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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Kaczynski Was Right Edition Anonymous 02/08/2022 (Tue) 01:10:34 Id: 1e74bd No. 131993
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >MS buys Actiblizz https://archive.ph/Lc4Em >Sony buys Bungie for $3.6 Billion https://archive.fo/7BE4T >Sony Vice President of Playstation Network George Cacioppo exposed for trying to have sex with a 15 year old minors through Grindr App via chatlogs from "People Vs Predators" Group: https://archive.md/SlG30 >Archives Prove IGN Executive Review Editor Dan Stapleton Lied When Claiming Outlet Would Not Report On Sony Exec Pedophile Allegations Because They Don’t Cover “General Crime”: https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/12/07/archives-prove-ign-executive-review-editor-lied-when-claiming-outlet-would-not-report-on-sony-exec-pedophile-allegations-because-they-dont-cover-general-crime/ https://archive.md/uuDNE https://archive.md/O7wma >Aforementioned People Vs Preds Groups also caught Senior Account Manager for Nvidia Todd Wiseman for allegedly trying to meet with a 15 year old boy for sex. https://archive.md/xMz2f >Nathan Grayson leaves Kotaku to join the Washington Post's "Launcher" section https://archive.is/9hqq0 >Five Nights at Frieddy's developer Scott Cawthon retires after SJWs and game journalists attack him for donating to Republican politicians https://archive.fo/wCpMC https://archive.fo/Fe8Ey >Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael’thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/19/quinton-flynn-replaced-as-kaelthas-voice-actor-in-wow-despite-judge-ruling-sexual-misconduct-allegations-came-from-obsessive-stalker/ https://archive.is/Dj5a5 >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://yewtu.be/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids https://archive.fo/U3GLa -Confirms censorship was deliberate https://archive.fo/XgAgP -No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case https://archive.fo/37DhK -Marvelous partner starts petition against policy https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo •Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. •Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well. http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): •Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later
[Expand Post]•Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags •Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 •Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w-#GamerGate- If It's Not About Ethics •https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU-#GamerGate in 60 Seconds •https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: •The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb •#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page •History of #GamerGate: http://www.historyofgamergate.com/ •View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: •GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb •Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat (Needs updating) >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md Remember that other boards and sites exist for discussing and posting about hobbies, lewds, and other interests. To conveniently find these locations, regularly visit the board list: https://8chan.moe/boards.js >/vg/ under new management; alternative GG thread can be found there: >>>/vg/ >Full OP Text: •Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? https://8chan.se/gamergatehq/ •All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations •OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L •An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository
>>131994 for you
>>529561 >normalcy bias means these people generally look at other guys getting cancelled, shrug their shoulders and say "it'll never happen to me", even though it totally will. That's the real power of the "he said Nigger, he's now literally Hitler" social effect, it causes a natural memory hole because people think they're better. I could actually see that being a factor as to why normal people underestimate cancel culture. It'd explain why nobody pays attention to the stories until it's too late and they've already lost their jobs.
>>131994 works on my machine sounds like a tornigger problem to me
>>131997 >works on my machine No it doesn't, you just aren't paying attention.
>>131994 >>131995 >>131997 The CSS isn't broken for me, but everyone's IDs went from colorful to uniformly grey. Even the Tor 00000 ID isn't black anymore.
>>131999 Then whys your ID purple smart guy?
>>131999 >the CSS isn't broken >proceeds to describe a broken CSS function Clearnigger IQ, ladies and gentlemen.
Why are we all silver niggers?
>>132000 I wish it was.
>>131998 well apparently i can't close the quick reply window anymore, so, congratulations. ids still have color though.
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https://archive.ph/cFuHe https://archive.ph/IuqVj https://archive.ph/M7gZZ A lot of "cultural appropriation" bitching from the gaming media about the game Sifu.
>>132004 I can confirm I can't close the quick reply either, just checked.
>>131999 >but everyone's IDs went from colorful to uniformly grey My God. Steve Jobs' spirit has returned and has possessed 8moe's servers.
>>132004 Yeah. I see post colors but this reply window is stuck
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>>132005 Fuck these whiny fags. I'm going to buy it now completely out of spite.
>>132009 >I'm going to buy it now completely out of spite That's no better than an SJW buying shit to own the natzees. Buy it if it's good, not just because it pisses people off.
>>132010 It's good because it's developers are white people :^)
>>132010 It was actually on my radar but I had forgotten about it due to anticipating playing and then subsequently not enjoying Elden Souls all that much.
Canucks declared state of emergency and are now arresting anyone helping honkers Also, Honking will be banned We need the clown ommunity to show up
>>132005 What's next, they're going to cancel Quentin Tarantino over Kill Bill?
>>132013 >Go around Canuckistani street >My brakes fuck up >Need to honk to warn people that I have no control of the vehicle >Cannot because cucks in charge are butthurt about honking >Run over 15 people and then crash into a lamp light or a wall
>>132014 and then if that doesn't work, they'll cancel him for pulp fiction
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>>131993 what do you think ted kaczynski's favorite bombergirl is? i like the nun meself
>>132013 >the clown community >not the chen community Fucking newfags
>>132014 If they try that then Tarantino will put them all into dead nigger storage.
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>>529402 >Most shameful and regretful You've shot yourself in the foot right from the start >I know most people think there is no acceptable context for a white person to say nigger THE N-WORD >And I agree, I haven't said it in years, but I didn't always think this way <But I wish people would just understand the context I was using it in He's dumb as a rock. You can't say "Practically everyone, including me, agrees that context doesn't matter", and then turn around and go "but please, try to understand the context of my conversations!" This nigger is hopeless. He was always hopeless. He was always putty in the hands of his peer groups' believes. He was a hard lefty in California, he acts more libertarian in Texas, and he generally avoids online news, which is why he's been able to stay away from being hard lefty in recent years. You can see this in every single podcast where he tends to mostly agree with everyone on his podcast even as he has guests from different political spectrums. But then he went and watched that lefty propaganda video of himself and the peer pressure of a million retards online came crashing down on his fragile libertarian "principles". He broke instantly. He's a flag flying whichever way the wind blows and has only maintained a position that isn't far leftist because he's stayed out of the wind. How the fuck did he get so popular?
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>grey IDs
>>132015 Put on blackface and claim to be muslim, they'll say you were driving a truck of peace.
>>132012 >subsequently not enjoying Elden Souls all that much. Wait, I thought that was still a month out?
>>132022 >these new restrictions unfairly affect minority truckers, who are now oppressed from honking their horns.
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>>132021 respect
>>132023 its about 2 weeks away
>>132020 >How the fuck did he get so popular? Because he would let people on his show speak their mind.
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I found this kind of funny. Twitter is up in arms because a company made what essentially amounts to a bootleg minifig of a Roblox character that looks a little too close to the Cheshire Cat from Monster Girl Encyclopedia. Predictably, Twitter is losing their minds demanding production of the figure cease, meanwhile /monster/ is having a good laugh and trying to find ways to get their hands on the fig before it gets pulled.
>>132026 Did anon get in on a beta or something then? How is he playing it?
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>>131994 My custom CSS in xStyle doesn't even affect anything now although it correctly targets many elements on the page. >>132021 Grey IDs? More like Gay IDs.
>>132029 I said I was anticipating it not playing it.
>>132004 >>132006 >>132008 >quick reply window Grey IDs and can't close reply window. Did someone 'fix' something?
>>132031 >that fucking mug This is the shit I've been dealing with all week.
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I can see colors again, who the fuck is touching shit while the site is up?
>>132032 >I said I was anticipating it not playing it. >>132012 >due to anticipating playing and then subsequently not enjoying Elden Souls all that much.
>>132035 Not only did everything turn grey, I suddenly can't close the quick reply box.
>>132036 Yes and?
>>132036 he anticipated both actions you nigger
>>132035 Hey yeah, things cleared up now, colors and quick reply and everything (took a refresh through, that didn't work before).
Hey GaymerGays, take a look at this. https://archive.fo/jimRA
>>132035 >>132037 And now that colors are back, quick reply can be closed again. >>132038 >>132039 It's worded as if you were not enjoying the game. Make better use of commas next time, fag.
>>132042 >And now that colors are back, quick reply can be closed again. Why are those two things even linked? How are those two things even linked?
>>132039 Maybe he's a member of the vidya press
>>132040 Same. Refresh/reload has sorted it. >>132044 >Why are those two things even linked? How are those two things even linked? I'd also like to know this.
>>132028 I want one. She is best MGE girl.
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>>132045 >666 All journos must burn in hell.
>>132009 Shit looks terrible (flat colour in everything) and its combat looks like batman game, one enemy at a time included.
>>132048 They will
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>>132049 >one enemy at a time included So it's accurate to martial arts movies then.
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>>132051 They were always lying though. The first redpill for many is realizing the media is lying now then thinking "hmm.. what else have they lied about in the past?" By the time they reach the wooden doors and masturbation machines the conditioning is essentially broken, but most normalfags never get there out of a over-dependence on social acceptance.
>it's fixed <oh wait Hover on an off-screen post quote or reply shows the post window with the word 'Loading' next to it. Only happens first time you do it though.
>>132054 That's been there since the update, unrelated to this current weirdness.
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>>132053 yeah i guess; people used to have faith though
>>132028 >They even included the blush Christ, forget muh chilluns, they’re lucky if they don’t get sued.
>>132056 People knew back then too, just look at William Randolph Hurst and Yellow Journalism, how he got the US to support war with Spain over Cuba just by running anti-Spanish/pro-Cuban stories in his papers.
do you think girls like pink because boys used to wear? and does the same apply for blue which girls used to wear?
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>>132059 What.
>>132059 nani?
>>132058 Perhaps freedom of the press was a mistake.
>>132059 girls wear pink to remind men of what the inside of a vagina looks like.
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>>132055 I'm glad it's all working. As long as they have enough string and glue to hold the site together, it'll be fine hopefully. <it could be worse
>>132028 >Cheshire figure yes! >its a Roblox At some point we started living in the monkeypaw universe
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>>132060 >>132061 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_historical_sources_for_pink_and_blue_as_gender_signifiers >>132059 i like pink because i like candy and most of the best candy was pink; never gave a shit what colors i wore though
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>>132057 >they’re lucky if they don’t get sued. On what grounds? Alice in Wonderland is public domain and the Cheshire Cat being purple comes from the Disney movie, so you can't even say that's unique to MGE. I will say that besides having hands instead of paws and wearing a weird hood instead of having cat ears, the design is nearly identical, mainly the outfit and eyes, made even more obvious from the character's sprites.
Children. That is all.
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archive of previous bread https://archive.ph/1D4xe
>>132068 I'd think they'd nab them on some obscure decency-for-children law, personally.
>>132053 >over-dependence on social acceptance thank fuck I have social anxiety
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>>132065 >At some point we started living in the monkeypaw universe I think I know when I arrived here and I'm trying desperately to get back.
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>>132059 I'll ask this question a trifle more intelligently, and with a different topic, to help people understand what he's saying. Why the fuck don't men wear perfume and women wear cologne? I don't care what fruity fuck nonsense a girl has on, but SHE does. Men should wear perfume that specific types of women like, so that they attract the sort of women they want. Conversely, women should wear cologne tailored to men's desires. "Hey, is that sandalwood? I fucking love sandalwood! I'll go chat with her."
>>132068 This has nothing to do with Alice in Wonderland or the Cheshire Cat. The IP theft here is the Roblox design is 1:1 with the HENTAI design, which is nowhere near public domain.
>>132076 Fun fact: that's the whole point of giving someone perfume or cologne as a gift. You're saying 'i like that stink, use that stink on you to make me like your stink'. What you use isn't specifically for YOU.
>>132078 Which brings us back to his question again, of course, but now let's repeat it of my example: "In the past, did men wear perfume and women wear cologne?"
>>132079 its my understanding that the rich used whatever they liked and the poor just smelled bad; i dont think they specifically split it up by gender
>>132080 Sure. I'm not actually asking; it's just what he's saying, but about clothing colors. The problem really stems from taking (((Wikipedia's))) reductionist view of this matter as immutable fact. That and his poor grasp of English.
>>132005 >"cultural appropriation" Does someone has the video about one dude wearing a mariachi in Mexico that Mexicans didn't felt offended by it? >>132028 I wish that the artist who made MGE could make a game about the cool monster girls, besides his involvement in Monster Girl Quest.
>>132049 It's actually not bamham, it's closer to Sekiro. It's kind of fun but the camera is shit and the controls are a bit shit too imo, having to hold down left bumper and spam left analog stick is tiring to me anyway. I'm also not a fightan game guy so I suck at reading and memorizing patterns which are way quicker than somethinig like sekiro with barely any tells so I'm pretty much stuck and will probably give up since fightan games are not my strong suit.
>>132082 >I wish that the artist who made MGE could make a game about the cool monster girls, besides his involvement in Monster Girl Quest. Kenkou Cross has made several games, unfortunately, only one so far is about being a guy fucking monster girls. Most are about being a female human knight transforming into a monster girl, because Kenkou Cross loves transformation/corruption fetishism. He loves drawing pure girls transforming into horny monster girls
>>132084 KC has only made two games so far, one is the Knightess transformation game, and the other is a harem “dating sim” that he’s been working on for the last two years.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers
Are you ready to get raped in VR? https://archive.vn/UF5mV Meta Unveils 'Personal Safety Bubble' After Metaverse's Dark Side Exposed >The global internet is in the midst of a giant innovation leap that will take almost a decade to fully implement, shifting from Web 2.0 (mobile computing, the app economy, and cloud storage) to Web 3.0 (a fully decentralized online ecosystem that includes the potential for a metaverse, an immersive world that acts in parallel to the physical world). >A transformation of the internet will allow for virtual worlds where people can socialize, work, and play. The metaverse is 24/7, exists in real-time, and users have individual autonomy. They experience the metaverse through virtual reality goggles, such as Meta's (formerly known as Facebook) Oculus Quest 2, which enable users to be fully immersed in a 360-degree virtual world. >Goldman Sachs equity strategist Eric Sheridan said, "We are still 20 years into web 2.0 and expect the timing of web 3.0 will be similar, if not longer." Sheridan believes the metaverse will present a total addressable market of about $2.6 trillion (most bearish case) to $12.5 trillion (most bullish case) within the next 10-15 years. >With that in mind, there's no question that the metaverse will be part of our daily lives in the years ahead, and as with any new wave of computing and or technology, there's always a dark side to the story that corporate media fails to inform the public. It only took our Jan. 23 technology note titled "Dark Side Of Metaverse Exposed: Why Your Kids Need To Stay Away From VRChat" to jump-start an awareness campaign about instances of virtual child abuse, harassment, racism, and pornography on the popular VRChat service. Now new safety protocols are being introduced to prevent predators from running amok in the metaverse. >Following our lead, and weeks later, NYPost published a story of a woman who was digitally "groped" in VR platform Horizon Worlds, created by Meta. <"Harassment in the metaverses is a serious issue that the industry needs to come together on to put in place the correct security controls and safety measures," 43yo Nina Jane Patel told NYPost while referring to her Medium post from Dec. 21. "This is/will continue to be problematic for both men and women (adults) as our world fast moves from the 2D internet as we know it — into the 3D internet space (The Metaverse)." >Readers may recall that we cited The Dark Maze, a metaverse developer and person who has spent thousands of hours in the virtual world, warned VRChat is dangerous for children. >The Dark Maze pointed to countless instances of virtual child abuse, harassment, racism, and pornography on VRChat. They said there are instances of child exploitation and sexualization, warning VRChat is "not a place for children." >Rounding back to NYPost's story on the dark side of the metaverse, Patel said, "the more damaging lens, of course, will be on our children who will start to use the Metaverse(s) more and moreover the coming years." >And maybe that's why regulators in Russia just issued a warning about the metaverse, saying it could enable illegal activity. The Scientific-Technical Center of Roskomnadzor, the federal agency responsible for monitoring social media platforms, released a report days ago that said: <"The transformation of perception on account of being located in the metaverse will have a meaningful cultural effect on society and will change social behavior, including reducing the importance of moral and ethical norms due to the use of a virtual avatar." They warn that this could particularly affect children, "the most vulnerable group in the new metaverse. >We're starting to see a trend that the metaverse isn't a safe space for children. As The Dark Maze documented last month, they captured a video of what appears to be an underaged girl in a 12yo's body strip dancing for a 40yo Japanese man. They called the act "disgusting." >The Dark Maze said, "ZeroHedge was the first major news publication to document the story of a VR Developer and content creator's experience in the metaverse and tell the story of its dark side." They said mainstream media has been silent on the "horrible accounts of child grooming in the metaverse and VRChat, perhaps because their corporate sponsors are plowing billions of dollars into metaverse investments." They had an issue with the NYPost's article because "the problem in the metaverse is not a 43-year-old soccer mom getting 'virtually gang raped' but rather kids being groomed in a pedophile free for all." >Here's first-hand evidence of adults wearing skins of a toddler on VRChat. There's also evidence of pedophiles. >It just so happens after we exposed the dark side of the metaverse; Oculus released a statement on Friday indicating the addition of a "personal boundary" (think of a personal bubble) that will protect users from being virtually assaulted by others. <"Personal Boundary will begin rolling out today everywhere inside of Horizon Worlds and Horizon Venues, and will by default make it feel like there is an almost 4-foot distance between your avatar and others. Over time, we'll continue to make improvements as we learn how this affects people's experiences." <"A Personal Boundary prevents anyone from invading your avatar's personal space. If someone tries to enter your Personal Boundary, the system will halt their forward movement as they reach the boundary. You won't feel it—there is no haptic feedback. This builds upon our existing hand harassment measures that were already in place, where an avatar's hands would disappear if they encroached upon someone's personal space," Oculus said. >The Dark Maze questions: "Why didn't Oculus enforce these boundaries from the beginning?" >Meanwhile, not everyone is hopeful about Meta's future in the metaverse. Tech founder Phil Libin told Bussiness Insider he's been critical of the metaverse's hype. Last month, in a podcast, he said the promotion around the metaverse is comparable to propaganda from the communists as he received as a child living in the former Soviet Union. >He said Meta's vision of the metaverse is an "interconnected 3D world that we experience for many hours a day, both for fun and for work primarily through VR" – "that package of things is godawful." <"It's an old idea," Libin said. "It's uncreative, it's been tried many, many times over the past four decades, and it's never worked." >More on Meta's future comes from Rabobank:
[Expand Post] <"This week I was saying we are in a global meta-crisis…and then Facebook change its name to "Meta" – replete with a new logo that looks like a PlayStation controller, a sleep mask, or a bad sports bra. (Someone was paid a lot of money, or 'IOU Chicken', to mis-draw an infinity loop.) The aim is now "the metaverse," where promo material shows we can play poker with robot avatars in simulated zero gravity. Welcome to the second coming of Second Life, which we used for a few weeks in the early 2000s until collectively realising how pointless it was to wander around virtual landscapes of boring people pretending to blue-haired Elf ninja warriors? Perhaps fusing it with social media (cough, don't mention that function) makes it more appealing? For people unsatisfied by pre-existing 'I am a cat!' chat features, perhaps; and maybe my future client presentations will be in zero-g with robot avatars? If so, I bagsy Eeyore as my avatar. However, are ageing Facebook users really going to wear VR goggles? How will they fit over their bifocals? And for the younger crowd, there seems stiff competition from LARPing offline." >The good news from our prior report is that Oculus is finally addressing the cesspool of predators preying on kids and adults by enforcing new safety protocols. Still, the metaverse is in a primitive form, and a lot needs to be figured out to make it a safe space.
