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Comics Thread Leader 04/18/2017 (Tue) 23:52:18 Id: 77f410 No. 330493
Comics stuff: Marvel VP of sales has recently acknowledged muh diversity is the reason for sales going down the toilet, pretty much laying the blame on the readers: >What we heard was that people didn't want any more diversity. They didn't want female characters out there. That's what we heard, whether we believe that or not. I don't know that that's really true, but that's what we saw in sales. One Angry Gamer article: http://www.oneangrygamer.net/2017/04/marvel-exec-acknowledges-sales-tanking-after-focusing-on-sjw-topics/27748/ chive OAG weekly recap incl Marvel guff: http://archive.fo/UdqyA chive of OAG link -ICV2 interview: https://archive.is/twXzy Meanwhile CBR (Comic Book Resources) has 'dug deeper' saying it's not about diversity something somthing white men something: >Just to be clear, “diversity” has very little to do with the drop in sales in Marvel’s top 10 books. Only three (“The Mighty Thor,” “Invincible Iron Man” and “Black Panther”) can be considered “diverse,” in that they star a lead character who is a woman or a person of color. The rest are series starring white male heroes or teams made up predominantly of white male heroes. These are Marvel’s traditional A-list heroes, being written and drawn by A-list writers and artists (almost all of whom are themselves white men), and yet they are floundering. http://archive.is/08Mli Unsurprisingly Tor Books says it's not diversity to blame either something something score points for sjw article bingo: https://archive.li/1BIgz >they’re almost always white cishet men Also: >The more the Big Two seek to control expression and discussion, both on the page and online, the more they drive creators to small presses, indie publishers, and self/web publishing. This coming from Tor SciFi + Fantasy Gatekeeping Inc. >When you look at the sales figures, the only way to claim diversity doesn’t sell is to have a skewed interpretation of “diversity.” Out of Marvel’s current twenty female-led series, four series—America, Ms. Marvel, Silk, and Moon Girl—star women of color, and only America has an openly queer lead character. Only America, Gamora, Hawkeye, Hulk, Ms. Marvel, and Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! (cancelled), are written by women. That’s not exactly a bountiful harvest of diversity. Plenty of comics starring or written by cishet white men get the axe over low sales, but when diversity titles are cancelled people come crawling out of the woodwork to blame diverse readers for not buying a million issues. First, we are buying titles, just usually not by the issue. Second, why should we bear the full responsibility for keeping diverse titles afloat? Non-diverse/old school fans could stand to look up from their longboxes of straight white male superheroes and subscribe to Moon Girl. >why should we bear the full responsibility for keeping diverse titles afloat? Probably cos that's what you're into and it's a niche market . . . . . . but let's blame someone else! - >Non-diverse/old school fans could stand to look up from their longboxes of straight white male superheroes etc >True diversity is letting minority creators tell their own stories They omit the 'providing they support the Narrative' clause. >letting Did I read that right? Extra bit: Article from January 2016 - retailers view on the Big2's tanking sales: https://archive.is/ou5V1
>When you look at the sales figures, the only way to claim diversity doesn’t sell is to have a skewed interpretation of “diversity.” Like, say, thinking it means "let's have more nonwhite characters and/or people drawing said characters" instead of "let's have something that isn't capeshit created for the children of over half a century ago"? Yeah, I think you might just be on to something there, Alex.
>>330494 There's more than Superhero comics, always has been - seek them out. Conveniently ignoring them to suit doesn't help their creators.
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Couple of posts on Superversive SciFi looking at the long term decline of comics in the US, citing among other things poor management, distribution, 'gimmick' sales and overall bad business decisions, regarding socjus as latecomers trying to take over an already crumbling ruin. First is a decent summary: http://www.superversivesf.com/2017/01/31/a-brief-history-of-the-decline-of-american-comics/ Second is the (very) long version by John Workman, editor of Heavy Metal: http://www.superversivesf.com/2017/03/14/the-comic-book-crisis-and-what-can-be-done-about-it-by-john-workman/ History round-up and look at sales figures from the 50's to present day: http://zak-site.com/Great-American-Novel/comic_sales.html
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Some recent DC v Marvel guff where ed-in-chief of Marvel, Alex Alonso, basically says: 'meh, artists - who cares?' - while DC does the opposite - bigging up the creators - comics are a visual medium after all: http://archive.is/SZxMh Article where artist John Romita Jr takes a pop at Marvel for replacing fan-favourite characters instead of creating new ones: http://archive.is/FZYrw Also, Marvel cancelling titles - asterisk marks those already cancelled as of July - though looking at the sales numbers, more may well follow: http://archive.is/ZQPX1
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Article in The Federalist on Marvel's PC nonsense: http://thefederalist.com/2017/04/12/forcing-political-correctness-employees-characters-killing-marvel-comics/ http://archive.is/jAFhb The author took the time to check out current Marvel writers twitter posts over a 2 week period: >the sheer lockstep and groupthink that these social media profiles display is unthinkable. >Out of 30 writers, every single one made bitter posts attacking President Trump and conservatives. There were no dissenters. Not one had a difference of opinion, not one even saw the sense in refraining from posting about politics. DC, Image, and other comics publishers don't really have to do much to stay in business - Marvel will kill themselves off. pic - who?
