI - not to be made public like an actual doxing would be. But they didn't know that, and I get to keep it in my pocket as a nuclear option. Near the end Thidran tried gaslighting me with some holier-than-thou routine while I had an almost decent talk with a couple of the others, but I already had a ream of shit on him from leakers in his older groups so I just dunked on him relentlessly for the last half hour or so until the chat wrapped up. Edit: Here's the full length log from the IRC meet. http://pastebin.com/N0pCM2F9
>>329475 >pizza and Korans dude, there's no viable pizza place that takes online orders near you. And did you get any Qurans? >Revolt's board owner Zan this was long after he had dipped out of revolt. >contact my local PD, the FBI and ATF with bullshit tips that I was stockpiling illegal weapons and threatening a nearby school, hoping to elicit a SWAT raid on either my home or my gun store. this part never happened. The FBI tip website was used, and only the bomb making and insurgency manifestos written by cole were given. >After having to deal with the local PD over it, Cole contacted the local PD, they did not contact him. > #GG, revolt, Zan, Kohrro, Kelly, all of it, and I put them in touch with the detective at the local PD and the ATF liaison. lol zan was never in on it lol. >Dox Crew stream. why don't you upload the entire stream? Zan sperged out and nuked everything because, well because he's Zan. Context is everything. Zan was talking about raiding your board, not a SWAT raid. >o I gathered up everything that I and some diggers/leakers had compiled on the group, put it all on a thumb drive post the dossiers!!! >hair's breadth of outright admitting revolt was their board. are you retarded? Are you seriously retarded? The BO at the time wasn't in that IRC. >Of course, the information was actually being compiled for the FBI - not to be made public like an actual doxing would be. You have my permission to post muh dox. You already know who this is.
>>329475 >So I gathered up everything that I and some diggers/leakers had compiled on the group, Didn't you just bring up how a different bo working with people in secret groups was wrong? and here you are saying that you do the same.
>>329475 Were you responsible for Endo's imprisonment?
>>329476 >this part never happened. >The FBI tip website was used, and only the bomb making and insurgency manifestos written by cole were given. You say this authoritatively, and you're wrong, but who told you that this was the case? Because you're not psychic and you don't have your old friends under surveillance. You know exactly as much about what they did as they decided to tell you, dipshit. Let alone what the random revolt anons got up to at your clique's urging. Unless you're lying to cover asses in a year-old incident, which is possible but I kinda doubt it at this point, then you're in the freaking dark man. >Cole contacted the local PD, they did not contact him. I contacted the local PD officially after a detective I knew came to see me at my store about it. I showed him everything on my laptop because the threads were all still going, and his advice was to call it in if someone made a specific threat to do a 9-1-1 SWAT attempt, so dispatch would know not to actually send anybody if they got a call. This happened at about 2am the following night. They took a statement from me and referred me, again, to the FBI because cybercrime is their department. That's why the PD itself never opened an official case - that sort of thing isn't their jurisdiction. >zan was never in on it lol. That's not what he told Weinberg and company. You two share a city so I don't know if you're fuckbuddies or what, but stop trying to cover for him. >why don't you upload the entire stream? Zan sperged out and nuked everything because, well because he's Zan. Context is everything. Zan was talking about raiding your board, not a SWAT raid. So people can hear the rest of the stream, like Weinberg going over the finer points of literally blackmailing people? I think you forget just how much dirt is in that chat. You should be glad I keep it to the relevant snippets. And two things immediately put the lie to that last line: First is that Zan openly called for more people to, quote "Get the FBI on that motherfucker and laugh while you do it", which doesn't sound much like a "board raid" to anyone with two working braincells and you can see a snip from one of the raid threads right in this thread above you.. And secondly, there was no fucking board raid in that timeframe, you can look for the catalog archives. Zan even says "…/b/ was raiding the fuck out of him". Not "his board", not "GGHQ", not "their board." Him. And just a few seconds later? "I know the raid on Acid Man was real because I was one of the people running it." No mention of the GGHQ board whatsoever. I'd have just said you were lying at one point but I honestly think they just kept you fucking clueless, and you were dumb enough to believe them. I kept some of the details intentionally ambiguous for a long time because things were still happening, but fuck dude. Open your damned eyes.