>>132087 So basically a serverless VR Chat.
>>132087 now we can close the pool by body blocking normalniggers
>>132089 that would first require actually using their terrible game thing.
>>132064 Have you taken the 8kunny yet, mateys? it's a tough pill to swallow! The 8kunny was founded in 2013 by Sir Fredrick "Firetire my dick daddy" Brennan, who presents and narrates the attached url. Forget red and blue pills, the 8kunny is the way of the future. Link related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking! Swallow the the 8kunny today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin /pol/ maymays, this one is the readl deal. 8kun.top/qresearch/index.html
>>132090 >playing video games
>>132087 Why are they acting as if cross-brand services are a new thing that they came up with? Second Life has been a thing for nearly twenty years.
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>>132091 I've often wondered what the heck we're going to do if Jim finally tosses 8kun in the trash heap and all the Qboomers want to come here. They half-inadvertently got us all kicked off our home and never felt a shred of remorse or respect for the 8chan communities they trampled underfoot. At least in my head I could see them having a board but it'd be spelled out to them that they were getting zero special protections and no favoritism - the opposite of 8kun. And then anons would probably spam them with loli pee until they knew their place. Part of me hopes they just never show up.
>>132094 They only use 8kun because of Q's tripcode integrity. Otherwise we can just have acid pretend to be Q and have an army of useful idiots.
>>132094 I would write a bot to mirror all the pedonigger "cute appreciation" posts onto their board.
>>132093 Because normalfags are mostly apes that forget what isn't ever before their faces.
>>132096 How hard could it be really? Just say vague useless shit.
>>132099 Funny enough that qtard documentary showed there are Q experts who recognize when a different retard is behind the wheel.
>>132100 Well if it involves studying then Acids out.
>>132100 It also showed that most Qniggers didn't even use 8chan nor know much of anything about the site. They just browsed sites that mirrored Ron's LARP posts.
>>132096 >tripcode integrity Please. PLEASE tell me that you are making a joke. Holy shit, please.
>LARP What's this about antifa?
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>>132041 you'll suddenly see all the senate getting into "robust conversations" with Apple's representatives and magically reverse their decisions
>>132005 >absolver dev makes a singleplsyer game that's all about brawling in locations inspired by the big action setpieces like the oldboy corridor and john wick night club I swear to god this better be good or else
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>>132106 >Endchan Boy do I have some things I could tell them about the people who run that place. That's hilarious. That being said I don't think they'd set foot in thedonald anymore. Trump supporters figured out the Q bullshit a long time ago, and I've seen Qfags basically ran out of that place with tar and feathers whenever they appear. Even Ron gets called a cuck there.
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>>132005 Other than the face models, I say its a decent brawler.
>>132110 >kung fu sekiro Neat. How does the aging mechanic work, does it have denuvo, what else is bad about it and is it fun?
>>132110 The combat looks alot like absolver.
>>131993 Holy shit Ted's take on leftist is spot fucking on.
>>132105 The tide has been turning against the tech industry for a while now. They're going to continue being paid to give governments all your data in the background while being forced to acquiesce to certain public changes, like anti-trust actions. Don't think otherwise. Apple has already lost in European nations.
>>132110 Kung fu is turbo lame chink LARP and it's hard to take anything based on it seriously. Especially after reading about the CCP cracking down on the chink MMA fighter who went around his country embarrassing kung fu "masters".
>>132113 Minus the bit about science when it can be used against western ideals
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>>132088 More like private server VR, Zuckerborg still needs your data after all. >>132087 >>132089 >>132093 Just buy a HTC Vive or whatever that thing Samsung makes is called instead if you wanna play VR games.
>>132087 Vrchat already has a function called personal space where avatars inside your avatar pill hitbox aren't seen by you.
>>132118 Who owns VR chat again anyway? Last time I fucked around in there no I don't actually own a VR headset mind you, I'm not that big of a faggot and you can play without one the end user agreement thing read as though the United Kingdom owns the game.
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>>132119 from bloomberg
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>>132053 There's ways to shake people out of social acceptance sickness. Usually involves giving them an emotional shock by exposing a celebrity, or more easily actually questioning their relationships. IE questions like "Why do you let people get in your head like this?" or "You should be more self-serving and assertive" or "Treat yourself man, you need more for yourself" since most of these people are absolute doormats and they usually only need a little push to get the dominos rolling. In essence, get them angry. Loads of these over-socialized normalfags have internal negative thoughts and the only way to shake someone with internal negative thoughts out of it ISN'T to direct them to passive positive feelings since they will always reject this, you instead need to get them viscerally angry. At you, at someone else, doesn't matter. The first episode they have, likely the first in their entire life, will cause further incidents down the line as they wield their newfound self-assertiveness. This doesn't always work but these motherfuckers are in an emotional abyss and you simply don't have enough rope to throw them to climb out, the second step, assertiveness, has to be taught first, then they have to be assertive themselves. After you tip the emotional domino it's all gonna be them from there on out. In order for this to happen though you have to be generally supportive and their anchor. there are, however, lost causes. people obsessed with "love" and react badly to rejection are generally caught in a loop that is self defeating, these are identifiable because they generally surround themselves with loads of people and don't ever seem to be happy, ever. These are lost causes.
>>132120 >Folsom Street Ah, nothing but literal queers, got it.
>>132119 Last time I played it was a the height of the Ugandan Knuckles meme in January 2018. I just ran around the meme map and mic spammed.
>>132028 Ducked over to /monster/ to see their take on this, apparently several people have already made the artist for MGE aware of this, along with the name of several law firms in Tokyo that specialize in copyright law. So either the artist who made the original sketches for this character, the modders who made the model based off the stolen art, or even Roblox themselves for licensing said ripoff character for the toy are going to be getting a lawsuit slapped on them. Imagine the little zoomers asking their parents why Memeblox is shutting down, and they’re confronted with a smug purple catgirl from a hentai.
https://odysee.com/@W1NTER:7/raiden-punching-armstrong-but-every:0 >>132120 >(((Bloomberg))) No wonder it's written like a bunch of lawyer speak, I had no idea Mike was getting into the gaming industry... >>132123 I wish I knew how to make 3D models or at least import them into the game. Could be fun getting a dozen people using Caesars Legion skins to run around various maps and basically just legion post. Maybe I should just pay the Valve tax and get a Vibe since I already described my disdain for the Zuck.
Actually I should probably just wait for VR technology to mature more instead. Who knows maybe Pin64 will make one some day.
>>132126 You don't need to wait to learn how to use blender, I've been using it to 3d print things that are too niche to be on thingiverse.
>>132124 >asking their parents why Memeblox is shutting down It would be funny, but it's unlikely. The company right now is worth almost 33 billion. For reference, Valve is around 4 billion https://archive.is/0ti0A
>>132005 My guess is that they are not skilled enough to play it properly so they need something to bitch about to draw attention away from that fact.
>>132028 >>132124 >>132128 >Ahhhh, won't someone think of the poor 2D fictional drawings being molested by fictional 2D catgirls!! Meanwhile IRL half of our elected politicians are literally on Epstein's loli Express black flight log book and our tax dollars are still going towards manufacturing weapons for a kingdom (Saudi Arabia) which is known for slavery and waging a brutal devastating war in Yemen resulting in the bombings, starvation, and sickness of millions of civilians just so they can keep their puppet president in power. This is all public knowledge but people choose to care more about a fucking video game cameo in Roblox. Americunt normalfag "values" pisses me off so much and I'm American myself.
>>132059 What you are asking boils down to preferences, but the pink for girl/blue for boy trend has been that way since the 1950s because companies could double dip in profits if they marketed colors for the baby rather than having them in white. To try and answer anyway, the girls might like the boys in pink as a sign of confidence since they'll be sticking out in a room full of boring & drab colors. Not sure if it also applies for boys liking the girls in blue. A lot of popular characters sport blue though, so maybe? inb4 this was an AI GPT-3 shitpost
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>>132124 >lots of Roblox kids suddenly awaken a monstergirl fetish
>>132128 You aren't going to get any accurate assessments (unless you yourself are an investor or privy somehow) of Valve's worth as a company due to their existence as a private company
>>132118 So does Second Life. Doesn't stop management to hire investigators snooping around people's private locked lots invisibly to find anyone performing any illicit acts or chats with child characters. VRchat is just one good media scare away from that.
>>132059 There's an actual reason. Up until the late 1800s it was actually the reverse of today - blue was for girls and pink was for boys. The claimed reasoning was that blue was a "rare, delicate color among flowers" and pink was "the color of red blood on a white officer's uniform." Between 1890 and 1930 marketers flip-flopped the two because people started seeing pink as the more delicate color.
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>>132005 I'm sure those fags didn't complain when Japanese devs like Kojima and Mikami put a lot of white characters in their games.
>>529838 >they're calling us things niggerpill statement >us us us us us us us There is no "Us". We're not a reddit group you fag, you still don't get it.
>>529838 Any time. I can put your money where your mouth is, for you. You say you want to die and yet you are still alive. I can grant your wish. All I need is your address. It can all be over within 48 hours. You can be freed.
>>132134 Honestly, is Twitter one good media scare away from anything? Social media isn't controlled by a "company" it's controlled by consensus. Metaverse already failed lol, people prefer VRchat warts and all.
>>529843 >us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us >We suck we suck we suck What kind of stupid ass psyop is this, you've given the fuck up.
>PlatinumGames CEO wants to make larger games, suggests pursuing live service games https://nichegamer.com/platinumgames-ceo-wants-to-make-larger-games/ https://archive.is/ASOrI >The newly appointed CEO Atsushi Inaba has talked up the company’s past, present, and their future – noting the PlatinumGames CEO wants to make larger games, while suggesting they’ll pursue live service games. >“In the past, around the time of the Sato regime (the former president), even if we wanted to create our own IP, it was difficult to do so, and even if we could, it would be on a very small scale… Even if we could, it would only be on a very small scale… …we could only make indie-class products,” Inaba said. >“But when it comes to future game production, we want to focus on making games that are different from the past, that can be enjoyed and loved for a longer period of time. I would like to focus on creating games that can be enjoyed and loved for a longer period of time.” >Before you grab your pitchforks and start rallying on your preferred online platform, Inaba was quick to note they will continue supporting small and/or single-run games, i.e. traditionally developed and supported games.
>>529844 Yes. So Vrchat isn't going anywhere and Meta will never have a hold on people and no information company ever will. You can't stop people from choosing and you can't control them. You don't get to decide. Niggerpill you are worthless.
>>529848 shut the fuck up niggerpill you are worthless.
You know if we're going to derail you might as well post porn or something, it's much better than this gay internet drama about oh no some faggot on twitter said thing we're all dead and "impotent kill sjw leftist bubblegum ass" faggotry. >>132141 I'm sad but likewise Platinum really hasn't put out a game I liked past Transformers, and that one I didn't like that much either haven't played Astral Chain but the cute policewoman butts are interesting. They keep shoving in these pretty terrible loot/gear systems that dilute from the actual game and the combat mechanics haven't gotten better since Bayo.
https://odysee.com/@FFFTech:3/22LR-Snap-Cap:b https://odysee.com/@EarthTitan:0/the-solution-to-ocean-plastics:9 >>529838 >Silicon Valley continues to shoot themselves in the foot So be it, he'll just move to Odysee and Bitchute and bring millions of fans with him.
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She's so needy today.
>>529854 >basically Tim Pool levels of hot takes but with a beard >OMG he's basically a nazi!! The people complaining about a fucking e-celeb are a vocal minority. No one else actually gives a shit and I only care because I hate Big Tech/Silicon Valley so whenever they dig yet another inch to their grave I cheer their retarded ass off in the background. Normies are more concerned about the latest Marvel movie or which sports team will win the super bowl this year.
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>>132147 Heres hoping Meta burns itself to the dumpster & a dance thread will be made to spit on Zuckerberg, preferably with the song they used in the meta commercial
>>132148 Go ask the /t/ jannies if they'll allow it. I'm sure they will since they aren't a bunch of stuck up faggots unlike halfchan jannies are.
>>132148 It's not a hope, it's a certainty.
>>132147 I thought a lot of normalfags quit niggerball after too many players prioritized kneeling for St. Floyd over bread and circuses? Or have the (((owners)) sufficiently cracked the whip?
>>132141 >PlatinumGames They are Tencent now.
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The weak should fear the strong. The strong should fuck the weak.
Remember that Vic Mignogna defamation case appeal that went nowhere due to Covid ? Well, someone decided to kick the hornet's nest. https://archive.fo/fuFU4
>>132154 You just posted that last thread. I doubt it's going to do much, likely another lazy-nigger judge to shoot down Vic's appeal and that's it.
>>132155 I didn't, but thanks for pointing it out.
>>132156 Ah, mistook you for a different anon.
>>132154 I am not trashing Vic's side or anything, nor am I trashing Nick Rekieta for all he did for Vic when he needed it. But what the fuck was Ty Beard and his retard brigade doing all this time? I know the trial judge was a shitter who deserves to be raped to death by niggers, and covid and all fucked up the court system, but there has been time now; why the fuck hasn't it been appealed yet? These snakes are doing this because they don't fear the consequences and are mocking him, where are his lawyers in the midst of it? They have just under 300K of GFM money and it went, where exactly? This is ridiculous, if an appeal doesn't come out then honestly I dunno what to say at this point. >>132155 It doesn't matter since they can just appeal to the Texas Supreme Court then, and if not there, then just go higher, they have the funds and presumably the evidence to warrant discovery at least, but the case never even went to fucking trial, or even pre-trial to at least force these faggots to fish out evidence What happened was pure cancer, but appellate courts and higher courts tend to be harder to fuck with than the lower courts
>>132130 >Americunt normalfag "values" pisses me off so much and I'm American myself. It's Leafs and Euros who do this shit too.
My dog got very sick yesterday and I was so scared I couldn't even sleep, now I feel incredibly tired and happy to see he got well with just a night of sleep. Thanks to Christ and Saint Antón. >>132053 That's true. After discovering one lie it's normal that you start to notice the rest of the lies, like if you wake up from hypnosis while remembering all the things you did when hypnotized.
>>132158 >But what the fuck was Ty Beard and his retard brigade doing all this time? Think Vic dropped Ty for a different firm after the first failure. Fuck knows if I know what they were doing though. >They have just under 300K of GFM money and it went, where exactly? Didn't Vic get forced to pay out to Monica and Marchi when Judge Chupp threw his case out?
>>132141 >Nichegaymer Didnt these fags have a shit show regarding article plagiarism a while back? Arent there other fags that could be supported instead?
>>132005 I actually want to get this game for PC, looks fun, Care to /v/ pill me on sifu anons?
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Can someone explain Qanon to me? I can't ask anywhere else because they'll just quote Wikipedia.
>>132163 Game by the absolver(a game that looked like it had really interesting SUPERIOR LIMB BASED COMBAT but was multiplayer only and died really quickly) devs, this one's singleplayer, probably roguelite(there's a mechanic where you age every time you die that I have no idea how it works and can't be assed to look up because I want to play blind). Also I'm guessing it's EGS exclusive for a year so I'm waiting a year for all the content/bug fixes/whatever because that's just how it is with epic "exclusives".
>>132164 Some namefag in pigchan who was tought to be Donald Trump, also Oldman's first imageboard. Besides that, not much.
>>132159 >It's Leafs and Euros who do this shit too. It's all of the western civilization at this point, there's no point in hiding it.
>>132167 >*civilizations fucking keyboard
>>132082 Here mate. >>132115 Then dont play games with katanas, people dual wielding weapons, jets using cannons, aliens having rayguns, or people not dying or being incapacitated by a single shot, mr. nofun. >>132165 Yeah, id rather wait a year than give money to epic if the game deserves a buy, if not ill just joly roger it like always.
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>The weak only attack easy targets. >That is why killing the weak is a priority. >You will see mothers ganging up on a man that has loli art on his PC, but turn a blind eye to someone rich and with status that actually rapes children. >The weak that prey on easy targets must always be killed.
>>132170 >muh innocent loli collector >muh demonic child rapist Couldn't be more propagandistic now could you?
>>132005 >Sifu is made by a studio of white people and that's bad Isn't Dark Souls based on European culture and made by Japs? or are Japs white now?
>>132170 easy kmart > easy target.
>>132171 I was mocking niggerpill you dolt. When has anyone ever taken Shadow the Hedgehog posting seriously? Apparently your the first. >>132173 I like Kmart though...
>>132165 EGS Exclusive really just means it has no Denuvo, it's cracked already.
