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The ESA Redpill Delivery thread Leader 06/06/2017 (Tue) 03:30:53 Id: 94e711 No. 330683
With less than 5 days to go until E3, I've made a thread to plan about distributing the redpill. The current order of release… >- the ESA and ESRB slides first >- the slides get posted in other sites >- get an archive link made from one of the sites >- that archive link gets fitted into the promo\posters >- release the posters for distribution as well The current plan is to look for places to upload the slides & archive them (Imgur has been brought up, alternatives are also recommended in case the album gets reported or deleted)
>>330683 >(Imgur has been brought up, alternatives are also recommended in case the album gets reported or deleted) Hit up every single repository in social media like pinterest, instagram, and even photobucket if necessary. From what I understand imgur & reddit are linked, so maybe get KiA to work on that front. That is assuming KiA isn't going to cuck out and want to stay "neutral" on this.
>>330684 One of the kind anons in the thread also posted these for alternatives in case the album got scrubbed http://webcache.googleusercontent.com http://peeep.us http://www.youdao.com (translator needed) http://www.sogou.com/websnap (translator needed. Appears to search for caches as oppose to caching itself) http://www.webcitation.org http://cache.yahoofs.jp (translator needed. Appears to search for caches as oppose to caching itself) http://wayback.archive.org http://megalodon.jp (translator needed) http://hiyo.jp (translator needed) http://arquivo.pt (translator needed. Appears to search for caches as oppose to caching itself) http://cache.nevkontakte.com https://www.httrack.com/
>>330684 >Hit up every single repository in social media like pinterest, instagram, and even photobucket if necessary. Whatever works, the key thing is mostly getting an archive snapshots of it to put on the promo and poster. Whether that's archive.is and or archive alternatives, as long as it gets archived as as a stable link, that's the important part imo.
Funnyjunk has been talked about a lot in the thread. On that site we can put the slides in all as one post, we won't have to link people to an imgur album or archive link through the posters.
>>330688 >On that site we can put the slides in all as one post, we won't have to link people to an imgur album or archive link through the posters. As long as it works, then it sounds good to me.
>>330688 >>330689 Whatever works. The poster and promo approach for a stealthier approach, and giving a direct route to the redpill pics itself, imo use both approaches. Wherever it can be posted by anons.
>>330691 Sounds good. Tomorrow evening I think I'll do some testing & if it goes well, the album will be made & the promos will be updated to not only have the watermark removed, but also the link to said album (With a working archive so that nobody asks why it got scrubbed in case it does)
Test album made with the same size as the OCs. http://imgur.com/a/tfGoV
>>330696 Archive seems to work perfectly on my end. If it works with everyone else, then we can move on to getting the promos updated with a new link, the watermarks removed, and spreading. https://archive.fo/WMjBP
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Contributing. These are semi-final prototypes. Final versions tomorrow night if any changes are needed.
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>>330696 >>330697 Imgur then archive seems to work on my test as well. Someone else mentioned photobucket, and it doesn't hurt to have another backup archive link to be able to put into the promo material, so I will get a burner account on photobucket to put the 2 redpill slides that is in >>330683.
>>330683 All right, I suppose I'll get the watermarks removed & get the album made shortly…
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>make album on imgur >can't add description or tag on ESA slide for whatever reason due to it glitching out >ESRB slide works fine though I'm not sure how much of it is make or break, but at least the archive for it works.
Also it's a good thing to have alternatives because I just remembered imgur downscales image quality & turns it into a JPG if it's too big in size. The ESA slide also glitches out if one was to go past the 5th page ("Games ignite social change") but if they click the slide itself, they'll have no problem although the quality will suffer because of the downscale.
>>330704 >The ESA slide also glitches out if one was to go past the 5th page ("Games ignite social change") but if they click the slide itself, they'll have no problem although the quality will suffer because of the downscale. On it's own? Or does it happen if it is combined into 1 stitched image, the ESA and the ESRB slide I mean. Not to pile on the challenge, I'm also getting errors on photobucket at the moment.
>>330705 It only happens to the ESA's slide, the ESRB's slide is OK…actually wait, it's broken on both slides. So if one wants to see them without any problems, they'd have to go to the archive.
>>330706 >So if one wants to see them without any problems, they'd have to go to the archive. For me personally that's good enough, as long as it's up somewhere that can be accessed from the promo-posters. A slightly better news, photobucket is now recognizing my account, so hopefully I can upload the ESA ESRB slides in OP, archive it, and give the link.
>>330707 Great! Guess all that's left is updating the promo posters to include the imgur link + archive & for me to upload the more high quality slides here since imgur changes the PNGs to JPGs.
>>330708 Hopefully it works with photobucket, since I don't know at the moment if it does any format conversion. So I'm guessing if this works, then it will be 2 archive links, each for the ESA and ESRB slides, correct?
>>330709 >So I'm guessing if this works, then it will be 2 archive links, each for the ESA and ESRB slides, correct? I put them both together in one album because I figured putting one line on the promo posters is better than two, but I'm going to test two individual albums & see if they give me any problems.
Tested the albums, the ESRB's works fine but the ESA's glitches out. I think I'm just going to go with the album I made earlier. The archives will have to be used.
>>330710 > I figured putting one line on the promo posters is better than two Yeah true, it is easier and that is definitely better to make it as easy as possible. >>330711 >Tested the albums, the ESRB's works fine but the ESA's glitches out. I think I'm just going to go with the album I made earlier. The archives will have to be used. Whatever works at this point.
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Promos are now being updated with the imgur links. http://imgur.com/a/tFjfb https://archive.fo/sdrNg
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(8.18 MB 3300x5100 Gensis Poster.png)