>>329477 Shooting someone in the face with a firearm is also wrong, unless someone else just tried to do it to you first. The same action, unjustified in one case and justified in another. The difference lies in where it starts and stops. You going to boo-hoo that I didn't take on a pack of autists out to ruin my IRL life by myself? >>329478 Dunno, but I sure as shit didn't do him any favors. Here's a fun one - I sent him an email one time with a bunch of overblown bullshit in it just to bait him into reading it live on a stream with the other fags. I even asked s8tan on Twitter to tell him to read it aloud. And he freaking did. He just let me pocket a piece of incontrovertible proof of exactly who he was, who his friends were, and what he was involved in. He even emailed me a scan of his driver's license as proof it was his real account which was more than I could have ever hoped for.
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Sorry I took so long. I was out putting my penis in vagina. Doing a little of the ol' "in-out, in-out". You know? Nah, you don't know lol >>329479 look at that sexy mother fucker. I've never wanted to suck a man's dick before, but that dick, I would be all over. That doesn't make me gay does it? I mean, no one here can honestly say that they've never leaned forward to see if they could reach their own dick with their mouth. By that standard, you're all just a gay, faggots. You tried to suck a dick. >who told you that this was the case? who told you otherwise? >That's not what he told Weinberg and company. Do you believe everything Spergberg says? >You two share a city so I don't know if you're fuckbuddies or what, but stop trying to cover for him. Dude, we jerk each other off every time he's back from offshore. >So people can hear the rest of the stream, like Weinberg going over the finer points of literally blackmailing people? yes. Like I said, context is everything. Zan wasn't talking about the /baph/ threads on you, he was talking about raiding the board from /b/ >I think you forget just how much dirt is in that chat. no, I don't forget, because there was nothing incriminating. The only reason Zan nuked it was because he's a fucking sperg named Zan. How many times has he nuked everything and reinvented himself online? >First is that Zan openly called for more people to, quote "Get the FBI on that motherfucker and laugh while you do it", because of your bomb making and domestic terrorism manifestos you posted on OpChan……… >Zan even says "…/b/ was raiding the fuck out of him". Not "his board", not "GGHQ", not "their board." Him. dude……. dude……… duuuuuuude…… how many threads were posted to /b/ mocking you, and soft PA threads? >I'd have just said you were lying at one point but I honestly think they just kept you fucking clueless, and you were dumb enough to believe them. I kept some of the details intentionally ambiguous for a long time because things were still happening, but fuck dude. Open your damned eyes. Post proof of your claims or stfu. You don't know shit, and what you think you know was intentional disinfo. the whole triagles/luminati crew died off well before /ggr/ came into existence. Your whole theory about these backroom crews working to undermine you are just that, theories. You're spreding disinfo.misinfo in this thread even. I contacted you and straight up gave you the truth. >hair's breadth of outright admitting revolt was their board. That chatlog is from 2015. I didn't take over /ggr/ until after the move to e n d c h a n, which didn't happen until May 2016, and even then the OBO was in charge, up until he disappeared. >>329480 >taking anything zan said seriously >ever …..
>>329481 btw, where's my damn dox? I desire muh dox….. You know how I know you don't have muh dox? Because no one has muh dox… :^) had to reboot, new IP
>>329481 So you're either a clueless tool or a willing coverass, and either way you straight up state that half the people in the clique lie about everything to include their own POVs, explanations, roles, and accomplishments, even when talking to each other. Fantastic. So why should anyone believe anything they've ever said about me, or this board, or #GG in general, or anything else? Or does that all just get a pass when everything else was "merely pretending"? :^) >srsly guise everything about us is a lie even the stuff we claim about ourselves and stuff we do even when talking to one another. But everything we say about this other stuff is totes true, especially when we deny things other people say about us! How the hell did you convince yourself that "everything my friends say and do is a lie" is a good defensive argument, anyway?
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>>329473 pretty much, to be honest. >>329481 Since you're here, now you can finally answer this, so f6774e can stop answering for you. >>329472 >So either the BO was leaking his identity, or he was misleading anons to discredit one the few people that's been openly critical of ddm. And the BO is friends with ddm members, too… How odd~ :3
>>329487 >Since you're here, now you can finally answer this, so f6774e can stop answering for you. Even if the thread revealing Koro as Wulfington and his real name wasn't started by John Kelly, it was John Kelly's digging that led to the thread. Even if John Kelly didn't personally post in the thread, it was likely someone affiliated with him. The reason I pointed out that thread was because John Kelly was making a public scene about Variloh's "dox"(Facebook photos of family members), but didn't say a peep about Koro's personal information being posted - which just happened to be a fruit of his efforts. So, even if the OP wasn't John Kelly, it was basically his thread. To add, in order to find out if OP was John Kelly, I would have to find a post on the board that I knew for a fact was John Kelly to compare the hash to, and I can't positively id him on the board because if he does post there, he doesn't identify himself.