>>132164 Okay so imagine you're a literal boomer who sees all the faggy left wingers in media and online and gets real frustrated about how things should be back when Reagan was still president, you discover /pol/ through Streissand Effect and you get hooked on modern conservative memes, then all of a sudden some tripfag (thought to be Jim's hapa son) starts writing cryptic messages that once every twenty times align with what's actually happening in the real world, you start believing him and really want to push for political change in America from the comfort of your gated community. It's pretty much the same recruitment options that social justice types use, but since elites and media are left wing right now it's seen as evil while socjus is the greater good. Qanon is just an invention that latched on the "drain the swamp" policy that Trump supposedly wanted (and partially failed to) implement, because of /pol/ being much more accurate at identifying intel and predicting modern events, the tripfag would just parrot the right words at the right time and rope in a gazillion retards who have nothing to believe in (since the modern left has declared that all structures are social construct and thus meaningless) and just decided to push for Republicanism as the driving ideology for all countries.
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>>132173 >tfw used to goto kmart all the time but all the kmarts around me closed a long time ago there is only wallmart now
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>>132177 Fake and gay
>>132174 >I was mocking niggerpill you dolt. But that's Luciano's rhetoric. Niggerpill is the defeatist, the huemonkey is the one with unrealistic posturing.
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>>132178 why not both?
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>>132180 >why not both?
>>132179 >Luciano's rhetoric Oh, forgive me for the misunderstanding then.
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>>132179 They are sometimes the same person though.
>>132183 That could be the "Using Tor over clearnet .moe gives you an ID" thing.
>really fucking horny >Missed opportunity to shoot my load inside Niggerpill today well shit
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>>132185 Sorry you missed the demoralization Turk-Roach spam but look on the bright side, GG has an autistic Hue spammer to gangbang instead.
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>>132186 >GG has an autistic Hue spammer to gangbang instead. I'd rather have some other hue to fuck instead...
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>>132187 Neat, GG needs an OC for Luciano/Macoco honestly. He clearly wants the attention so why not?
>>132188 >Macoco Never heard this name for him before.
>>132189 Macaco means Monkey in Hue.
>>132189 It means monkey in Portuguese. Or so DuckDuckGo's translator says anyway.
>>132191 Remember it's Macaco not Macoco, as in Sopa de Macaco.
>>132191 Well, Hue is heavily appropriated portuguese after all. >>132188 Ask Rebis. I'm sure some anons here will also commision him a Luciano-chan / Macaco-chan as a futa as well, given his body of work as Arsenothelus in the past.
>>132147 >The people complaining about a fucking e-celeb are a vocal minority. Anyone bringing up "muh sargon" is outing themselves as a herdnigger and probable thread shitter. Point this out every time it happens. >>132161 >Didn't Vic get forced to pay out to Monica and Marchi when Judge Chupp threw his case out? No, and stop listening to herdniggers, as they were WRONG about every aspect of the case.
>>132193 >given his body of work as Arsenothelus in the past. Not that I know what this is, but if the orcs in that were less /hyper/ and the futa elf loli in that was instead a regular adult elf woman, that one series where the elf gets gangbanged by the orcs in some sauna involving oils that get the user incredibly horny would have been 10/10 Not that I know what that is, of course.
>>132094 >I've often wondered what the heck we're going to do One post. Stickied on their trashheap detailing exactly how they fucked over everything. I have a few things I'd like to add to that post if I get the opportunity.
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>>132195 I'm well aware of what you're talking about but I hate his futa work, just like I don't like futa in general, lest it is for comedic purposes His gals and hypno series however, as well as his gyarufications and 2B series are so top notch however, I'm certain he's basically unmatched in all of Japan when it comes to coloured doujins about big breasted bimbos or amateur CG sets. His work on that front is only second to professional VN artists these days
>>132191 Anon, a macaco is a macaque, not monkey in general.
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>>132194 Look anon and I'm sorry to say this but you're behaving like a white nigger. >>132193 >Ask Rebis. What should a lewd anime Luciano look like? Should she have a tee-shirt with the Japanese flag crossed off, or am I getting the two mixed up again? Because honeslty Just tune Niggerpill and Luciano out most of the time. >>132198 Oh okay
>>132199 >Just tune Niggerpill and Luciano out most of the time. I want a Luciana and Slutpill photoshoot in "that" pool.
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>>132199 >What should a lewd anime Luciano look like? I always imagined something close to the stuff Kagami used to draw during his height as a turbobonertard for footballcheerleaders >>132200 (Checked) You doubles slut!
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Even this retard knows better
>>132202 Yeah, although he could've done a better job while in office.
>>132201 I'm not a slut, I just wanna fuck bad bitches.
>>132204 don't sell yourself short. i'm sure you could also fuck good bitches if you try.
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>>132204 >I just wanna fuck bad bitches. So it was (you) all along you dog
>>132203 >he could've done a better job while in office. >never pardoned Snowden or Julian Assange >never abolished the ATF >did a 180 and bombed Syrian airport roads just because the (((White Helmets))) said Assad gassed a territory he already had under his control with Dollar Store quality chemical weapons >pardoned convicted sex offenders, yet Q-tards worship him for some reason >cried about muh violent vidya I mean at least we owned the libs am I right. That and he did scrap the TPP since that was a load of crap so I'm indifferent to it all. Could have been worse, imagine if Killary, (((Bloomberg))), Ted Cruz missile, or Guacamole bowl man won instead. >>132204 *headpats the hue (You) slut*
>ICv2: "WotC Sold Over $950 Million in Tabletop Games In 2021" https://archive.fo/Z7Nzo
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loli slut
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>>132210 >Not fucking shorstacks or oppai loli dragons Disgusting
>>132207 That's a blast from the past.
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>>132208 Don't forget >banned bump sticks >wanted to ban silencers >said cops should take guns first and worry about due process second Wouldn't surprise me is this alone was part of the reason he lost votes in the last election. 2A guys are notoriously single issue voters.
>>132215 the A in factory.
>>132198 Macaco is literally monkey, as in any simian, not just macaques. >>132193 >Macaco-chan Macaca-chan, as in feminine. Or whatever the fuck you mean.
>>132217 Yeah, that.I'm not as familiar with the spanish-related languages so mistakes will be made. The one I mean is the Hue girl that's been prevalent in these threads and that "Paolo, my son" comic taking the piss out of the hueniggers.
>>132013 Wtf does this even mean?
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If you mean this girl, it's Kuruminha
>>132219 Canada declared a state of emergency over the trucker anti-vaccine shit. Trucker protestors are getting arrested/ticketed for a variety of reasons. Court also ordered a 10 day ban on truckers honking their horns now.
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>>132028 >roblox There really should be a spinoff or a ripoff that's exclusive to adults (although the game itself might be full of groomers). How the game itself got popular is beyond me.
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>>132131 >>132135 Boys briefly took back pink in the 80s.
>>132221 >Court also ordered a 10 day ban on truckers honking their horns now. >ibe4 some trucker ends up plowing through a busy intersection because they aren't allowed to honk
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>>132198 >Anglos pretending like they know portuguese Help me God I will kill you if I find you.
>>132225 Good luck. If you could escape the hovels & ramshackle garbage shacks of Brazil then you would've already.
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>>132226 >Brazil >Implying
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>>132222 From what I heard it's revival was because of a few factors >it got ported to mobile >it was """easy""" to mod and make mini games >people could make money from creating mini games and having people play them Basically, it became a platform for content creation, and other stuff, at least this is what a friend of mine told me, as he was making mini games in Roblox.
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>>530002 Yeah, and yet somehow, still whiter than you mutt.
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>>132231 Is this loss?
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>>132220 Bless you digitman. >>132223 Almost everything that is considered girly now used to be manly. No joke. >Pink <Used to be a symbol of manliness amongst nobles probably because it was dilluted crimson dye which was super expensive up until the middle ages and later in the 80s >Dye, perfumes, pedicures, manicures <Only the wealthiest and manliest of men could afford those >Wigs, especially the powdered wigs that went well with make-up <What are you, some poor faggot or a woman who can't drink tea, bitch? Or are you some sort of frenchie that allows his women to dress like a MAN? >Skirts <Scotsmen warriors and the fiercest of slavs, romanians and oher balkanians wore fustanella as warriors >Long, well groomed hair <What are you, a coward or a bitch, soldier? If you don't have a lion's mane with luscious golden locks, you aren't a true brave <What's that Bjorn? You won't grow your hair? How will women know you are a true, manly man with tons of testosterone? It's quite funny how historically manly those things were. I expect that in the coming years, moustaches and beards will be appropriated by "women" that still haven't cut off their tiny dongs. >>530002 >Portugal is just as black and dune coon now. Don't pretend otherwise. Someone post the one portugese guy who colonised that black chick. Still cracks me up how he's standing.
>>132225 Im not an anglo, im from the califate of al-andalus.
>>132235 >al-andalus That bad down there? Have the pakis reached all the way there?
>>132087 >(a fully decentralized online ecosystem that includes the potential for a metaverse, an immersive world that acts in parallel to the physical world). Well, this sounds nice. As long as it actually is decentralized, that is. >they captured a video of what appears to be an underaged girl in a 12yo's body strip dancing for a 40yo Japanese man. So it really is the new Second Life. I've never played Second Life, actually, I'm just guessing.
>>132120 >Folsom Street I was there once, literal faggots crawl that street.
>>132094 I'd rather not have them. I know I'm extremely biased because I just posted a loli image but they're total fags that aren't culturally a part of real imageboard culture. They somehow ended up on a site accidentally and never adapted. I don't think there's ever going to be a place for qresearch people unless it's on another site. Like come on, you know no one likes these people. None of the major cultural groups here except maybe like tradcon Christian types can get along with them.
>>132203 Are you fucking retarded? Every single action he took was objectively wrong and against whites and the United States. No fucking shit "he could have done better." >>132219 It means you won and the ZOG is destroyed for eternity. >>132227 Portugal is just as black and dune coon now. Don't pretend otherwise.
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>>132231 >Stonetoss.com >It's not an edit >Loss is in the original comic Wew.
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>>132237 >Loli entering a mixed public bath, or using her loli status to get away with entering the men's bath This will never fail to arouse me.
>>132241 >pic Sauce?
>>132236 Its a joke, things are mostly the same (as in, usual EU shit).
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>>132247 Ah, ok. Are the girls still busty over there? A cousin of mine got married to a spanish girl and she was banging. That and Spain's probably the only other place, other than Italy where I can go after the retards over here start clapping at the haram-boko squads slashing thighs and firing shots in the middle of the night. >>132249 All of the vidya
>>132250 >Are the girls still busty over there? Yeah, SJW shit is very present in the media and goverment but thankfully most people are still normal, so most girls are still like always instead of danger hair porcupines.
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>>132220 I know who Kuruminha is, I just like associating her with the carrier sperg (the Hue one) with him. Basically BR Chan's mascot ant technically a lazy rip off of a Luck Start character too. >>132214 Pretty much, all that along with the Cloud Act and all leftists have to complain about is... >"b-but muh mean tweets!!" Not that Biden is any better what with his goal of getting David Chipman to head the ATF. Imagine if that actually went through? Yikes, ammo prices are already expensive enough as is.
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>>132203 Depends on who you are referring, Candidate Trump or President Trump?
>>132253 Can't believe this fucking faggot just gave 100 Million to BLM. Sam Hyde should beat him up in the ring
>>132254 >this fucking faggot just gave 100 Million to BLM Source?
>>132234 All that whinging about manly things being co-opted by women, and you didn't even mention high heels? For shame.
>>132257 >>132254 Perhaps you should learn to read, the owner of Spotify has pledged Spotify to donate $100m. That's not Joe Rogan. Also, the money's not earlmarked for BLM specifically, just "non-white music and audio content".
>>132258 Joe Rogan agreed to this, not only that but he allegedly was the one who decided to take down over a hundred 'controversial' episodes
Did someone really order niggerpill lite?
>>132259 Joe Rogan is published by Spotify, he literally has zero input on the actions of Spotify, the same way someone using Amazon's self-publishing service doesn't have input on what Amazon does, as a company. And because I forgot, >>132256 https://archive.fo/Uob5o
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>>132208 >>never abolished the ATF 'Congress is the one who's responsible for that one. They're the ones who created the ATF. >>132256 >and you didn't even mention high heels? Because high heels became obsolete once spurs were invented.
>>132258 >>132259 Rogan is a cuck: https://web.archive.org/web/20220201220928/https://www.etonline.com/joe-rogan-addresses-podcast-backlash-im-not-trying-to-promote-misinformation-178568 >I'm not trying to promote misinformation. I’m not trying to be controversial," he said. "I’ve never tried to do anything with this podcast other than just talk to people and have interesting conversations. I didn’t plan it. I can’t believe it's as successful as it is. Ashamed of even talking to COVID skeptics. Absolute cuck.
>>132264 See how easy it is to critique a man for what he actually does? No one needs to make up shit about him donating $100m to BLM. Have some fucking editorial standards.
>>132263 >Congress is the one who's responsible for that one. They're the ones who created the ATF. I guess the question then is why has congress never abolished the ATF even though there has been majority republican congresses paired with a republican president more than once since the ATF was created.
>>132259 >>132264 >>132262 Rogan is a faggot, but I don't need your glownigger tier misinfo to know that. Now fuckof
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>>132251 I see. >>132256 Ah fuck, I knew I was forgetting something. :3
>>132259 Rogan didn't take down his episodes, SPOTIFY did dumbass.
>>132110 I wish unoriginal developers would stop ripping off Fromsoft ideas, come up with your own gameplay mechanics, you hacks. >>132211 That comic not showing the shortstack getting raped was such a fucking waste. >>132215 I don't get it. >>132267 The last one isn't misinformation though.
>>132266 >I guess the question then is why has congress never abolished the ATF Tax money and it regulates the firearms and explosives industries. Along with the ability to make practically anything, for shoe laces to sheet met, an illegal item to have.
>>132266 Dems want to disarm the populace, while republicans want to disarm the populace more gradually. There are a handful of pro-second second amendment republicans, but they're the fringe.
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>>132264 >I’m not trying to be controversial," he said. "I’ve never tried to do anything with this podcast other than just talk to people and have interesting conversations. I didn’t plan it. I can’t believe it's as successful as it is. <"It's just a prank bro. His audience is going to eat him alive and so will the left.
>>132272 The funny thing about Conservatives is that they're not conservatives at all. To the point that even EU commies are more conservative.
>>132270 Asanagi in general is shit but he churns one or two diamonds from time to time
>>132275 Is ShindeL still drawing?
>>132275 >Asanagi in general is shit. There’s a reason people call him “Japanese Shadman”
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>>132005 >white people make a game featuring minorities >"ugh i can't even so much cultural appropriation write what you know white scum" >white people make a game in a fantasy world and specifically make only white people to avoid accusations of cultural appropriation >"Game X Has A Severe Racism Problem" This is so fucking tiresome.
>>132277 >There’s a reason people call him “Japanese Shadman” That's always been such a stupid nickname, unlike Shadman his art isn't shit and there are other Japanese artists who are way edgier than him.
>>132278 Is this cultural appropiation now?
>>132005 Also holy shit, they are still churning out daily articles bashing this game.
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>>132280 compared to the comic the cartoon is practically blackface
>>132281 >TheGamer That garbagefire is about to go bankrupt, they're desperate.
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>>132276 Who? >>132279 Pretty much this, the guy who's doing Nagatoro was way more hardcore and edgier than him until Naruto dicked Hinata and then he mellowed out so much he only did vanilla Asanagi's just shit since he has an artstyle that can be used for some nice doujins with fairly comical faces and vanilla content around shortstacks but he chooses to be needlessly edgy and cunty in his works. >>132280 >Bongs make a series about 4 american turtles named after italian painters and artists and eat pizza all day, while stdying Ninjutsu I can hear the screams and the furious, hot-dog-sized fingers clacking on half-broken keyboards from here.
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>>132005 >>132281 Deeply fucking ass ravaged, they are.
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>>132285 Amazing digits, honorable Grandmaster.
Is there saving the USA?
>>132278 Wow, it's almost like they just hate white people.
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>>132288 >Wow, it's almost like they just hate anyone not hallal. They loathe the japanese as well and basically have them as "honorary whites" read nazi poopoo heads
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>>132287 Probably, anything can be salvaged with enough blood and sweat, the question is "Is saving the USA worth it?"
>>132290 It's just a shill, ignore it.
>>132289 >They loathe the japanese Of course, because of the Gook and Chink influence.
>>132292 >That video Holy shit. >Gook and Chinks This is what I don't get get : gooks and chinks hate japan, fair. Jews love and suck gook and chink dick, fair. What the fuck's the rest of those sheep retards that sperg out about cultural appropriation outside of the SoCal and Frankfurt sphere? Are there that many chinks and gooks in USA - Yurope that warantee so much brainwashing at this point? Because my people used to be pretty good with the nips an loved having them here.
>>132293 >*What about the rest Christ.
>>132295 Belgium is something bongs created from random bits of France and Holland so they could really stick it to the frogs after Napoleon. Instead all they got was a non-country who's national pastime is cutting the hands off of niggers and serving as Germany's shortcut to Paris.
>>132274 >To the point that even EU commies are more conservative. Don't fall for the meme, they are all shaking hands under the ery same tables as controlled opposition. The whole Conservatives vs communists shit outside of Russia and former UUSR countries, to be fair has been the biggest grift in a whole lot of countries. All of those shitters are about as commie and conservative as the dems and gops are bipartisan. >>132296 >Instead all they got was a non-country who's national pastime is cutting the hands off of niggers and serving as Germany's shortcut to Paris. And the massaging of the balls of all the faggots at Luxemburg while they fuck over the rest of Europe. Belgium was a giant mistake.
>>132293 >What the fuck's the rest of those sheep retards that sperg out about cultural appropriation outside of the SoCal and Frankfurt sphere? Whites who feel guilty about all the "cruel things" the American government did to the niggers and the Injuns from the 1600's-1800's, whether or not it did actually happen or was all in the mind. >>132295 >Belgium which isn't a real country Spotted the Bong in the thread!
>>132296 Anything that is beyond the pirineans is a land of degenerate savage faggots.
>>132298 For some reason, my gut tells me that it's not even the real bleeding heart naive fucks that believe this but rather the ultra attention-whore faggots that want to be hollier than though aka the parents of goons or goons themselves >Spotted the Bong in the thread! Frogs don't consider Belgium another country either, they just believe it's a giant town full of their retarded, inbred cousins that can't figure out how meals are divided during the hours of the day.