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2 issues after it's launch, Marvel cancels Black Panther: https://heatst.com/entertainment/marvel-cancels-ta-nehisi-coates-black-lives-matter-comic-due-to-poor-sales/ http://archive.is/CPTlE Though it still managed to get nominated for the Hugos.
/co/ is pretty much compromised they used to let anti sjw stuff but its been deleted recently now
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Proving once again that lefties co-opt and not create, another comic book character gets the sjw make-over. This time it's The Shadow - the classic, er, shadowy character - in a #1 reboot from Dynamite Comics - now dishing out (social) justice - mainly to privileged white men. https://archive.is/ut0j4 >Note, by the way, that his judgment of these two kids – “born to a privilege you neither deserved nor noticed” – “no idea you began life on a pedestal” – “and as the world improves for those beneath you your empire erodes” — applies to a frighteningly huge contingent of the western world. That pedestal of privilege is also - >a big steaming plate of inconvenient Truth. Also - >This Shadow arc, be warned, is very consciously about stuff. Well be warned if it's about 'stuff', it will no doubt be regarded as 'deep' in socjus circles. Pics in that link show about 5 different covers - guess that fad hasn't died out yet.
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In memoriam.
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Castalia House has just launched it's first comic - Alt-Hero - with a campaign on new crowdfund site Freestartr. In a world with an alternative 20th Century history, 4 superpowers have emerged - USA, European Union, Russia and China - and a new breed of humans, with their own powers, has spawned. http://www.castaliahouse.com/suit-up-with-alt-hero/ or http://archive.is/bVADc Launched on 28th Sept, the campaign blasted it's original $25k target in about 4 hours and has since passed it's first stretch goal of $40k. https://freestartr.com/project/althero/ With the Big 2 becoming socjus converged and effectively spitting on their readers - others will step in to produce what the fans want. It's basic business sense - the market for Superhero comics has always been there, just produce the content. Unsurprisingly, the response from sjws: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
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>>331182 Update on this: With support continuing and new art being released regularly, one of the stretch goals was lowered - and reached - confirming that Chuck Dixon, of Punisher and Batman/Bane fame is on board, writing vols 7, 8 and 9. Also, confirmed on Castalia House site, the $15 option will get you the first 9 [nine] editions in digital format - a real good deal. With Marvel especially losing readers, those readers were going to look elsewhere, and new ventures will always start up when there's a market not being catered to.
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>>331182 >>331219 Update: The month-long campaign has now completed and it's original $25k funding goal finished just short of TEN times that amount. https://freestartr.com/project/althero/ From what I gather, this makes it the highest crowdfunded newly launched comic title to date. New artwork and stretch goals were continually added - including dedicated website, more titles and a RPG - and Freestartr went down for a bit due to an attack by butthurt sjws random anons - but overall a sure-fire success. Despite pretty much a press blackout - probably to try to counter any Streisand effect - this serves as an example of what's achievable, and how serving a given market works.
Recent OAG article (30 Jan 2018): https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2018/01/sjw-writers-attempt-get-ethan-van-sciver-fired-dc-comics/50310/ or https://archive.fo/BdpKU Apparantly Scriver did some artwork for someone socjus disapproves of.
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Dumping some Comicgate stuff from last year. July 2017 [pic]: 'Hey Asshole, Please Stop Buying Comics!' https://archive.fo/lbw2a Oct 2017: https://ageofshitlords.com/comicgate-marvels-sales-slumping or https://archive.fo/JOl15
And then there's Miraculous Ladybug. >>331041 >>a big steaming plate of inconvenient Truth. Then it's time for AkademikShokalskiy_renamed.jpg
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Riding alongside the convergence in comics is the convergence in comic-cons [not the only cons mind]. Article from 5th March: https://www.dangerous.com/42086/arroz-emerald-city-comic-con-joins-growing-list-mixers-exclude-straight-white-men/ or https://archive.fo/OMyjs >So, if I'm white cis and male, where can I go for an industry mixer? <Hi There. We do not have a specific industry mixer for your category this year.