>>329488 >Even if the thread revealing Koro as Wulfington and his real name wasn't started by John Kelly, it was John Kelly's digging that led to the thread. Even if John Kelly didn't personally post in the thread, it was likely someone affiliated with him. The reason I pointed out that thread was because John Kelly was making a public scene about Variloh's "dox"(Facebook photos of family members), but didn't say a peep about Koro's personal information being posted - which just happened to be a fruit of his efforts. So basically, You have no proof john was involved, at all. Yet because you think it's him, that gives you the right to not only libel him, but feed the witch hunt about random people on ggr being John? And you wanna act like you aren't a biased BO? >So, even if the OP wasn't John Kelly, it was basically his thread. Holy shit…
>>329489 Are you retarded? That thread is a product of John Kelly's efforts. >because you think it's him No, fuckface, I know that's what John Kelly dug up. This isn't some hypothetical John Kelly, he, himself, pieced together that Koro is Wulfington. So even if John Kelly isn't OP of the thread, it's what he dug up and pieced together posted in the thread.
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>>329488 >>329490 mg, why are you ip hopping? i thought this was something only acid man did
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>>329490 >No, fuckface, I know that's what John Kelly dug up. This isn't some hypothetical John Kelly, he, himself, pieced together that Koro is Wulfington. Prove it, then. >So even if John Kelly isn't OP of the thread, it's what he dug up and pieced together posted in the thread. So first you specifically call out John for posting it, now you're guessing he only dug it up?. Can't keep your story straight, can you?
>>329491 WiFi, LTE, PC I identified myself, so it's not like I'm doing it too obfuscate anything. >>329492 Ok, I apologize for using the wrong words. Maybe I should have said, "that you had posted here" or "your dig into Koro that's posted here". >Prove it, then. Prove what? Up until like a month ago John Kelly was a buddy. I'm not going to dump chat logs if that's what you're asking for.
>>329493 >Prove what? That John was responsible for digging on koro, what the fuck do you think? >I'm not going to dump chat logs if that's what you're asking for. If your only evidence of the dig on koro being from john is something he said to you in private DMs, then you've already broken confidentiality by admitting he was responsible, you dumb motherfucker. Goddamn
>>329495 >as if this information wasn't public knowledge… http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1spb4rm You can go down his Twitter and see him outing Koro in bits and pieces. Be warned, there's a lot of 'tism. Also, you can see Kelly outing who the BO of /ggr/ is. That part was already made public by either Kelly or Koro in their autism fits. I'm leaning towards Kelly on that one.
>>329496 >You can go down his Twitter and see him outing Koro in bits and pieces. Nowhere do I see him bringing up the sir wulfington identity. All I see is fake dox. So i'll say it again, prove john was responsible for doxing koro.
Is that swami AKA 29 years Jesus Christ dood your still stalking some faggot with shit taste in waifus,damn you homo?not that theres anything wrong with that but still,just send him your hotel room number so he can pound the stalker out of your rectum.
>>329493 >Ok, I apologize for using the wrong words. Maybe I should have said, "that you had posted here" or "your dig into Koro that's posted here". nigger you used the wrong words by fibbing. someone who's telling the truth doesn't change their story. >>329396 >I don't even know what proof there is that was John Kelly, but if you look at it, it is probably John kelly. Who hates wulfington more than anyone else right now? >>329488 >Even if the thread revealing Koro as Wulfington and his real name wasn't started by John Kelly, it was John Kelly's digging that led to the thread. Even if John Kelly didn't personally post in the thread, it was likely someone affiliated with him. The reason I pointed out that thread was because John Kelly was making a public scene about Variloh's "dox"(Facebook photos of family members), but didn't say a peep about Koro's personal information being posted - which just happened to be a fruit of his efforts. also why are you allowing dox? seems shitty. and you think you would be better at running this board? >>329459
>>329498 >Nowhere do I see him bringing up the sir wulfington identity https://twitter.com/jmktwit/status/804479842418835456 >>329501 >pictures you yourself post online are now considered dox well well well….. look who else is posting doxxxx >>329479 seems shitty.