>>132300 >my gut tells me that it's not even the real bleeding heart naive fucks that believe this but rather the ultra attention-whore faggots that want to be hollier than though You're half right. The latter bitches about it all the time, and the former placates to their demands just to get them to shut up. >Frogs don't consider Belgium another country either Yeah, but the Frogs didn't start the Great War over Germany stepping foot into Belgium. The Bongs did.
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>>132280 That depends, were any lizard people consulted while making it? >>132284 >Who? The guy who made the Emergence: Metamorphosis comic.
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>>132302 Well that's fucking retarded. Seems like the later need to be at least imprisoned or raked through the coals and the former need a nice slap and a firm father figure to set them straight. >Great War Oh, I was refering to how the frogs viewed Belgium in general, even before the 20th century. >>132303 Wasn't that guy's name Shindol and din't he also participate in the kemono fests, drawing some Tails x Rouge x Cream's mom doujins or something? Or there are two different guys with extremely similar names, because I'm aware of the shitty edgefest that is Metamorphosis and just like (((Kafka's))) book of the same name, it's an exercise in shittiness and depression by telling you to accept all this misery and shit. I'tm surprise a japanese wrote something like that
>>132303 Why did this shit became mainstream? Why can't normalfags leave degenerate subcultures alone
>>132304 >It’s an exercise in shitiness and depression by telling you to accept all this misery >I’m surprised a Japanese wrote something like this. I’m not, given how common corruption/moral degradation is in hentai. The only different in Metamorphosis is that it’s not played as some fetish and instead is done straight. I guess that’s why it sticks with so many people.
>>132306 Ah, I fucked up, pic #3 should have been the first I posted.
>>132306 >I’m not, given how common corruption/moral degradation is in hentai. The thing about that is that when it's done by nips it's either as a fetish in Hentai, like you mentioned or some ultra-weird shit that somehow phillosophically ties into buddhism and nirvana in the writer's head in the most ass-backwards way possible, like what Urobutcher tries to do from time to time. The only exception to that is Mohiro Kitoh but that's because the guy is a giant troll who's favourite mangaka was some zainichi korean who made manga just to be controversial and his most famous, Bokurano, is basically a modern remake of the korean's "The Moon" manga.
>>132306 >accept all the misery I can tell you personally that whomever tells you this is a down syndrome nigger that probably sucks dicks. I've had all sorts of horrible things happen to me in my life, no one ever really loved me, I don't fit in anywhere, I've nearly died many time. I can get my depressive moments but I'd warn anyone to never swallow the niggerpill ever, it can get better but you must take strides to be the change wish you want to see.
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>>132303 Weren't most of her problems avoidable had she used a skull for five seconds or something? It seemed like she could've avoid her issues had she had some self control since seeking social validation ain't all that worth it if everyone could care less really.
>>132306 This is the canon ending.
>>132310 If it wasn’t written by a Japanese person, it would read like one of those morality plays from the 50’s. Girl wants to be popular, will do anything to be popular, ends up falling in with some bad people, gets knocked up, hooked on drugs, whores herself, and then overdoses in a filthy bathroom. Even the split second takeout of a happy life with her daughter seems like some cheesy “sinner seeing a brief glimpse of heaven before they go to hell” scene.
>>132311 Might as well post the rest, still like laughing at the pseudo-intellectuals who get mad at the Crazy Diamond ending because it “ruins the pathos”, as if it isn’t some gag ending to a semi-hentai and Metamorphosis is some Greek tragedy or some shit.
>>132313 And this time I didn’t fuck up the panel order.
>>132313 I unironically prefer this ending actually I never finished this hentai & refuse to, I've also never read anything this creator has done ever again.
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>>132313 >Spoilers one panel because he doesn't want kuchen jude to get mad at bare nipples >Doesn't spoiler the one right after it that also has bare nipples.
>>132315 Why would you willingly subject yourself to this misery porn in the first place? And it isnt even good misey porn like stalker or those soviet war movies where they tell you life is shit but you gotta man the fuck up, its just depressing shit.
>>132315 Well, he unironically made some wholesome hentai involving cripples, but he is famous for his fucked up NRT hentai that breaks your heart and hardens your cock.
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>Using early part 4 JACKEDsuke and CHADyasu GUREITO
>>132317 I don't enjoy depression or misery dubs-man. >>132318 He's also an American that moved to nippon to make garbage, his "wholesome" stuff still has needlessly depressing shit occuring for no reason it's absolute autism.
>>132319 I only recently saw some Jojo stuff, the art style change was hilariously bad.
>>132321 Te art chane was because for the first 3 parts, the artist mostly drew buff guys like fist of the north start because that was popular at the time, in part 4 he starts developing his own style.
>>132322 yeah then he made Josuke do the gayest fucking pose I've ever seen in my life.
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>>132323 This one?
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>>132320 >He's also an American that moved to nippon to make garbage So, kinda like those Trash Taset faggots that had zoomers come and bring their shit to Grumpy Jiisan's channel? >>132321 It fucked with me pretty badly as well, it was the opposite of the Tenjou Tenge artstyle change, where it started out as a shitty hentai artstyle trying to imitate DBZ and then it become Nipon Banzai Berserk-tier >>132322 Close. His previous manga, Baoh and the first three JoJo parts were directly influenced from Tetsuo Hara's artstyle that became super famous with FotNS but Araki's first few manga were more feminine and artsy in the way JoJo is now, relying far more on vogue magazine covers, ancient roman statues for poses and things like that, compared to his very obvious Rock, Glam and Pop drug-addled journey with buff dudes that was the first three parts.
>>132324 yup that one, saw this in the anime & I might read the manga sometime. >>132325 I saw the anime of this some years ago, why does that nigger have blue eyes? I also thought it was kinda retarded.
>>132326 Green eyes, Bob is a mixed of the highest order, having a hawaian mulato dad that served in the military and a happa mother. His dad died young so he got his mum's surname when he moved to Japan. The guy's a constant barrage of dick jokes.
>>132327 yeah which disgusted me even as a teenager & it still does to this day.
>>132328 It's not like he plays much of a role in the story anyways, so it's easy to ignore him. It's Air Gear where things go into full retard mode when it comes to ethnicities due to cyborg eugenics
>>132321 Jojo art is repulsive and worse than pointy chin anime.
>>132330 It really is, everyone looks like a butch dyke.
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>>132330 Araki mostly fixed it by part seven. Steel Ball Run has some great panels
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>>132334 >Astolfo He dresses up as a girl once in Orlando Furioso to help calm his friend down and now thanks to Nasu everyone thinks he's mega gay.
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>>132334 >last pic >BCE
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>>132335 At least lore and some artists make him do the fugging
>>132163 Each time you die you get older and if you keep dying eventually you'll get too old to continue. When you finish a level the age you are at that point is carried over so you have less retries the next time. this incentives you to replay each level until you master them or at least have enough lifespan left over to afford dying in the next level. I'm surprised the usual suspects aren't asking for an easy mode on top of all these accusations of racisim.
>>132340 Reminds me of ninja gaiden, its easier to restart the game and have extra continues for the final boss than to replay the final level and have less continues/lives.
>>132163 Just pirate it anon and see if you like it. it's pretty damn hard since the game's parry system is extremely unforgiving and the dodge system is based on high or low attacks. The game is aimed pretty heavily at people who like fighting games since you have to memorize attack patterns but the tells are extremely small so if you're no good at recognizing that you'll probably have a hard time.
>>132330 uh oh nigger moment
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>>132343 i wasnt expecting that last one
>>132341 >its easier to restart the game and have extra continues for the final boss than to replay the final level and have less continues/lives Isn't that just arcade era game logic?
>>132345 Having any sort of lives system is archaic, but yes.
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>>132344 Tried to pull a fast one on ya
>>132341 >>132345 In the case of NG I think that was a programming oversight. Or one of those famous difficulty increasing changes they made it US releases in the NES era. >>132340 >you'll get too old to continue That seems weird. If anything Taiwanese and Hong Kong cinema has taught me is that old oriental guys with long white hair are the most powerful. They'll kill your sensei, destroy your dojo, steal your waifu, and beat you half to death.
>>132348 As you get older you hit harder and have more skill points and access to new stuff, but have less HP.
>>132349 That's kind of cool.
>>132259 Joe Rogan only took down the episodes. There's nothing to suggest he agreed to the donation, that's solely Spotify's doing. >>132269 Spotify CEO straight up said Joe Rogan himself chose to remove the episodes.
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<<530201 You don't deserve a (You). >>132351 >Spotify CEO straight up said Joe Rogan himself chose to remove the episodes Has Joe verified this claim? Otherwise the CEO is clearly lying to coverup what he's doing.
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>>132354 Reddit kept saying how great it is to get stoned so he's trying to get stoned as quickly as possible.
>>132354 yes, but only in order to infiltrate mecca so i can plant a desecrated muslima corpse with banjamin netanyahu's skin under her fingernails and his semen in her vagina and stomach.
>>132353 There's a video from the comedian woman where she talks about what happened if you want her side of the story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_kCS6nBkcQ
>>132094 Set up a new imageboard called Qchan and send them all there. Get Mark to moderate it. >>132096 >Otherwise we can just have acid pretend to be Q and have an army of useful idiots. This could be fun. Shitposting IRL would reach new heights.
>>132357 >if you want her side of the story Why the fuck would I want an emotionally depraved lunatic's story about how she failed at doing her job?
>>132353 I fucking hate these text-to-speech captions.
>>132353 Don't use the name in vain. Right after she says it to speak the word of the devil, she gets divine punishment. Try to explain this one, ayytheists.
>>132361 I just said it 666 times in a row without repercussion.
>>132362 bullshit you dont have the attention span to count that high much less while doing a thing
>>132362 >I just said it 666 times in a row without repercussion yet. fixed
>>132362 now say it 666 different ways
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>>132365 >Consequences soon™ Lmao.
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>>132361 I kind of miss seeing Christina. She doesn't seem to get new art anymore.
>>132354 >>132355 Those fucktards on reddit are going to get that poor little arab faggot fucking murdered.
>>132362 Enjoy you're cancer
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>>132368 >>132369 I was hoping there would be more pics of Notre Dame-tan made.
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>>132354 >completely unrelated screenshot from Reeeddit >not even something interesting >not even any reply >posted by a (1)
>>132357 I mean, I'd like to see what kind of piss poor excuse she has but I'm not watching an hour and a half+ to see it.
>>132357 >>132359 >>132374 Frankly after hearing very little of her unfunny routine I don't want to hear her shrill voice again.
Reminder that the supply chain is still fucked, and if you're an investor, you have about one month to capitalize on energy (oil, gas, URANIUM), primary resources (silver, copper, gold, aluminum), argicultural inputs (fertilizer, potash, phosphate), and shipping companies before they all explode to ridiculous levels. Also dog-based memecoins (SHIB) seem to be getting shilled and taking off again
>>132376 I'm going to hoard lighters, water purifiers and containers, pocketknives and bottle caps and then use my position of advantage granted by having items considered essential during fucked times to impose a Fallout-like economy by forcing everyone to use bottle caps as a payment method for no reason to shit on cryptofags and silverfags who thought their useless shit would help them during the societal collapse.
>>132376 Currently the only problem that I have gambling investing with memecoins is that I don't have a route to exchange said coins to actual currency.
>>132378 crypto atm with temp sms app
>>132379 I see, I think I have seen some crypto ATM. Might look into that. Thanks.
>>132381 good luck finding one with a low transaction fee coin supported, I've seen a few bitcoin cash or monero ATMs.
>>132379 >>132381 >>132382 Monero is the best way to cash out. You can go memecoins => Tether => BTC => XMR => BTC => atm => cash and can generally do so fully anonymously, since Monero is actually anonymous, unlike other coins which are merely pseudonymous. However, if you're withdrawing $2,000 from a BTC atm every week, you're bound to have someone notice you and stab you
>>132357 >1:32:13 No way fag.
>>132383 Well the real upside is wearing masks has become normalized, and you can just park outside whatever the place is with hopefully someone watching your back from the car.
>>132383 >You can go memecoins => Tether => BTC => XMR => BTC => atm => cash Enjoy losing 50% as transacton fees.
Also grapheneOS has partnered with a hardware vendor since pixel phones have been the only phones that meet their security standards. >>132386 And the 20-30% ATM fees, but at least that isn't taxes.
>>132386 >>132387 Just depends whether you want it on the books or not.
>>132388 Considering feds have passed laws to seize crypto from exchanges for no reason at all, I don't think you want it in the books.
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Hey remember the F-35 that crashed in the South China Sea? https://archive.is/LVmWk
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>>132390 >F-35 >woman pilot AYYYYYYY LMAO
>>132390 Did the chinks manage to secure the plane before USA?
>>132392 That might have been the military's plan. If China reverse engineers it, we'll win the war against them for sure.
>>132392 Why the fuck would they want it? It's an F-35.
>>132390 No fucking way. Please tell me that is a decent source.
>>132393 Unlike us, they'll just make a single variant for e-war and separate ones as strike jets. They'll also just make it even more of a death trap to get the cost down, but it won't matter because half their pilots likely have zero flight hours anyway.
>>132394 To reverse-engineer it and figure out how USA's defense mechanisms work so chinks can counter them, or to sell copies of it to countries that can't afford a better plane or aren't allowed to buy stuff from USA.
>>132398 It literally does not work at all. It is its own counter. They're fucking RUSTING on the decks of ships.
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>>132400 Woman have not been having it so easy these days. Maybe the year of the femcel is at hand.
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>>132400 >Most comments saying "He" in reference to the pilot. >She ejected before the crash. >Still injured 6 deck crew. >Women. lol
>>132400 This is not like one of my Japanese Annie Mays.
>>132305 Degenerate subcultures for adults should be contained and stay that way. I don't want it anywhere else, especially if it were made for a children's demographic.
To answer one guy's question a while ago, it seems pixiv does sometimes request artists add a mosaic to sex organs.
>>132407 they do but it seems very inconsistent since some artists blur borderline softcore ecchi while others have full on penetration completely uncensored in their galleries japanese censorship is retarded
>>132275 Asanagi's art is 100% super hot. You're out of your goddamn.
>When your PC stops working on your birthday. Should have seen this coming in hindsight, I ordered a cheap prebuilt after my last one also died as a temporary thing but I was stuck with it since 2016 and kept getting errors and BSODs in the past couple months. So someone else is going to make the new threads for the time being.
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>>132314 okuyasu and josuke save the day again
>>132390 Surely they weren't dumb enough to trust the literal most expensive plane to a diversity hire. At least last time it was only an F-14.
>>132400 Someone needs to edit this with Top gun nes landing.
>>132407 Japanese artists should simply just use a site hosted outside of Japan's jurisdiction. Pixiv has a history of being scummy anyway, like that idol group they managed once.
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>>132391 >>132392 I remember back in the 90s when the F35 was announced. I was reading about it in Popular Science, and some Lockheed mutt was talking about how the plane was going to be developed so fast and so cheap because they weren't going to build any prototypes. They specifically said they were designing the entire plane using nothing but computer simulation and that nothing could go wrong. For reference, at this point in time, Windows 98 was still state of the art. The best supercomputers in the world were about as good as a good gaming PC today. Even 14 year old, know-nothing me read that like and said "this plane is going to be such a fucking disaster, how could they be this stupid?" Just based on the limits of the simulation technology their goal was obviously impossible. And look at us now.
>>132416 I'm pretty sure it was just a scheme to pocket as much tax payer's money as possible, which case it worked out wonderfully.
lewd wedding dresses
>>132409 >it seems very inconsistent since some artists blur borderline softcore ecchi while others have full on penetration completely uncensored in their galleries I think those guys just slip through the cracks. Unlike western sites, nips don't know have bots scanning shit to autoremove it, they rely on good goys reporting it for them.
>>132417 >it was just a scheme to pocket as much tax payer's money as possible Reminds me of the Mark 14 Torpedo story https://yewtu.be/watch?v=eQ5Ru7Zu_1I
>>132406 >Cal-Arts Metamorphosis. I think someone made a version for Monster Girl Quest too.
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If anyone still reading Watamote. Two months a chapter. Their Tomoko fans think delays happened because Tomoko losing her virginity chapters are coming. Nagatoro last chapter was about showering with girls.
>>132390 That’s a woman?
>>132421 If Archer is Shirou from a future where he grows up to be cynical and dead inside, is Kuro Illya from a future where she grows up to be a slut?
>>132419 Considering the Japs can just tune in to an overseas porn site and just find uncensored porn whenever they want, the whole jap porn laws seem useless at best and annoying at worst (JAVs, H-anime, etc.). Why do they persist is beyond me. That must involve money or something.
>>132427 >Why do they persist is beyond me. That must involve money or something. Because no politician wants to be known as, "that one who wanted to remove censorship in pornography" since it might be carried suicide, even if he could manage to get it passed through votes.
>>132428 Wasn't there one who tried before?
>>132417 >>132420 It isn't a scheme. It's just that the American military suffers from the "sunk cost fallacy" to an unparalleled degree: https://infogalactic.com/info/M2_Bradley >The total cost of the program is $5,664,100,000, and the average unit costs $3,166,000. https://infogalactic.com/info/Bradley_Fighting_Vehicle
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>>132427 Japs don't like messing with their laws too much. It's like how multiple politicians have wanted to amend the constitution so Japan can have a standing military again, but it gets defeated each time. >>132422 >a version for Monster Girl Quest This was the most I could find.
>>132421 >>132426 Kuro is nigger Illya because suntans are a evil cis normative conspiracy theory
>>132431 >multiple politicians have wanted to amend the constitution so Japan can have a standing military again, but it gets defeated each time >With the chinks getting more and more pushy as time flies I fail to see their logic.
>>132432 Didn't Shirou's skin get darker because 1. He was a mercenary fighting in Africa and the Middle East and 2. Using his mage circuits gave him a permanent tan and turned his hair white So that's why Archer looks like he does. Chloe is supposed to be based on Archer so that's why she's tan. Still don't know why FGO turned Archer into Pucci though.
>>132433 The japs have no logic. They've like the Valve of countries.
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>>132434 Forgot my pic, still funny the artist called this design "Detroit Emiya", and how butthurt it made the Localizers
>>132436 Now that is a nigger. >Detroit Emiya Lol.
>>132435 well the country looks a bit like the Steam logo when you turn your head 90° counter clockwise, so it's slightly accurate.