>>331698 *Forgot to add: comments on Dangerous not on the archive.
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Recently linked in v general - although it's from October 2017 - manga sales in the US are out-performing DC + Marvel. goboiano.com/viz-manga-sales-are-destroying-dc-marvel-in-comic-market/ https://archive.fo/fJJj7 Also, dated February 2018, article from Publishers Weekly which takes a brief look at sales and the current industry climate, with comic store owners giving their feedback. 'Comics Retailers Hope To Rebound in 2018' https://archive.fo/oL2ee
>>331959 Literally the only things that need to change is the shit distribution and shit writers.
Marvel bigwigs on CBS This Morning (2 June): Marvel's Fresh Start - '100% commited to diversity'. https://archive.fo/RzKeo
>>332047 This 'Fresh Start' follows Marvel's other 'Fresh Start' from only a few months ago (February), which had the Grauniad who else? complaining Marvel was 'showing worrying signs of pandering to its most conservative readers'. https://archive.fo/ZdJBE Bets on how many more Marvel fresh starts this year?
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Not satisfied with losing their comic-book readers, Marvel want to do the same with their movie audience: http://boundingintocomics.com/2018/06/10/marvel-studios-kevin-feige-promises-different-incarnations-of-characters-after-avengers-4/ https://archive.fo/YXD4r >different incarnations of characters you know <gee, what could that mean? >introducing new characters you might not have heard of < . . .
>>332104 Disney did that kind of thing with Star Wars, why wouldn't the same happen to some of the only half decent blockbuster films to come out in a long time? I'm thinking this isn't an accident, or an attempt to just pump more of their politics into people. Well, that's just a side benefit. I think the intent is iconoclasty. Deliberate degradation and destruction of all known cultural symbols and characters to demoralize the subject culture and leave them without a sense of community, history, or anything to unify around.
Ramdom link [from 21 Aug]: Brendan Fraser cast as Robotman in DC's live action Doom Patrol series: https://archive.li/O8jVv Fraser will provide the voice for Robotman and appear in flashbacks as Cliff Steele - the guy he was before Robotman.
for anyone who hasn't been following Comicsgate, there's an SJW clique in control of Marvel, DC, and other companies. to get and keep a job in that industry, just be friends with them, do the bare minimum, and obey Social Justice orthodoxy. step out of line, get blacklisted. they're using their influence to churn out far leftist propaganda, vandalizing established IPs in the process. Needless to say, the art/writing/storycraft of SJW comics is unadulterated garbage which makes a mockery of all that came before. Heroes like Diversity & Comics and Ethan Van Sciver have stepped up to criticize this state of affairs, and have predictably been vilified as evil internet nahtzees by SJW pros who screech about them on Twitter all day everyday. When D&C tapped Antarctic Press to publish his original comic, Antarctic was threatened/coerced/otherwise persuaded by SJWs to drop the comic. There have been many other incidents of SJW pros and their shills harassing, stalking, defaming, and generally being belligerent towards critics and comics fans. As in other compromised industries, they always double-down and attack their audience. D&C, Van Sciver, and other Comicsgaters are using crowdfunding to get their comics out – D&C's Jawbreakers Lost Souls pulled in almost $400k, and Van Sciver's CyberFrog: BloodHoney made over $500k, effectively BTFOing the Big Two. There is a market for comic books, just not for the output of SJW mind-controlling parasites. I predict that the comics industry will crash in the near future. The SJWs are too firmly entrenched, and they refuse to budge as more and more comic book stores either go out of business or switch to other products. The current model is unsustainable, and it's only a matter of time before the collapse. Comicsgate and their crowdsourced comics is without a doubt the only way forward for the medium. >>332119 I think it's both. They infect franchises because there's a built-in audience for them to preach to. At the same time, they're committing iconoclasm by vandalizing cultural works and attempting to replace them with garish, hollow, plastic monuments to their SocJus ideology.
Oh boy… >Alleged Kentucky Kroger Shooter Complained About Racebending Superheroes <http://archive.is/gCqR5
>>330497 Yeah man that single MM&O zine looked nice, but my hand slipped and i lost it in the ocean of capeshit I was knee deep in.
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