>>329503 >https://twitter.com/jmktwit/status/804479842418835456 I was referring to the twitlonger. Even then, that still doesn't show he was involved in digging, or making the thread.
>>329503 >>pictures you yourself post online are now considered dox hmm… >Variloh's "dox"(Facebook photos of family members) >Koro's personal information being posted those aren't just pictures they themselves put online. did you delete these threads?
>>329508 If the pictures are on Facebook, wouldn't that tell you that they put the pictures online? Just a thought.
>>329374 Actually this is exactly what fucking happened. Multiple times until eventually all but the worst people involved were left and had driven even their former/supposed allies away. This is what burned out alot of people from the original luminati group was the realization the worst most cancerous leaderfags were in fact among them and using them and jewing them with this exact method. But I can distill this down and simplify it for the average reader to this: Originally there was the one group luminati. But some of the people in it, from the very start or even before ==unbeknown to the others== went and made their own private cliques. Within these secondary private cabals they let in people who the original guys hated, and in some cases were outright enemies with, real fucking goon ass pieces of shit. They broke all the opsec the original group had and repeatedly lied and even, in thidran's case, lie to this very fucking day about have had these said "side cliques" But that is basically the size of it. The kikes with the side cliques were happy to burn down fucking everything, even the original group multiple boards this board, ggr to a larger extent than many of its users even realized, the /gamergate/ board fucking everything even their own friends (see kelly/cucklioh for examples) to keep their little furfag dog fucker cabal alive. Even now that fat autist fuck thidran still has multiple personal cabals and still will deny it and if I was to read this entire thread, I am dead sure i'd find him in here denying it. Glad you finally figured out what happened Acid. And it's STILL happening. The furfag ERP cabal that is DDM is still alive and well. Needs to be fucking gassed. But I will leave on this note: Pol and people connected with the vast power structure pol now has are aware of the DDM goons and others like them. They aren't getting away with any of this shit you can count on that.
>>329513 >believing the lies Acid Man puts out There may be a lick of truth in that bed of lies, but you've been drinking too much kool-aid.
>>329514 >Dozens of people independently come to the conclusion that bnf/ddm is cancer >D-don't believe acidcuck's lies, goy!
>>329514 End your cabal thidran.
>>329514 Go fuck yourself Thidran. When you are done, throw away the onahole and look up how Freemasonry is a fail religion for prideful assholes.
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>>329513 I was thinking about this a bit today when I had some free time. On three separate, independent occasions we've had various confirmations of DDMs structure and activities. >One was early on by Nierdan, who got written off as a sperg for it and nobody paid any attention. >Then we had a second, independent outing much later by Zan himself, who made that post on our board displayed up above, namefagging and with one of the IP hashes known to belong to him. >And then I dug on them a year ago, deliberately avoiding Nierdan's leads and starting fresh as not to taint whatever information was uncovered. And found the same thing. And privately, leakers from the overall group confirmed my findings for me over a Discord chat several months ago. Ralph confirmed that he had been contacted and invited into the group when he interviewed me. And I'll divulge that Archon of the Escapist had also been invited to their "VIP" chatroom on IRC to talk to them. I was invited into the group twice after GGHQ became the main board - once early on by Thidran and once late by s8tan, but I declined both times. Exactly how many witnesses does it require before this thing can be laid down as a matter of fact? How much gymnastics can they really do to convince people that left is right, the sky is green, and it all hinges on what the definition of "is" is?
>>329529 >And privately, leakers from the overall group confirmed my findings for me over a Discord chat several months ago. I thought you were against private groups talking in secret?
>>329530 Interviewing some people for specific information on a one-time basis doesn't constitute making a group. Edit, nah I'm not gonna take that bait any further.
>>329531 >it's ok when i do it
>>329532 If you don't want retaliation in kind, don't start fights with unwilling opponents? No, the crybully is just mad that he got hit back. Now he wants there to be rules.
It's been like two years since I gave any shits about gamergoob. Can't believe you people are still doing this
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>>329535 >why the edit? >Edit, nah I'm not gonna take that bait any further. Regardless, he's right. If you try swatting someone, you shouldn't cry when they "dox" you and report you to the FBI.