>>132028 >her durr I need a cheshire cat woman for my children's lego knockoff trash >google cheshire cat girl >copy most common design from google images without even looking into the source, when the source is fucking hardcore porn Is this guy literally fucking retarded. Holy shit. I'm speechless. This is on the same level as that picture of Talli from Mass Effect 2 or 3 that was literally just a filter applied to a photo of a model from google images.
>>132433 Their logic is "I'm sure the US soldiers and marines that have been stationed in our country for decades will save us, so let's use the military funding in other things".
>>132433 It's the inherent problem with having career politicians in that they don't want to do anything too radical in fear that they will lose their power and position so the best possible action is to always kick the can down the road.
>>132440 >trusting the US military after the " two moms" ad I'd rather trust the tall, voluptuous and definitely nonexistent dark-skinned alien elves coming out of nowhere to save my country just because they travelled by in their spaceships instead of the womyn acting like zeros with F35s if the Chinks pop in unnanounced.
>>132421 What does the Sex even feel like?
>>132443 Sticking your dick in a velvet glove full of warm jello.
>>132442 >probably non-existent Just you wait.
>>132442 Well, is not like they have a choice in this. It's either having auntie Sam (formerly uncle) or spending years trying to pass laws to build a real army (maybe even without the help of America out of sheer butthurt) while China breaths on their neck. >>132443 At first your butt hurts, but it starts to feel good (like if you finally become "full" and "whole") in no time :3
>you guys Here we go again.
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He was removed rather quickly.
>>132427 It's exactly that according to some article a remember reading. There are people whose job is to review porn to make sure the mosaics are good, and others whose job is to apply mosaics to porn. They Nipponese government is apparently afraid of putting those guys out of work.
>>132450 >There are people whose job is to review porn to make sure the mosaics are good, and others whose job is to apply mosaics to porn. The Nipponese government is apparently afraid of putting those guys out of work. Typical middle-management kikes. It's like needing HR positions gatekeeping hiring in order to give women something to do.
>>132446 >At first your butt hurts Eh I've never had that problem, you just gotta make sure to stretch well enough. >>132354 Sure, I can see how they could be cute.
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>>132409 What form of obscenity laws aren't? They're meant to be subjective by default, because cultures change over time, and what might have been perfectly acceptable by normie(hurr durr inb4 you have to go back) standards in the UK in the 70s might be regarded as a despicable crime in 2020's India. As Japan gets more westernized over the coming decades and adopts our moral stances - at least on the topics the west feels most strongly about - you'll see laws regarding censorship change. It's not gonna be a win-win, though, but a give and take.
I got this from the /mlpol/ thread on the Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa.
>>132454 >Ottawa *Calgary.
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oh dear...
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>>132400 Lmao, did Kara Hultgreen come back from the dead to crash another plane? >After aborting the approach, Hultgreen selected full afterburner on the remaining engine, causing an even greater asymmetry. This, combined with a high angle of attack, caused an unrecoverable approach turn stall and rapid wing drop to the left. The radar intercept officer in the rear seat, Lt. Matthew Klemish, initiated ejection for himself and Hultgreen as soon as it was apparent the aircraft was becoming uncontrollable. First in the automated ejection sequence, Klemish survived. However, by the time Hultgreen's seat fired 0.4 seconds later, the plane had exceeded 90 degrees of roll, and she was ejected downward into the water, killing her instantly. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kara_Hultgreen I've always loved the tone of voice of the guy on the radio in this video, it's the same tone that you use when you're trying to teach a woman to play a video game. >Press A... >Press A... >Press A! >PRESS A, GODDAMNIT! >IT'S THE ONE LABELED 'A', YOU STUPID CUNT!
>>132427 Unpopular opinion but I think the japanese censorship is a blessing in disguise. Once it's removed, there's no telling how much rhetoric Politicians will start spouting when it comes to some of the content that's legal there, or how insane the feminists will get. It'd absolutely be in the crosshairs. In an ironic twist I think the censorship is what has allowed Japanese to have a ton of freedom for so long.
>>132459 Fate/Zero is pretty good. The rest is just a vehicle for waifus.
>>132432 Well now I'm in the mood to watch some Mantis-X videos.
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https://odysee.com/@HIHIME:4/%E3%80%90%E6%9D%B1%E6%96%B9%E3%82%B9%E3%83%9A%E3%83%AB%E3%83%90%E3%83%96%E3%83%AB%E3%80%91%E3%80%80dlc%E3%83%81%E3%83%A3%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B8lv.8%E3%80%80%E2%99%AA%E3%80%8C%E3%81%82%E3%81%92%E3%81%BD%E3%82%88tonight%E3%80%8D%E3%80%80:f >>132353 >I got a million different vaccines Dumbass, your supposed to wait a few days in between not get the everything bagel equivalent of a doctors appointment. Also I don't give two shits about whether people are vaxx'd or not but why is this suddenly a fucking status symbol among the left? Because it's really fucking cringe, I mean congratulations your a guinea pig and no one gives a fuck aside from your deranged inner circle. >>132390 >>132416 I wish we just upgraded warthog and F16 to fit different roles instead, would have saved us a lot of trouble since It Just Works. This is why some faggot's 3D render shouldn't be the only basis of military hardware. >>132430 Military bureaucracy really is something to say the least. At least the Zumwalt turned out pretty cool even if it was just turn test out new technologies as a whole it's not an entire aircraft carrier. >>132454 >my sons OD'd on Fentanyl and it's all the governments fault! I mean in the sense that they've taken unnecessary pointless measures with obsessive lock downs, yes. Caused hyper inflation through the roof making the common man poorer and the rich richer, absolutely. Decided to copied the USA's retarded inefficient infrastructure making it so the only way to get around is by car and then tax fucking gas on top of that less your willing to play Russian roulette and take a chance at walking, yeah. Actively tries to disarm law abiding citizens making the criminally minded more bold, yes. That said I've known a few junkies and honestly sometimes they're just beyond saving and their self destruction is set in stone. All you can do is postpone the inevitable. Doctors who prescribe these opioids like they're fucking daily multi vitamins should lose their license to practice medicine and jobs though, that would save future generations from this bullshit.
>>132462 >Also I don't give two shits about whether people are vaxx'd or not but why is this suddenly a fucking status symbol among the left? Because it's really fucking cringe, I mean congratulations your a guinea pig and no one gives a fuck aside from your deranged inner circle. It's because they're fed a lie that "if everyone gets vaxxed and we flatten the curve, the lockdowns will end", so they get loud about being jabbed and ostracize those who (blaming them for being selfish and not doing "the obvious thing" so everyone can go outside again) in the hopes Daddy Government will finally let everything will go back to normal.
>>132426 In Prisma Illya's timeline, the grail war stopped before it happened and Illya no longer needed to be the grail, so her parents wiped her memories so that she could live as an ordinary child, this lead to the original Illya personality being trapped inside her subconsciously, unable to act and without a body of her own. Later, by fucking around with the archer class card, she managed to materialize a separate body and separate from Illya, and they just call her Kuro / Chloe instead of Illya (even though she's actually the original Illya who got Jew'ed out of her own by body by her parents stupid decision) to avoid confusing the shit out of everyone with two Illyas. She's tanned because archer is tanned and she manifested through the archer card, and she's a slut because she needs mana transfers regularly or she will disappear due to the way in which she manifested as a separate person from Illya.
>>132427 back in the late 90's and early 2000's most hentai anime and a good number of h-manga had an uncensored version available if it was also being sold in us or eu markets. then at some point the "mainstream" western Japanese porn market vanished almost overnight. to this day I've never heard a real answer for why this happened. I have a few ideas on things I think are connected 1. the rapelay game controversy (both cnn and fox news put out moral panic + outrage fuel. a number of japanese sites locked out foreign ip addresses for years do to this). 2. SJW/feminist activists taking over western anime localization and distribution (see funimation, crunchyroll, sony, sentai filmworks) 3. implosion of the western anime and manga market (at the time). when normal fags realized every anime wasn't like cowboy bebop or whatever was popular on toonami at the time they stopped giving a shit. not to mention western semi-fans were not used to paying the crazy price being charged at the video store or book store for japanise media. (see tokyo pop, central park media and ADVision) We've gone from mainstream voice actors working on fully uncensored adult anime tittles (twin dolls, Nine O'Clock Woman) to no local market and wack jobs on twitter saying fully clothed adult anime woman with big boobs is pedophilia.... how did this happen? (note: I have seen some new blu-rays coming out but alot of it looks like re-releases of titles from the same era just upscaled from 480i to 1080p)
>>132463 >trusting Uncle Sam >ever It's like the left is in an abusive relationship and their to fucking stupid to wise up and break it. Ironic that they call themselves "the resistance". >>132454 >the "liberal" government Another thing that bothers me, the current leaf government liberal/freedom loving and willing to leave you the fuck alone. Granted that world has been warped far beyond it's originally meaning much the same as the word "Conservative" doesn't mean jack shit in the USA or Leafland anymore. Actions or lack there of speak louder than words.
>>132305 Because normalfags are degenerates
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>>132166 >>132176 Well, that explained literally nothing. Off to Wikipedia, I guess.
>>132468 There's nothing else to explain really. Anything else is propaganda.
>>132164 Larp created by some 4cuck for lulz turned into a movement for boomers, all so a even bigger boomer can get shekels.
>>132468 basically someone anonymously posting on 8chan /pol/ claimed to be a member of the US intelligence community with Q clearance - the highest of top secret clearances - and they claimed to be trying to save the republic by leaking important information about what the sinister cabal is working on. Qanon prolifically posted predictions about what was going to happen in the news which were very obviously just cold reading, guessing and absolutely made up bullshit and then used the very rare occasions on which he guessed right to 'prove' he was telling the truth. nobody ever should have listened to anything he had to say because he was very, very obviously a massive fraud. if someone with fucking Q clearance had started spewing forth top secret information on fucking 8chan of all places, the response from the intelligence community would have been seismic; the entire apparatus would have been completely restructured, there would have been mass firings, any true information that had come out would have been rendered false by whatever means that could be achieved. nobody on either side of the cold civil war is capable of tolerating such an existential threat to US national security as a major player in intelligence just revealing state secrets without oversight. if you ever meet someone who claims they believe/d in qanon, punch them in the face repeatedly until they're not stupid anymore.
>>132468 >(((Wikipedia))) Wikipedia has been absolute dog shit website of leftist propaganda circle jerking for a while. Fine if you want to use it but cross reference and take everything you read there with a grain of salt. Mind you I don't even lean all that far right, I'm just a basic bitch Minarchist Libertarian.
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>>132164 >Can someone explain Qanon to me? Pic related, biggest Gay-ops ever conducted basically. By who? We'll probably never know.
>>132434 >>132436 Fate/Type Moon lore expert here. Shirou's specialized form of magic, projection, will cause the darkening of his skin and the whitening of his hair with excessive use. His future self has tan skin and white hair because of this. 'Detroit Emiya' or Emiya Alter is even blacker because his self exists in a timeline where he was forced to commit immoral assassinations for a slut against his will. This even-more-excessive use of projection magic caused his skin to super-blacken. Why it gave him nigger lips, I know not. >>132460 Secondary detected. Read the VN, nigger. Or don't because Fate Zero already spoiled you on it.
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>>132465 Re-arranged 2 and 3 and you've got it. It happened gradually, in that order of events. The domino was the rapelay controversy, not the game itself as it wasn't even that controversial outside of the US because the EU wanted to go 1984 in other ways back then and had already banned some h-anime It's kind of amazing how one small thing had such colossal implications years later, considering it wasn't even part of the original plan in the first place. >>132472 Even the most autistic info on the most autismal of autistic and non-politicized science formulas is getting tampered these days. Fucking nothing is safe. >>132474 >Why it gave him nigger lips, I know not. It was a karmic joke, obviously :3 I still wish we could have gotten the OG version of Fate / Apocrypha instead of Grand Order, even if it meant skipping the best Mecha Gods
>>132474 Oh neat a Fate expert. Alright anon, what's the deep lore behind this Hassan girl and why do I keep getting an erection every time I see her?
>>132476 Her body's poisonous from top to bottom, her assassination specialty is seduction and is desperate for physical contact and honest relationships with people she can't kill just by touching. That's what I know of her at least.
The only redeeming factor for me when it regards to the Fate series is they made the likes of Anastasia Romanov and Florence Nightingales as absolute bombshells. That's it. Don't get me wrong, I like FSN but the R63 shit is getting out of control.
>>132478 Nightingale* Sorry for the typo. I can't type because this keyboard is nuts.
>>132477 >>132476 She's also obsessed with the MC of FGO since he is immune to her poison due to --some bullshit-- Shielder granting him immunity to poisons. It's canon that she enjoys hiding under the MC's bed unknowingly when he sleeps.
>>132454 She makes really terrible arguments. The entire point of lockdowns is supposed to be >muh safety over freedom, so using your family's personal experiences isn't getting anywhere. The only real point she had was about the system, meaning people being put in prisons and treated like shit, people getting hooked on drugs due to broader problems, etc. I don't know why right wing people can't specialize in what they're good at, and instead just call the government to bail them out, but differently. It shouldn't be hard to sell the idea of not having people dictate your life like you're a dog. It's obnoxious, because it means "my kind of right" doesn't really get represented. Ron Paul was great, but there weren't a lot of them. I understand it's just a spur of the moment conversation with a person on the street and she's upset about losing her sons. I won't blame her for not being perfect. But you know, I will blame her for her general decision making if she acts like a leftist.
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>>132369 >tip harder faggot
>>132309 Amen to that, brother. Hope you find peace you deserve
>>132482 I want to fuck Sticks.
Ooof, now I just feel sad for her. Granted I'm not surprised she's deadly when she shares the same name as some famous assassin from Iraq or Persia or whatever had no idea she was a wolfsbane flower though.
And that does explain the big purple/blue flowers....
>>132485 >Granted I'm not surprised she's deadly when she shares the same name as some famous assassin from Iraq or Persia She's actually not the only one. The name "Hassan-i-Sabbah" is a title passed down to one person to another to lead the Hashashin as a whole--it used to be a plot point at one time that Assassin servants summoned without a specific catalyst would always be one of the Hassans, because the word "Assassin" was itself a catalyst to them ("Hashashin" being the root of the word "Assassin" in common language today) . Fate/Strange Fake even features an Assassin who's a girl rejected by the elders for the position in favor of a guy whose "talent" was weaponized schziophrenia (the Hassan from Fate/Zero) because she was a bugnuts KILL ALL INFIDELS ALLAHU AKBAR zealot with no sense of subtlety.
>>132462 >I wish we just upgraded warthog and F16 to fit different roles instead, would have saved us a lot of trouble since It Just Works. Sadly for the A-10, there's only a limited number of flight-hours an airframe can take of accumulated micro-fractures on structural components from high-G turns and hard landings before the aircraft shreds literally cracks up, and the only company that could build Warthog airframes was Fairchild-Republic, which no longer exists. You may ask: >why can't the US Airfarce simply reverse-engineer the A-10 airframe components using laser sintering or technology that already exists? That's a really fucking good question as the expensive-ass F-35A does NEITHER the job of the F-16 nor the A-10 as well as either aircraft. I blame the fighter mafia and the Airforce being generally inept. >>132473 >biggest Gay-ops ever conducted basically Qanon caused antifa? That's neat.
you're all gay I also posted porn
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>>132490 >actually believing me Eat shit nerd
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>>132491 here catch.
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>>132492 gay >>132494 Who asked you nigger
>>132390 >F-35 Nothing of value was lost then, on the other hand >>132413 >At least last time it was only an F-14. Hey buddy, fuck you.
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>Qanon caused antifa? That's neat. QAnon went back in time, yes.
>>132498 Qanon fucked Mark's mom, it's why Mark is only 1/136 jew, all nigger.
>>132430 You know that book is bullshit and the guy that wrote it is a complete liar right? >>132433 After they got nuked they became pacifists, but the retarded kind of pacifist that thinks that the men of the JDF are scum for wanting to fight for japan. >>132446 The JDF is actually pretty well equipped, the ydo homever lack numbers and have no proyection capabilities. >>132462 >fund the upgrade program for the F-14 the navy wanted >modernize the F-16 for low cost jobs and keep the F-15 while you work on a better plane There, solved, but no, the suits want a wonder plane that substitutes the A-10, F-15, F-16, F-18 and F-14.
What I want to know is what happened to F's 17 through 21 and 23 through 34. Where are they?
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>>132423 >ywn have this experience
>>132471 >and they claimed to be trying to save the republic by leaking important information about what the sinister cabal is working on While at the same constantly stressing that the Qfags should do nothing with this revealed information other than "trust the plan" and "stand by". Which of course completely defeats the point of why you would leak such information to begin with, if it were true and not a giant LARP.
>>132474 You didn't detect shit. Fate/Zero wasn't my first encounter with the franchise. It's just way better.
>>132477 So japanese rogue? >>132501 They probably were experimental planes at some point or another.
>>132456 Nice archive.
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>>132434 >>132474 its a eastern magic wives tale with some basis in reality. A minority of asians who experience life and death scenarios (majority of which involve the liver) can find their skin color changed to several shades darker, think regular archer skin tone. In magic those who pursue the arts far beyond their ken are subject to its after effects. The most well known and consistently used would be the premature graying of hair and darkening of skin. Pucci Emiya design might have been implying he was delving way too far into the dark arts. But then that wouldnt explain the retarded hair cut and lips.
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>>132507 Or they might be getting some funny supplements to maximize gains.
>>132433 Why would they want to have their ancient population be forced to pay for a military when they can simply force the US to defend them like they have for the last SEVENTY-FIVE years, after all? >>132443 It feels like nothing unless you have an emotional connection to the woman. And you won't have that without a virgin woman. There aren't any of those left. >>132456 Why do we care? Fuck YouTube. Fuck Google. Fuck "content creators." We're going to keep doing whatever the fuck we want with the things that we have. We don't care about copyright, we don't care about fair use, we don't care about jewish interpretations of illegal laws. >>132468 >I didn't like the answer therefore there is no answer >OY VEY Q-LARP IS REEEEEEAL >MUH JEWISH MEDIA SAID SOOOOO Commit suicide. Never post here again.
