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GamerGate Radio

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Ian P. Buckingham of the Huffington Post has given GamerGate the opportunity to write a rebuttal! (D Lunar Archivist 05/22/2017 (Mon) 00:51:39 Id: 6cfbe2 No. 330610
Huffington Post journalist Ian P. Buckingham wrote an article on GamerGate on April 5, 2017… https://archive.fo/vNyIz …which was the subject of an analysis by William Usher on One Angry Gamer: http://www.oneangrygamer.net/2017/05/huffington-posts-ian-buckingham-posts-factually-inaccurate-article-about-gamergate/30252/ Well, in a surprising twist, after getting into a debate with, among others, BethMetalDeath, Ubiquitousidiot and me on Twitter - one which MrShikaki later joined - Buckingham issued us and any other participants in the discussion the following challenge: >Then let me propose something. Can you collaborate with Beth and other contributors to this thread & sum up in 500 words an answer to this question: Why are gamers so aggrieved with the media over the representation of the gaming community? The conditions were later fleshed out as follows: >If you could pull something together while the momentum is still rolling, so in the next two weeks, that would be great. >Re my expectations: I'm more interested in a piece exploring GG and the perceived issues with the media. You can, a f course, reference parts of my original piece that you believe reinforce this view but may be more powerful if you broaden the remit to perceived historic antagonism etc which the comments of the folk on the thread seem to imply. >Readers of the paper aren't going to want to chase urls so perhaps keep it to 1. Can turn this into a link in the text so other than the trigger word, the www address won't be counted in the 500. Hope that makes sense. So, in short, a media outlet's given GamerGate an actual chance to respond, with a deadline for submission before the end of next week (Sunday, May 28, 2017), though we're aiming for a few days earlier (Thursday, May 25th or Friday, May 26th) just in case. Since this is a rare opportunity for us to speak without our words being filtered through the narrative lens, we've spent the last week brainstorming, ironing out the specifics, and trying to write rebuttals which fit within the established parameters that we'll be posting here later for feedback. We've also requested that the mods sticky this thread and have invited /u/WilliamUsherGB and /u/brad_glasgow to participate. Right now, only my essay's complete (see attached image file), so we're requesting feedback, ideas, and possibly even submissions by anyone interested in taking a crack at it (though, since Buckingham has been communicating with us directly, we're reserving the right to make the final decision on what to submit). More information will be added as it becomes available.
>>330611 >>>/v/12608083
>3 years later >hey guys media is failing worldwide do you wanna tell us about why you hate women so much? Fuck them. This is the equivalent of being fed table scraps. Except this time we already chewed off their legs before then. Do what you will, but yes I am mad.
no I am MAD
1. Should we even bother responding now that most people don't trust media- especially HuffPo? 1a. Even a trolly response? Not the string of insults like the Kossacs did to that king, but something like > Due to distrust in the media at an all-time high, your bias, your non-existent ethics, and your blatant lack of fact checking, we do not wish to speak through you. 1b. Worth responding via social media? I.e. Make a #, and fill it with infographs on how everything on GG was a lie. (FBI report, that guy who analyzed the tweets to prove it wasn't a hate campaign, how games we said were propaganda pieces sold poorly, how many voices demanding diversity are doing it for alterier motives or lost money, etc). However, this does counter-act one of our early tenants (don't respond to fake labels. If you do, people stop asking "Are GG's concerns legitimate?" and start asking "What is GG really about?" - And MSM can play that song & dance until people get bored of following it. And pic kind-of related). Of course, we could use that # and just post old infographs on DeepFreeze & other corruption. Use their reach to share our info. > Why do you hate women? > #HuffPoReply Here's what GG is about. 2. Any chance of a fake third-party answering the call? What's to stop Huff-Po mashing out their answer on a key-board? 2a. How do we disprove a fake Huff-Po answer? 3. If 2 is not a risk, do we just ignore it? No matter what, we know that replying directly to them on their terms will not work. They will edit & rewrite like the daily show. There was an old screencap of why we should never fight on their turf- they should always come to ours. In our case, a live debate, public discussion on social media (where everyone can see), or just let them report on what we do.
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