(1.47 MB 825x1275 Genesis web friendly.png)

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Now for the rest of the OC with no watermarks…
(6.70 MB 1366x6151 ESA final.png)

(2.82 MB 1366x5382 ESRB final.png)

That's everything!
Good stuff, thank you, copying them over now.
Fuck, I don't know what I'm doing wrong but photobucket is downscaling it way too much when I am uploading the pic.
>>330718 Guess I'll have to split up the files then since they keep getting downscaled.
>>330719 Nah, it's not your doing, I combined the 2 slides into one long stitched image, and photobucket is just downscaling the hell out of it.
>>330720 All right.
>>330721 Hmm, I am still having problems with photobucket downscaling it, but rather than getting stuck on that. The redpill is basically release ready now, correct? If possible, should it be on the next vee bread?
>>330722 >The redpill is basically release ready now, correct? Yes, the watermarks are removed & the stuff is ready for distribution.
>>330723 Roger that.
use qr codes as well as links
>>330726 >use qr codes as well as links I gotta read up on how to do that.
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ESA fucked up E3 big-time https://twitter.com/nichegamer/status/878385217786044416 http://nichegamer.com/2017/06/23/e3-2017-major-security-flaws-one-step-away-disaster/ > This year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo has come and gone, and now that it’s been roughly a week since the last day of the show, both myself and the staff of Niche Gamer have had some time to collect our thoughts regarding the show, and how we feel about its current outlook. To be frank: The Entertainment Software Association (the folks behind E3) need to make changes, and fast. […] > This was the first year the show opened up to the “public,” i.e. anyone could buy a pass for a couple hundred dollars. We called these patrons the “green badges.” > Say whatever you want about non-press, I love seeing people getting excited over video games. It makes me excited. Generally, the majority of our bookings were off the floor, in private meeting rooms. Here’s the problem: security has always been lax at E3, and for the show to be totally public, this is a major security issue. When we thought of the number of security flaws at this year’s E3, it legitimately worried us. There were numerous times our badges weren’t even looked at, and there were many, many times we entered the concourse meeting rooms only to see no security at all. These meeting rooms are strictly for industry and press, so you can imagine how it’s a problem to have regular patrons there. > The concourse meeting rooms are mostly small meeting rooms with one entrance/exit, with only a handful of PR employees – the rest are actual game developers working on said games. The strive by some to get as much free swag as possible had some people literally bugging these companies for freebies – something that’s not only annoying, but rude. > To go even further, people literally managed to sneak their way into the showfloor with zero credentials at all – you can read about one infamous and well-documented case of that here (https://archive.is/69dLn). I’ve been to game trade shows all over the country and the ones in California have the most nonexistent security. > One of our staff members was even assaulted by normal-badge wearers when he was trying to get a Super Mario Odyssey visor – getting his shirt ripped up only to later get the visor stolen off his head and never returned. There was also a literal fist-fight in the west hall with – you guessed it, normal badge wearers. They were fighting over free swag, of course. > An ongoing issue the ESA and the companies attending as exhibitors have run into is the increasing push to open the show to the public. First they allowed trade-related folks, GameStop workers, Doritos employees, etc., only to now fully open it to the public. Now, it’s virtually impossible to play a game as press unless you’ve booked a time way ahead in advance. > You could make an argument for the show remaining public, but honestly for that to be feasible moving forward a number of changes should happen, first security and then more kiosks as a close second. To offset the already burst-at-the-seams show, the ESA should perhaps consider following the Computer Entertainment Supplier’s Association, who run Tokyo Game Show. […] > I’m not saying a disaster can happen, but it would have been pretty damn easy for someone to sneak a weapon into this year’s E3. Until this year, the show has mostly been focused on people involved with the industry. It felt like the ESA wasn’t prepared for the extra 15,000 non-industry people, and neither were the security. The above example of people actually sneaking in with zero credentials is just the tip of the iceberg – if you give people an inch, they’ll take a mile. > Whenever I go to PAX, they search everyone’s backpacks or purses because naturally you don’t want to let a sociopath or a religious zealot concealing a weapon into a densely populated trade show. PAX East security even has you go through metal detectors. This doesn’t happen at E3, and that’s deeply concerning. > I’m not telling the ESA what to do, I’m simply the messenger hoping to make E3 better than ever. We legitimately enjoy the show and everyone involved – most especially the developers and wonderful PR folks that make all our bookings happen. Ren could have literally pulled off murder if he wanted And that's assuming a mudslime or an SJW trying to kill someone they think is the next Hitler because they don't agree with someone on Twitter. They also recommend splitting the event for a press day and a public day. And, you know, actual security. But I'll bet the ESA won't spend a dime until something happens. IMO If attendees drop or the show has a bad rep, devs will just start putting their demos online instead of/along with the E3 booth.

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