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>>132508 stories of eastern magic steroids would concur with your statement Im not joking
>>132507 Oh, so that's why Superalloy Darkshine begins as an asain kid then becomes a nog
>>132407 I never understood the whole thing of censoring genitals in the first place for fucking porn. Its like the Japanese politicians and some retards are afraid of seeing vaginas and dicks. >>132416 I remember hearing that the cost of the F-35 was much higher than putting Neil Armstrong in the Moon. >>132121 Nigger, why do you always Reddit-space every time you post something long? Its getting very identifiable to know who you are.
>>132513 The f-35 program has costed the USA and pals 1.7 trillion dollars, in contrast, the international space station was 150 billion dollars.
>>132513 Could be worse. He could be hitting Enter when the text gets to the VISIBLE edge of the floating quick reply box, like some boomers do. Because they're too stupid to comprehend the idea of a text box that wraps and they somehow think that their text will be lost forever if it goes beyond the box width. Yes, that's the joke with this post.
>>132515 >it's funnier when they're trying to greentext and >think they need to add another greater than sign >at the start of every line break. there was no >joke in this post, i am one of them.
>>132416 It was hyped to hell i over heard some adults who were talking about it said it was going to be shit but i never knew how much it was going to suck. >>132430 You would think the military of all places would no better then to engage in sunk cost. >>132500 >There, solved, but no, the suits want a wonder plane that substitutes the A-10, F-15, F-16, F-18 and F-14. Thats fucking insane, i want a pill that cures hangovers, cold, and stds but that isnt fucking likely now is it.
>>132517 I want a pill that cures hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. Let's just throw money at the problem until it's fixed!
>>132518 Honesty better then my retarded example. >>132512 i legitimately thought he was black until the reveal
>>132430 it's probably more pseudo-embezzlement than sunken cost. like, they're intentionally funneling money into companies that are bribing them or into which they are invested or they have family members working for them or they themselves will work there some day where they'll receive inexplicably high salaries?
>>132519 >better then I think you meant ‘better than’.
>>132513 >I never understood the whole thing of censoring genitals in the first place for fucking porn. Its like the Japanese politicians and some retards are afraid of seeing vaginas and dicks. It's because the American occupiers forced them to do it after WWII and the Nips are extremely conservative and slow about changing any laws.
>>132475 >>132465 >then at some point the "mainstream" western Japanese porn market vanished almost overnight Have you ever considered that the cause was 2007, and that someone made a little known hentai site for people to post content on, with this work being the first release posted on it: https://e-hentai.org/g/18/24d47df87b/ >>132500 >You know that book is bullshit and the guy that wrote it is a complete liar right? In what way? Reading the comments in the video I posted, most complaints boiled down to two points. First, that the film exaggerated everything, which is a "No shit Sherlock" level complaint. And, second, that the Bradley is actually a "useful vehicle" because "It's been used for so long", however, omitting that, according to every soldier that has ever used a Bradley, the only reason why the tank has been so widely used is thanks to the fact that the U.S. has only had to fight terrorists and insurgents. Not, an actual army. If they were to send a bunch of Bradleys into a real war, they'd be bringing a knife to a gun fight as they enemy would just mow them down due to the tank having design flaws that were never fixed in the first place. >>132517 >You would think the military of all places would no better then to engage in sunk cost. It's gotten worse over the past couple of decades due to how there's an increasing amount of paper-pusher generals who haven't left Washington and only care about benefiting their career. >>132520 >it's probably more pseudo-embezzlement than sunken cost Why not both? Though, according to people who have worked for companies are are contracted with the government (Like Boeing and Lockheed Martin, or even in the architecture and software industry), it's quite often latter, with a suit, government or civilian, to walk right in when the project in more than 75% completed and demand that they scrap everything for a new model or add a feature that requires for them to bring everything back to the drawing board. In fact, to relate this to gaming, that's exactly what happened with the Phantom Dust reboot: https://archive.fo/JdigI And Scalebound, however there's less straight-forward sources for that: https://archive.fo/fVrlK
>>132523 >there's an increasing amount of paper-pusher generals who haven't left Washington and only care about benefiting their career. Couple that with King Nigger firing all the generals who actually cared about their jobs and the problem compounded at least five times over. Now it's just women, trannies, and communists in charge.
>>132481 She's a retarded mother latching onto anything she can because what the fuck else do you do with the rest of your life after you've outlived your own child. It's no different than any other mother that obsesses over weird fringe political issues because their kid died choking on a cheerio or some shit. The trucker protests are directionless so it's inevitable you'll get random people attaching their specific random gripes to it. Just like Qniggers. Vaccines are mandated to cross the border in both Canada and America and once they realized that the entire protest became completely incoherent. The only other mandates are all provincial and were already scheduled to end in the next couple of months anyways. Modern politics has been completely absorbed as a new pass time for retarded boomers who got bored of watching football on their TV. It's like the "I just wanted to play video games" picture except it's the "I just wanted to grill and watch the game" boomers now roaming the streets like deranged lunatics with no idea what the fuck they're actually mad about.
>>132523 >Not, an actual army. If they were to send a bunch of Bradleys into a real war, they'd be bringing a knife to a gun fight as they enemy would just mow them down due to the tank having design flaws that were never fixed in the first place. >>132524 >Couple that with King Nigger firing all the generals who actually cared about their jobs and the problem compounded at least five times over. Now it's just women, trannies, and communists in charge. It's going to be a hell of a thing when the US actually gets into an actual real war against someone more advanced than desert dwelling, bacha bazi enthusiasts.
>>132523 >In what way? That guy was part of a clique of generals that were retarded on their own right. >>132527 Honestly most armies would be caught offguard when dealing with something they werent prepared for, like what happen to the venezuelan army suddenly having to fight the colombian guerrillas and using heavy artillery and bombing runs against a guerrilla force because thats what they trained for, or the armenian army getting swarmed by azerbaji drones.
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>>132509 >It feels like nothing unless you have an emotional connection to the woman. And you won't have that without a virgin woman. There aren't any of those left. So you're saying that this >>132446 anon is on to a winner?:^)
>>132484 Why is she so muscular? Was this made by a homo?
>>132530 She's a badger I think. They are nasty strong creatures.
>>132530 shes supposed to be a savage i bet she's savage in bed too, or wherever else she pins you down to have her way with you
>>132532 Reminds me of the image of when she asks a human guy to impregnate her to protect herself from aliens.
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>>132478 >the R63 shit is getting out of control. I do like how they made Francis Drake into Pirate Baiken essentially, and at least the justification for the R63 was based off some obscure rumor that "Francis Drake" was actually Queen Elizabeth herself commanding a ship incognito
>>132535 I honestly cant care about the retarded drama anymore, ill keep using the boards across te webring at this point and let retarded autists kill each other.
>>132535 Who cares? there's always interboard drama and zzzchat in particular is specially disgusting. Nobody remembers how little fatchan lasted because the creator was slightly bothered by complains?
>>132535 >a mostly empty thread Don't force drama. I wish the sites would get along better. There's no reason to be fighting.
>>132538 Anons will always find a reason to fight over the dumbest shit.
>>132532 >i bet she's savage in bed too <Mating occurs during the summer, however, implantation is delayed until December which means they can hold fertilised eggs in suspended development until the right time for breeding occurs. The gestation period is 7 – 8 weeks. One litter of 2 – 5 cubs is born from January to March. <Ernest Neal speculates that delayed implantation allows the badgers to mate throughout the year, which may help to strengthen clan relationships. Hans Kruuk makes the point that multiple matings with different males could result in multiple blastocysts, meaning that each cub in a litter could have a different father. Badger families must get complicated sometimes! This is even more interesting when you remember that the dominant female badger may kill the cubs of other females to maintain her position. This control over the genetic make-up of the clan is very much a female thing. It must be related to the fact that you can never be sure who the father is, but there’s never any doubt about the mother. tl; dr: badgers are sluts who can fuck all year around and give birth to everyone's babies. >>132536 >>132537 >>132538 >>132539 >organic (1) bringing unrelated cross-site "potential drama" all of sudden >in reality it's just a random meta thread made one hour ago with 3 replies >it's possible the organic (1) made that thread in first place to annoy both sites
>>132540 Well, then let's just ignore him and that's it.
So, just noticed they were going to do some shitty documentary or whatever where a bunch of commies, jews and niggers call out white people for making civilization in Showtime or whatever. They sure want to create the white supremacy they cry about all the fucking time.
>>132541 cute shark
>>132543 >They sure want to create the white supremacy they cry about all the fucking time. This isnt anything new. Even in the past Frederick Douglas was disappointed that a certain section of black people didnt want anything to get better they wanted to be victims so they could grift. Same thing happening today.
>>132545 I'm just not sure which kind of black is worse, the african kind or american kind. The european kind are just africans making migration nests.
>>132543 Care to post an archive of whatever you're talking about?
>>132547 I gave them a click just for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQ2f5OVZ7Oo
>>132548 >can you post archive <direct links google
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>>132549 Shut up Shin. You are a faggot and Yuria will never love you. Also exploding people is cooler than cutting them.
>>132550 To be fair, it's set in a socialist alternative world, so mental health haircuts should be common.
>>132552 An alternate SOVIET world, so such things would be met with execution.
>>132554 Well, that's true, but the less disgusting thing in that picture was the hair. Look at that face.
>>132550 That looks disgusting. Is this what Leftists are brainwashed into thinking is the ideal society?
>>132541 >v-tuber 才能の無駄遣い
>>132543 >>132547 >>132548 Hoping 8ch supports mkv files in the future. Also, eyebleach.
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>>132559 If you squint your eyes, Yoko's doing the PROMOTIONS pose.
>>132423 >>132502 This manga was one of the best and shortest mangas I've ever read. Loudest fucking manga for sure, but holy shit, it was SO GOOD. Perfect ending, perfect length, great humor, great pacing, great characters imouto-chan was so cute. I look forward to whatever the author does next. Hell, I should reread it. It misses all the gay tropes of a rom-com manga and just does good instead. it goes fast and loud, and happy ending. 10/10, best rom-com manga I've ever read.
>>132558 Fuck MKV.
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Talking about mangos this week UQ Holder ended. Kinda rushed maybe because author was running for Japan legislature. https://archive.ph/URxDn
>>132563 >asuna returns I need to restart reading UQ Holder. I hope Ken gets on the board just to see what happens.
>>132563 Could have sworn that I replied to this post
>>132501 The F-17 actually exists in Iran, but is called the HESA Saeqeh. The YF-17 was originally a modified F-5 with bigger engines and twin canted vertical stabilizers It looks like a manlet F-18 with a F-5 nose. However, this was considered a failure and was completely redesigned with even bigger engines and navalized into what would become the F/A-18. The reason why Iran essentially reverse-engineered another country's prototype was that before the Islamic Revolution took over, Jimmy Carter sold a shitload of weapons to the Shah of Iran, including the F-14 of which Iran is the now the sole operator (although, not many are flyable anymore) and the Iranians became EXTREMELY adept at reverse-engineering to keep their US-made planes flyable. Most of the other F-series through 35 were concepts and prototypes that were never put into production, the mot notable of which was the YF-23 Black Widow which lost out to the in my opinion, inferior F-22. What's really interesting is the F-109+ designations, which include the YF-110 Doughnut (a captured MiG-21E) and the YF-113 (a captured MiG-17) used for Asynchronous Airwarfare Training at Area 51, as well as, the F-117A which is a Deep Insertion Strike Bomber which presents itself as a "fighter".
>>132566 Does the US choose their aircraft based on how cool they look?
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>>132567 Why wouldnt you?
>>132567 In the F-23 vs the F-22 case, I'd say: No. In a lot of cases, whatever USAF general in charge of requisitions usually ends up getting a very lucrative job at whatever company which wins the production contract in these types of competitions after retiring. This shit is normal, but should be illegal. >>132569 >The F-4 Phantom II: A victory of performance over aerodynamics That said, the F-4 is a good aircraft despite being called "the flying brick".
>>132558 >>132548 Going by the comment section it looks like even the removal of the dislike button won't save them.
>>132571 Right now they have 44k dislikes.
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>>132572 How many views, and how many likes?
>>132563 I've been keeping up with UQ, this final battle was building up for ages. If you want a rushed ending go look up Majo no Moribito, which is another series that got shitcanned in shonen jump.
>>132574 2.3 million views and 1.4k likes, the saucy part is the comments.
>>132543 >>132547 >>132548 <Not just downloading the damn video
>>132576 I suppose the dislikes are also heavily weighted against the knowledge that "oh, no one will ever see this; I won't even bother clicking it." Of course, the same is true of the comments, since they're all censored and shadowbanned.
>>132577 <not just watching the video instead of whining
>>132579 >compromise your values, goyim
>>132567 >Does the US choose their aircraft based on how cool they look? Are you implying that's a bad thing? >>132488 I thought Antifa was a thing since even before Nixon and then Commiefornia decided to import them from Europe since they're proud to adopt the "latest" faggot trends from around the world. >blah blah blah blah blah nerdy engineering science shit The warthog is fine to be used for at least two more decades before needing repairs and upgrades just as Russia's T90 will likely be used to traverse Mars in the near future. Just upgrade what's already proven to Just Work. >>132525 To be fair I'd be mad if I was a law abiding Leaffag and Castro's faggot son kept whining about how I'm evil for not wanting to give up my cucked five round capacity Norinco bullpup and cool Czech stuff because commies absolutely fucking hate it when citizens are able to defend their lives and their property. Hence if I was a Leaffag, I'm just a normal Americunt though and one in a more free state.
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>>132579 >Even wasting your time watching anti-white propaganda instead of playing video games
>>132041 Now if only there was a mandate to force apple to open source their entire IOS operating system too. Oh well, I'm more concerned with seeing the destruction of Microsoft to care about cr-apple honestly though.
>>132583 >forced open source Imagine being this stupid.
>>132086 I value your contributions.
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>>132096 >They only use 8kun because of Q's tripcode integrity. 95% of them don't understand tripcode integrity, they just go there and listen to the guy everyone says is Q because other Qtards told them so. The remaining 5% don't understand tripcode integrity of the original Qanon was lost when 8chan went down. >>132453 >normie(hurr durr inb4 you have to go back) Failed normalnigger spotted.
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Male, female, feline… Bristol University guide lectures staff about neopronouns https://www.vtlnews.com/male-female-feline-bristol-university-guide-lectures-staff-about-neopronouns/ https://archive.is/wip/EgX5T >Another section explains how noun-self pronouns are used by “xenic” individuals whose gender does not fit within “the Western human binary of gender alignments”. The webpage adds: “For example, someone who is catgender may use nya/nyan pronouns.” >Catgender, it says, is someone who “strongly identifies” with cats or other felines and those who “may experience delusions relating to being a cat or other feline”. The word nyan is Japanese for “meow”.
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>>132588 Catgirls soon?
>>132429 Not quire. Yamada Taro is an otaku politician running on meme power who is in favor of abolishing the retarded law, but he'd need to get a ton of the rest of Japanese parliament to agree with him, and he has to not get bumped off the by the Yakuza who make mad cash on the uncensored Jap porn black market. >>132458 There's already a bunch of rhetoric spewed about wrongthink content there, but similarly to how it's hard to get it uncensored, it's difficult to get it banned to. Their rules are simply stiff, but that doesn't make the censorship a blessing.
>>132589 No. Not at all. Only mental illness.
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>>132509 >There aren't any of those left. So the solution to make more, right?
>>132592 Daughter fucking isn’t the answer.
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>>132593 from the context im almost positive they arent actually related but also yes it is
>>132587 >the original Qanon was lost when 8chan went down. The original Q was lost in the first year of his arrival, after he doxxed himself and revealed that he's some fag living in Ohio.
>>132541 Muh Moby Dick.
>>132588 I find it incredibly difficult to believe this was written by someone not taking the piss out of pronoun retardation.
>>132594 >from the context im almost positive they arent actually related You're wrong. It's part of a series on daddy daughter fucking. Everyone gets a happy ending too, and in the last two chapters everyone goes to a daddy daughter camp where they can openly show their relationships and fuck. Thank God there's no swinging, save for a couple of bisexual lolis lewding eachother. https://exhentai.org/g/2129221/839eb27893/ >>132593 Why not?
>>132597 enhancements, get it right
>>132597 Speaking of asses here's a big one.
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>>132602 who is this why should i care video games
>>132603 one of the English VA's for Mr. Satan.
>>132431 Part 3 never ever
>>132604 Don't expect a ToRposter to actually know what is or is not videogames.
>>132588 >catgender This could backfire spectacularly if racoon-gendered folk insisted on 'coon' being their pronoun.
>>132607 Coons are good people. *Don't forget to visit /pro/**
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>>132608 >quads checked <spoiler fail
>>132609 I fucked up!
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>>132610 I do occasionally check /pro/ on the webring. Trash panda videos are always funny.
>>132558 >Linda Sarsour She's still grifting I see.
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>>132617 none of those deserve either support or comfort
>>132617 Those are the worst tits I have ever seen. Some of them appear to have a dermatological infection.
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>>132471 Good explanation. Thanks. But that's the origin story. How does that go from "someone posts on 8chan" to making the mainstream news and Leftist sites using it as a nationwide bogeyman? Did 8chan anons actually do something as a result of the Q anon person posting "leaks"? How do you go from "anonymous posts on a pigfarmer's chat site hosted in Papa New Guenea" to "congress denouncing Qanon as greatest threat America faces"?
>>132620 it made its way onto facebook because of how many boomers latched onto it.
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>>132620 > How does that go from "someone posts on 8chan" to making the mainstream news and Leftist sites using it as a nationwide bogeyman? Because it was created in the first place by a three letter agency as a hoax to keep whites from grabbing guns and slaughtering the government. They had a narrative drawn up from day one. >Did 8chan anons actually do something as a result of the Q anon person posting "leaks"? No, just as planned. >How do you go from "anonymous posts on a pigfarmer's chat site hosted in Papa New Guenea" to "congress denouncing Qanon as greatest threat America faces"? By having the entire thing be controlled opposition from the beginning.