>>329537 see http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sph7kg no one tried to have him swattered.
>>329539 You don't get to cite other people's lies to support your own bullshit.
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and a little bonus.
>>329539 Oh, you didn't want to smear Acid and get rid of him? What about that thread on /cow/ nobody of the actual regular users wanted? Remember how Introman has put a thumb on /pol/ stuff thanks to the autism you brought in? And there are still these: First thread: https://archive.is/h9XTs Second thread: https://archive.is/CSIjH Third Thread: https://archive.is/4dtXU Fourth Thread: https://archive.is/uVlOl Fifth Thread: https://archive.is/zeXTI Sixth Thread: https://archive.is/NJ1HG Seventh Thread: https://archive.is/5Vqvz Eighth Thread: https://archive.is/3vPRj After this was blown wide open, you were purely a sideshow in all things /intl/, because teenbros are such fuckups, that they usually eat their leaders alive after they turned out to be not very inclined to burn down the entire image board they are waging war against.
>>329542 >actual regular users """regular users"""
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>>329542 The plan was laid out in a thread by some of them in /meta/ back when this all started. The basics were to create an alt board, push it everywhere from /b/ to KiA to pull users to it and turn public opinion against us, then dox and humiliate me to get me to retire GGHQ so they could pull the rest of the anons to their board. The first two parts worked for them pretty well. But I held out through the third long enough for their own public autism to kill their alt board and eventually reveal the group collusion behind it to their own users. The damage to our board remained unchanged, but I stalled for enough time to take revolt down with us. "Ai uchi" - mutual killing. While some steps were taken to try and salvage GGHQ in the meantime, I secretly doubted we'd be successful. We're talking about a group of invested people who can make 50+ UIDs and 100+ PPH on a board all by themselves. Turning them loose in a /pol/ or /b/ thread would have little trouble manufacturing a consensus. And they harnessed two powerful forces in their favor: The general anti-GG shilling by outsiders that had weakened 8chan's community cohesion as a whole since the Exodus, and the natural inclination of the anon community against moderated boards and namefags. It was all too easy to get people to believe the narrative, because censorship and mods on power trips are something the community has always been paranoid about, and also because nuance and details don't count for much in a battle of rhetoric and memes. Once some people started to believe their story, those people would pass it on to others who asked and it just perpetuated itself from there. I don't blame anybody who took the bait, but I damn well blame the people who laid it. If I had known exactly what was going on in the days before the purge and revolt I'd have done some things differently. I was operating off a vague idea of "IRCfag" shills and certain trolls and knew a little bit about their activities and opinions re:GGHQ, but nothing like what was uncovered later. The biggest mistake I ever made was ignoring their faction and its internal drama all that time, on the premise that they would leave our board alone if I did.
>>329540 >time for the swat They meant like with a newspaper, obviously. >>329543 It's true, people that never post on /cow/ always try to PA them.
>>329546 >It's true, people that never post on /cow/ always try to PA them *against people/e-celebs they hate. And they always act like they're "a part" of the board.
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>>329546 They've got this hangup where they obsess over every detail of what I say, hoping to point out anything inconsistent so they could try and cast doubt on the whole story of what happened. I claim they tried to SWAT me and that it failed, which they did and it did. They counterclaim that there was no SWAT event (true) but then lie and say that I said there was a SWATing and claim the fact it didn't happen makes me a liar. When this gets blown out, the goalposts move to "there was no ''attempt!" but that's a lie right from their own threads. It's a matter of fact that I did inject small amounts of disinformation about certain details into the public sphere while the investigation was going on. This was the result of a rough compromise: I had to be answerable to the community for all the drama so I couldn't just say nothing, but I also didn't want the fags on the receiving end to know exactly what I was really up to. And I honestly did hope one or more of them would get v& by the end of it. So things like exactly when I talked to the FBI didn't want them to know how long they'd been watching, exactly whose information I gave them didn't want them to know who needed to/could still hide, exactly what logs I'm in possession of didn't want them to know what to delete, and exactly how much of the Dox Crew stream I really have protip: The entire thing, I would either be ambiguous or misleading about these details when asked. I can talk about all that stuff now because we're a year out and nothing substantial happened other than them getting put on the RADAR. It wasn't a total bust, but the secrecy is no longer required. A great example is the one Nackt pointed out up above. Hotwheels was part of their IRC in the #Luminati room and was friends with Drybones. He also gave me a 12 hour ultimatum, on black Friday when I work in retail to answer to him or he was taking our board - a very nasty move that favored the clique heavily. I had every reason to believe that he might divulge anything I would tell him in private to the DDM faggots, so I lied about the timetable and alluded that I hadn't given the FBI anything solid yet. This was on the chance that if he did tell them, they would panic and start deleting everything thinking they could still hide while being unaware the FBI was already watching them. It all actually wound up working out better in my favor, because the faggots used these little inconsistencies to convince themselves that nothing had happened or that I was rusing. Because of that, they didn't button up as tightly as they might have, and I got to keep collecting more information on them and their activities for another year.