>>132623 >it was created in the first place by a three letter agency as a hoax to keep whites from grabbing guns and slaughtering the government Except that it was created as a hoax to entice "whites" into "grabbing guns and slaughtering the government" as the useful idiots pivotal to the role of the "deadly" Capital rioters. Just that it didn't play out exactly as planned since none of them (miraculously) got baited into actually carrying their arms, as hardly any were brought up on weapon charges. The only ones known to be armed that day were the plain-clothed feds and their provocateurs.
>>132624 That was later. Initially when it started in 2017 the entire scam can be summed up as "do nothing, trust the plan"
>>132625 As opposed to the antifa scam: "burn shit, trust the mega corporations"
It's funny how the """"communist revolutionaries"""" all take orders from literal capitalist pigs in the media. What was the definition of "controlled opposition" again?
>>132627 communism and capitalism are only tools. the problem is the aims of those who employ them.
Lewd nun succubi
>>132628 Antifa are what are called "stoolies" or a "cat's paw" who go out and break shit on the orders on behalf of rich assholes who hate then and their ideology, they ARE tools (in both senses).
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https://archive.fo/CTg7g <An Artist Was Targeted in a Hate Crime. So She Designed a Video Game https://archive.ph/N8SuI
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>>132629 Don't have any succubi, but I have some lewd nuns and holy women.
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>>132633 >mabi porn There is no end to the depths of your degeneracy.
>>132634 Could be worse; could be that spic who constantly begs for fanart of his mabi oc donut steel that's just warioware Ashley but blonde except he presumably hates any porn made of her.
60,000 Battlefield 2042 Players Have Petitioned For Their Money Back >More than 60,000 Battlefield 2042 players have signed a petition asking for their money back, as the game continues to receive criticism for its slow update roll out and perceived lack of features. >Eurogamer spotted the petition, which requested that refunds available on Steam be extended to PlayStation and Xbox customers, and said EA made "a mockery" of customers who purchased the game. >The publisher admitted itself that Battlefield 2042 "did not meet expectations" and developer DICE has recently delayed a number of updates to the game including its first season pass and the addition of a scoreboard. >The petition reads: "EA’s release of Battlefield 2042 was a mockery of every customer who purchased this video game for $70 (USD) due to EA’s false advertising. >Battlefield 2042 has cost consumers millions of dollars in damages and upset thousands of customers worldwide." Complaints arose almost immediately when Battlefield 2042 launched on November 19 with server and UI problems, and fans quickly noticed a number of features they thought were missing from the game. >DICE announced on February 1 that Battlefield 2042's Season One would be delayed so the studio could focus on more immediate issues in the game, starting with an end-of-round scoreboard being added. >But the developer said two days later that this update would also be delayed until March as it had to release a hotfix to tackle game instability issues caused by the previous patch. https://archive.ph/1bnAn Battlefield 2042 needs cross-play voice chat support to unlock its true potential >Communication is a key foundation to the Battlefield experience. It always has been. >Unlike Call of Duty, Titanfall, and any other modern first-person shooters that draw their power from quick engagements and short respawn timers, Battlefield has always asked players to look at the bigger picture. >To coordinate around snaking frontlines, to capture objectives in a blur of combat across land, air, and sea, and to synergize with class specializations to ensure teammates have all the health, ammunition, and reconnaissance they need – not to survive, but to thrive. >This is why I still find it so hard to believe that Battlefield 2042 launched without all platform voice communication. In Battlefield 2042 there are limited ways to communicate with your squad or the larger battalion of forces swarming the map. >There's a lightly implemented Commo Rose system, an expletive-filled text chat box, and that's about it. It means that the 30-minute rounds of Breakthrough and Conquest are surprisingly quiet affairs. >You're able to play Battlefield 2042 and be serenaded by the sounds of gunfire and grenades, rather than screaming players who are upset that a third of the team is crouching just beyond the out-of-bounds line, sniping instead of surging forward towards objective markers. >Even with all of this and Battlefield 2042's 128-player servers in mind, DICE's embattled shooter would be undoubtedly better if you had the ability to communicate via your vocal chords. >This functionality was absent at launch and the development team has been working to get it in ever since. It was recently noted that "the arrival of voice communication (VOIP) is just the start of the improvements we’re bringing to enhance team play and communications", although no release date was given nor any sense of how it would function. >When I played Battlefield 2042 ahead of release, the dev team noted that players should use service-level party chat (via Xbox Live or PlayStation Network) to communicate with friends, or external services such as Discord to build squads. On the surface, this sounds like an agreeable compromise. >But it doesn't work in practice – it undercuts the decision to imbue Battlefield 2042 with cross-platform multiplayer support. Sure, PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X players can join the fight together – but you're going to need something like Discord to make it worthwhile, and that just isn't possible for every player looking to get in on the action. https://archive.ph/WQugS
The Nottingham Joker Jailed Again >A "prolific" criminal has been jailed for dropping a bowling ball on a council worker's head and giving him a brain injury. Damien Hammond, known for walking around >Nottingham dressed as Batman's nemesis the Joker, had previously been convicted of 110 offences. In December 2019, he attacked a man who was collecting a television Hammond had left on the pavement outside his flat. >The bowling ball fractured the man's skull and caused a brain haemorrhage. >Hammond, 31, of Strelley Road in Nottingham, was found guilty of causing grievous bodily harm with intent following a trial at Nottingham Crown Court. >The judge, James Sampson, gave him what is known as an extended sentence, in order to protect the public. The 16-year sentence comprises 12 years in custody and an extended licence period of four years. >The judge told Hammond: "You are a volatile individual who will almost certainly offend again and it would be short-sighted of me if I were not to protect the public. You are dangerous and you need to be released only when the danger has subsided." >The bowling ball was wrapped in a pair of jeans when Hammond launched it out of the window of his flat, which was on the first floor. >The court heard he then had a two-hour stand-off with police, in which he threatened to kill anyone who approached him. After setting fire to himself, he jumped out of the window. He pleaded guilty to affray in relation to this. https://archive.ph/tyI1O Joe Rogan declines $100 million offer Podcaster says he won’t move to Rumble despite growing censorship pressure >Spotify has stood by him amid calls for censorship and he does not intend to leave it, Joe Rogan told an audience in Texas during a stand-up performance on Tuesday. Rumble had offered Rogan $100 million over four years to move his podcast there. >Rogan, who was in Austin for a stand-up comedy set, revealed his decision during a question-and-answer period after the show on Tuesday evening. >No,” he said when asked about moving to Rumble. Spotify has hung in with me, inexplicably,” Rogan added. >Let’s see what happens.” >His comments came a day after Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski publicly offered Rogan “100 million reasons” to switch to his platform. >We stand with you, your guests, and your legion of fans in desire for real conversation,” Pavlovski wrote. “This is our chance to save the world. And yes, this is totally legit.” >Spotify reportedly paid north of $100 million in 2020 to become the exclusive home for The Joe Rogan >Experience podcast, and to license his back catalog. The platform has since pulled more than 70 episodes from that archive, but CEO Daniel Ek claimed in an internal memo that this was done at Rogan’s request. >I do not believe that silencing Joe is the answer,” Ek wrote in the memo, reportedly meant to be internal but leaked to the press over the weekend. >The comedian, MMA announcer and America’s most popular podcast host has been under fire for weeks over having guests with views critical of the government’s Covid-19 stance. The White House last week hailed Spotify’s decision to put “misinformation” disclaimers on some of his shows but said “there’s more that can be done.” >Over the weekend, a video compilation showing Rogan using a racial slur went viral on social media, amplified by a Democrat super-PAC MeidasTouch. Responding to it on Tuesday’s podcast, Rogan called it a “political hit job.” >During his stand-up routine later in the day, Rogan said he “used to” say the racial slur “in context,” when he discussed a routine by black comedian Richard Pryor, and that he hasn’t used it for years. >But it’s kind of weird people will get really mad if you use that word and tweet about it on a phone that’s made by slaves,” he told the audience in Austin. https://archive.ph/5nu12
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>Canada bans giving truckers fuel >Leafs:
>>132588 Are they preparing public for robots and chimeras? No cute catgirls but hideous mutant furry trannies instead by the way.
>>132639 And of course the left took another kink from me and corrupted it.
>>132638 Are those Trucker reinforcements or Ottawa residents being bad goyim?
>>132641 Maybe both. Please God, let Canada burn.
>>132638 When the leaves are raked, it's time to burn them.
>>132641 Just normal people trolling the police by walking around with empty canisters.
>>132644 Figured normalfags didn't care to do pranks like that. Too cowardly and afraid of jail, unless they didn't have anything to lose like the Truckers.
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>>132588 >>132591 >>132639 At this point I'm not even angry anymore, I just feel the same kind of revulsion I feel when I see cockroaches. I still want to drive them into extinction by burning them to crisp on a sub-atomic leve but still, not angry anymore.
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>>132645 It depends on the kind of people. There is a spirit inside the Canadian people to desire freedom, which has awoken through solidarity with their own countrymen. Same goes for Australia. Lockdown protests, and particularly resistance against law enforcement trying to curtail them, have shown which people are willing to fight vs. cower. People from Canada, France, Australia and Netherlands, are fighters, while Italians, Germans, Austrians and Swedes are begrudgingly acquiescing to government bans and censorship.
>>132631 >Fighting back against Asian hate during "The Pandemic" >The Game There's already a game about fighting back against the perpetrators of asian hate during the pandemic. It's called Black Lives Splatter. Or, I guess since she's Korean, maybe Silent Scope if someone made an all niggers mod.
>>132647 >Lockdown protests, and particularly resistance against law enforcement trying to curtail them, have shown which people are willing to fight vs. cower. People from Canada, France, Australia and Netherlands, are fighters, while Italians, Germans, Austrians and Swedes are begrudgingly acquiescing to government bans and censorship. It really saddens me that two halves of the old axis have been so thoroughly mindbroken by post-WW2 indoctrination to end up like this, and surprised that Leafistan and Australia of all places actually had actual backbone after decades of cuckoldry. I guess in the latter case, being trapped in your own country and no longer able to escape forces you to actually care rather than stick your head in the sand. Speaking of France and Australia, I thought their respective protests petered out. The Yellow Vests I haven't heard shit from in a year and I was under the impression the Australia truckers weren't as successful as the Canadian ones. >>132648 Niggers hate nips? I thought their persecution complex was only against whitey and they only cared about asian shit when it was niggershit like DBZ.
>>132649 >Speaking of France and Australia, As for france, yes, but afaik they managed to avoid the government introducing forced vaccinations. They are still mad as fuck over macron repeatedly saying he wants to strip away unvaxxed people's rights until they give in. I still see Australians protesting, tho not as much as before, either. I was mostly comparing the actions of the two sets of populations throughout the entire plandemic. Either way, its not a surprise that the most heavily locked down countries in Europe also have the most cowards per capita resisting law enforcement. Germany, Austria and Italy are broken, tho Italy did resist their police forces quite a bit. I'm on the fence with pizzaland, but obviously the state of German speaking nations shouldn't be a surprise.
>>132602 (checked) It's funny how those who preach about being in favor of one quickly turn their tune the moment the opposition comes from the other side and matches the requirements of those they claim to defend. They're not even trying anymore when it comes to being pious with their "beliefs" on protecting "marginalized" groups. It's so god damn annoying how arrogant these morally vapid fuck faces can lack this level of self awareness and tact yet, still keep playing this stupid game of pseudo morality.
>>132647 >Germans, Austrians and Swedes are begrudgingly acquiescing to government bans and censorship. <Begrudgingly Fucking omegalol. Those retards are the happiest to do those things and with great glee well, maybe no so much the austrians but gotta suck that proud kraut cock of Merkel's because...I dunno. They've been enamoured with the country of germany for no fucking reason at all. >>132649 >Niggers hate nips? Yeah they do. For as much as they love DBZ, they fucking loathe it doesn't have any of their "people" in which is why they imprint on Picolo and Paikon. In general, niggers in america come in two flavours, either hoodrat trash or extremely "woke" retards that drink tons of cool aid with their soul food. >>132650 >Either way, its not a surprise that the most heavily locked down countries in Europe also have the most cowards per capita resisting law enforcement. It could be worse, you could be sending some (((national hero))) elected politician over at the middle east claiming your land's history is nowhere near as tragic as the mudslime's and that's why they should all come here, especially during the pandemic. And instead of people lynching him, they just mumble with their heads down. What utter fucking cucks.
>>132626 >>132627ou don't have to be antifa to realize QAnon was always a fake as hell psyop, you can hate both groups for being calle controlled opposition no problem. >>132629 Isn't there something like that on /h?
>>132632 >>132633 >>132634 We have a thread for this on /h/ just so you know. >>>/h/2661
>>132652 >first pic That's from zchan right? I love how this one post I made is still circulating.
>>132655 I found it here on a GG thread from last year.
Friendly weekly reminder that Bill Gates is the Great Satan of Silicon Valley and wants to cause another Holodomor by buying out all the farm land in the USA and he's using the money he passively earns via Xpox and Wingblows exclusively to fund his insane project. Boycott Microsoft, also Phil Spencer is still a bitch. >>132652 Just a friendly reminder that there's a difference between Germans in the mainland and Germans from say the Swiss Alps or Austria and the latter two don't want anything to do with Merkel's Global Homo Agenda. Arguably rural Bavarian's want nothing to do with it either and much the same for Europe as a whole aside from Belgium I guess. We also have to take manufactured "consent" into account too since nearly all Mainstream Corporate Media is pretty much playing to the tune of the State rather than the native peoples. Otherwise you're pretty spot on when it comes to that situation. >>132617 Not inherently bad but rewarding Amerilards for their poor life decisions like eating Mc-shits on a regular basis will only prolong the issue. >>132597 >BUTT IMPLANTS Even more unnerving than breast implants but they're both shit and people who unironically like them are fucking degenerates. >>132607 >>132608 >>132610 I wanna fuck a coon
>>132637 >>Spotify has stood by him amid calls for censorship By agreeing to drop 100+ episodes because Joe felt bad for saying a naughty words years ago.
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>>132657 I'm well aware of how much the austrians loathe Merkel and the homo agenda, arguably from the current germanic-germanic tribes, they are the best but they insistance to be like senpai has been fucking them ever since the late 19th century to a disgusting degree. And it's a shame because I like austria amazing museums and churches and their opera halls are a thing of beatuy Bavaria doesn't want to do anything with anybody anyways but they do like keeping order, so I don't really count them with the rest of Germany. >We also have to take manufactured "consent" into account too since nearly all Mainstream Corporate Media is pretty much playing to the tune of the State rather than the native peoples. I hope other countries resist more but over here, in Greece, people have been completely complacent by shitflinging and throwing insults on the official twitter of the politicians as if those faggots ever check their social media and are so content about it, that they accept everything that comes afterwards. It really is a "Two Minutes Hate" kind of thing executed in the real world and it's unsettling and unnerving. I hope it hasn't spread in other European countries because over here, it's a living hell. >Butt implants Why in the fuck anyone would follow all that retardation that the Kardashians and two black bitches started, I have no idea. At least the breast implants for the 80s pornstar body made sense back when it was fun to dress like a biker gang and be rad but now?
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https://odysee.com/@Hamburgaga:c/takeru-samaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:9 https://odysee.com/@Hamburgaga:c/unfinished-projects:b https://odysee.com/@W1NTER:7/raiden-punching-armstrong-but-every:0 >>132659 Yeah, I've said it before but I unironically believe restoring the "Holy Roman Empire"/Germanic confederation of kingdoms, Duchy's, and City States would be the best thing that could happen to the German people. That way Merkel can have her shitty walled off garden Commiefornia of Europe and all the other Germanic states can tell her to fuck off and do their own thing in peace. Obviously not with it's exact past borders since that would encompass parts of the Netherlands and the Czech Republic but you get the point, decentralized local government is far more preferable since it would allow the natives to actually have the ability to hold their leaders accountable.
Because as it stands now Germany is just America's and Russia's bitch anyway, a mere vassal.
>>132660 >decentralized local government is far more preferable since it would allow the natives to actually have the ability to hold their leaders accountable. At this point, this holds true for most of the civilized european countries and I wish more did it. Especially if the people really don't like the capitol or its people and vice versa, for whatever reasons, which is surprisingly the case for quite a few countries apart from Germany and Greece, who are the kings of this kind of shitshow in EU.
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>>132638 Pic related. >>132653 >both are controlled Bullshit. Antifa literally came out to DEFEND a big pharma fat-cat millionaire from the evil nazi right wingers protesting her house because the TV man told them to do so. Fuck your false equivalence.
>>132652 >Those retards are the happiest to do those things and with great glee Let me try and correct some things, in Germany, Sweden, even Japan etc. there is very little to no "visible" dissent among the population, the cause of that is not that there is no dissent, though. Of course there are those that embrace globohomo, just as in any western country but there are just as many that are unhappy with it. The real cancer that is killing resistance over there is not that there are too few dissenters or nationalists, brainwashing that completely out of a population is really hard. The problem to all dissent movements in those countries is that they got brainwashed with something that is far more easy to accept, the modern idea of pacifism taken to the extreme. There are marches and demonstrations but it is really fucking hard and rare to get these populations to do something violent, even just destroying some property like you see in every little protest in France for example usually does not happen. Years of pacifist propaganda, which is easier to accept than the common theory of they just all hate themselves which makes even less sense in countries like Sweden that have nothing to be blackmailed with, made them like this and the fall of the Soviet Union is what really cemented it. You see in the 70s and 80s there was a growing movement calling for only pacifist and nonviolent dissent and as the Soviet Union collapsed there were multiple of such very large non violent protests. In the aftermath, because the Soviets were not capable of intervening in most of those protests, especially in Eastern Germany, this was taken as absolute proof (even though those protests obviously didn't play any part in the collapse) that non violent protests work and are supposedly even more effective than violent acts. This got pushed very hard and was admittedly pretty easy to propagandize, leading to the modern mindset. A bit of older propaganda for pacifism and non violent dissent is Gandhi, everyone likes to ignore that the Brits probably conceded to him to save face as multiple other, far more violent protests had basically already secured Indian independence unless Britain full on declares war. So in conclusion, the problem is that dissent in these countries is not violent enough. Not even in the way that they should go into the streets and form killteams but even just annoying some people like the truckers in canada or burning down some trashcans like in France. also: >They've been enamoured with the country of Germany for no fucking reason at all. >Why is a people that are ethnically, culturally and historically the exact same as Germany, basically just being a part of it, invested in Germany come on Anon, know at least a bit of what you talk about
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>>132662 Sounds like a good idea on paper - until one of those counties/states of said decentralized government decides to take over the others through raw strength or subversion. The true best case scenario for a civilization's government, one that has both infallibility as well as efficiency, strength, and sustainability, would be one that utilizes a supercomputer AI as its leader and primary decision maker. We can all agree here that the early United States had the right idea - balance of powers between the three branches of government in order to reduce the chances of one branch getting too much power, or human nature reducing a politician to corruption. Obviously that didn't last until the end due to laws and constitutional amendments being made which subverted that goal, but the main idea here is that human nature is the enemy of all true progress, because it corrupts even the best of men. Well if you make the supreme leader, the main decision maker, an artificial intelligence, you get rid of those human inperfections. Now you might claim "What's stopping this AI from going skynet mode and killing all humans? Or making some inhumane decision like the robot from 2001: A Space Odyssey?" Here's the important bit of the idea which puts it all together: The AI would have an implant in every brain on the country's soil (implanted upon birth for babies) which allows it full read access into their memories, thoughts, ambitions, etc. Note that this is NOT assimilation i.e. the Borg or some other hivemind. This is merely communication. The AI would have a deep understanding of each and every human's life and opinions - a deeper understanding than even one's own - which could allow the AI to calculate the best decisions to make for the country. There would be no need for the weaknesses of a democracy where opinion can be unjustly influenced or politicians corrupted. The AI would understand everything and see through every lie. Of course, this implant and the AI itself are practically sci-fi tier right now with today's technology, but it's definitely possible I think. If anyone has any arguments against this idea, please discuss it here with me since I want to strengthen the idea as much as I can. I may even write a book on it at some point.