>>329547 Wrong. /cow/ only cares about autism and nothing else. Stop fucking lying.
>>329549 >/cow/ only cares about autism and nothing else. Where did I say they didn't?
>>329299 y fam, itz dun, we won. Now all that's left is to put the fema camps up in our name and RWDS libtardation out of the country permanently! >>329325 someone sounds like they need some jesus. And by that I mean grimkvlt industrial nihilism >>329377 ^dis plus some of us actually did get calls back from 'the main man' to get aboard the train forreals, whoowhoooooo! (treasury dept) >>329381 ayy sweet gif, lets toss'em together! https://gifsound.com/?gif=https://media.8ch.net/file_store/2d0acd87aac0f43bb27caae84cb876e17753fdead3b3ff75a061c37b30c1feb3.gif&v=x5EctZykSm4 whooooa, Hyperzone flashbacks. >>329529 eeeuuuw, if I saw something like that coming outta my screen, I'd slap it shut so fast it'd get chopped in half!
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Pic related for whoever is still replying to this thread including me
>>329564 >tfw BO >tfw always and without exception a faggot Might as well reply some more.
Oh boy, this is autism on overload https://4chan.org/pogostick/res/15796.html
>>329583 I thought you removed the wordfilters? https://archive.fo/FD6e5
>>329584 That autism overload gets a dishonest vibe as soon as you realize, that /baph/ is a falseflagger paradise. Pic related is an example from yesterday. Second, the swatting never happened. Remember: The feds sorted out the report because it was clearly bogus. Do you think they are like "Yeah, lets send in a fucking S.W.A.T. team tomorrow!" if they get a report concerning their own arms dealer? >Oh good lord. People rightfully requested you be removed as board BO because you were handing out poster info to the FBI which has STILL yet to be justified. After the bogus swatting attempt. Nackt should get away from Thirdran's popo club already.
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>>329585 Truth be told, the only posts I handed over were the ones I could positively confirm belonged to the clique. Zan, Spergberg, and three or four others. I left it ambiguous to ramp up their overall panic. Same thing with the "dossier" screencap, only a part of that was actually handed over, but I wanted to see them sweat. I'm not a magician who can see through the IP hashes, and I relied on them being dumb enough to confirm what posts they had made elsewhere. Once they could be positively linked to a single post then clicking the hash gives you the rest of their post history, but they had to fuck up and confirm their post first. Usually by gloating about it somewhere, because cocky faggots.
>>329585 I'm surprised we don't have a thread on the KiwiFarms shutdown. It was Vordrak
Since this thread's basically become the ggr general, does anyone know why there's so many sodomites over there? I mean, regardless of what you think of "lgbt" people, you have to admit that there's an insane amount of them on ggr. It's kinda like how the Alt-Right talks about degeneracy, yet defends people like Blaire white, TRS, and Richard Spencer.
>>329593 > I'm surprised we don't have a thread on the KiwiFarms shutdown. /cow/ seems to have it handled >>>/cow/247424
>>329594 Maybe this offers a partial answer.
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>>329594 >>329597 What I don't get is the furries. Of all the degeneracy there is to be found on the 'net, why? The most major thing in the overall group right now is a furfag themed blogsite that's pumping out forced memes and Polygon-tier clickbait.
>>329600 Remember how it all began as a revolt against a coverup that lead to a strife against censorship and puritanism? And do you remember what fears are in the air since Donald Trump got elected? >>>/christian/375820 In short, they fear judgement. More on it later.

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