>>132665 >The AI would have an implant in every brain on the country's soil (implanted upon birth for babies) which allows it full read access into their memories, thoughts, ambitions, etc. Stopped reading right there. Your utopian vision is stalled by two simple problems: someone has to build/maintain/update the machine and there's no such thing as perfect security. One runs right into the same problem of amendments in that self-serving faggots can fuck with your oh-so-perfect supreme AI after the fact to suit their corrupt purposes after the original principled guys are dead-and-buried, only this time you're giving the (((government workers))) a chance to peek in your head for bad-goy think. The other, meanwhile, is turning everything in your head into government secrets that can be stolen or used against you (imagine big corps and their targetted ads multiplied by cancer) because they aren't solely in your head anymore. You're a fucking retard who's desperate for an almighty savior if you think any of this is a good idea.
>>132661 Imagine if it wasn't tho. Shit would be so much worse.
>>132666 >someone has to build/maintain/update the machine Not necessarily, it could become sophisticated enough to power itself. Updates would not be necessary in the long run either if it's constantly learning. This isn't a Windows machine, numbskull. >there's no such thing as perfect security Yet. >turning everything in your head into government secrets that can be stolen or used against you You said it yourself, and I replied >There's no such thing as perfect security <Yet. I think you're just guilty of little to no imagination.
>>132668 If it's constantly learning, what's stopping it from straying beyond the bounds of human moral values?
>>132668 >it could become sophisticated enough to power itself. Updates would not be necessary in the long run either if it's constantly learning. So we're assuming society's conquered energy. I'm guessing it's also going to never suffer bugs, there won't overlooked vulnerabilities during its creation by fallible humans and magically avoid any and all flaws a machine could have. <Yet <Yet If you're gonna play hypotheticals like that, I could just as easily counter that black-hat shit will evolve to the point of becoming Hackerman and a guy with enough resources and skill cutting some fag's brain open and fucking with the chip can get him a way in, and we'd effectively be deadlocked. Actually, for that matter, that's probably how memory shit will get stolen, just fuck with someone's implant that's constantly reading your mind. >I think you're just guilty of little to no imagination. I think you're too taken with your singularity idea and dreaming of being understood completely by something so much you ignore details like how jewish--spiritual or actual--people are going to try and subvert it for their benefit, how the process leading up to it can be fucked with, and how putting your very self so utterly outside your control is dangerous if the slightest thing goes wrong.
>>132663 And Qboomers are led around by someone pretending to be a "patriot" that is used by Watkins to milk them for data and advertising shekels by feeding them false info and data (THE PLAN) trying to pass itself off as legit by being generally anti globo homo. They otherwise accomplish nothing but poisoning the well of those who are also against the establishment by looking ridiculous for falling for a conjob and a bunch had a hard time accepting that kikes and Israel are scum. They may not be leftists but are definitely dumbsasses in their own way.
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>>132617 Gross. Rolling
>>132673 Well Lynxchan didn't spoil the image. MODS
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Who manages the DNS for the deepfreeze domain? ggwiki is not resolving.
https://odysee.com/@Tanya:f/touhou-15-deep-lore:1 >>132675 >humanity's survival depends on the generosity of the Lunar people to share their precious moon resources in order to make proper vaccines so we can save ourselves from weaponized retardation We're fucked, the Moonniggers probably sold us a bunch of snake oil as apposed to genuine Ayy Lmao ribosome if their past actions are anything to go by. Welp it was nice knowing you faggots, thanks a whole lot Xi and Gates for fucking everyone. If any of you still use Wingblows for whatever reason you might as well make installing Pop! OS your last dying act as a middle finger to Gates and Obama's bullshit. I specifically mentioned Pop since the virus is slowly making us retarded and that's a pretty retard proof gaming OS in case you anons were wondering.
>>132665 >The AI would have a deep understanding of each and every human's life and opinions. Great, now everyone is a woman because the AI decided autogynephilia is present in most soyboys. You'll also get muh racism because niggers don't want to work, and the AI will end up putting them in autism camps.
>>132677 I'm using Pop right now and it's the best overall distro I've ever used.
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>>131993 at least he lived long enough to know he's right
>>132665 >The true best case scenario for a civilization's government, one that has both infallibility as well as efficiency, strength, and sustainability, would be one that utilizes a supercomputer AI as its leader and primary decision maker. >but the main idea here is that human nature is the enemy of all true progress, because it corrupts even the best of men. Do you not see the irony in what you're proposing? Someone would have to make the AI. Now, unless we encounter another race, that implies that the creators of the AI would be people, and how would you prevent people from corrupting the AI at it's earliest conception? >The AI would have an implant in every brain Isn't that Deus Ex: Invisible War, a game that was so "terrible" that it shelved the series for a decade?
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>>132679 Pop is indeed nice though I'm a lot more used to the XFCE environment so I wish they had a version that ran that desktop as the default. I'm aware I can change it somehow but I don't think I'm smart enough so I'll probably try Manjaro out in the future because of it. Prior to Pop I was using Mint which was great until they stopped supporting 32bit formats which I need to play Fallout New Vegas. Who knows maybe Mint will realize the Ubuntu is driving themselves off a cliff and start being something more than Ubuntu+Flatpacks but who knows what they'll do. But anything that just works for the majority of my gaymer library, runs Kden Live, doesn't rely on (((Snaps))), and isn't MS Windows is good in my book.
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>>132665 >The true best case scenario for a civilization's government, one that has both infallibility as well as efficiency, strength, and sustainability, would be one that utilizes a supercomputer AI as its leader and primary decision maker.
>>132624 Nonsense. All Q-LARP posts explicitly say that anyone who acts in the real world is a fed. They EXPLICITLY say not to do anything, ever, because the "white hats" in the government are taking care of it for you. Three years of Q-LARP spam was NOTHING but denunciation and immediate banning if you suggested ever acting in the real world. Jan 6 was totally unrelated to Q-LARP. Its last post was on the day that Ron left 8chan. >>132637 >110 offenses Oy vey, clearly it's the fault of everyone else, goyim! You can't just KILL him! You have to keep him alive so he can be released back into your society and commit crime again! >>132663 >this jewish group supported a jew >but this other jewish group also supported a jew >therefore they're not both controlled opposition Die, please. >>132665 >let (((big tech))) make all your decisions for you, goyim Kill yourself.
I'm angry, angry about sandniggers. When are they going to inbreed themselves into extinction?
>>132686 Fourth panel, monitor base
>>132686 Credit cards companies looking at your Facebooks now. What's the difference? All these fuckers are criminals.
>>132687 Is someone fucking paying you?
>>132689 Autism is a shilling initiative that pays for itself. If corporations or other entities can harness it, they get an army of sycophants for free.
>>132659 Hippocracy rots this world.
>>132657 Yuck!
>>132673 Some of these are man tits, aren't they?
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>>132694 https://web.archive.org/web/20210117055949/https://crestresearch.ac.uk/about/ >within a context of significant stakeholder and international researcher engagement international stakeholder engagement == "We are paid off by foreign agents" >CREST’s funding was secured following a competitive process administered by the Economic and Social Research Council https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_and_Social_Research_Council > The Economic and Social Research Council, formerly the Social Science Research Council >Pic it's the same group as anti-Gamergate, tied directly to UAE Enterprises and HSBC Middle East
>>132665 https://yewtu.be/watch?v=xBeoreJr4Yc Sounds like you taken inspiration from JC's plan in Invisible War. The biggest problem of your AI take is that the creator(s) needs to be incredibly wise enough that the machine doesn't end up being super corrupt that promotes a dangerous or cheap ideology that can fuck an entire populace.
>>132676 >>132676 >>132676 >>132676 >>132676 This is important, Deepfreeze.it is down!
>>132697 if only it was a hidden service or something
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>>132697 Literally what.
>>132700 Ah dammit, I didn't get trips.
>>132699 You triple nigger!
>>132703 Can't have someone releasing memetic discharges again, now can we?
>>132697 Odd. http://deepfreeze.itworks but has a broken certificate (so no HTTPS version), while https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it is completely down. If I'm not wrong, Acid maintains the wiki, so it would be the best to contact him. Anyways, I'll try to remake the OP pasta and upload it somewhere on the site to have it at hand.
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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: --- Edition Remember that other boards and sites exist for discussing and posting about hobbies, lewds, and other interests. To conveniently find these locations, regularly visit the board list: https://8chan.moe/boards.js >/vg/ under new management; alternative GG thread can be found there: >>>/vg/ ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >MS buys Actiblizz https://archive.ph/Lc4Em >Sony buys Bungie for $3.6 Billion https://archive.fo/7BE4T >Sony Vice President of Playstation Network George Cacioppo exposed for trying to have sex with a 15 year old minors through Grindr App via chatlogs from "People Vs Predators" Group: https://archive.md/SlG30 >Archives Prove IGN Executive Review Editor Dan Stapleton Lied When Claiming Outlet Would Not Report On Sony Exec Pedophile Allegations Because They Don’t Cover “General Crime”: https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/12/07/archives-prove-ign-executive-review-editor-lied-when-claiming-outlet-would-not-report-on-sony-exec-pedophile-allegations-because-they-dont-cover-general-crime/ - https://archive.md/uuDNE https://archive.md/O7wma >Aforementioned People Vs Preds Groups also caught Senior Account Manager for Nvidia Todd Wiseman for allegedly trying to meet with a 15 year old boy for sex. https://archive.md/xMz2f >Nathan Grayson leaves Kotaku to join the Washington Post's "Launcher" section https://archive.is/9hqq0 >Five Nights at Frieddy's developer Scott Cawthon retires after SJWs and game journalists attack him for donating to Republican politicians https://archive.fo/wCpMC https://archive.fo/Fe8Ey >Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael’thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/19/quinton-flynn-replaced-as-kaelthas-voice-actor-in-wow-despite-judge-ruling-sexual-misconduct-allegations-came-from-obsessive-stalker/ - https://archive.is/Dj5a5 >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://yewtu.be/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids https://archive.fo/U3GLa -Confirms censorship was deliberate https://archive.fo/XgAgP -No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case https://archive.fo/37DhK -Marvelous partner starts petition against policy https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo •Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. •Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well. http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546
[Expand Post]B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): •Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later •Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags •Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 •Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm •STOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics •https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds •https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: •The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb •#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page •History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ •View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: •GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb •Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: •Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ •All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations •OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L •An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
https://odysee.com/@linuxgamecast:0/game-developers-love-deck-rip-google:c >>132695 >danah boyd >Founder >Microsft Research under Petter Lee (DARPA) >is a Commiefornian Yet another reason to boycott (((Microcock))). She's literally trying to create the MSG Patriots to kill image boards so fuck her and fuck Bill Gates and Phil Spencer too. >>132707 I don't think I've ever taken the time to read the whole OP but given your the first to actually update it I'm sure it's fine.
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>>132709 A black elf and a black dwarf without the massive thick beard.
>>132707 #GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: --- Edition Remember that other boards and sites exist for discussing and posting about hobbies, lewds, and other interests. To conveniently find these locations, regularly visit the board list: https://8chan.moe/boards.js >/vg/ under new management; alternative GG thread can be found there: >>>/vg/ ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >MS buys Actiblizz https://archive.ph/Lc4Em >Sony buys Bungie for $3.6 Billion https://archive.fo/7BE4T >Sony Vice President of Playstation Network George Cacioppo exposed for trying to have sex with a 15 year old minors through Grindr App via chatlogs from "People Vs Predators" Group: https://archive.md/SlG30 >Archives Prove IGN Executive Review Editor Dan Stapleton Lied When Claiming Outlet Would Not Report On Sony Exec Pedophile Allegations Because They Don’t Cover “General Crime”: https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/12/07/archives-prove-ign-executive-review-editor-lied-when-claiming-outlet-would-not-report-on-sony-exec-pedophile-allegations-because-they-dont-cover-general-crime/ - https://archive.md/uuDNE https://archive.md/O7wma >Aforementioned People Vs Preds Groups also caught Senior Account Manager for Nvidia Todd Wiseman for allegedly trying to meet with a 15 year old boy for sex. https://archive.md/xMz2f >Nathan Grayson leaves Kotaku to join the Washington Post's "Launcher" section https://archive.is/9hqq0 >Five Nights at Frieddy's developer Scott Cawthon retires after SJWs and game journalists attack him for donating to Republican politicians https://archive.fo/wCpMC https://archive.fo/Fe8Ey >Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael’thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/19/quinton-flynn-replaced-as-kaelthas-voice-actor-in-wow-despite-judge-ruling-sexual-misconduct-allegations-came-from-obsessive-stalker/ - https://archive.is/Dj5a5 >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net' The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546
[Expand Post]B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm • STOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute >>132708 >given your the first to actually update it Ehh, I just put the message about /vg/ on top, changed the yewtu.be links for redirect.invidious.io ones to show a list of alternative front-ends in case Yewtube dies, and fixed a couple of small aesthetic issues that were bothering me. The OP is the same as the one in the thread, but I can add or remove things if there's interest. Also telling you in advance that I plan to make a Klonoa-themed thread because I liked how the remakes announced yesterday used his original design and not the Wii one.
>>132705 Acid doesn't maintain it, but he knows the admin. I've shot him a message, but he's at work. He'll reach out when he can.
>>132711 Well who ever owns those various "You"Tube channels should start cross uploading their content on Odysee and Dailymotion given Google's habit of purging shit and cooking up convoluted rules that only apply to the little guy but (((CNN))) (((Fox "News"))), and ///MSNBC\\\ gets to skirt around them. I wouldn't trust Gmail to be a reliable means of messaging these people either for obvious reasons. Bonus points if you convince them to nuke their YT channels before piecing out to other platforms that are less shit.
>>132712 I found the admin's Twitter accounts, and it seems that they're changing hosts, hence why part of the site is down: https://nitter.hu/bonegolem/status/1491109350810976256 https://nitter.hu/bonegolem/status/1491530209904009224 >>132714 One of the operations is about reuploading content from Jewtube on as many platforms as possible, with or without the authors' consent.
>>132715 >One of the operations is about reuploading content from Jewtube on as many platforms as possible, with or without the authors' consent. Yes and I'm absolutely all for that, I just prefer getting the author's consent and we absolutely should push them to do so but also have said archives stockpiled just in case.
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>>132684 >Jan 6 was totally unrelated to Q-LARP
>>132717 Anybody has that american hyperborea webm?
>>132588 Always kill leftards.
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legal loli
>>132721 >lolis looking liek whores Yeah no, fag.
>>132722 Like this?
>>132602 That is why when a woman complains about something, you shoot her in the head.
>>132720 Right, the new thread. I was waiting for suggestions for the OP.
>>132725 Well, how about Live A Live edition?
>>132725 Cool ass planes, or master splinter given how he was just confirmed for shredder's revenge.
>>132725 any game announced from the N Direct
>>132725 subvert everyones expectations and make it news flash dreamcast still dead edition
>>132728 Lash in advance wars will apparently be a busty loli
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>>132726 >>132727 >>132728 >>132729 I was talking about the "pasta" in the OP. Deepfreeze is temporarily kill so I rewrote it from scratch, but I was waiting for suggestions regarding its current content (changes, new highlights, deletions) before making the thread and uploading a .txt file with the raw OP. Also I already have planned to make it Klonoa-themed.
>>132636 >60,000 Battlefield 2042 Players Have Petitioned For Their Money Back Anyone still giving money to corporations deserves only to be shot dead.
>>132731 > Klonoa-themed. Anon, you do know what that will mean for the thread, right? Specially with a pic like that, its asking for the thread to be bombarded with shotafaggots and furries and other anons getting mad and having an entire wasted thread.
>>132733 These threads always are bombarded to death with all kinds of fetishes, so I doubt the next one will bet too different. Also what's wrong with that pic? Is it part of a lewd set I'm not aware off?
>>132637 >Guy ruins everyone else's lives due to how everything in the world is turning to shit Based. Everyone should do that until the masses go back to making things work properly again.
>>132734 >Also what's wrong with that pic? Anon, look at it, theres an obvius difference between shota pics of them being cool kids and being fapbait for fujos or homos, is like when people post young links and post them blushing and in submissive positions istead of him looking like the young adventurer hes supposed to be.
>>132667 t. jew.
>>132668 >I think you're just guilty of little to no imagination. Pure, unfiltered projection. If you can't see how you're utopia might easily become a dystopia, it's you who is not considering all possibilities and lacks imaginations. Not people bringing up criticism of your terrible ideas. You're a fucking retard.
>>132694 why was this post deleted?
>>132680 Ted's handwriting was really nice.

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